Friday, February 20, 2015

Dan's Report for the first Half of February 2015.

 Dan's Report  for First Half of February.
On my last Sunday in Ivano I had my last two meetings. One was at the charity called Solidarity. There is a group of people that want to learn English and I was asked if I would like to give a gospel message because there are people interested. Though it was interpreted I could still see an interest with eyes wide open listening very carefully. After the message I asked if there was any question and there were. One asked about election, another asked about what is love, a feeling or an action; another question was about the church, if I believed in the hierarchy structure. The Lord God gave help and no one booed me or kicked me out but asked when I can come again. We then had our evening meeting and encourage the people to heed God’s warning of justice and judgment that we will incur if we do not turn to the Saviour of our souls, they listened very well!

On my last day in Ivano I visited a few more places and then cleaned up that apartment as much as I could. In the evening Sasha met me at the bus station and there we said our goodbyes. I had planned to leave later in the week but I would have gone over my 90 days, so I left earlier and it was good that I did. When we arrive at the border control I was questioned and was told that I was over my 90 days, I said this was impossible and had to show her the dates. She was a young girl who did not know much, so what can you say? All went well and I made it back to Cahul in Romania, but this time I wasn’t as fortunate as when I last left. I came back to wet and muddy roads, that meant I had to carry not only my back pack but my luggage most of the way causing my arms to be quit fatigue by the time I got to the house.
Soon after I arrived I was asked if I could speak at the dorms of the boy’s school. These boys would be in their upper teen years, and so I did. Normally Gabriel would interpret but he could not make it so Igor interpreted for me but there was one problem, he is not use to interpreting. Well, as Igor tried to interpret and I being tired tried to speak our only hope was in God putting these two together to reach the hearts and minds of the boys!                  
The following day Gabriel and I went to the University dorms to give out calendars. We got permission to go inside and then went door to door; here I thought I could practice my Romanian as I asked if they wanted a calendar. But as I asked in Romanian some answered me in English. I asked one of the girls how she knew I spoke English, hoping my Romanian accent was good but I think she was being kind as she said, I can tell.
 One girl we met was studying to be an English interpreter, I am always glad to meet them I never know when I will need their help.  As we were all talking there seemed to be some interest in having English meetings and was asked if I would be interested, I said of course! The day that was planned falls on the same day that they go to the boy’s school. So far it has been only me with the students using this girl who is studying to be an interpreter to interpret for me. Not sure how long this will go on for but if there is an interest I hope it would continue!

I have been speaking at the meetings in the Roshu assembly when I first arrived. They do listen well and I could hope for their personal growth and as an assembly to be united and true to the word of God!  But lately I haven’t been going for more than a week because I caught at cold and did not want to pass it on to the others. I seem to get sick each time I come and wonder if it’s the climate or the house, I know it’s not my food! But since I been here other complications has arisen which has caused me to get evaluated and am still in the process!

For the Payer warriors out there, please pray for the Roshu assembly, and for the outreach with the gospel in Cahul, there is surely an open door. For the gospel meeting in Ivano-Frankivsk that the brethren from the Lviv assembly have been carrying on once a week.
 For Eric and Margie Fowler who will be leaving for Ukraine next week, that their time there would be safe and prosperous! Also for my health both physically and spiritually.
 Thank You All Sooo Much!!
In Christ our Lord!


Lviv News Letter from Edmund and Agnes Johnston. Feb 2015.

LVIV NEWSLETTER – Edmund & Agnes                                                         February 2015

And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The Lord he is the God; the Lord, he is the God. 1 Kings 18 v 39

One year on, the conflict in the East has seen heavy loss of life and over 1 million people displaced from their homes.  We know an increasing number of men who have been called up to fight, many others go as volunteers to defend their country.  On Thursday 12-2-15 the two opposing governments signed a Peace agreement and ceasefire which came into effect on 15-2-15 – sadly nearly 100 died between the 2 dates.  Please pray earnestly that in the will of God the fighting and bloodshed will stop and the enemy will commence withdrawal of troops and heavy weapons from Ukraine territory.
We would value prayer especially for 2 men Sasha (25) and Lubymore (70) both not yet saved but show keen interest.  Recently we have had good personal conversations with them about spiritual matters.  We feel they are near the kingdom, we long to hear of them getting salvation.
The year with the help of brother Lubchic from the Lviv assembly we designed and printed our own assembly Gospel calendar.  Please pray that as the 5,000 calendars are distributed that the Word of God displayed in Ukrainian homes, will yield blessing to the reader and ultimately Gods “so great salvation”.
Early in January we had an evening for the assembly and friends in our apartment.  This proved a very profitable and enjoyable time of fellowship, singing, Bible quiz and of course some very good “Irish Cuisine”.  We had 21 packed in, with 7 unsaved friends who attend the meetings at the assembly.
We continue regular visits to the 8 different orphanages sharing the Gospel and helping materially where we can.  Recently when at Mostivska orphanage we encountered a lady and her little boy who are refugees from the Donetsk area in the East.  It was great to tell them about the Saviour and give hope in Christ for the future.
We have been encouraged with the Sunday School work in Lviv.  Although small, each Lords day the brethren in the assembly take their turn to speak to the kids about Sin, the Saviour and Salvation.  We now have a nice collection of children s choruses and every week they learn a new verse of scripture – “the entrance of thy Word giveth light and understanding to the simple “

Just last week we visited Turka in the Carpathian mountains.  Our contact there is a man Marianne and his wife Vera.  They are unbelievers and in an amazing way he gets the people of the village together for the preaching of the Gospel, and on this visit we had 35 “deeply religious Ukrainians” standing in 5” of snow and -6deg  – thankfully the sun was shining brightly and we had the minibus packed with second hand clothing, food and Christian Literature.  Prayer would be valued as we “sow the seed “that God will give the increase.
The last year proved very difficult in different ways, but the circumstances and challenges we found have brought us both closer to God and increased our faith and confidence in the one who said “I am the Lord I change not”.
We appreciate sincerely all the prayers of the Lord’s dear people.
With warm Christian love – Edmund & Agnes.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Second Half of January 2015 from Dan Perez

Second half of Jan 2015 From Dan Perez.

Ukraine is still in the holiday season and the meetings have been falling either on the day before or on the day of celebration thus causing the meetings to be lighter than usual and the streets bare of cars and people. Haven’t had much snow this winter season and has been warmer than normal, a light jacket can do on some of the days.

 I saw my first procession from the new apartment’s front balcony. I could see the camera crews and photographers trying to catch up to the marchers but I had the best view out on the balcony. There was a brass band first and a long line of people waving flags then 20 minutes later another long line of men in their military fatigues marching and repeating some slogan. One of them, I think was, “Glory to Ukraine”. They started from the government building that is called The White House which is about a half block away on our street. Not too sure what it was for but think it had something to do with Ukrainian history and unity.

I met with a man who invited me to his restaurant just outside of town. He shared with me his desire to open a rehabilitation center for alcoholics, he once was an alcoholic and found help at AA and would like to help others with this problem. He has now become a business man and is doing well. He also shared with me his testimony as to how he came to know the Lord but he still keeps some of the icons and traditions of the Orthodox religion. Before we had our lunch we met with the Mayor and while in his office he showed me a hand full of government lists of men they are calling up. That means they are being drafted into the armed forces to fight in the East. The Mayor said last week twice as many were called up, he was sad about this.
 They took me then to a place where they would like to have a rehab center. Under communism this area was used to build short rang missiles, then collective farming, then a fabric manufacturing and now vacant and deserted for more than 20 years. They are hoping that this area can still be used for something useful. We then had a good lunch and talked a small bit about the gospel.

Visited a school in a town called Petriliv, where I spoke with the students then had lunch with the principal. I was able to bring some things that we bought while Malcolm and Howard were here; she needed to finish installing a shower that they are adding to the school. The principal told me that the government will be using their school to send students from the east there for the summer. She said that the government chose their school because it was well kept and said this was only possible because of the help they been receiving from us and was very thankful!
 She told me of a family from the east that is living in the village that has medical needs and ask if we can help. I also met with the Mayor who wanted me to visit a man in his late twenties that had a swimming accident a few years ago and is now paralyzed from the neck down. We visited the family together and they asked me if I can buy some straps for the man to lift himself from time to time. I left the family new testaments and encourage them to seek for God’s salvation.

Had my second distribution in Ivano; we prepared boxes last week having two of the girls helping. We came to the place two hours early to set up and finished ½ an hour before opening the doors. I was able to find ten people to help and we were now ready but there was only one problem, too many people were pushing up against the door and we could not open it.
 I had put signs up saying to respect one another and told them there were enough for everyone. It took some time before things settled down but after that it went very smoothly. Many did ask about food, but we had none and shoes which we had a few. Some showed real appreciation for what we are doing; one lady kissed me on the cheek and thanked me. Others did not understand why we were doing this but saw that we cared for the people and were thankful for that! I also was very thankful for those who came to help; they did a great job in helping the people!

I would like to thank all of you who have helped with funding and merchandise to keep this work ongoing for the Lord and for all the prayer support that is desperately needed, Thank You!!

I am now in Moldova for the 90 days I must be out of Ukraine, please continued to pray!

In Christ our Lord!