Saturday, April 21, 2012

Malcolm Report #10

Report #10 Thursday April 18th and 19th
We got ready to head into the little town of Staryi Lysets to speak to the school of 400 children. We were met by Helena, the Christian Ethics teacher and led to the auditorium. There is such a difference in most of these smaller country schools. Things are often cleaner and curtains on the windows. The auditorium has a lovely backdrop on the stage and nice curtains. The children were wildly excited to see us again and soon filled the seats. Some staff sat in too.
I spoke on the Bible being a lamp and a light, using my flashlight with two lenses, one that will point down to my path and the other that points forward to the future. They listened without a sound, what a delight.
We had asked the administrator if there was any specific need we might be able to help with. He said that they had no means of showing videos to the children. They have access to many instructional videos but no projector. We were able to get them a projector, a Samsung DVD player and a 7ft screen for $500. Without a doubt, a good deal. Volodia donated videos of Fireproof, Facing the Giants, Flywheel and Courageous, all with Russian voices dubbed in. None of the Christian films seem to be done in Ukrainian. The teacher said that would not be a problem, they all understand Russian. They started watching one of them while we were there.
We were then taken to a staff room for a cold lunch and ate and talked to Helena and two ladies who do social work with each child. We must have talked about a variety of things for over an hour, including the need for biblical principals being taught in school.
The administrator came in just as we were leaving and wanted a picture of us all to print in an article in the school paper they print; he was very appreciative and supportive of our visit.
We came home and had our “by invitation only” meeting at 7pm. Only one man came but it was a man we wanted to talk to. His name is Igor, the man who went with us to the prisons. I went through each of the books of the Bible and how they all link together to present Christ as the Saviour. He said it was very interesting and new to him. We trust he will come back and get saved one day.
Friday 19th
Today we are going to Petriliv to the school to speak to the children and present them with a projector too. The administrator told us they would have no multimedia equipment at all if it wasn’t for what the Christians had donated. We also gave them 4 videos.  The children put on a programme of song and verse, mainly patriotic but excellent singing and memory recitations. I then gave a challenge to the young people to live for a better Ukraine by being shining lights in a dark world. I used Matthew 5: 13-16.
We headed home with 7 extra in the van. These were teachers who lived in the direction we were going. Some lived 40 minutes away and travelled by bus every day. They appreciated not waiting for a bus.
We met a couple Dan has been trying to get out to meeting and took them for supper. A delightful couple, Igor and a new name we can’t remember. She is pregnant with their first and was a flight attendant before she got pregnant. She speaks good English and is a delight to talk to. They are going to try and get out to meeting on Sunday.
Volodia went home on the bus tonight and will be in Lviv for the weekend.
God bless you all and please pray our last 4 days will be a blessing.
I would like to say that Dan is the one who says I should speak at these places, as he has had to speak so much when no one else was here and he enjoys the break.
Malcolm and Dan.

Malcolm Report #9

Report #9  April 17th and 18th.
Well it’s still raining here. They have got much of their garden in but won’t be on the land for a while with the steady rain we have been getting.
We were not planning to leave town today but rather visit some people in town who have been coming to meeting. The first was a lady named Anna. She is a very quiet but comes to all the meetings and came to Lviv Assembly on Sunday for the first time. She lives alone in one room. Her family of 1 unmarried son and a married daughter live in other cities and never come to see her. Her son has not seen her for 14 years. She cried a little but seems to hold it in after having a very difficult life with an alcoholic husband who left her when the children were babies or at least very young. She gave us coffee and we prayed with her before we left.
We then went to another lady Maria who always wants a visit but cannot get out as she is crippled and has serious diabetes. When we got there we were met by a young man who was either drunk or mentally unstable. We sent Svetlana to see what was going on and she found her very unwell but still wanting us to eat a meal she had prepared. With much persuasion, we convinced her we would come back another day. She went into hospital that night and then phoned from the hospital and booked us from hospital for a visit on Saturday. She is a very nice lady and would claim to be saved, we trust so.
We had a good meeting; with a good number out. After meeting we were invited to another Maria for supper. She lost her husband a year ago and lives also in one room with her son. She has been reading some Pentecostal book and has many questions about demon possession and if a person can get rid of a demon by themselves. We feel so angry at the wrong teaching being spread to simple Christians.
We headed home and had a good night’s sleep, even with the rain still hitting the roof of our porch.
Keep praying.
We headed out for the long trip to Vicovena, the school on the Romanian border that we put new washrooms into. Although it rained and drizzled all the way, with a little fog as we went over the top of the mountains, the 2 hour trip went well. We knew that the children would not be in school as they were all home after an outbreak of Chicken Pox. But we met with Oxana the director and had a “tour” of the washrooms. The men surely did a wonderful job of them. There is only one problem. The town left it so long to join up the sewer pipe that the ground froze and it isn’t hooked up to the main sewer yet. They said it will be done soon! We had hoped to speak to the staff, but some education department people were interviewing each teacher and they would not allow them to meet in a group???
So we went to look at their latest bureaucratic demands that had to do with the schools “sports-hall” as the call their gym. It is heated by fairly modern radiators from a distant wood fired power house. However, there is never enough heat left in the system to heat the whole school and the gym. The bureaucrats now say, and we saw the letter, that if she doesn’t have an electric boiler installed as a separate unit for the gym, by September, they will close off the gym and there will be no more PE for the kids all winter. The letter finished by saying that Oxana would be responsible to find the money to make the renovations. No help from the government AT ALL.
I asked her to get the total cost of doing the job and send me the estimate and we will see what God will do. Remember this school has 450 children in school and approximately 250 live there from Monday to Friday and some stay all the time as they live too far away to go home every week-end. This school is wide open to the Gospel and we have been invited to come and stay for a week and have meetings. We have not been able to do anything about this yet.
Please pray for this project and the open invitation to go to this town that has no evangelical presence, according to Oxana.
Malcolm & Dan

Malcolm Report #8

Report #8.  Sunday April 15th and 16th.
We were wondering how many would be to the meeting in Lviv, as this is Easter Sunday and the traditions of this time of the year draw so many people to their villages to be with their families. Even the Christians in Assembly fellowship find it very hard to miss these family gatherings.
Four of us went up to Lviv and were happy to see that most of the people were at meeting and we had a nice time together.  As we travelled there, we were amazed to see the hundreds of people standing out in the rain in each village, with their wicker baskets of food, covered with a cloth, waiting for the priest to bless the food in the hope of a good summer harvest. We found out that some of the people go to the church at 11pm on Saturday night and stay until 7am, singing and praying. Then the others come starting at 6am and stand outside; some as long as 3 hours.
Well we got back in time for our 3:30 meeting and were happy to see a good crowd come. After meeting, we went to Oleg and Olia’s for a good Pasca supper. We had good conversations about the spiritual needs of the people here in Ivano.
Home in the pouring rain again for a good night’s sleep.
We were invited to spend time with a lady named Helena, who is the Christian Ethics co-ordinator in the school we have been visiting in the village we used to call Luba’s grandmothers village, but now have a name for. It is called Staryj Lysets, pronounced Stary Lissets. No wonder we could never remember it.
We were supposed to meet her at the church, as she would be singing in a very large choir there, and she wanted us to hear them sing. The service started at 9am and was to go on until 12noon. We asked if it was alright if we came to hear the last hour and she said it would be fine. We got there and found it so full, with people standing inside and outside that it was impossible to get inside to see the choir in the balcony. So we stood outside with others and heard the excellent singing over the speakers on the roof of the church. Someone told Helena that there were some strangers outside and she guessed it was us and left a little early to come and meet us. We waited for her mother and children and then drove to her very nice home in the village. Her husband had to work as he works for the electric company. They have one son and two daughters who were all at home. After some conversation we were fed a scrumptious meal, all prepared by their oldest daughter, who loves to cook. Some man will be blessed to have her for a wife! We spent the rest of the time with Helena who is one of the Godliest women I have met over here. She is religious (she has nowhere else to go) but is a true believer in Christ as the only one who could take away her sin. She had her well worn Bible right at the table and reads and prays with the children every morning. It was obvious that God is the centre of her life. As long as she is at the school of 400 students, we will be welcome whenever we go there. We are booked for another visit on Thursday. A truly blessed day. Please pray that she will come out to some of our meetings.
Malcolm and Dan.     

Monday, April 16, 2012

Louis Smith Report

On March 1 Friday, Louis Smith (writer) flew to Lviv, Ukraine and was met by
Edmond and Agnes Johnson and Ruslan. The next day we went to the village of
Holviska in the Carpathian Mountains. A short meeting was held outside in the
snow and cold and then clothing was distributed. On Sunday we remembered the Lord
in the Breaking of Bread at the Lviv assembly.
Steven Anderson and Joshua Kenworthy from Arlington, Washington came to help in
the work for two weeks.
Dan Perez came to Lviv and then we went to Ivano-Frankvisk to work together
there. We arrived in time to speak at the afternoon meeting at 3:30. There were
21 out to hear the Word. Meetings are held in the apartment on Sunday, Tuesday
and Thursday. Our interpreter is Sevetlana.
On Monday we met the prison chief to request permission to visit the prisons. At
the Tuesday meeting Steven, Josh and Edmund from Lviv spoke.
Flo Kancer arrived in Ukraine. Visits were made to the sick: Oksana, Antellina
and Natasha. Natasha has MS and is confined to sitting all day but she has a
happy spirit and tells us she is saved. Medicine and supplies were given. Maria
was also visited, she is unable to walk. She asked questions about Mary having
other children. People came to the apartment on Saturday to get clothing. We went
to see Oleg in the Market.
We had conversation and then pizza and then he invited us to his home for desert.
March 8, Sunday: we were invited to speak in the village of Hgruska (means pear)
to speak to a group of about 50 in the village hall which was cold and unheated.
Then we rushed back to the meeting at 3:30. On Monday we went back to Hgruska and
spoke at the school to about 100 children and the teachers. They were given NT‘s,
texts and tracts. We were asked by the mayor to visit a family having problems.
So we then met Yuri and Oksana. Yuri told us how He was saved in prison. He is
having a problem with alcohol.
On Tuesday we went to the village of Sari Lissets where we spoke to about
60 or 70 students and the teachers. We were invited to come back and they invited
Dan to speak at school’s summer camp. Then we had a big dinner at Yaraslav and
Hallia’s home. Tanya who works at the hospital came to the meeting for the first
time. After the meeting we were invited to Maria’s small one room apartment where
she shares the bath and cooking facilities with others. She made us a big dinner.
On Wednesday we went to the meeting in Lviv and saw Steven and Josh before they
left Ukraine. We purchased and picked up NT’s to take to Ivano-Frankvisk.
We had to change a flat tire before going to Dolenna to speak to 3 classes there.
The Christian ethics teacher said the students would like us to come again . They
were given NT‘s, texts and tracts. On Friday we went to a village called Olesha
and spoke to about 50 teens and two teachers. The classes stayed longer so they
could hear more. Some boxes of clothing were given out along with NT‘s, texts and
tracts. Saturday was the day for practicing singing.

March 18 Sunday, a trip was made to the home of Yuri and Oksana where we visited
before. They had a dinner for us. They then came to the meeting with us and after
wards we showed from the Bible that if a person is truly saved they can never be
lost. On Monday we traveled over the Carpathian Mountains to the village of
Verhovina, over 2 ½ hours drive.
Their existing toilets were a terrible situation for the 350 students.
The brethren on a previous trip had arranged to install new ones. They are very
nice but cannot be connected until the next school year due to frozen pipes from
the village. We spoke to about 200 children and the teachers. Boxes of clothing
were left. They have about 250 orphans at the school Ivan was visited in the
hospital. He had many questions. After the meeting we went to Orisa’s home where
she served rabbit and potatoes. On Wednesday we visited an orphanage for mentally
challenged girls. We spoke to them and to the workers. On Thursday Edmund, Agnes
and Rusland came.
Edmund and Rusland spoke at the meeting. Rusland spoke in Ukranian which was good
for the Ukrainian people. There were about 25 at the meeting.
The next day we were invited to have conversation with 4 English students. We
talked to them about general things and also the Bible.
March 25 Sunday, we picked up the couple in Hgrushka and took them to a
restaurant. The wife had never been to a restaurant before. They attended the
meeting. There was a total of 26 at the meeting. On Monday we met Bogdan who
guided us to a Gypsy camp. It is located behind a dump area where they can use
free land. There are 7 to 8 tent type shelters for about 30 people. They are not
liked by most citizens. Most were away but we had a meeting in one of the small
shelters, for an adult and about six young people. We told them about the song
about the Gypsy boy. They were given a NT‘s, texts, clothes and food. Only 2 in
the camp can read.
Tuesday was my last meeting in Ivano-Frankvisk with about 23 attending.
Some gave small gifts and hugs with good byes. On Wednesday after waiting for the
car repair we drove to Lviv.
A week of gospel meetings were being held in Lviv. Ukrainian men were giving
their testimonies. After the testimony I preached the gospel. The other nights
Edmund preached the gospel. On Thursday we went to an orphanage and spoke to
about 50 young children and 10 workers. On Friday I left Edmund and Agnes’s home
where I stayed 2 days and went to the Lviv airport. I arrived home about 24 hours
later on March 31.
Malcolm Stanley arrived on March 31 and he and Dan Perez will continue the work
The four prisons will be visited. Dan has been doing a good work for the Lord.
The interest and prayer of the Christians was and is appreciated.

Malcolm Report #7

Report #7 Friday April 13th and Saturday 14th
Friday was Good Friday here but it seems they celebrate Sunday to Tuesday more than today. Everywhere was open but we find that many people are fasting and there was not much activity in the evening with many restaurants closed.
Volodia was planning to go back to Lviv on the bus so we asked him to go with us first to see Natalia, the lady I have visited for the 12 years I have been coming; who has MS and is gradually worsening. She is 39 years old and cannot sit herself up or keep herself up without lots of pillows. She is so sweet, even though she has no feeling in her arms or legs. She calls on the telephone by picking up a pencil in her teeth and dialing, when the phone is near enough. Her mother looks after her at home.
We took Volodia to the bus station and then went to pick up Luba and her daughter and went to get some seed for her grandma in the village. As we pulled out onto the main road, the back door of the van opened and two of our spare wheels which we were taking for storage, rolled out and down the road. I stopped at once and Dan got out and retrieved one from the road and one from the ditch. Fortunately, no cars hit them or Dan!
We then went to the big Walmart store and bought food for the poor people who have been coming to the meetings. We got 13 of each item, mainly staples such as flour, sugar, cooking oil and macaroni; plus tea, rice and mayonnaise. We got big plastic bags and bagged them all in the store.
Rained most of the day and into the night, supposed to be wet for several days.
Saturday April 14th.
We set out to give out the bags to the families, as we didn’t want to give them out in meeting. We had a terrible job finding some of the apartments; there is very little order in the numbering the apartments.
We then went to see if we could get our headlights checked, as they seem too high on low beam and people are flashing their lights. Nobody knew where we could get them checked though so will have to ask again.
We looked around to find a cafe for supper, but most were closed. We eventually found one we had been to before in a basement. It is a great little restaurant with amazing food. We were two of six people in there so got excellent service. I gave our waitress a “million Dollar tract” and she stood and read the whole thing out loud in English and seemed very interested.
Headed home in the rain and got ready for meeting in Lviv and here on Sunday.
Keep praying, it works!
Malcolm and Dan.

Malcolm Report #6

Report #6
Wednesday April 11th
We went to the minimum security today. I don’t know what is meant by “minimum” security when you see the walls and high fences, plus all the gates and doors to get into the place. Anyway, there were a good number of men out again and they all listened well. Afterwards some came and talked and one man asked if he could e-mail me, as he speaks English and they have access to the internet, I think, or he was getting out soon and had a computer. One of the things we were asked is whether we could come regularly and have bible studies. We could not give them any assurance of this because of the hassle of getting beaurocratic (can’t find the spelling!) permission to visit in the prisons.  We were then taken for coffee and cookies with the administrator and his staff. They seemed like very nice people and very pleased that we come. We had a group picture taken at the gate.
I wish I could properly show you the condition of the 5k of road to this prison. It is unbelievable!
We got home in time to get ready to go the Lviv for the prayer meeting at 7pm. I had been asked to speak and so we headed out for the 2 hour trip with Volodia getting some driving practice. I’m not sure whether I have told you that he has been picked to be a driver to ferry officials around during the World Soccer Games in May or June. He gets to use a new Kia car or SUV and will be driving mainly referees and others to the games and hotels. He is very excited and one of the reasons he was picked is because of his excellent English.
He drove us to his apartment in Lviv and his mother had a lovely meal of fish, pork potatoes and salad. We went to the meeting and it was good to see the Christians again. We then went back to Volodia’s apartment before going home after dark. Driving is a little hazardous at night so I drove home. I was a long day but also a profitable one, we trust.

Thursday April 12th
We only had one of the Igor’s today as the other one had a lot of office work to complete. I think they have both enjoyed out time together and we have learned a lot about the prison system in Ukraine.
We were going to our final prison visit at this time and this is the big, 800 men, high security prison. Once we get through the 6 or 7 locked iron gates we walk to the large meeting room. As we walk we see the activity to plant flowers and paint things so that it really begins to look quite nice, once inside. The room was packed with men today, possibly 150 or more. Many had heard us last week and so greeted us with smiles. After speaking, we asked if anyone had any questions, to come and talk when they were dismissed. About 5 or 6 stayed behind to talk. The one man I enjoyed talking to could speak English and is a saved man, a Baptist, and his father is a Baptist Pastor. He told Dan that he was in prison because he sold used cars and didn’t know that some had been stolen. Anyway, he wanted my e-mail address but was most concerned that we come and meet with the bible study they have each week. They need a leader and no one comes to help. We explained the problem but are going to try and make application to the authorities and see what God will do. Dan would be willing to go.
We came home in time to take the van in to get the struts replaced and our summer tires put on. We had to leave it as the said it would take 3 hours. We flagged a taxi and headed home to clean up ready for our first meeting with invited guests, at 7 pm. We gave the apartment the best cleaning it has had since we rented it, I think. I washed the windows inside and out, Volodia washed and sorted out the kitchen and bathroom and Dan vacuumed and took a carpet outside to beat it. Busy little beavers!
The garage phoned to say they were waiting to get the van on the wheel alignment rack but they were having a problem with another vehicle on there, they may be a little late!! Volodia and I headed over to the garage at 6pm but the technician was only just starting the wheel alignment. He did a fantastic job with state of the art equipment but we didn’t get out until 7pm. We then had to pick up a man from his work and got home at 7:30pm, half an hour late. Thankfully Dan was there and was entertaining the other 3 men who had come. No one seemed to be worried about us being late; they are used to things in Ukraine running late.
We had a good meeting, getting to know these men, who we want to encourage to meet with us, study the bible and eventually see them saved. One of the men who attended is saved and baptized.
Although some who were invited did not come, we were encouraged by those who did.
Another full and good day.
Malcolm Dan & Volodia

Malcolm Report #5

PRAYER REQUEST for Flo Kancir. Flo has been a faithful worker in the Ukraine and is not at all well, please remember her in your prayers as she goes through many tests. Thanks you.

Report # 5. Monday April 9th.
I haven’t said much about the weather lately, but it is not very nice here yet. It snowed in the rain yesterday and rained all Saturday night, so the feeling is a very moist cold. Thankfully our apartment is warm and the vehicle as well.
Today we went to visit in the local prison. We were very surprised when 14 women walked into the room. It is a men’s prison but women are kept their awaiting court hearings.
They listened very well as we both spoke. Then two women came forward to ask questions. The one said she could not read, so how was she to know how to get to God, a very sad young woman. The second lady had killed her husband in self-defence, so she said and wanted us to pray for her two children. I prayed right there for her and we took their names and Dan would like to make contact with them, if it would be allowed. We gave them all N/T and John 3.16 and a pen. Then the guard came back to get us and we talked with him and invited him to our meeting.
We went to a village that Dan had been to before. It is the village where Luba’s 79 year old mother-in-law lives; she still walks her cow to the pasture each day, Luba is one of our ladies in the meeting. There is a school of 400 students in the village and they have made us very welcome to come and speak. We spoke to the younger children first and then a student drama was acted out by some older students. Then we spoke to the older students. Both groups gave very good attention and the want us back again next week or even sooner.
Altogether a very good day as the seed was sown in the ears of both older sinners and with the younger ones.
Tuesday April 10th
We picked up the 2 prison officers; both named Igor and headed out for a long trip to the women’s prison we had been to last week. We spoke once again to about 100 women in the old monastery church. It was just as cold as the last time and I suppose never warms up. The women all wear parka’s but listen very well and some say “thank you” in English and ask us to come back.
I was telling Igor, one of our escorts that I had been to this prison some years ago, but he could not understand how I could have, as he was a director there for 7 years and didn’t remember me. He said the only Canadian he remembered was a woman named Flora. I told him I came with her. He said she came twice but he was not there for one of her visits and that must have been when I came. Quite a memory!
We headed home and got ready for the meeting. One of the largest, with about 18 out.
Still two more prisons to visit.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Malcolm Report #4

Report #4. April 7th and 8th.
Saturday was a relaxing day with nothing booked. The other two wanted to go swimming and for me to go too. They were going early at 7:30 or so but I chickened out and stayed back and cleaned up. I then had to get a message ready and that was a good quiet time to do it.
Well they came back looking like boiled lobsters. They had gone in the sauna after the swim and then took cold showers as a GREAT health kick. All it did was wear them out. Volodia crashed on the couch and Dan didn’t look much brighter except for his red nose. I’m SO glad I didn’t go. I’m glad to say Dan is feeling much better but I wish I could get him to eat normally but I give up.
We went to see Yaroslav in the hospital. He looks absolutely normal but says he hasn’t got his strength back completely yet. We helped him with some funds to buy the medication he needs each day, He is terribly in debt to his sisters who loaned him money for his last operation and he hasn’t paid back yet. He hasn’t been able to get work for a year or so and won’t be able to work for a long time yet.
We had visited Oleg at his work in the afternoon. He has a permanent stall in the bazaar and sells industrial electric motors and the switches for them. We wanted to take him and his wife out for supper and have a talk about the meetings we are having. We picked them up and took them to the restaurant we had been to earlier. It is brand new and a beautiful place. We found that there was a large birthday party with about 25 people and 3 or 4 young children. The noise was not bad but the children were chasing each other. Our waitress had just taken our order and then came and asked if the children were bothering us. If they were we could have a private room. We said the children were not bothering us, but then a live band started up and we could not hear each other across the table. So we asked if we could have the private room and they said no problem and got a private dining room for the 5 of us. We had an amazing meal and the bill came to just over $50:00. We thought that was pretty good.
When we got home, we realized that we had not told any of the people who like to come to the meeting in Lviv, whether we were going or not, so we decided we would not go on Sunday but would go for the meeting on Wednesday and pick up our summer tires, stored up there as well.
We had a time around the bible and got things ready for the meeting at 3:30. We had also seen the need for some guidelines as to the behaviour of people in the meetings that we have. We have never picked the people who come to the meetings and so we seem to have attracted a number of “not so nice” individuals over time. We cannot tell, but Ukrainian people can tell and over time, we realise that we have lost some nice people because of the talk and reputation of the other group. So we drew up a paper with a list of thing that were not to the glory of God and would not be tolerated in the meetings. As I was the main writer of the paper, I was “elected” to read after the meeting on Sunday night. We were glad that there were a good number out to the meeting.  Although I say it myself, I was told it went very well but we will have wait to see if anyone comes to meeting on Tuesday! I don’t think there will be any fall-out, but we do need some people who are willing to read and learn the Scriptures. One of the things we decided to do was to change our Thursday meeting to a Bible study, but only to those we know show an interest in the Scriptures. We want to invite some people whom we have come to know, to this bible study. Please pray that some will come.
Altogether a good day and lots of plans for the week, God willing.
God bless you all and thank you for praying.
Malcolm, Dan and Volodia.

Malcolm Report #2

Report #2 April 3 &4
We had to be at the hospital with Dan at 8:30am for tests to see what is wrong with his stomach. Things are not working right so Oleg and Ola made an appointment for a scan or something. As we had a visit planned to a women’s prison in a village an hour away, Volodia and I went without Dan, after picking a man who works with the prison administration.
When we got there, I remembered being there years ago. We were welcomed by the Director who gave us coffee while they got the ladies together. The prison used to be monastery and the old church is now an auditorium. It was very cold but warmed up as about 100 women filed in. They listened very well as I spoke for about 40 minutes, then about 20 got up and left and I thought I must have talked too long. I found out that they had to go back to work. The other women just sat there and said “Go on, we want to hear more” so I talked for another 20 minutes. It was very encouraging.
We went back to the Directors office and they had a sandwich lunch ready for us. We talked for about half an hour and then left feeling the trip was well worth it. We will  back next week.
We came home and found that Dan had had a colon scope and all they found was too much acid in his stomach. He was feeling just fine and needs to take some medicine and change his diet somewhat.
We had our meeting at 6:00 with a nice number out.
Wed. 4th. We had to pick up Igor, our contact with the prisons and headed out to a “soon to be released” prison an hour in the country. On the main road, we hit a deep chuck hole very hard but kept going. Once we turned off the highway, the road was unbelievable. First big stone gravel, then mud with potholes, then an old concrete blocks road. I can’t remember as bad a road. When we got there, we looked at our wheel that hit the hole and the rim was peeled right back. We could not understand why the tire had not gone down until we realized that the wheel had been the spare and had a tube in it instead of being tubeless. To God be the praise because we were able to drive home on it still.
We met in a newly renovated auditorium that will be very nice when it is finished; about 50 or so men came with about 6 or so guards. They all listened very well and all were given N/T and John 3 16s,
We had lunch there and headed home again and went to look for 2 new tires and 2 used rims. It is quite a process here to buy tires. You buy them at one place and they take you to another place to get them installed. Anyway, we feel much safer driving now.
We were supposed to go to a school on our way back but had to cancel until next Monday or so.
We all went out to a marvellous new restaurant and met the owner while there. It was hard to believe that the fantastic food we ate only cost $40.00 for the 4 of us. It would have been a $35.00 each meal back home.
Please pray that Dan gets his problem settled. We also heard that our Brother Yaroslav has had a heart attack and has had surgery last night. He was at our meeting yesterday.
Please keep praying, we sensed them with the tire problem today that could have been serious.
Malcolm, Dan and Volodia.

Malcolm Report #3

Report #3   April 5th and  6th.
Today we went out to a big maximum security prison with 800 men.
We picked up Oleg, the contact man from Prison Services, (or whatever it is called). He is head of Parole Services and has to meet with every prisoner in the 4 prisons in this Oblast or province.
Along the way we also picked up the Catholic Chaplain of the prison we were going to plus about 10 boxes of clothing that had been donated to the prisoners. This was good as we had run out of men’s clothing. The Chaplain was a very nice old man who seems to have a heart for the prisoners.
It took us quite a while to get into the prison, while they waited for the prisoners to collect in the large auditorium. About 150 or so gathered and listened very well. Both I and Dan spoke. We gave out N/T and John 3:16 to those who wanted them, most took them. The Chaplain sat and listened well.
We headed away and had lunch in a nice little cafe on the side of the highway.
We will be going back to the prisons again next week.

We were pretty tired when we got home. The travelling plus the unknown in going to the prisons I think, take a toll on you. We had to get ready for meeting though and were happy to see about 18 out again.
We had some good talks with some individual ladies. The one, Maria I had not seen for 4 years, so she said, I was so glad to see her back.

We went to the hospital afterwards to visit Svetlana, Vadym’s wife, who had had a sinus cleared that had blocked. She was very glad to see us and hoped to be home on Friday. We then went to see Yaroslav, a Christian man, who took what he thought was a heart attack, but thankfully was a blood clot that they were able to clear. No damage to his heart. We were pleasantly surprised at the cleanliness and efficiency of this local hospital.

Got to bed at about midnight but didn’t need to get up early on Friday.

Friday  6th.
Today was a spare day with no visits planned. We needed to pick up medications for one man who cannot get out very much now. We had to go to 3 pharmacies before we filled the 4 items. We had to pay the utilities for the apartment at either a bank or another funny place. You pay for the gas and electricity at the same place.
We then had to run around for parts for the van, we need two front struts, they are leaking fluid. They did a bit of welding under the van while we were at the garage. We then visited the man who needed the medications. His wife and son come to all the meetings and were there when Dan gave Michaelo the gospel. He can’t see what he needs since he “has always believed in Jesus!” Sound familiar, doesn’t it?

We went to see Natalia who has MS but could not get into her house. No answer, so we don’t know if she was home or in hospital. Will keep trying to make contact.

Came home to spaghetti supper. (not like home!)

All for now, please keep praying.
Malcolm  Dan and Volodia.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dan's Reports: #20

Friday the 23 of March.  #47
Went swimming once again in the morning, Louie is looking younger and younger with each visit! Then took the van in for some repairs, had to leave the van but the owner’s son drove us back. We then went to visit Oleg at work, always good to talk with him.
Then we had been invited to speak to some students by the director at the language school where I was taking my lesson. There were 4 students in their early to mid twenties plus the English teacher; they wanted just to practice their English by talking with us and hearing us. We talked about politics, history, traditions and so on; Louie was able to squeeze in the value of the bible and its message to us which was good, an hour and a half later we ended our dialogue and gave them bible texts!
Saturday we had our practice sing, only two out but did very good, in the larger group last week they could not get ‘Rock of Ages” at all but with only two they picked it up with just a few tries and sang it very well, but I must say I am less critical than Louie is but even he thought it wasn’t too bad, and again no one called the police, which is good! We then picked up the van; though not finished but we needed it for Sunday.
Sunday we picked up the family from Hgrushka and had lunch in Ivano then brought them back for our meeting, 26 in total were out. They all listened well. After the meeting had a little talk with this couple and Uri ask the question about praying to the Holy Spirit, we told him that the Holy Spirit does have a role and it is not for Him to speak of Himself but to Glorify Jesus(John 16:13,14). On our way to take their home we picked up another couple that are friends of theirs and the husband is also struggling with drinking as is Uri. We had dinner at their home and talked about salvation, they think you can lose it. Louie and I tried to explain that if you have it you cannot lose it, but the teaching that they receive in a charismatic church is deep within them and will take many more future talks.
Monday made plans to visit a gypsy camp with a man named Bogdan who is a journalist and has been following up on the gipsies near Ivano and seeks help for them. There were 7 to 9 tents and 30+ people there; the living conditions were absolutely disgusting and that is being kind. They settle near dumps so that no one will disturb them. They are not liked by most of the people in whatever area or country they may be in; most have a reputation of being thieves though some may be but not all are!
Most were away when we arrived at the camp but were able to speak to a few adults and some kids and gave a N/T with a bible text and a some boxes of clothes to each family even though not all of them can read. Bogdan then invited us to his house that is still being built, what a contrast! Big and very nice, all the custom furniture he and his son did, very good work! We hope he can come with us when we visit the gipsy camp again!
Picked up tracts and a couple of booklets that we had had printed, the two booklets are about the church, we took them to Oleg to proof read, we hope it will speak to him.
Then headed to the shop where we had some work done to the van to finish an electrical problem but we were supposed to be there at 9am, so we will come again tomorrow.
Then had our evening meeting, was good to see Andre out (Vadym’s father in-law), 23 in total and once again listened very well! This was Louie’s last meeting with us and will be taking him to Lviv tomorrow, many good byes, though Louie does not leave for the States until Friday. Had a great time together, many new places and news people we met!
Pray for a safe trip back home for Louie!  Then Malcolm Stanley will be arriving in Lviv on Saturday, pray for safety and blessings while here! We plan to visit the prisons starting on the 2 of April. Thank you so much!!!
In Christ our Lord
Louie, Dan

Monday, April 2, 2012

Malcolm Report #1

Report #1 April 2 2012
After an excellent flight to Lviv, I was picked up from the airport by Edmund and Agnes Johnson and taken to their apartment for the night. This is the first time I haven’t Gone to Flo Kancir’s  apartment where everyone has stays on arrival. The reason for the change is that Flo is not at all well and was booked to return home unexpectedly to get immediate medical help. Please pray for her.
I spent the morning with the Assembly in their new meeting room which is very accommodating and was well packed for the meetings. After the ministry, lunch was served and then we left for Ivano Frankivsk with several who had come up to the meeting as well as Volodia, who is going to be our interpreter for a couple of weeks.
We made it in good time for the meeting at 3:30 and a good number were out and had good attention.
We have a full week planned with a visit to a prison each of the first four days. We made our first visit today in the main prison in this area located in Ivano. We spoke to 20 men with 2 guards watching on. We found out that this is a 100 year old maximum security prison with 500 prisoners, some in for life.
We then came home for a sandwich before heading to one of our favourite spots, Petriliv or Peter Village. We met with Olya the mayor at the village office. She was out working with a bunch of ladies cleaning up the garden and grass. She is an amazing grandmother who is mayor of 5 villages. Some of the things she has to put up with would make you cry. The government is so cruel, it is hard to believe.
After she had given us tea and coffee we went to the school in the village. We went straight to see the Administrator who sent for something to warm us up as there was no heat in the school and there was a cold wind. We thought it would be a cup of something but it was a bowl of soup and a plate of a bean type of mashed somehow, buttered bread with lemon and red kaviar on it. All followed by a cup of sweet tea that was made from two plant, grown and dried in the village. It was very nice and washed everything down nicely.
We then visited a school we passed on the way to the village, that I had visited when my grand son Kevin was with me. The Director recognized me and asked about Kevin. Quite a memory. We are booked to visit the school on Wednesday and speak to probably about 6 classes of children,
We came home and shopped for some things we needed, Went to a pizza type restaurant and then home. Altogether a profitable day. Another one planned for tomorrow DV.
Malcolm Dan and Volodia.