Final report for May 5-7th 2010.
Sorry about the long wait but things got so hectic as we tried to tie up our last days visits. Then when I got home my computer would not connect to the internet until yesterday morning.
Well on Wednesday I decided to help Vadym clean up his garden and hope to have further conversation with Sveta, his wife. She told me several days ago that she had prayed while alone in her car, after the last conversation we had about her need of salvation. She told the Lord that she knew she was a sinner and that Christ had dies for her on the cross. The problem was that she didn’t feel anything or any better. I told her that it was not feelings she needed but faith and that we would talk again.
The opportunity came after supper on Wednesday. She got her bible and sat down and wanted to read the verses I had for her. I can only hope she got her assurance from the Word of God.
Thursday, we had planned to have a little meeting with the people at 4:30 and then have a little snack before saying our good-byes. I had brought 2 boxes of carrot cake muffin mix so started to prepare everything. My biggest concern was the gas oven and whether the temp guage was accurate or not.
The first batch proved it was not accurate and the bottoms of the muffins were a little burnt. I lowered the heat and the other 3 batches were fine. They cooled and I iced them. I must say they were very good. (I ate the burnt ones !)
About 20 people came at 4:30 and we had a little word and then the muffins, cookies and tea, coffee and cold drinks. It is always tough saying goodbye as one never knows who we will see again.
As I had mentioned in previous reports, Vadym had real problems getting his much needed distributor for his car. It was eventually sent on the bus on Thursday, but not in time for us to leave for Lviv. But, as usual, God knew about the problem and solved it for us. The lady who had rented us her car had some business to do in Lviv and said she would gladly take me there. So Vadym drove and we arrived at Flo Kancir’s just after supper. God is so good. On the way to Lviv we passed the bus bringing the part for Vadym’s car. He told me later by phone, it was the right part this time!
The work will continue for another month with Flo, Gilles Plourde, John Wenkells and Howard Pratt working in both Lviv and Ivano.
Friday was the day of my departure and everything went according to plan until our arrival in Chicago.
Our departure from Munich was delayed about half an hour, while they made sure we could get through the ash cloud that had spread again into Europe. We had a change of direction, going more North than West, to go around Iceland rather than past it from the South. This made us a little late getting to Chicago and we missed our landing spot. We circled the airport for one hour and this meant that many of us missed our connections. So, we spent Friday night in the Four Points Hotel, courtesy of Lufthansa.
And so ended my 12th trip to Ukraine. I can only pray that the many souls who now own Christ as their Lord, will go on for God and that Assemblies will one day be formed in both Lviv and Ivano Frankivsk.
Please continue to pray for the Christians that they will obey God in Baptism and in Godly living.
Thank you, each one and each assembly, for your remembrance of us in your prayers. Even though we are now home, we are packing and sending boxes of humanitarian aid to both places, to aid the dear people left in such poverty.
Your Brother in Christ.
Malcolm Stanley.