Dear Brethren and Sisters.
Once again a number of brethren and sisters are planning God willing, to go to Ukraine to distribute the scriptures and humanitarian aid and preach the Word, in this most needy bankrupt country.
The recent election does not give any hope of better things, unless coming more and more under socialist control is “getting better”.
Our greatest concern is for the door for the gospel and distribution of the Word of God to still be open. As of right now, the door is wide open.
Meetings have continued in Flo Kancir’s apartment and she is returning on March 3rd for her usual bi-annual visit.
Louis Smith and Dan Perez are going on March 18th, Dan for his first time.
I plan to go for the month of April with a young brother from Southern Manitoba Nick Mazerolle. This will be Nick’s first time as well.
In conversation with one of our men over there, he sounded very discouraged with everything Ukrainian! The cost of utilities, corruption on every hand, the poor health care, etc. etc. He rented a garage to do his automotive repair and during the Ukrainian Christmas or New Year the garage and several other businesses were robbed of everything of value, computers, diagnostic equipment and the safes and cash boxes. A dentist office was emptied of everything as well as a watch and clock repair shop. The security man was beaten and left tied up in a locked office.
What is most upsetting is that the police rarely catch the criminals or recover any stolen goods.
He told me that if it wasn’t for his faith he didn’t know what he would do. He trying to save again for equipment.
This is just one of the sort of thing that almost everyone has to tell of. Sometimes it is loss of jobs, many times it is the inability to afford medications that have been prescribed by doctors, some unable to get the medications they need before getting surgery. Much of the funds we dispense is to supply the needs of the Christians and those who are recommended as particularly needy people.
I am sure many are still sick from the flu and H1N1 epidemic that swept the country. Thankfully we were able to leave the country during the first week of the quarantine, without suffering any ill effects. Thank you for those who knew we were there and prayed for us.
I will close with this and try to keep you up to date with what is going on once I get there.
Your Brother in Christ.
Malcolm Stanley.
Christian Assembly Work in Ukraine.
210 Alfred Ave.
Portage la Prairie MB
204 857 9074.