Thursday, March 16, 2017

Dan Perez Report for February 2017

Greetings from Ivano Frankivsk, Ukraine.
I visited Marika, Luba’s daughter, at the maternity hospital to see how she was doing and to see the newest member of their family, little Evelyn. I think I was the first after her husband to see the baby. I brought some things I thought she would need.
After I left Marika I went to visit her mother Luba at another hospital. Luba was not feeling well and the ambulance came and took her to the hospital, there she stayed for more than a week and needed help with getting the necessary drugs, I was thankful that I could help!  (Not sure of her problem) 
The head nurse at the maternity hospital, who we have known for years, asked if I could buy a desk for her office. She shared how all of the workers received a raise in their salary and expressed how disappointed she was with what she got. She continue to say how she and other employees have to put some of their own money to get some things for the hospital such as a desk,or else they can get a fine from the government, this is not right but I could see they have no choice.
I did end up getting a desk for her and assembled it in her office. I also brought a couple of boxes of clothes for the staff and a box of bed sheets for the hospital beds which are desperately needed here and in most of the places we visit, she was thankful for the help!
 I went to the village a few times where Hallia,  whereYaroslav's wife is staying. Yaroslav is in fellowship in the Lviv assembly. She is not but was staying in the village, to take care of her mother, but her mother died some time ago and now Halia’s health has failed. One of the last times I went to visit her I was asked if I could pick her up and take her to the hospital. Her village is about  two hours from Ivano and though some of the roads condition have improve there are still a lot of bad areas on the way. They wanted me to bring her to town for a doctor's appointment . I went up with their son and though he speaks little English we still communicated well. On the way back Hallia was having a hard time breathing plus we were running late for her appointment so I tried to go as fast as I could to get to her appointment in one piece! We just made it on time to the appointment and later I was told that the doctor said she had suffered a minor heart attack and if she had not made it to the hospital she could have died, Needless to say the family was very thankful for the help. Here too there were needs for financial help, so was able to help some but much more is needed for surgery.
I visited one orphanage called a children's shelter that is in town. It is not a big place but they are trying to improve their facility to better accommodate the children's needs. I wanted to visit them earlier but they were busy with the opening of their new psychology department. The mayor was there and other political people as well as religious leaders and much media. I visited a week later and the director was happy to show me their new department. One of the latest methods coming from Europe is to treat children with light therapy. The room has various lights with different colors and shapes. Children with emotional difficulties would go in for a time with a psychiatrist and work on whatever the issue of the child might be, by using these lights. It felt comfortable in the room and I asked if I could come to be treated but he only smiled!                                                                  
I did speak briefly to the children and they listened well and received a calendar, bible text and gospel tract and whoever wanted new testaments received one. I also brought some boxes of clothes and shoes. The director wanted to take some photos to put on their Face book page.
I visited one new school in a small village about 30 minutes from town. They were very attentive and looked very happy to see a different face in their school. I first met with the director of the school. He wanted to meet me and I can see he was a little nervous when he said he wanted to ask me some questions. He asked various questions like why do I want to speak to the students, what will be the purpose, what "confession" do I represent and so on. He apologised for asking these questions but said he is responsible for what goes on at the school. I told him I understood fully and  I was not offended at all.
I had planned to speak to one group of students, but there were other teachers as well as the vice principal in the room. When I was done the  English teacher ask if I can speak to another group. I told her I did not have too much time, she was so eager that she started to bring in the next group of students. Though I had an important meeting in town I could not pass this opportunity up and gladly spoke to these students too!  As I was leaving the director gave me a very warm thank you and said that the teacher and the vice principal had very good things to say and the students liked it very much. I was somewhat surprised because God's plan of salvation I thought came out very clear and I was still welcome back, Praise God!! Here too they received calendars, bible texts, new testaments and some sweets and boxes of clothing.
There has been a surprising development for me, I have received my residence that will allow me to stay in Ukraine. This means that I can come and go in and out of the country as I wish without the 90 days restriction. There were a lot of red tape and a lot of wrong information and a lot of barriers along the way that seemed to be making it impossible! I had very little to do with this because I saw the impossibilities, it was one of those things where it went up to the last day, the last hour, the last minutes before closing that I was approved, something that I see only God could do!!
I had my bags packed for the next day I had to leave Ukraine, and was planning to go to another country. Now that I have no time limit I could still go for a few weeks if needed and would still be able to continue with the work here. Not sure how God will orchestrate things but He has made the impossible possible!
Eric and Margie and Heather will be coming to Ukraine for the month of April, pray for their safety and God's blessing while here!
Please continue to pray for each gospel meetings both in the rented room and in the apartment, for the schools and orphanages and villages we visit that they will receive God's word, for the many who we know that are sick and need much help!   Please pray for me also that I would be faithful to His word and for physical and spiritual health and strength!!
Thank You all very much for your needed prayers!!

In Christ our Lord!