Monday, May 12, 2014

Malcolm's Report # 12

Malcolm’s Report #12. May 9th, 10th  and 11th.


We woke to a bright warmer day, with another body in the apartment. Dan arrived from Moldova at 6am this morning by bus. He was very tired so we tippy- toed around until he woke up. It was good to see him and he looks well.

We were to leave at 10am for a sanatorium in Yasin which is not for TB patients but for children who have been sick and need to get some fresh country air. We knew the road would be bad, but had really forgotten how bad the last 50 k was. Anyway, we met with all the children in their small auditorium. The 100 children were really packed in. They really listened well as well as about 6 staff. We then gave out N/T’s and John 3:16’s also candy. The children are there for a month and are from all over the area. As soon as they go, another 100 come, so we are welcome there each month.

We were then treated to lunch of soup, fried fish and potatoes, bread and cookies. Very good and saved us stopping for lunch on the way home.

When we came home Howard and I got our things together, ready to leave Ivano in the morning. We were asked to come up to Lviv on Saturday to a picnic in the forest, so we must have all our things with us as we leave on Tuesday for home.


We left at 10am for Lviv as we were to meet at the hall at 11am. I must say that there seems to be an improvement in the roads generally except for a few really bad spots that need to be dug up and totally relayed. The weather did not look too good as dark clouds and a spit of rain came up. So they decided to have the games in the parking lot, rather than risk the forest, so cook the hot dogs out side too. About 12 or so came, some were sick but we had a happy time. We played some games in the hall and finished up with a hymn sing.

We headed of the apartment and settled in for the night, and prepared for our last Sunday of this

A nice number met to Break Bread and others came to look on. One young man was there for the first time and showed real interest.

Howard gave a word of ministry and then we all had a good cold lunch before saying our farewells to Dan and Sasha and the folks from Ivano, as they headed back home.
 Dan reported later that they had not left Lviv before something happened to the van. The passenger power window was down and Sasha put it up, only to have it fall down again. Something had gone wrong with the mechanism and they had to drive home with the window down. At least they saved on the air-conditioning!!

Thank you for your interest in what we have been engaged in for the Master. Only time or eternity will tell what was done for His glory, in the salvation of souls or blessing to the Saints. Will report on out last day and the trip home on Tuesday.

Malcolm and Howard.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Malcolm's Report #11

Malcolm’s Report #11.for Wednesday and Thursday May 7th and 8th.

The weather is warming up now but has been cool in the evenings for a week. I forgot to mention that it froze while we in the mountains 2 days ago.

We headed out at 9am for a school and orphanage in a town I didn’t think I had visited. It is named Solotvino (Sweet Wine). It took us about 45 minutes on some of the best road we have travelled on so far. It is strange how some of the roads are literally destroyed by frost and traffic and others stay good.
As soon as we got to the village, I knew I had been there at least twice before. We went to beautiful new school. Absolutely state of the art and clean as a whip. We knew the Administrator was away on some training so the lady Assistant Administrator welcomed us. They do not have a completed auditorium so we met in a spacious staff room with an oval table with 18 chairs and then chairs all along the walls. Quite different, but big enough to have about 50 junior children for the first session and then after a nice coffee break, about 70 senior students. Again these children behaved very well and co-operated well with good answers. There was only one problem, but not really a problem. After the senior session, almost all of the younger ones wanted our signature on bibles, book marks and pieces of paper. We were almost exhausted by the time we finished.

We left them cleaning and laundry supplies and headed home once again. We went straight to the garage to get the rattle fixed and thankfully it was only a loose shock absorber. While we were there, 14 boxes were delivered to the apartment. We were very thankful as there was not anything left to take to those in need. We began to open and sort one box, ready to take with us tomorrow.

And so to bed, “Weary, Worn and GLAD” to be used once again.


We had an early start as we had to be in Kosiv by 10am to speak in the orphanage and school there.
The road was bad but we were there by 10:15 and they were not waiting. Again, I did not remember the place until I saw it but the administrator/principal remembered me and Howard. The first thing they did was give us “chai” or tea which turned out to be borscht, beef turnovers, fish and cheese and ham sandwiches. Oh yes, we did get tea and coffee! We then spoke to about 70 of the older children, in their auditorium. They were very well behaved and listened well. We then went into a classroom and spoke to the younger children. They brought two classes into one. They were very attentive and well behaved. You wonder how some parents can be either abusive or so irresponsible as to have some of these children taken away from them. Some of course are true orphans.

We left laundry and cleaning supplies here as well, as these are the items that there is never enough money for from the government.

We came home to Ivano and saw that the exchange rate had gone up to 10.30R to the Canadian dollar from 10.00R only days ago. So we decided to change some money while it was to our advantage. We walked up town under the threat of rain that did not come. We changed the money and went for a salad, as we were not hungry enough for a meal.

And so ended another good day that we trust will be for God’s glory in the speaking the gospel to many little souls today.

Thank you for praying for us and Ukraine. It sounds as if things may happen for the good. But we will have to wait and see.

Malcolm Howard and Volodia.

Malcolm's Report #10.

Malcolm’s Report #10 for May 4th 5th and 6th.

We headed for Lviv at 8am once again, not seeing or feeling any improvement in the road. We had a good meeting and I spoke after the B of B. Edmund is back in Lviv and is busy once again meeting both spiritual and material needs of the people in the city and region.

 We took a young lady with us named Tania, who is a nurse. She has been out to several meeting and the Conference in Lviv, but had never been to an assembly meeting in Lviv. Volodia had a good opportunity to speak to her on the way home about the things that he had had questions about, before he got saved. She seems to be interested and we can only hope she gets saved.

We then headed home and got ready for the meeting at 7pm. There was a good turn-out of people who gave good attention. This was Howard and my last Sunday meeting here. There were many hugs and sad good byes.
We went home and got stuff ready for tomorrow’s visit to Virhovina on the Romanian border.

We left at 8:30 for Virhovina, a 3 ½ hour trip. We have 2 optional routes to go and elected to go with the GPS route. We have traveled this route before but were not prepared for the destroyed roads in the mountain area. We arrived but with more rattles under the van than we started with. Will have to have it looked at.

We met the School director Oxana, and were then taken to speak to a group of teens who are learning English. They were very attentive and we both spoke and had a great time with them. Some were hoping to be interpreters, which would be very nice.

We then took our belongings to the place we were going to stay in for the night. We often wonder why people would build such beautiful buildings in such awful places. This was no exception, but what a beautiful place this man had built. A log 3 story lodge. We each had a room with shower, and a double bed. We looked out of the windows and saw the hills all around and snow capped mountains in the distance. We really felt we were suffering for the Lord! Just to say that Oxana the school Director had pre-paid this accommodation for us and would not let us pay a dime. She so appreciates what has been done for her school and the message we bring.

As if the accommodation was not enough, we were then invited to her home for a most delicious supper. We sat at the table at 8pm and got up at 11pm! They don’t rush their meals. We spoke with her husband about his hope for eternity, but were very disappointed to hear him say his spirit will leave him and will find someone else. Such darkness among so much “dead religion”.

We were served breakfast in the lodge by the owners wife. Not our usual breakfast, but one they are used to. Corn meal with a mushroom sauce, and tea made from mountain herbs. No toast of coffee!!
We left and went to deliver some bibles we had promised to a pastor who has several mountain groups he ministers to. Others have met this man and are very impressed with his zeal in the gospel.

We headed on the “road” (for want of a better word) towards home but had a school and orphanage to visit on the way in a town named Vocovets. The contact had been made last fall when we were in Ivano and having lunch in a Pizza place. Next to our table there were about20 or more Ukrainian dancers, all in their costumes. I happened to comment on how nice they looked and then found out the leader spoke English. They were in Ivano to perform in competition. The leader is the Principal of the school in Vocovets and was determined we should visit. Dan has already visited and we went again. What an exciting reception.
 We spoke to the juniors first and they were just lovely to speak to. They do not have an auditorium so we spoke in the dining room. We then spoke to the older children with the same attention. We were treated to one of the best lunches we have had and even sent home with a “doggy bag” of home baked buns. The Principal’s mother was the principal before him and is still very active in the school. They also have a dormitory/orphanage on the same grounds as the school. The reason is that many of the children live in the mountains and come to school on Monday and go home on Friday. Some also have home problems, we think and stay longer.
We left them with cleaning and cooking supplies for which they were very grateful.
On the way home we noticed a knocking sound under the van and determined we had to get it fixed when we got home.
Altogether a most productive we trust, and enjoyable time away. We were very tired but had our meeting at 7pm with the biggest number we had out since we came. One young man came for the first time. His name is Vadym and stopped to talk long after the others had left. We are sure he will be back to meetings with Dan will continue, as we were having them.
Sleep was very welcome and a good night rest needed.
We trust things will remain quiet and that the election will go ahead as planned.
Malcolm, Howard and Volodia.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Malcolm's Report #9

Malcolm’s Report #9 for May 2nd  and 3rd.


Definitely cooling off a little with threat of rain.

We went out to the Epi Centre to look at the price of a gas range. We had a lot to choose from in price and style. We found one that had a 200R discount and was reasonably priced. We bought it for Antonina the lady we had supper with last evening, a sister provided the funds who had heard of her dilema. We tried to deliver it but she was away from home, so plan to take it tomorrow.

not too much to report on today.


We called Antonina and delivered her range, carrying it up 4 floors. She will have to call the gas company to install it. We were pleasantly surprised to find the stove had electric ignition, a gas leak sensor, an oven rotisserie and oven light. She was very humbled to receive such a gift. We have had some very good talks with her about the gospel and both she and her grown son say they are ready for Heaven because of what Christ did for them.

We then met Oleg  and Ola, Sasha’s parents, and went for a nice supper at an lovely hotel restaurant and Oleg treated us.

Home to get ready for Sunday in Lviv and a good night’s sleep.
Please keep praying for peace in Ukraine and for the relatives of those who have already died.

Malcolm and Howard and Volodia.

Malcolm's Report #8 April 30th and May 1st

Malcolm’s Report #8 for April 30th and May Day.

We had another lovely day above 20C.

After our last meeting, we had four people give us prescriptions to fill. We felt these were all genuine needs as they were doctor’s prescriptions. We were able to fill two of them at a pharmacy quite close to where we live. Another two were more difficult. One was for the man who has lost a leg and was most urgent. The problem was, we could not find most of the drugs needed. When we did, we found that two of them were over 1000 Rhivny each or $100.00. We felt this was very expensive but also found that he can get his meds at half price if he has a doctors stamp on a prescription. He didn’t have one and so we are waiting for him to get it stamped. We must have spent over 2 hours running from one pharmacy to another.

We then headed to a village called Stari Licets to speak in a small school there. It is only 25 minutes from Ivano so it is nice not having a long ride. The Christian Ethics teacher Hellina met us and we talked for about half an hour and then wento speak to a class of grade 9 children. Then listened quite well.

Hellina then took us to her home for supper. She is a born again Christian, though still active in the Catholic Church, as there is only that and an Orthodox church in the village. She and her husband have built and remodelled a lovely house together. We ate on their newly finished veranda.
We then headed home to a free evening and a good night’s sleep.

May 1st May Day.

Just another national holiday with no school and people working in their gardens.
We decided to deliver some slippers we had bought for the children in the Half Way home and had a good opportunity to meet the children and speak to them about the Bible and how it is like a mirror. Then Volodia sat down with them and challenged them with some brain teasers. They really enjoyed him.

We left there and went to a  lady who attends our meetings named Antonina to deliver her some medications. When we pulled up at her apartment, we realised we had left them in the fridge at home. So we went up to her apartment and found her grown son Victor was home and we had meds for him too, so he agreed to return with us and collect the two packages. We enjoyed a good lunch and afterwards looked at her gas stove. It is leaking at one of the knobs and bursts into flame if the main gas is left turned on. We will see about picking up a new one for her.

We then went to see a rather sad place that we had seen before many years ago. It is a derelict Jewish Cemetery that has a mass grave where 125,000 Jews were shot and buried during WW2 by the Nazi’s. To show their hatred the Nazi’s bulldozed all the grave sites and buildings in the cemetery and left the grave stones in ugly heaps. It is a very sad place and not kept up at all, even though there are many Jews still in Ivano.

We had supper and then made a wooden box to put on the kitchen table to hold the micro wave, instead of having it on the kitchen window sill. We had some particle board left here but had to cut it with one of the hand saws I brought here. Not a bad job but what a mess of sawdust in the apartment.
Anyway it works and we have room under the micro wave to keep our bread and cookies. Not bad for 2 old grass-widowers and 1 young bachelor!

We have plans for tomorrow and will leave early so to bed before midnight!
Thank you for thinking and praying for Ukraine. Not good in the East, a great possibility of war.
In His Hands.

Malcolm, Howard, Volodia.