These days have been very cold and have been appreciating the people coming out to the meetings knowing that they are taking the bus both ways waiting in the cold. Had 13 out but 3 came towards the end of the meeting, they were Luba’s neighbours, a mother and daughter along with Luba’s son Vessel. After the meeting I had a long take with them, the mother had questions about hear “near death experience” and said there is no proof that heaven or hell exist. I told her though this cannot be proven, the sin in our hearts proves that we are sinners, and then read in Rom.3:9...
Wednesday I called the board of education but the women whom we need to talk with is still sick, will try again next week. The schools have been close this week due to the cold weather and some businesses as well. I have been going on long walks in this weather and if you dress properly and keep moving it’s not so bad, though your face feels like it will crack.
Friday morning I found that I have the same experience what many buses have been experiencing, frozen diesel. Haven’t driven the van since Tuesday and since the van takes diesel it froze on me too. Though I get the diesel at a reputable gas station they tell me that all the fuel in Ukraine is mixed, for more profit. Trying to do my best to get the van running again before next week which is forecast to be even colder some days being as low as -33c,-25f, not good.
Then had my first Ukrainian lesson since September of last year. This is a language school just down the street from the meeting place. It was my first time there and was only going for one hour but the teacher kept on going until her next lessen three hours later My brain was definitely feeling fatigue and will not be doing that again, one or two hours max!
Sunday got ready for the meeting, about 15 came out. Was good to see some out who haven’t been out in a while, like Ivan who has the 7 children that are all grown up but all sick. Orisa, a lady who like to cook rabbit for the visitors was also out. They all listened well and afterwards had some coffee and tea with sweets before they left. Had some questions on how to pray and on which religion in Christianity is true.
Pray for these meetings, that those who are coming may come to know the Lord and for help with the messages and wisdom in answering these questions being asked and for guidance in reaching out to the people! I Thank You All!!
In Christ our Lord