Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fall 2010 visit - post #4

Nov 20 and 21
       Early rise breakfast as normal as you can get with all the same ingredients for a Ukraine breakfast ..read and prayed  for the day.

Vadem came late he had a flat on way to pick us up to go to Lviv. On the way in the rain ..his little girl will travel with us we are going to Lviv to help give out calendars.
We got there just as they were on the street in front of Edmonds house . All ready to go, 12 of us  to give out 1000 calendars. The  rain held up, cloudy and cool but nice,  had nice time on the street. Some of the Ukraine Christians were  worried what to say to people  if they asked questions but all went well and enjoyed it. Some nice talks, good for out- reach and good for all as we meet people as answer questions. We need to do this in our own country, not enough contact made with people, doing it together.
       We all then went to   MacDonalds  and had a treat together.
A nice time of fellowship. Then Margie me and Vadem and little girl went to Flos apartment for all night. Mary stayed with Edmond and his wife, that is the couple commended from Ireland to LVIV.  
  Had a good rest, tired from the drive and on the street.
           Normal rise Vadem made breakfast, Cream of wheat  manna they call it here. He made lunch last night, potatoes, when we came back.
        A time reading  to get  ready for min. after worship.  13 out from Ukraine; Vadem was received into Fellowship this morning ..he was quite happy .. H e gave thanks for the  Cup and was nice about it. Edmond had a word in the Gospel two unsaved out ..Lady and M an.  The man was there last week as well and came to Edmonds house during the week with Questions .
     I spoke in Min. on Eph. 6, the Armour . We need to put it on and not leave a time when we dont wear it all. It is the armor  of God .
      Then left and came back to Ivano .for the Gospel at 4 oclock 25 out one new lady.   A lady asked after the meeting, you talked of peace how do I get that peace? Spoke to her a little and then made arrangements to go to her home during the week. Then the 23 year old lady who is dying with cancer was out and her Husband, she listened very well  and her husband listened better. Some of out regulars weren’t out to night.
    Vadems  sister in Law who was out almost every night, was taken to hospital with very high blood pressure.  Pray for her, she seemed troubled the last night. Her dad was out tonight, would be so great to see this man troubled .
       Tired for sure. Value your prayer for even my health.   Thanks for praying.
             Tomorrow we will go the Mens home of 204 men value prayer for this .
4 more days in Ivano and to much to do so   pray for help to do as  much as we can before we go and also that Lviv and Lusk will have a little exercise to help down in Ivano during Dec. to Feb when someone else will come to help.  45 different ones  have come in the three weeks here.
                      IN Christ    Eric Margie and Mary   Fowler

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fall 2010 visit - post #3

 (from Eric Fowler)

  Nov 19th

     A early day as some people are coming for clothing . Breakfast as normal for Ukraine.
 Great to labour for the best of masters and great to be where he wants you, doing what HE wants you to do . All labour demands an effort.
     People came early, ones we didnt really expect, so phoned Tanya to help She talked to the ladies, there were three of them a lady her daughter and daughters husband. The one lady came to meetings but not the other two.  Tanya came here, as we just couldnt do it by telephone.  We will visit the lady later. They all got clothing some for the man, even though there was little left for men. The need is for much more men’s  clothing.  We should keep this in mind, a paper with what is in the boxes is also very helpful. Thanks for those who do just that it saves a lot of work and effort here when it is all different ladies and children etc. it is so confusing as some are still sending boxes and no list.
      Then six other ladies came it was nice to have Tanya here to help. It went well very well, they were all happy to get things, they are all very poor, got taxi for three to go home. 
One lady lives with no gas, just wood, so will arrange to get enough wood for her winter. She has 3 children and in a very poor poor place, she comes to meeting regularly with children at times. We did give children school material and left some money for medicine as one boy is diabetic and a very bad case at that, his sugar was 29 the day we were there, frightening for sure. Some had tea and some  had cookies  we gave them apples we got from the village.  They all  were happy to get the clothing, we  sent some home by taxi.
Then Vadym came and we went to market to get a hot water tank for the mens home and will take it to them on Monday with pampers and more clothing. We have very little for men  so any exercise for men supplies as we  have very little here at this time. We took the heater to our apartment until Monday, then went and visited Vadyms father in law.
He is coming nicely to meetings, he tried to get one of his other daughters to come to meeting,  will see on Sunday.  Then went to the Market to see Oleg, would like him to come to Lviv for Sunday morning but never got the go ahead  maybe next time.
 Then went to visit the lady who wants wood and made the final arrangement for it.
Came back to our home and Vadyms mom called and she and her daughter who I didnt meet yet came for some supper of what we had here. We are living as near the edge as possible had nice time and now the day is at its end. Talked to Ann Marie Kember on skype, great surprise she was still at work.
   Will go to Lviv tomorrow morning to help give out Calendars and be there for Lords Day .. 
                   Value your Prayers.
                    IN Christ     Eric Margie Mary  Fowler

Fall 2010 visit - post #2

(from Eric Fowler)

Nov  17

      THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE LET US BE GLAD AND REJOICE IN IT .. Mr. Bob Harvey quoted this all the time .
              A new day and started the same breakfast  and it was the normal  ..then a read and prayer together .
      A day of New visions,  values  and trust victories ..
    We went to the market to by suds, toilet paper, toilet cleaning liquid, soap for two all mens homes .. we took clothing as well from here  also pampers that we had here. One home the age started at 35 and until they die, they are all mentally  challenged. 204 in the home 20 are in bed all the time .  Quite a place the need was horrific . The other home was from 5 until 35 ..  Both places  are kept clean with a lot of work.
 The first place had  5 different buildings, two for the sleeping quarters and one for cooking which meant that all the food have to be carried to the men to eat. That is a lot of  work in its self for 204..they make their own bread there  and they gave us 4 small loves, very nice.  One building for the office and activity places and then they have pigs and cows, and a piece of land for growing potatoes etc. They get very little from government so have to do something to operate. We will go back with a wheel chair that is here in the building  and buy a hot water tank as they only have one for all the washing of the dishes. They use what they have and try to make do . It would just move you to see all the men, they have almost no relatives and a grave yard is on the sight and when they die they bury them there. New testament was given to them the first of the year so we left calendars and texts.
We spoke to some of the men in a few rest rooms where they were sitting. We will bring back  more clothing for the men and their beds.
       Then went to the other home they have children and get a little more  government help and more sponsor  help but still could use help. We left school things there  and cleaning soap etc.  There they raise birds to sell.  Budgie birds and make brooms from straw and paint brushes  also make mitts from scrap material  all this is sold to get help to ;operate. Its not Canada for sure.  Again left calendars and text ..quite a sight to see there ..how good have we got it . Amazing to leave there and go to Heaven what a change for sure.
    On the way I was looking at the people waiting for a bus or  a ride ..and there was Halya, so we stopped and she was going to her mom.  I didnt realize that her village was they way we were going  for we wanted to get potatoes for some here in the City . So the Lord was in this  We gave her a ride to her mom and made plans to stop there on way back..   We did just that  and got Apples , potatoes some cabbage and pickles. It was nice to see her she got baptized in 2005 when I was here for the first time.
     Then came back delivered potatoes and apples to Luba and her family, then went and got price on hot water tank  also for Kitchen Cabinets for the family of seven I talked about the other day .
               Now home very tired maybe just too tired .
                             IN CHRIST     Eric , Margie and Mary Fowler

Fall 2010 visit - post #1

 (from Eric Fowler)

Nov 13

     Normal ..day breakfast with a humble breakfast .. black Russian bread cream of wheat   tea .  At home we often stay alive to eat .. but here we have to eat to stay alive  .. and not just to .. If we just eat what we needed to live how much we would be able to share with others ..so they just could eat.  Read together and Prayer to open the day to the right avenues .
Vadem her on time at 10 and he took us to a mass grave sight of 120 000  Jews. Mary and I had seen it before but I wanted to take Margie there . Bible history with world history.   It is always a unique experience to walk around the grounds and just think German tractors bull-dozed the graves down and left an open pit where they tortured and murdered 120 000 souls which lie underneath  the sod there.   The piles of stones are still as they bull-dozed them .. names and dates on some..  "Let his blood be on us and on our children" words they said but paid a great price for.
      Then went to market and got food for 10 more food packages . Then went to Luba and her mom she wasn't out yet, she is a music teacher ..very poor; she had fell from the bus and hurt her let. Her mom is 84 and not well, left her a food package.
 Then in the same area where Yaroslav used to live and we got to know their neighbours and dropped in to say hello. Dropped in before and she wasnt at home but got her home and will go back for perogies. Mary loves them, I don't know why!
Went to vadyms home to pick up some things. Took pictures to be developed for some people,went to drug store for some pills. Went and eat some soup at place that Louie likes to go to.
      Came home for short rest ..then went to Marie's for a lunch, a large one she probably she spent her month wages to make the supper. Her son and husband, not saved were there, my first visit ever to that place.  Her husband  wasn't very friendly .. but that has changed ..but doesn't come to meeting much, he is cripple but could come if he truly wanted to.  had nice visit, but this meal is close to Olex and Olas meal so will be full by the evening is over .
    From there we went to Olexs place they were waiting for us for an hour, too close in the appointments but what can one do  we had a nice surprise there for us Andris mother in Law was there Nadia, she is a sweet lady. I thought of her during the day and wondered if we would see her. Andre want us to come to supper on Monday again, this will not go down good with Vadym but may the Lord help. Naudie said she will come to meeting on Sunday, it will be the first as far as I know for her to come to meeting since the disagreement with Andrei   All things work together for good to them that Love the Lord . Olexs son there as well had a great visit.
        Home after the two meals    IN Christ  Eric, Margie and Mary Fowler

Nov 14
   Early rise  breakfast .. Mary and my wife not eat much as they ate too much yesterday.  Well, read and a time of prayer and Vadem was here at 9:40 to leave to go to Lviv, 2 hours away, for worship meeting The ride was much more relaxing then last Lords day with the break down of the car and all other happenings .
        There safe ..took things to car that Flo had for us down here, and then the meeting. 17 of us some away today, but it went well ..all worshiped except one brother and he didn't any Lords Day since the Assembly started this is the 3rd Sunday. So nice to be here for their starting days Edmond spoke a short message in the Gospel and I spoke some in Ministry on 1 John Love, in your Heart Love for God and Love for each other Love is the Oil that lets things move smoothly. No Love No Liberty.
     Vadem wanted to sit in and break bread, but I explained to him he must sit back and ask to be received He was baptised 2008 and saved in 2006  He asked after the meeting and brethren spoke to him and he will set to break bread next Lords day. H e said his wife will come next week and he wants to ask Olex and Ola to come up to. Will see. God is moving for sure.
        Came back to Ivano to see 29 come to meeting, such a nice crowd for sure .The Lady 23, dying with cancer was out and her Husband with her ..Pleas pray hard for this lady I dont think she had long to live.
     Now tired and Vadem went home early and we just collapsed. Full day and full week.
           In Christ     Eric, Margie, Mary Fowler