LVIV NEWSLETTER – Edmund & Agnes June
my thoughts are
not your thoughts, neither your ways my ways, saith the Lord, Isaiah 55 v 8
to all
We are both deeply thankful to the Lord for
His sustaining Grace and preservation over the last few months and would like
to thank all for their continued remembrance of us at the Throne of Grace.
Although the war in the East of Ukraine
continues the fatalities have decreased, however there is still much loss of
life with no solution in sight. The people
of Ukraine feel discouraged and depressed with the current situation, and
economically things are getting worse with rising prices and the value of local
currency crashing.
We thank God daily for the many open doors
and opportunities to “sow the seed” and promote the “Good News” of the Gospel
. During the last few months we
continued our visits to the 8 different orphanages in the Lviv region that we
work with and try to help. We have been
able to build strong relationships with both staff and children over the years
and look to the Lord to bless the Gospel as we “hold forth the Word of
Life”. We are so encouraged by the
answers given by the children to the Bible Truth we endeavour to teach them. Perhaps only eternity will reveal what has
been accomplished for His Glory.
We enjoyed a visit from Eric & Margy
Fowler (New Foundland) during March. Our
brother and sister spent most of the time working in Ivano Frankisk and came to
Lviv each weekend for the breaking of bread, and our
brother gave some valuable ministry on NT assembly principles and practices.
We recently made a visit to Bealie Common a
village where we called with 5 different personal contacts. The purpose of these visits is to give food
bags, literature, read the scriptures and share the Gospel. We were saddened to learn of the death of
Victor’s wife just 2 weeks before we came.
We had often told her about the Saviour and hope that she trusted Christ
before entering eternity. Another call
in this village was with Lydda a dear believer who lives with her son Jene who
is not saved. He listened well as we
read the bible together and explained to him his great need of salvation and
about the great Redeemer who died to save him.
In May we had a meeting at the University
with many students, lecturers and director.
God gave help as we spoke on “women at the cross” from John’s Gospel,
attention was excellent and afterwards we had tea with the director and some of
the lecturers. Please pray that God’s
voice will be heard in these God given opportunities.
Last week again we visited Ruslan’s cousin
Stephan & Suitlana & their two teenage children. This couple occasionally visit the meetings
however we feel it very profitable to engage in one to one conversation in
their home. On this visit they provided
a very nice “Ukrainian meal” and then we had the joy of opening the scriptures
at Genesis 22 when young Volodia their son read some verses and I spoke a
little word on Abraham and Isaac and pointed them to the Lord Jesus as the “Lamb
of God which taketh away the sin of the world”.
Unfortunately in the middle of May I
(Edmund) had my wallet “pick pocketed” ,
driving licence, jeep documents and bank/credit cards all stolen. This resulted in me not being able to drive
in Lviv and necessitated us returning to NI to have all these papers and cards
replaced. Also we were advised to
exchange our Jeep this took a month to complete before returning to Lviv to continue
our service for the Master. Amongst some
of the lessons learned from this incident, are the words recorded in Psalm 31 v
14, 15 But I trusted in thee, o
Lord: I said Thou art my God. My times are in thy hand:
Please “pray for us” and the work of God in
Lviv that the name of the Lord Jesus might be exalted and glorified.
Yours in His Lovely Name – Edmund &