Monday, May 24, 2010

Ukraine Spring Report #19 (Final)

Final report for May 5-7th 2010.

Sorry about the long wait but things got so hectic as we tried to tie up our last days visits. Then when I got home my computer would not connect to the internet until yesterday morning.

Well on Wednesday I decided to help Vadym clean up his garden and hope to have further conversation with Sveta, his wife. She told me several days ago that she had prayed while alone in her car, after the last conversation we had about her need of salvation. She told the Lord that she knew she was a sinner and that Christ had dies for her on the cross. The problem was that she didn’t feel anything or any better. I told her that it was not feelings she needed but faith and that we would talk again.

The opportunity came after supper on Wednesday. She got her bible and sat down and wanted to read the verses I had for her. I can only hope she got her assurance from the Word of God.

Thursday, we had planned to have a little meeting with the people at 4:30 and then have a little snack before saying our good-byes. I had brought 2 boxes of carrot cake muffin mix so started to prepare everything. My biggest concern was the gas oven and whether the temp guage was accurate or not.

The first batch proved it was not accurate and the bottoms of the muffins were a little burnt. I lowered the heat and the other 3 batches were fine. They cooled and I iced them. I must say they were very good. (I ate the burnt ones !)

About 20 people came at 4:30 and we had a little word and then the muffins, cookies and tea, coffee and cold drinks. It is always tough saying goodbye as one never knows who we will see again.

As I had mentioned in previous reports, Vadym had real problems getting his much needed distributor for his car. It was eventually sent on the bus on Thursday, but not in time for us to leave for Lviv. But, as usual, God knew about the problem and solved it for us. The lady who had rented us her car had some business to do in Lviv and said she would gladly take me there. So Vadym drove and we arrived at Flo Kancir’s just after supper. God is so good. On the way to Lviv we passed the bus bringing the part for Vadym’s car. He told me later by phone, it was the right part this time!

The work will continue for another month with Flo, Gilles Plourde, John Wenkells and Howard Pratt working in both Lviv and Ivano.

Friday was the day of my departure and everything went according to plan until our arrival in Chicago.

Our departure from Munich was delayed about half an hour, while they made sure we could get through the ash cloud that had spread again into Europe. We had a change of direction, going more North than West, to go around Iceland rather than past it from the South. This made us a little late getting to Chicago and we missed our landing spot. We circled the airport for one hour and this meant that many of us missed our connections. So, we spent Friday night in the Four Points Hotel, courtesy of Lufthansa.

And so ended my 12th trip to Ukraine. I can only pray that the many souls who now own Christ as their Lord, will go on for God and that Assemblies will one day be formed in both Lviv and Ivano Frankivsk.

Please continue to pray for the Christians that they will obey God in Baptism and in Godly living.

Thank you, each one and each assembly, for your remembrance of us in your prayers. Even though we are now home, we are packing and sending boxes of humanitarian aid to both places, to aid the dear people left in such poverty.

Your Brother in Christ.

Malcolm Stanley.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ukraine Spring Report #18

Report #18 for Tuesday May 4th.

Another lovely day with sunshine and no rain. We planned to go to a new town and institution today and so got ready early planning to leave by 8:30.

As the home we were going to in Sniatin was a mental home for boys, we got some boxes of clothing and some junior Pampers loaded as well as children’s picture stories of the life of Jesus.

We got there in good time through the most gorgeous countryside. Rolling hill and large fields already green with winter wheat. We saw a large farm in a valley with brand new John Deere tractors and new machinery and a fleet of grain trucks. Some Foreign Farming Companies have leased land , this must be one of them.

We greeted by some of the higher grade boys, waving us into the facility. It looked in fairly good condition though not new by any means. The director came to meet us and welcomed us into his office.

His name in Leonard in English and he gave us his history. He was born in Sniatin and after his military service, came home and was voted Mayor for a term. After his term he was asked to be the Director of this home. He had been there 25 years now.

He asked me to speak to the boys, they are from 4, I think to 18. They came together outside in an area with a long seat and I spoke to them. I didn’t preach this time as it was such a mixed multitude, I didn’t know what to say. (That’s a first for me!) I just told them why we came and then gave them all one of the picture bible books. I gave all the staff a New Testament, a Seed Sowers John 3:16 and a Calendar.

We then were taken on a tour of the facility and the different projects the boys work on.

Firstly we saw where they raise lovely guinea pigs that are sold to the hospital and University for research. So sad, why didn’t they raise rats, there not so cute. The area was spotlessly clean.

We then went to the shop where they make brooms. The ones here are like a witche’s broom, without the handle. Not only do they make the brooms, they plant the seed to grow the stalks to make the brooms. They have a contract to supply some large stores.

Then we went inside and down the hall from the Administrators office was a room full of cages of cockatiel “parrots” as they call them. Again, spotlessly clean with no smell. Nesting boxes with bald babies in them and a large cage with babies learning to fly and others growing. Simply amazing. Even all the wooded cages were made by the boys.

The walls were lined with artwork that the boys had made in every different material you could think of. The boys in the carpenters shop make all the frames and a lot of the furniture.

We didn’t get to see the pasta making room or the sewing room, but we did see pictures.

We had to say that we have never seen an institution that is training its inmates so well. I asked if they had any needs and his answers were shocking when he told us how much he gets per day to feed a hungry boy. Much of the profit from the sale of birds and animals goes to subsidize the food bill.

There is nothing left over for cleaning supplies, laundry powder, clothing or maintenance. He told us that they do all their own painting, he even paints.

We will help them with some cleaning supplies when we hope some of the other men go to visit.

We had a nice meeting at 5pm with about 12 or 13 present. One man rushed in from his Dachau and slept most of the meeting.

Altogether a profitable day as we try to fit in some visits before heading home from Lviv on Friday.

Thanks for your prayers.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Ukraine Spring Report #17

Report #17 for Monday May 3 2010

I woke early to a cloudy day but still a pleasant temperature. I boiled two eggs but didn’t have a timer and they ran out onto my plate. I put the second one back into the pan and scrambled it.

I knew we were not going anywhere first thing this morning, so set out to listen to some messages on cd and read some. I was really challenged by the two preachers I listened to, and felt the time spent very profitable.

I called Vadym about noon and found he had worked on the car until about 4am, so was just getting going. I ate lunch and he arrived. While he was here, Max Mclean called me on Skype and we all talked and could see each other. It was the first time Max and Vadym had met since 2004.

We then headed out to change some Canadian money and load our phones again. This is very convenient. We just stopped at a machine fastened to a light pole, selected a provider, punched in our phone # and put 50 R in the slot. Voila! The money goes into your phone, faster than it took me to type this.

We went to see a car parts shop behind the Priest’s home we stayed in for 3 different times. I said I would like to renew the acquaintance again so we rattled the gate and both Roman, the priest and his wife were home. Well you would have thought we were family. Hugs and kisses and coffee and cake.

Sad to say the conversation was mainly about a “sister” who we will refrain from naming, who was once a great help to us in finding needy families and orphanages, but has gone absolutely “rabid” Charismatic.

She comes and visits the priest and tries to convert him (which is not a bad idea!) but dances before them and even brought their pastor who tried to anoint him with the Holy Spirit.

These antics, along with pleas for funds because they are so poor, has really hindered any appreciation of so called evangelicals.

Well we were able to convince him that we would have none of that nonsense and I was able to witness to him the SIMPLE gospel without all the other “add-ons”.

We were pleaded with to come and stay with them again sometime, but that will not be necessary now.

We did some shopping and went home to a late supper at Vadym’s and then went to visit a sister, Marie, who comes to every meeting. She has a husband who had a stroke 18 years ago and cannot leave the one room apartment on the 9th floor of a former student dormitory. They share cooking and toilets with several other families. It’s worse than our prisons!

On previous occasions, we have not had opportunity to share the gospel, but this time I was determined to do so. He couldn’t have been nicer, he listened intently. Marie said that she was able to read the bible to him last night. I really pray this man will get saved.

I forgot to mention that having rushed over there from our full chicken supper, Marie had a table full of food too! We were not able to do much with it but tried to sample a little of each item.

All for now, heading out to a new town and home for mentally handicapped.

God bless and keep praying.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ukraine Spring Report #16

Report #16 for Sunday May 2nd.

It was a lovely Spring morning with the pigeons cooing outside and the trees in full leaf, I forgot to say that when I came home the other night, there was a hedgehog right under my kitchen window, walking towards the apartment door. He looked so cute but I didn’t disturb him.

Only 13 out to meeting but was very happy to have Sveta, Vadym’s wife and Amelia come for the first time.

I spoke on the Passover lamb and how it spoke so clearly of Christ the Lamb of God and what it meant when Christ said “finished” (only one word in the Ukrainian Bible), and what the rending of the veil meant.

Then Vadym spoke about Lazarus and the rich man and seemed to be well received.

We gave out seeds to the people, who were there, they seemed very happy to get them.

We then went to Vadym’s for a shishleke (Shish kebob) supper. Vadym was working on the car with another mechanic trying to fit it with shocks all round. It doesn’t look as if it will be done, everything is so rusted.

Sveta brought me home in her car and told me that she sat in her car the other night and told God she knew she was a sinner and believed in God, but she doesn’t know if anything happened. I told her the only way she will know that anything happened is to believe what the bible says. I had to leave it there but will talk later.

All for now, don’t know what tomorrow will hold for 2 reasons, one it is a holiday and everywhere will be closed and 2, will we have a car? Please pray for us.

Love in Christ.


Ukraine Spring Report #15

Report 15 for Friday and Saturday.

Vadym and I headed out to Yabluniv and were there 15 minutes before 10 am, that’s a first!!

We found we were speaking to 2 or 3 classes of grade 4 and 5’s packed into a classroom.

They were very interested and took great part in answering questions. There were 5 or 6 teachers in as well who also seemed to enjoy what we had to say.

We then went to the senior’s home and delivered a big box of pampers. It seems by all the bags and boxes of vegetables in the office that they depend very much on charity to keep going.

We went over to the orphanage to see some of the performance the students are performing in Kiev this month but there were not enough of them and they would have to change etc. So we watched a DVD of a performance they had done for a minister from the Education Dept. It was quite good and they gave me a DVD of it. (The performance was good the taping was not)


A day to clean up the apartment, put another set of metal shelves together, sort out a lot of empty and half empty boxes of clothing. It looks like we have lots of winter clothing but hardly any summer clothing. I washed a pair of white sheets and it took 4 hours? These washing machines are so slow but I think we had it on a wrong setting as I did a load in an hour tonight after Vadym came and read the instructions. (If at first………… alright I know the rest!).

Felt very fit and brave, so walked down town to the market and bought some things and walked back and CRASHED for an hour. The reason I was so tired was that it was very hot today and had nothing to do with my fitness.

Spent the rest of the afternoon preparing for Sunday.

Poor Vadym was beside himself. A week ago he ordered a part for his Toyota car. It was only available from another city and was sent by bus. It was the wrong part, so Vadym phoned and told the man specifically what he wanted. The part arrived today the same as the first one!! The problem is now that every where is closed until Tuesday. We are going to be using his father’s old Lada for a few days.

So goes Ukraine, carelessness about so many things.

Went out for pizza for supper and then helped get the Lada to Vadym’s home, it was at their datcha and had not been run for 6 months as his father passed away a month ago.

Not very productive but you need a day like this sometimes, to clean up and catch up.

God bless you all and please pray that we will be lead to the right places for my last 4 days.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ukraine Spring Report #14

Report #14 Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday was another lovely sunny day, up in the 20’s C. So many tulips everywhere; every garden seems to be loaded with them as well as public parks. There are people, either parents or grandparents walking everywhere wheeling babies and walking pre-schooler.

We set off for Labulin where the orphanage, and the peoples home are. There is also a large school that we have visited a number of times before. We went to the school to see when we could talk to the kids.

Administrator was away but the assistant told to come back on Friday at 10 am, as the young children leave school early and we need to be there early if we want to speak to them.

We said we would come on Friday and went on to the orphanage to deliver the material we had bought for the costumes the students needed for the competition they were entering in May.

The administrator was also away, it seems to be the time of year for staff in-services, as either the administrators or teachers seem to be away.

We then went to the senior’s home and gave them a walker we had sent from Canada and 3 bundles of adult pampers.

Not a very profitable day as far a speaking to children but that is how it goes. We tried to find the phone number of the school before going but no one seemed to know it. (Strange because Vadym seems to have everyone’s phone number in the whole area in his phone!).

I can’t remember what we did when we came home, I must have been tired, I know we went to bed early.

All for Wednesday.

Thursday was another bright sunny day. As it was Nick’s last day here, we spent most of the day around town. We went to visit Natalia, the 36 year old who is bedridden with MS. We got to cheer her up and she cheers us up with her ready smile and happy attitude. Her mother and boy friend were also there, so there was plenty to talk about. She was telling us about a TV program that told about the discovery in the US of a cure for MS. We had not heard about it, but she and her mother were quite excited about it.

Her biggest concern now is the awful rash she has on her face from a reaction to one of her drugs. She looks as if she has got a 3rd degree sunburn, but it is healing.

We left there and headed to the Epi-Centre to buy a folding bed, as most people visiting in our apartment would not want to sleep on cushions on the floor like Nick did, by choice I might add!

We cleaned up the apartment for the meeting at 5pm and got Nick packed ready to leave for Lviv right after meeting.

There were a nice number of people at meeting and we had Vadym speak to the people first. He seemed to do very well as the people listened attentively. Then Nick gave his final message and I closed.

Funny enough, we all spoke from Romans.

After meeting we gave prizes to the 4 people who said the books of the Old Testament. We gave the 3 ladies a bunch of flowers and some money and the young man an insulated mug and some money.

They all seemed very happy.

We then rushed off to Lviv for the 2 hour drive, dropped of Nick at Flo’s, spoke to Howard who arrive at 4 pm and was still in a zombie state. Then back home arriving at 11pm. very tired.

All for now, keep praying. Malcolm