Monday, December 20, 2010
Update from Flo
As usual, I went to Ukraine in Sept. and returned home in November. There was a real problem there for the people because of an excessive amount of rain. Crops rotted in the ground.For these dear souls, this is a catastrophe as they depend on their gardens for survival.
Despite the hardships I found the Christians in good spirit.
In October Howard Pratt joined Julie Mackenzie and me in Lviv. He stayed in Lviv until the arrival of Eric Fowler , his wife Marg and their daughter Mary. It gave us great joy to be able to break bread in Lviv for the first time, October 31,2010. God has indeed blessed the work.
Edmond and Agnes Johnson are now working in Lviv and are a tremendous boost to the work. They cannot totally live there as yet but will be there as much as possible.They must leave for a while every 3 months. Presently they are taking Ukrainian language lessons and I find that they are doing very well.This couple are a real answer to our prayers.
Work continues in the children's homes, with the gypsies and in Bible distribution.
Meetings continue in the apartment that I rent in Lviv. Another young couple were baptised this fall. The Lord continues to bless. It is great to see unsaved out at every meeting.
There is one problem we face; the apartment is getting pretty crowded and so we need to find larger accomadations to meet this need. Please make this a matter for prayer.
Work also continues in Ivano Frankivsk where Howard, Malcolm, Louis Smith, Eric Fowler and others also work in the gospel outreach. Prayer is needed for this work also.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Fall 2010 visit - post #4
Early rise breakfast as normal as you can get with all the same ingredients for a Ukraine breakfast and prayed for the day.
Vadem came late he had a flat on way to pick us up to go to Lviv. On the way in the rain ..his little girl will travel with us we are going to Lviv to help give out calendars.
We got there just as they were on the street in front of Edmonds house . All ready to go, 12 of us to give out 1000 calendars. The rain held up, cloudy and cool but nice, had nice time on the street. Some of the Ukraine Christians were worried what to say to people if they asked questions but all went well and enjoyed it. Some nice talks, good for out- reach and good for all as we meet people as answer questions. We need to do this in our own country, not enough contact made with people, doing it together.
We all then went to MacDonalds and had a treat together.
A nice time of fellowship. Then Margie me and Vadem and little girl went to Flos apartment for all night. Mary stayed with Edmond and his wife, that is the couple commended from Ireland to LVIV.
Had a good rest, tired from the drive and on the street.
Normal rise Vadem made breakfast, Cream of wheat manna they call it here. He made lunch last night, potatoes, when we came back.
A time reading to get ready for min. after worship. 13 out from Ukraine; Vadem was received into Fellowship this morning ..he was quite happy .. H e gave thanks for the Cup and was nice about it. Edmond had a word in the Gospel two unsaved out ..Lady and M an. The man was there last week as well and came to Edmonds house during the week with Questions .
I spoke in Min. on Eph. 6, the Armour . We need to put it on and not leave a time when we dont wear it all. It is the armor of God .
Then left and came back to Ivano .for the Gospel at 4 oclock 25 out one new lady. A lady asked after the meeting, you talked of peace how do I get that peace? Spoke to her a little and then made arrangements to go to her home during the week. Then the 23 year old lady who is dying with cancer was out and her Husband, she listened very well and her husband listened better. Some of out regulars weren’t out to night.
Vadems sister in Law who was out almost every night, was taken to hospital with very high blood pressure. Pray for her, she seemed troubled the last night. Her dad was out tonight, would be so great to see this man troubled .
Tired for sure. Value your prayer for even my health. Thanks for praying.
Tomorrow we will go the Mens home of 204 men value prayer for this .
4 more days in Ivano and to much to do so pray for help to do as much as we can before we go and also that Lviv and Lusk will have a little exercise to help down in Ivano during Dec. to Feb when someone else will come to help. 45 different ones have come in the three weeks here.
IN Christ Eric Margie and Mary Fowler
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Fall 2010 visit - post #3
Nov 19th
A early day as some people are coming for clothing . Breakfast as normal for Ukraine.
Great to labour for the best of masters and great to be where he wants you, doing what HE wants you to do . All labour demands an effort.
People came early, ones we didn’t really expect, so phoned Tanya to help She talked to the ladies, there were three of them a lady her daughter and daughters husband. The one lady came to meetings but not the other two. Tanya came here, as we just couldn’t do it by telephone. We will visit the lady later. They all got clothing some for the man, even though there was little left for men. The need is for much more men’s clothing. We should keep this in mind, a paper with what is in the boxes is also very helpful. Thanks for those who do just that it saves a lot of work and effort here when it is all different ladies and children etc. it is so confusing as some are still sending boxes and no list.
Then six other ladies came it was nice to have Tanya here to help. It went well very well, they were all happy to get things, they are all very poor, got taxi for three to go home.
One lady lives with no gas, just wood, so will arrange to get enough wood for her winter. She has 3 children and in a very poor poor place, she comes to meeting regularly with children at times. We did give children school material and left some money for medicine as one boy is diabetic and a very bad case at that, his sugar was 29 the day we were there, frightening for sure. Some had tea and some had cookies we gave them apples we got from the village. They all were happy to get the clothing, we sent some home by taxi.
Then Vadym came and we went to market to get a hot water tank for the mens home and will take it to them on Monday with pampers and more clothing. We have very little for men so any exercise for men supplies as we have very little here at this time. We took the heater to our apartment until Monday, then went and visited Vadym’s father in law.
He is coming nicely to meetings, he tried to get one of his other daughters to come to meeting, will see on Sunday. Then went to the Market to see Oleg, would like him to come to Lviv for Sunday morning but never got the go ahead maybe next time.
Then went to visit the lady who wants wood and made the final arrangement for it.
Came back to our home and Vadym’s mom called and she and her daughter who I didnt meet yet came for some supper of what we had here. We are living as near the edge as possible had nice time and now the day is at its end. Talked to Ann Marie Kember on skype, great surprise she was still at work.
Will go to Lviv tomorrow morning to help give out Calendars and be there for Lords Day ..
Value your Prayers.
IN Christ Eric Margie Mary Fowler
Fall 2010 visit - post #2
Nov 17
THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE LET US BE GLAD AND REJOICE IN IT .. Mr. Bob Harvey quoted this all the time .
A new day and started the same breakfast and it was the normal ..then a read and prayer together .
A day of New visions, values and trust victories ..
We went to the market to by suds, toilet paper, toilet cleaning liquid, soap for two all mens homes .. we took clothing as well from here also pampers that we had here. One home the age started at 35 and until they die, they are all mentally challenged. 204 in the home 20 are in bed all the time . Quite a place the need was horrific . The other home was from 5 until 35 .. Both places are kept clean with a lot of work.
The first place had 5 different buildings, two for the sleeping quarters and one for cooking which meant that all the food have to be carried to the men to eat. That is a lot of work in its self for 204..they make their own bread there and they gave us 4 small loves, very nice. One building for the office and activity places and then they have pigs and cows, and a piece of land for growing potatoes etc. They get very little from government so have to do something to operate. We will go back with a wheel chair that is here in the building and buy a hot water tank as they only have one for all the washing of the dishes. They use what they have and try to make do . It would just move you to see all the men, they have almost no relatives and a grave yard is on the sight and when they die they bury them there. New testament was given to them the first of the year so we left calendars and texts.
We spoke to some of the men in a few rest rooms where they were sitting. We will bring back more clothing for the men and their beds.
Then went to the other home they have children and get a little more government help and more sponsor help but still could use help. We left school things there and cleaning soap etc. There they raise birds to sell. Budgie birds and make brooms from straw and paint brushes also make mitts from scrap material all this is sold to get help to ;operate. Its not Canada for sure. Again left calendars and text ..quite a sight to see there good have we got it . Amazing to leave there and go to Heaven what a change for sure.
On the way I was looking at the people waiting for a bus or a ride ..and there was Halya, so we stopped and she was going to her mom. I didnt realize that her village was they way we were going for we wanted to get potatoes for some here in the City . So the Lord was in this We gave her a ride to her mom and made plans to stop there on way back.. We did just that and got Apples , potatoes some cabbage and pickles. It was nice to see her she got baptized in 2005 when I was here for the first time.
Then came back delivered potatoes and apples to Luba and her family, then went and got price on hot water tank also for Kitchen Cabinets for the family of seven I talked about the other day .
Now home very tired maybe just too tired .
IN CHRIST Eric , Margie and Mary Fowler
Fall 2010 visit - post #1
Nov 13
Normal breakfast with a humble breakfast .. black Russian bread cream of wheat tea . At home we often stay alive to eat .. but here we have to eat to stay alive .. and not just to .. If we just eat what we needed to live how much we would be able to share with others they just could eat. Read together and Prayer to open the day to the right avenues .
Vadem her on time at 10 and he took us to a mass grave sight of 120 000 Jews. Mary and I had seen it before but I wanted to take Margie there . Bible history with world history. It is always a unique experience to walk around the grounds and just think German tractors bull-dozed the graves down and left an open pit where they tortured and murdered 120 000 souls which lie underneath the sod there. The piles of stones are still as they bull-dozed them .. names and dates on some.. "Let his blood be on us and on our children" words they said but paid a great price for.
Then went to market and got food for 10 more food packages . Then went to Luba and her mom she wasn't out yet, she is a music teacher ..very poor; she had fell from the bus and hurt her let. Her mom is 84 and not well, left her a food package.
Then in the same area where Yaroslav used to live and we got to know their neighbours and dropped in to say hello. Dropped in before and she wasnt at home but got her home and will go back for perogies. Mary loves them, I don't know why!
Went to vadyms home to pick up some things. Took pictures to be developed for some people,went to drug store for some pills. Went and eat some soup at place that Louie likes to go to.
Came home for short rest ..then went to Marie's for a lunch, a large one she probably she spent her month wages to make the supper. Her son and husband, not saved were there, my first visit ever to that place. Her husband wasn't very friendly .. but that has changed ..but doesn't come to meeting much, he is cripple but could come if he truly wanted to. had nice visit, but this meal is close to Olex and Olas meal so will be full by the evening is over .
From there we went to Olexs place they were waiting for us for an hour, too close in the appointments but what can one do we had a nice surprise there for us Andris mother in Law was there Nadia, she is a sweet lady. I thought of her during the day and wondered if we would see her. Andre want us to come to supper on Monday again, this will not go down good with Vadym but may the Lord help. Naudie said she will come to meeting on Sunday, it will be the first as far as I know for her to come to meeting since the disagreement with Andrei All things work together for good to them that Love the Lord . Olexs son there as well had a great visit.
Home after the two meals IN Christ Eric, Margie and Mary Fowler
Nov 14
Early rise breakfast .. Mary and my wife not eat much as they ate too much yesterday. Well, read and a time of prayer and Vadem was here at 9:40 to leave to go to Lviv, 2 hours away, for worship meeting The ride was much more relaxing then last Lords day with the break down of the car and all other happenings .
There safe ..took things to car that Flo had for us down here, and then the meeting. 17 of us some away today, but it went well ..all worshiped except one brother and he didn't any Lords Day since the Assembly started this is the 3rd Sunday. So nice to be here for their starting days Edmond spoke a short message in the Gospel and I spoke some in Ministry on 1 John Love, in your Heart Love for God and Love for each other Love is the Oil that lets things move smoothly. No Love No Liberty.
Vadem wanted to sit in and break bread, but I explained to him he must sit back and ask to be received He was baptised 2008 and saved in 2006 He asked after the meeting and brethren spoke to him and he will set to break bread next Lords day. H e said his wife will come next week and he wants to ask Olex and Ola to come up to. Will see. God is moving for sure.
Came back to Ivano to see 29 come to meeting, such a nice crowd for sure .The Lady 23, dying with cancer was out and her Husband with her ..Pleas pray hard for this lady I dont think she had long to live.
Now tired and Vadem went home early and we just collapsed. Full day and full week.
In Christ Eric, Margie, Mary Fowler
Monday, September 27, 2010
Fall 2010 update, and vehicle setback
Summer is almost over, the harvest is well on the way and we have not written for some time. I suppose once we have all come home from Ukraine, there is not the usual news to pass on. Well, things are opening up with Flo already for 3 months, and then Howard and another brother are going in October followed by Eric Fowler and his wife in November. This should give good coverage until winter when it is not advisable to go as travel is not good.
I am not planning to go back until spring, God willing. As far as I know, meetings continued in Flo’s apartment with Brother and Sister Edmund and Agnes Johnson from Ireland now living in Lviv.
The meetings continued with a little interest after we left in the spring. Vadym did some Bible teaching from outlines I sent to him until the apartment got too hot for meetings when the temperature got to 40C outside at one time.
I want to share how difficult it can be for a Christian to get going in business when he or she will not work dishonestly. When we were there in the spring in Ivano Frankivsk, we realized we needed a vehicle, big enough to carry us and boxes to deliver to those in need. After we left, Vadym, our man there, located a van and sent us pictures. It looked good and was not a high price. Vadym had a Toyota car that he owned and had fixed up which the owner of the van said he would take plus $1,500 US.
In the meantime Vadym sold the Toyota and headed to Lviv to pick up the van with the $3,000 he got for the car and $1,500 we had supplied him with. When he got there he was not happy with something about the vehicle or the owner and decided not to buy it. While he was at the bus stop waiting to return home, he was attacked by 3 men who robbed him of the money for the van plus all his personal items, driver’s license, passport etc. They broke his arm and messed up his face. He spent 3 weeks in hospital but is now out and able to work again.
Your guess is as good as mine who tipped them off that he had money.
So goes Ukraine for many people. No recourse or help from police even though they come to the scene and take reports. They even called him in to identify 3 men but they were not his attackers.
Thankfully, he did not have the $1,000 that was to go to Tania’s mother who was having the surgery on her nose. Tania, with her mother, are returning to Kiev as soon as they know the date for the last surgery on her nose. The surgeon has done an amazing job already and I know she will be a lovely looking woman again. Vadym was able to deliver the money in time for their trip to Kiev for an appointment.
We don’t know what to do about a vehicle now; we are back to rock bottom and so will see what God has in mind. Vadym is trying to borrow or rent one for Howard Pratt's and Eric Fowler's visits in October and November.
Thank you for your prayerful interest in the work in the Lviv and Ivano Frankivsk region of Western Ukraine.
Your Brother in Christ.
Malcolm Stanley.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Report from Flo
I would like to thank all who have been so supportive in the work in Ukraine. Your continued support has enabled us to continue there.
This spring we were happy to see definite growth amongst the christians in Lviv. There were two brothers who obeyed the Lord in baptism and are now in fellowship. There has been a very noticable drawing together with the believers. I am happy to complain
that the apartment that we rent is beginning to get too small for the meetings, but for now we continue there. Please pray for us in this regard.
Bible distribution went very well this spring. We were able to visit quite a few schools where Bibles were given and the gospel message was preached. Only the Lord knows where this will go, but we do know of a couple of young people that have received Christ in this way, in past work.
We continue to work amongst the needy in supplying food, clothing and medicine. I thank all who are of so great assistance in supplying for these needs.
For me. a work that is very close to my heart, is the work in the childrens homes (orphanages) There are never ending needs there, and these homes are a great outreach for the gospel. It was very gratifying for me to encounter a young man in the bible society last fall, who told me that he had been saved through the work at Viliky Luben ( a childrens home) through our efforts there. He went on to tell me how it changed his life and now he is trying to reach out to other young people.
Another avenue that has opened up to us is the boys colony( jail) in Sambir. they call it a colony but it is very much a jail . We have visited there 4 times this year and the door is open to us to continue to work there. One boy came out to meeting upon his release and told me, he wished to continue to come out. Time will tell.
It was very nice to meet and work with Agnes and Edmond Jonston from N. Ireland, who have been commended to the work in Ukraine. Their exercise is to work in Lviv and area. I believe that this is an answer to prayer and am looking forward to working with them in the will of the Lord. They are not yet living in Ukraine as it takes time to get everything settlrd, but they will be spending as much time as possible there right now.
Again I thank our good Lord and you for all the blessing that have been received. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Ukraine Spring Report #19 (Final)
Final report for May 5-7th 2010.
Sorry about the long wait but things got so hectic as we tried to tie up our last days visits. Then when I got home my computer would not connect to the internet until yesterday morning.
Well on Wednesday I decided to help Vadym clean up his garden and hope to have further conversation with Sveta, his wife. She told me several days ago that she had prayed while alone in her car, after the last conversation we had about her need of salvation. She told the Lord that she knew she was a sinner and that Christ had dies for her on the cross. The problem was that she didn’t feel anything or any better. I told her that it was not feelings she needed but faith and that we would talk again.
The opportunity came after supper on Wednesday. She got her bible and sat down and wanted to read the verses I had for her. I can only hope she got her assurance from the Word of God.
Thursday, we had planned to have a little meeting with the people at 4:30 and then have a little snack before saying our good-byes. I had brought 2 boxes of carrot cake muffin mix so started to prepare everything. My biggest concern was the gas oven and whether the temp guage was accurate or not.
The first batch proved it was not accurate and the bottoms of the muffins were a little burnt. I lowered the heat and the other 3 batches were fine. They cooled and I iced them. I must say they were very good. (I ate the burnt ones !)
About 20 people came at 4:30 and we had a little word and then the muffins, cookies and tea, coffee and cold drinks. It is always tough saying goodbye as one never knows who we will see again.
As I had mentioned in previous reports, Vadym had real problems getting his much needed distributor for his car. It was eventually sent on the bus on Thursday, but not in time for us to leave for Lviv. But, as usual, God knew about the problem and solved it for us. The lady who had rented us her car had some business to do in Lviv and said she would gladly take me there. So Vadym drove and we arrived at Flo Kancir’s just after supper. God is so good. On the way to Lviv we passed the bus bringing the part for Vadym’s car. He told me later by phone, it was the right part this time!
The work will continue for another month with Flo, Gilles Plourde, John Wenkells and Howard Pratt working in both Lviv and Ivano.
Friday was the day of my departure and everything went according to plan until our arrival in Chicago.
Our departure from Munich was delayed about half an hour, while they made sure we could get through the ash cloud that had spread again into Europe. We had a change of direction, going more North than West, to go around Iceland rather than past it from the South. This made us a little late getting to Chicago and we missed our landing spot. We circled the airport for one hour and this meant that many of us missed our connections. So, we spent Friday night in the Four Points Hotel, courtesy of Lufthansa.
And so ended my 12th trip to Ukraine. I can only pray that the many souls who now own Christ as their Lord, will go on for God and that Assemblies will one day be formed in both Lviv and Ivano Frankivsk.
Please continue to pray for the Christians that they will obey God in Baptism and in Godly living.
Thank you, each one and each assembly, for your remembrance of us in your prayers. Even though we are now home, we are packing and sending boxes of humanitarian aid to both places, to aid the dear people left in such poverty.
Your Brother in Christ.
Malcolm Stanley.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Ukraine Spring Report #18
Report #18 for Tuesday May 4th.
Another lovely day with sunshine and no rain. We planned to go to a new town and institution today and so got ready early planning to leave by 8:30.
As the home we were going to in Sniatin was a mental home for boys, we got some boxes of clothing and some junior Pampers loaded as well as children’s picture stories of the life of Jesus.
We got there in good time through the most gorgeous countryside. Rolling hill and large fields already green with winter wheat. We saw a large farm in a valley with brand new John Deere tractors and new machinery and a fleet of grain trucks. Some Foreign Farming Companies have leased land , this must be one of them.
We greeted by some of the higher grade boys, waving us into the facility. It looked in fairly good condition though not new by any means. The director came to meet us and welcomed us into his office.
His name in Leonard in English and he gave us his history. He was born in Sniatin and after his military service, came home and was voted Mayor for a term. After his term he was asked to be the Director of this home. He had been there 25 years now.
He asked me to speak to the boys, they are from 4, I think to 18. They came together outside in an area with a long seat and I spoke to them. I didn’t preach this time as it was such a mixed multitude, I didn’t know what to say. (That’s a first for me!) I just told them why we came and then gave them all one of the picture bible books. I gave all the staff a New Testament, a Seed Sowers John 3:16 and a Calendar.
We then were taken on a tour of the facility and the different projects the boys work on.
Firstly we saw where they raise lovely guinea pigs that are sold to the hospital and University for research. So sad, why didn’t they raise rats, there not so cute. The area was spotlessly clean.
We then went to the shop where they make brooms. The ones here are like a witche’s broom, without the handle. Not only do they make the brooms, they plant the seed to grow the stalks to make the brooms. They have a contract to supply some large stores.
Then we went inside and down the hall from the Administrators office was a room full of cages of cockatiel “parrots” as they call them. Again, spotlessly clean with no smell. Nesting boxes with bald babies in them and a large cage with babies learning to fly and others growing. Simply amazing. Even all the wooded cages were made by the boys.
The walls were lined with artwork that the boys had made in every different material you could think of. The boys in the carpenters shop make all the frames and a lot of the furniture.
We didn’t get to see the pasta making room or the sewing room, but we did see pictures.
We had to say that we have never seen an institution that is training its inmates so well. I asked if they had any needs and his answers were shocking when he told us how much he gets per day to feed a hungry boy. Much of the profit from the sale of birds and animals goes to subsidize the food bill.
There is nothing left over for cleaning supplies, laundry powder, clothing or maintenance. He told us that they do all their own painting, he even paints.
We will help them with some cleaning supplies when we hope some of the other men go to visit.
We had a nice meeting at 5pm with about 12 or 13 present. One man rushed in from his Dachau and slept most of the meeting.
Altogether a profitable day as we try to fit in some visits before heading home from Lviv on Friday.
Thanks for your prayers.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Ukraine Spring Report #17
Report #17 for Monday May 3 2010
I woke early to a cloudy day but still a pleasant temperature. I boiled two eggs but didn’t have a timer and they ran out onto my plate. I put the second one back into the pan and scrambled it.
I knew we were not going anywhere first thing this morning, so set out to listen to some messages on cd and read some. I was really challenged by the two preachers I listened to, and felt the time spent very profitable.
I called Vadym about noon and found he had worked on the car until about 4am, so was just getting going. I ate lunch and he arrived. While he was here, Max Mclean called me on Skype and we all talked and could see each other. It was the first time Max and Vadym had met since 2004.
We then headed out to change some Canadian money and load our phones again. This is very convenient. We just stopped at a machine fastened to a light pole, selected a provider, punched in our phone # and put 50 R in the slot. Voila! The money goes into your phone, faster than it took me to type this.
We went to see a car parts shop behind the Priest’s home we stayed in for 3 different times. I said I would like to renew the acquaintance again so we rattled the gate and both Roman, the priest and his wife were home. Well you would have thought we were family. Hugs and kisses and coffee and cake.
Sad to say the conversation was mainly about a “sister” who we will refrain from naming, who was once a great help to us in finding needy families and orphanages, but has gone absolutely “rabid” Charismatic.
She comes and visits the priest and tries to convert him (which is not a bad idea!) but dances before them and even brought their pastor who tried to anoint him with the Holy Spirit.
These antics, along with pleas for funds because they are so poor, has really hindered any appreciation of so called evangelicals.
Well we were able to convince him that we would have none of that nonsense and I was able to witness to him the SIMPLE gospel without all the other “add-ons”.
We were pleaded with to come and stay with them again sometime, but that will not be necessary now.
We did some shopping and went home to a late supper at Vadym’s and then went to visit a sister, Marie, who comes to every meeting. She has a husband who had a stroke 18 years ago and cannot leave the one room apartment on the 9th floor of a former student dormitory. They share cooking and toilets with several other families. It’s worse than our prisons!
On previous occasions, we have not had opportunity to share the gospel, but this time I was determined to do so. He couldn’t have been nicer, he listened intently. Marie said that she was able to read the bible to him last night. I really pray this man will get saved.
I forgot to mention that having rushed over there from our full chicken supper, Marie had a table full of food too! We were not able to do much with it but tried to sample a little of each item.
All for now, heading out to a new town and home for mentally handicapped.
God bless and keep praying.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Ukraine Spring Report #16
Report #16 for Sunday May 2nd.
It was a lovely Spring morning with the pigeons cooing outside and the trees in full leaf, I forgot to say that when I came home the other night, there was a hedgehog right under my kitchen window, walking towards the apartment door. He looked so cute but I didn’t disturb him.
Only 13 out to meeting but was very happy to have Sveta, Vadym’s wife and Amelia come for the first time.
I spoke on the Passover lamb and how it spoke so clearly of Christ the Lamb of God and what it meant when Christ said “finished” (only one word in the Ukrainian Bible), and what the rending of the veil meant.
Then Vadym spoke about Lazarus and the rich man and seemed to be well received.
We gave out seeds to the people, who were there, they seemed very happy to get them.
We then went to Vadym’s for a shishleke (Shish kebob) supper. Vadym was working on the car with another mechanic trying to fit it with shocks all round. It doesn’t look as if it will be done, everything is so rusted.
Sveta brought me home in her car and told me that she sat in her car the other night and told God she knew she was a sinner and believed in God, but she doesn’t know if anything happened. I told her the only way she will know that anything happened is to believe what the bible says. I had to leave it there but will talk later.
All for now, don’t know what tomorrow will hold for 2 reasons, one it is a holiday and everywhere will be closed and 2, will we have a car? Please pray for us.
Love in Christ.
Ukraine Spring Report #15
Report 15 for Friday and Saturday.
Vadym and I headed out to Yabluniv and were there 15 minutes before 10 am, that’s a first!!
We found we were speaking to 2 or 3 classes of grade 4 and 5’s packed into a classroom.
They were very interested and took great part in answering questions. There were 5 or 6 teachers in as well who also seemed to enjoy what we had to say.
We then went to the senior’s home and delivered a big box of pampers. It seems by all the bags and boxes of vegetables in the office that they depend very much on charity to keep going.
We went over to the orphanage to see some of the performance the students are performing in Kiev this month but there were not enough of them and they would have to change etc. So we watched a DVD of a performance they had done for a minister from the Education Dept. It was quite good and they gave me a DVD of it. (The performance was good the taping was not)
A day to clean up the apartment, put another set of metal shelves together, sort out a lot of empty and half empty boxes of clothing. It looks like we have lots of winter clothing but hardly any summer clothing. I washed a pair of white sheets and it took 4 hours? These washing machines are so slow but I think we had it on a wrong setting as I did a load in an hour tonight after Vadym came and read the instructions. (If at first………… alright I know the rest!).
Felt very fit and brave, so walked down town to the market and bought some things and walked back and CRASHED for an hour. The reason I was so tired was that it was very hot today and had nothing to do with my fitness.
Spent the rest of the afternoon preparing for Sunday.
Poor Vadym was beside himself. A week ago he ordered a part for his Toyota car. It was only available from another city and was sent by bus. It was the wrong part, so Vadym phoned and told the man specifically what he wanted. The part arrived today the same as the first one!! The problem is now that every where is closed until Tuesday. We are going to be using his father’s old Lada for a few days.
So goes Ukraine, carelessness about so many things.
Went out for pizza for supper and then helped get the Lada to Vadym’s home, it was at their datcha and had not been run for 6 months as his father passed away a month ago.
Not very productive but you need a day like this sometimes, to clean up and catch up.
God bless you all and please pray that we will be lead to the right places for my last 4 days.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Ukraine Spring Report #14
Report #14 Wednesday and Thursday
Wednesday was another lovely sunny day, up in the 20’s C. So many tulips everywhere; every garden seems to be loaded with them as well as public parks. There are people, either parents or grandparents walking everywhere wheeling babies and walking pre-schooler.
We set off for Labulin where the orphanage, and the peoples home are. There is also a large school that we have visited a number of times before. We went to the school to see when we could talk to the kids.
Administrator was away but the assistant told to come back on Friday at 10 am, as the young children leave school early and we need to be there early if we want to speak to them.
We said we would come on Friday and went on to the orphanage to deliver the material we had bought for the costumes the students needed for the competition they were entering in May.
The administrator was also away, it seems to be the time of year for staff in-services, as either the administrators or teachers seem to be away.
We then went to the senior’s home and gave them a walker we had sent from Canada and 3 bundles of adult pampers.
Not a very profitable day as far a speaking to children but that is how it goes. We tried to find the phone number of the school before going but no one seemed to know it. (Strange because Vadym seems to have everyone’s phone number in the whole area in his phone!).
I can’t remember what we did when we came home, I must have been tired, I know we went to bed early.
All for Wednesday.
Thursday was another bright sunny day. As it was Nick’s last day here, we spent most of the day around town. We went to visit Natalia, the 36 year old who is bedridden with MS. We got to cheer her up and she cheers us up with her ready smile and happy attitude. Her mother and boy friend were also there, so there was plenty to talk about. She was telling us about a TV program that told about the discovery in the US of a cure for MS. We had not heard about it, but she and her mother were quite excited about it.
Her biggest concern now is the awful rash she has on her face from a reaction to one of her drugs. She looks as if she has got a 3rd degree sunburn, but it is healing.
We left there and headed to the Epi-Centre to buy a folding bed, as most people visiting in our apartment would not want to sleep on cushions on the floor like Nick did, by choice I might add!
We cleaned up the apartment for the meeting at 5pm and got Nick packed ready to leave for Lviv right after meeting.
There were a nice number of people at meeting and we had Vadym speak to the people first. He seemed to do very well as the people listened attentively. Then Nick gave his final message and I closed.
Funny enough, we all spoke from Romans.
After meeting we gave prizes to the 4 people who said the books of the Old Testament. We gave the 3 ladies a bunch of flowers and some money and the young man an insulated mug and some money.
They all seemed very happy.
We then rushed off to Lviv for the 2 hour drive, dropped of Nick at Flo’s, spoke to Howard who arrive at 4 pm and was still in a zombie state. Then back home arriving at 11pm. very tired.
All for now, keep praying. Malcolm
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Ukraine Spring Report #13
We had to be up early as we were going to a very large school over 2 hours
away right on the Romanian border. It is one of those out of the way
forgotten towns and schools. They don't even have a gas supply, the pipe
ended at the border and they heat the 400 student school with scrap wood
from a saw mill.
We had phoned to ask if they had any needs that we could help them with
and they needed sports equipment. We went to a very good sports equipment
store that gives us a 10% discount. We bought some soccer, volley ball and
a basket balls, a volley ball net and a badminton set.
We met with about 100 or more of the students, the senior graduating class
wanted us to speak in English to them. They have a very good English
teacher and they listened very well and understood what we were saying,
when asked.
We spoke to many of the junior students but many of the middle grades
could not come as there was a fire alarm check before we got there and all
the students were on the playing field. This meant that they were out of
class and it is getting near exam time.
The equipment was very much appreciated by the lady administrator who had
a tremendous responsibility not only with the running of the school but
over 200 of the kids board at the school all week, as they live up in the
mountains and cannot travel each day.
She has over 60 staff.
We prayed with her before we left for home and got home at about 7pm, very
tired but glad for the opportunity to speak to staff and students.
Tuesday April 26.
We had a few things to do before heading out to Petriliv (Peter Village)
about an hour away. We had visited there last week and found that the
school was badly in need of school supplies. As they have always given us
a great welcome and we have always spoken to all the children, we felt we
should help them. We bought them a copier/scanner and paper, pencils and
crayons, coloured paper, pens etc. We also managed to get them a used PA
system for their auditorium.
We hit the right day as they were having an in-service with six teachers
from other schools. The students started off with a skit about "Why we
don't need mathematics". It was very good; they then had two teams answer
academic questions. All very well done.
They then asked me to speak to everyone there and tell them why we come.
It was a good opportunity in the gospel. We also gave all the teachers and
visitors New Testaments.
Then the Mayor, Olga said how much she appreciated us coming and what we
have done for the school. Then two students gave us final thank you from
the student body.
It was all very nice we REALLY are appreciated there.
We were then escorted to the dining room for a traditional Ukrainian meal.
I can't begin to explain it except that it was wonderful. We said our
goodbyes and headed back home in the pouring rain. As I write this it is
pouring right now.
We had a nice meeting at 5pm and spent some time with a lady who is not
yet saved but I think will not be long getting saved. Pray for Sveta.
All for now, God bless and keep praying.
Malcolm and Nick
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Ukraine Spring Report #12
Report #12 for Saturday. April 24, 2010
We had a light breakfast today and Nick prepared it. I do the dishes or something else so it works out well.
We were to start early this morning as we had a lot of shopping to do and also wanted to visit Tania and her mother Natalia, who has the problem with her nose that has been half removed due to a serious infection and is waiting for plastic surgery.
We went to change some Canadian money. I had changed some yesterday and the man said that if I came back today with a certain amount, he would give me a better exchange rate. The rate yesterday and today was 7.20R, he said he would give me 7.25R today. Vadym phoned a man who exchanges money on the street, who we have dealt with often and he gave me 7.28R. In this country it is not what you know but who you know that counts!
We went to a store to buy school supplies for the school in Peter Village that seems to be so far off the map that they are forgotten. We plan to go and take them on Monday and may be see the Minister of Something who plans to be there as well. We also got a good price on a copier scanner for their office.
After this we went to a fabric store like I have never seen before to get material for the orphanage we went to the other day, so that they can sew costumes for the student to perform in a competition.
We are going there on Wednesday and hope to speak in the big school next to the orphanage. We have been there before and had a very good reception.
We went to Tania,s home for a light late lunch and saw Natalia again. She now has not only lost her nose but the Chemo has caused all but 3 teeth to fall out. It is strange but she never lost any hair. For a woman of 48 she looks like a poor old woman. We talked with them and spoke of hope in Christ and then gave them some funds to help them with the further surgery. They both wept openly at the generosity of the Christians in Canada for meeting their need. It was very touching. If only we can see this dear lady made whole; It will cost a great deal for the nose build up and skin graft, but God is able to provide.
Nick and I came home and I washed the outside of our apartment windows. They are lovely new windows but don’t think they had been washed for a long time. Nick made supper of pilemeni and horrible canned peas, but we were satisfied. He has just gone for a walk and I am going to get ready for meeting at 3 pm tomorrow.
Good night and God bless.
Malcolm and Nick.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Ukraine Spring Report #11
Report #11 for Friday April 23, 2010
Nick was up first today (after all, he was in bed by 9:30PM!) and cooked scrambled eggs and bacon. Sure smelt good, but not our kind of bacon, but Oh well, that’s one of the costs of being a missionary!!
We were not planning an early start so got some ironing done. By the way, Nick now has some nice cream shirts as he didn’t know that new cream towels tend to “share” their colour with anything white, including white undershirts!
Well we wondered where our driver was and called him. Well he was walking over as his car had given up the ghost. As soon as he arrived I got him to phone and find one to rent. He phoned everyone he knew and nothing was available anywhere. Then the lady who rents us our room here called him about something and he told he was trying to find a car to rent. She asked him if he wanted to rent hers. She has a Nissan Rogue SUV. He told he what it would cost to rent from a rental agency and she said she would rent for 50R less a day. So we have rented it for 7 days. It is a lovely car, like new.
So we came home and really loaded it up with children’s bible stories, baby clothes and blankets and items for an old people’s home. It was really full. We headed for one of our favorite towns Yabluniv.
We can help all ages in this town. We go to the maternity hospital with baby blankets and clothes for the new born babies. A lot of the mothers are from the hill and mountain area and are very poor. We met the head doctor of the whole hospital complex and he was very appreciative of what we were doing.
In the same building is the old people’s home and we took adult pampers and two nice blankets for two of the ladies there.
We also went across the road from the hospital to and orphanage of 127 children of all ages.
We spoke to them all and then gave each one a new tooth brush donated by my dentist, Hans Staziuk who is also of Ukrainian EXTRACTION, Excuse the dental pun.
We asked the administrator if she had any immediate need and they have students attending a Ukrainian festival and the need costumes, so we are buying the material for them to make themselves.
We then headed home rather exhausted and had supper and plan to do some much needed shopping tomorrow for medications and the material as well as school supplies for Peter Village school.
It was a gorgeous day, warm and sunny and looks as though Spring has really Sprung.
Thank you for praying. We trust Louis and Dan got home without any problems.
Malcolm and Nick.
Ukraine Spring Report #10
Note …..Louis & Dan were able to fly to Warsaw today, then over night there and on home tomorrow.
Report #10 Wednesday April 21.
As there is no meeting on Wednesday we planned to go to Petriliv, or Peter Village. Vadym had phoned to the mayor, Olga, and she said we should come in the afternoon so we arrived at 1 pm.
It is a lovely drive through the valley of the river that flooded the whole valley 2 years ago. Thankfully no one died who were flooded but many lost their homes under 6 to 8 feet of water.
The biggest surprise to , as I had not been to Petriliv for several years, before the flood. To put it mildly, the whole town was a crumbling disaster, a former large collective farm no longer operating.
Since the flood, the government has taken notice of the area and poured millions into the area. They have built about 16 lovely new, 1,2 and 3 bedroom houses, well up the hill away from the river.
The Village hall, where the Mayor, Olga’s office is, has been almost completely renovated. When I was last in it, I thought they should knock it down and build a new one.
We left Olga to go and visit the school. Most of the children were working outside either at home or helping others. We were joyfully welcomed by the Principal and teachers. There were about 20 children in school so Nick gave them a little object lesson.
We went then to the Principal’s office where we were served a late lunch of fried (cold) fish, macaroni and sauerkraut. Quite tasty really.
We found out their needs, which were many, and agreed to do what we could. The funds that came to the region did not come as far as the school, even though the water filled their gym 6 feet deep. They showed me the mark on the wall. Fortunately, the gym was in a basement.
We came right home and got ready to spend our first night in the new apartment we have rented for the meetings. The weather turned very cold and wet in the night and we had not turned the heat up, we spent an uncomfortably cold night in bed. I was in the bedroom and Nick slept on the floor in the living room on all the cushions off the divan and chairs. We are getting some better bedding for tonight.
Good night and God bless.
Thursday April 22.
The Rain had stopped in the night but there was a bitterly cold wind with snow not to far away, we were told.
Nick boiled eggs for breakfast along with toast and cereal. Quite sufficient to start the day with.
Vadym arrived in his wife’s car, as his had thrown the timing belt and was already in his garage with his mechanic fixing it.
We planned on visiting some people in town today as we had the meeting at 5pm. We went to visit one sister but she was not home, which was unusual. We found out that her son, who is mentally challenged, had to be taken to hospital for some reason. Anyway he was brought home later.
We then went to visit another home and just caught Dana as she came in from the village where she has a garden. A major renovation had been started 6 months ago but is still not completed. The man who is building her cupboards has not installed them yet. She has not had a sink for six months.
We are following up on the delay.
We shopped for some items we still needed in the apartment and got ready for Meeting tonight.
We were pleasantly surprised by a good number coming out and 3 new ladies attending.
We are hoping for a full house on Sunday.
I put up one of the sets of shelving we bought, what a job! I left the other one until tomorrow, maybe!
Good night, please keep praying.
Ukraine Spring Report #9
Report #9
Sunday 18th of April.
We were up at 6 am to leave by 7am to go to Lutsk for the morning meetings. We eventually got away with 2 vans and 13 people. It takes just under 3 hours to get there, so is a little tiring but the roads are certainly better than a few years ago.
We all packed into the small room that is useable in their “being renovated” building. Things really take a long time to get done in Ukraine but the building is progressing and is going to be very commodious once it is finished.
The men we had baptized on Saturday, wanted to break bread, so Timothy Sloan interviewed them 10 minutes before meeting and they were received into fellowship. They were very happy and have been told what the assembly is and what the responsibility is to part of one.
Right after the B of B Nick and I ministered the word. We then all went for pizza and headed back home again.
Monday 19th of April..
Because of an invitation to a school in Chevrongrad, where we were last week, Flo wanted us to stay and speak there, so we headed off as early as possible. We were well received and spoke to the whole school in 3 groups of about 100 each. Nick suggested I speak to all three groups which I did. The teachers were very happy and one asked some very interesting questions.
We headed back home so as to be ready for Vadym, Louis and Daniel coming in time for supper and then Nick and I going back to Ivano Frankivsk. Sveta, Vadyms wife came along too as they used her car.
They arrived at about 7pm and we had a good chicken dinner prepared by Flo.
After talking for a while we managed to pack our 4 bags, boxes of bibles and several bundles of adult pampers into the car. Vadym drove in driving rain most of the hour and a half home.
We went round to the new meeting room to unload the bibles and were really impressed with the apartment, it is totally renovated and has all the latest heating and fixtures. Nick and I decided we would move in there in a couple of day and give Vadym and his family their home to them selves. We will come to eat supper with them.
Tuesday 20th of April.
We woke to a miserable rainy day with heavy overcast skies.
We received news from Lviv that owing the volcano catastrophe, Louis & Dan could not leave on Tuesday and not be able to get out for two weeks. This is bad news for Louis, as he needs medication twice a day and he is out of pills already. I think they are getting some in from Kiev. I guess they will stay and work with Flo until they can get home.
We were invited to visit a blind lady Maria, who attends all the meetings and is saved. For the first time for me, she had cooked borsht and chicken and potatoes. Well the bowl of borsht was so large we could have bathed in it, but we struggled through it and the chicken but did not have any potatoes. Maria has two children, an 11 year old boy with a problem, maybe a.d.d or the like, his older sister is in university studying tourism, a nice girl but not saved. We talked with her for a while.
We decided to shop for the things we would need in the new meeting room as Nick is going to try out his culinary expertise on me. (I’m glad I have health insurance!) It took longer than we expected, to shop and we were late for an appointment with a lady who is house-bound but always wants a visit. We rushed in and found bowls of borsht sitting steaming on the table and a massive bowl of mashed potatoes and meat cakes. Well I could only eat half of my borsht and one meat patty.
We ate and ran, as we only had 50 minutes until the meeting in the new room.
We arrived at 4;55 and some people had already arrived. About 16 eventually came and we had a good meeting. They are so glad to see me back and really enjoyed their first “taste” of Nick.
We gave them a challenge to learn the books of the Old Testament, last year many of them learned the New Testament. We’ll see how they do.
Sorry this will be bunched up but I cant get on line until Thursday.
God bless and please pray for Louis and Dan.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Ukraine Spring Report #7 & 8
Reports #7 and #8
We had to be up in good time as Nick and I were going alone to Holovetsko in the Carpathian Mountains. Flo was going to stay home to prepare the meal for the people who would be coming for the baptism on Saturday.
Before going we had to shop for food items to give away to some of the very poor families who live in the village. There are some large families in the area, one lady we visit has 14 children.
It takes a good 2 ½ hours to get to the village over the most dreadful roads for the last third of the trip. The weather was bright and warm until we got into the mountains when it turned dull and rainy at times. We met our “guide and interpreter” Natalia, on the road, she was walking home from another village. I met her the first time I went to the mountains, several years ago. She is a teacher of English in two schools and had to walk from one to the other each day. When I was here with Dr. David Brandt, we bought her a bicycle which she still has and uses.
She was single when we first met her but is now married with two lovely little girls. She got saved, so she says, when she was interpreting for us and I was using the “2-roads Chart”. We trust it is so . She is so useful to us as she knows each family and their needs and we travel around and let the people sort out some of the used clothing and we give out the food items. At each stop, I gave a word in the gospel, they always listed well.
It rained quite hard several times but this did not hinder the people coming. It is very interesting seeing people coming down the hills and across the stream, just to get some used clothes and some food supplies.
We went to Natalia’s sister, the lady with 14 children, and she gave us a good lunch before we headed home.
It was not only a rewarding day but also very interesting for Nick and John to see the “mountain people” and there way of eking out a living.
A beautiful day but a cold wind. News of the cancelled flights began to filter in as all the airports in Ukraine are closed because of the ash from the Volcano eruption. Louis and Dan are set to go home next Tuesday, so there is some concern but we hear things may be returning to normal by Sunday. We’ll see.
We had to get things ready for the baptism that was going to be held at 11am in the large Baptist church. People would be coming from Lutsk, the only Assembly in Ukraine as well as all the people who meet in this apartment. Flo and some of the other sisters prepare a meal for everyone back at the apartment.
We arrived at the church at 11 and the folks were all there from Lutsk plus our own people.
Anatoly is an interpreter from Lutsk and led the “service” with hymns and prayer, then Nick gave a good word on baptism. Timothy Sloan and his wife Rhoda were here and he was very glad to have Nick speak as he spoke at the last baptism.
I then baptized two brethren, Andrei and then Oleh. Andrei got saved when I was here last Fall when we were visiting and Flo was speaking to him. He is very bright and his mother is saved and in fellowship.
Oleh is the husband of Ola and the step father of Voladia who are both in fellowship. Ola’s first husband dies of cancer many years ago and she married Oleh within the last 5 years or so.
Everything went very well, UNTIL we went to change and found that the tank must have had an overflow and spilled over onto my dry clothes down stairs. Not very pleasant having to put wet clothes on. Anyway , we had a great time of fellowship and dinner back at the apartment.
We are going to Lutsk tomorrow so have to be up early as we leave at 7am to get there by 10am, a long trip.
God bless you all and thank you for praying for us.
Malcolm and our Crew.
Ukraine Spring Report #5 & 6
Reports #5 and #6 Thursday and Friday.
The morning broke with lovely sunshine as we planned to have our first visit to a school in Chevronograd. (purely phonetic spelling!)
On the way there we picked up Bogdan, a Christian brother who had arranged for us to visit this new to us school. Firstly, we had to go to the Dept. of Education office and Bogdan had to try to convince a lady that we were not going to indoctrinate the children with some strange religion. We wasted about half an hour as she sat in our van and went through our literature. She eventually said we could speak to the first 4 grades, but not the seniors as they were near to their exams.
We were spirited up to the third floor auditorium where about 100 first and second grade students waited. They were very attentive as each of us spoke. We then gave out suckers and stuffed gifts along with a children’s bible story book and a children’s hanging text. We could see that the teachers were delighted and as soon as the children were dismissed, they brought in another 100 older children who were just as attentive.
Before the last group came in, we were invited to the Principal’s office for tea and cookies. The reception was excellent and very warm by the several staff who were present.
To our surprise, another 100 came in afterwards with some older ones who I think had sneaked in. They too were very attentive and gave good answers to the questions we asked them.
As we were leaving, we were told that the principal had contacted two other schools and they both wanted us next week. We have lengthened our stay here to go and speak at the one school on Monday.
We left the town and headed to a Gypsy camp near by. What a shock! There were crowds of men, women and children camped in the woods near a garbage dump and a disused collective farm.
This was a new camp to me and certainly the biggest one yet. It was hard to believe, but one older lady said there were about 100 of them. These people looked very much more poorly dressed and dirty, but they were extremely friendly and some were probably saved.
We had picked up a saved gypsy preacher when we drove in, who was waiting for us alongside the road. His name is Misha and works as an itinerant preacher among them. There was also another gypsy preacher named Ivan, we think, who works with gypsies in the Carpathian Mountains.
After being introduced, a man and woman started singing to a guitar some of the hymns that we knew, but of course in Ukrainian. They led many of the others and they sang at the top of their voices, including some of the children.
Then we let Ivan speak to them and did he ever preach; full blast and quoting scripture as he spoke of the Lord showing his power to heal so many people, when he was here. After he spoke they sang another song and then Nick spoke, then another song and I spoke.
After we had spoken they asked us to pray with several sick people, plus one young lady who said she was baptized but could not quit smoking, would we pray that she could have victory. Then it was for a mentally challenged boy and a boy with probably rickets.
After that we gave out the food items and clothing we had brought. We then bid them farewell and headed for home after what we thought was a very rewarding day.
We arrived home weary but very satisfied that we had had such an opportunity to speak the Word to so many in one day.
Thank you for your prayers.
Malcolm and Crew.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Ukraine Spring Report #4
Report #4 Wednesday from Lviv.
Not a very nice morning, wet and damp. We all had a good night’s sleep, for the first time here.
A good omlette for breakfast, very tasty and good on a cold dull day.
Ruslan came for us and we went to his old apartment to pick up his old fridge and gas stove. They were both in lovely condition but we were going to donate them to the boy’s prison that we were going to visit today. The reason we were donating them was that the prison is starting some training programs for the boy’s to fit them for re-entry into society. Cooking classes are to be one of the programs. We paid Ruslan half the price of a new set that he is going to place in the apartment. Brother Edmond Johnston and his wife from Ireland plan on coming to work full time in Ukraine and will be renting this apartment.
We headed out into the country on our way to Kolomia, where the prison is located. It is about an hour and a half from Lviv on mainly good roads until we hit the city, then they change drastically.
We were welcomed warmly by prison staff and the main teacher in the prison school who is a Christian and whose wife also teaches a Christian Ethics class to the boys.
After being checked in through the guard house we went up to the auditorium. The boys came in and almost filled it. They are completely orderly and very attentive. There were over 70 counting several staff. Both David and Nick gave a short message and then I spoke using a flashlight that would not work because a battery was in wrong. They listened very well and responded when they were asked. Ruslan interpreted very ably and finished with a little word.
When we went outside, we were told that we were free to come at any time and what we preached was just what the boys needed. This was very encouraging.
We headed up the road a little and stopped at a restaurant for good soup and some pirogues.
We got ready for meeting once we were home and had a good time with a fairly good turn out with just two people sick. We were treated to a sister reciting Psalms 1-3 from memory, then Andrei ,who has a speech impediment and is being baptized on Saturday, recited the whole old testament books. It is so encouraging to see the growth in these Christians. He then told us he had got a job and starts work tomorrow. PTL.
All for now, God bless and thank you for praying.
Malcolm and the Crew.
Ukraine Spring Report #3
Report #3 for Monday and Tuesday.
We awoke to a lovely sunny day. The streets are still puddled after the rain but the grass is green and tulips are in full bloom everywhere. Spring has really sprung.
Nick had his first really bad “jetlag night” and had cleaned up the stove and kitchen cupboards by 5am, as he could not sleep most of the night. Needless to say he was not too bright for breakfast.
After a good breakfast of good old toast and Jam we headed out to our more than regular trip to the “cleaning supply warehouse” and then to the “food and everything else supermarket”. We were picking up supplies for the orphanage at Lopartin that we have visited for many years. It is located about an hour away in a rather run down little town. Since we first went, it has undergone a major renovation of the school building and the building of a new dormitory and dining building for the 140 boys and girls.
One may ask, “Why do they need you to visit then?” The answer is twofold. They get no funds for clothing, very little for cleaning supplies or any craft or gym equipment. Also there is always an opportunity to speak to the whole school of both students and many staff.
Nick had his first opportunity to speak to them and did very well. I finished off with a quick word on the “The Still Living Christ”. It is still Easter week here and everyone greets you with “Christos vos crest” or “Christ is risen”.
We then went for tea with the Administrator Vasil and had a great opportunity to speak to him about the Lord.
We came right home as we had to get ready for Tuesday and we were all really weary.
Tuesday arrived bright, warm and sunny. Flo’s famous pancakes for breakfast (she had to eat the one she burnt!).
Ruslan arrived early and so we had devotions together. Then off to the (Food and everything else market) to get supplies for the orphanage in Yospowich, where we have done major repairs to the building in the past. We had a problem getting out of town as both Flo and Nick could not access any funds with their new debit cards. The cards now have a security chip and it seems that Ukraine has not updated their debit machines to recognize them. We went right down town to try a new bank that we were told might accept them, but to no avail. Well the traffic was chaotic. Nowhere to park and streets jammed. We eventually got underway by about 11 am.
As usual we received a royal reception and unloaded our produce. We were told that they had a problem with the main septic tank and so went to inspect it. They had had someone dig a trench between the building and the tank and it was now partly full of sewage. The septic tank was full and overflowing and the overflow was running down the garden in a stream.
We found out that they could not afford to have the septic tank pumped out as it held 4 trucks full of sewage and it cost 200rhivny for each load a total of 800r or just over $100.00. We were able to supply the funds to have the sewage removed and have arranged to have the plumber put in a new pipe from the build. To leave it in that condition is most unhealthy and needs immediate attention, we thought.
Some funds were also left to finishing plastering the outside around the new windows that have been installed.
After tea and cookies, we left to visit our ex-doctor-come-woodcarver friend Misha and his wife and children. They live very close to Lopartin.
We found them home. He was outside at his “Carving shed” and welcomed us heartily. We delivered food supplies for his family of 8 altogether. I then made him a special donation sent to him from friends in Canada. He intends to buy another bed and do some very necessary renovations. He hopes to empty the two room apartment they live in and fumigate it to rid it of the cockroaches! We had a very nice talk to him about salvation by faith, not just faith in the church and good works. They are very Catholic in practice. We would value your prayers for Misha, his wife Maria and their 3 sons and 3 daughters.
We are planning a good day tomorrow.
Good night.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Ukraine Spring Report #2
Report #2 for Saturday and Sunday.
We have not been too busy yet as we were still getting used to the time change. I am not doing too badly but Nick is struggling.
On Saturday we went out to the village of Nesnevachi, where we first had meetings with Ross Vanstone and the Seed Sower group. It is always good to see Grandma Stephka, in whose home we used to meet. The meetings went on weekly until the Priest got up in church and told the people that Stephka was having Cult meetings in her home. She began to be rejected by her neibours and village people and so we ended the meetings.
We then visited another family there who had just lost the grandfather and father and had been in mourning for a week or two. They are a lovely family of grandma, Mother and three very blond girls. The middle girl plays the bandura, a harp like instrument shaped like a very large mandolin. She sings along beautifully.
Volodia, the young man who lives in Lviv and interprets at our meetings was there, as the girls are his cousins. He is a most remarkable young man, in his last year at university. His hobby though is welding and machining. He is presently making a 3 wheel bike for his grandma and others to go to the field and work and bring back produce. It is literally a mechanical marvel and will have a steering wheel and gear leaver. It will be pedal powered, by the way!
We spent the evening at the apartment unpacking and sorting some boxes of clothing that had arrived earlier.
Sunday, we started to get the room ready for the meeting at 12 noon. Boxes and piles of clothes and shoes everywhere, but we made it.
About 16 people came to the meeting and we had a good sing and then I spoke followed by Nick.
We talked about the baptism to be held on Saturday, God willing. There are probably 3 wanting to be baptized.
We finished off getting boxes ready for an early start in the morning to the orphanage in Lopartin.
All for now, it looks as though Flo has a busy week planned.
God bless.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Ukraine Spring Report #1
Praise the Lord for a good trip back to Lviv from Winnipeg. We travelled with Lufthansa and Air Canada and was very pleased with the connections and in-flight service.
Nick Mazerolle from Mitchell Manitoba, is with me for his first time. It will be an eye opener in many ways as the culture is so different. For instance, we went to get some money changed and changed at a little window right on the sidewalk, not inside a bank like we are used to. You couldn’t even see the teller!
We had an hour’s sleep mid afternoon and then had supper. By 9:30 we were finished physically and headed for bed. We both had a good nights sleep and were awake at 7ish.
Good news is that there is water 24/7 now and hot water as well so had a good shower.
Flo made us crepes for breakfast, I think she is concerned about our weight, only putting it on, not taking it off!
David Winkles is also with us and will be with Flo until she goes home. We all headed out to visit the young children’s orphanage, quite close to our home here. They knew we were coming and so the children put on a lovely song and dance display for us. It was really lovely; they were about 4 to 5 years old. We gave out candy and balloons and I spoke for about 5 minutes, then we gave glasses to the staff that needed them.
We finished up down town shopping at Vernasage Market getting some gifts to bring home.
We are not planning much more today as we will no doubt suffer from Jet lag later today. The boys have gone for a walk as I have now got on line.
Will close off now.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Prayer Partners Needed for Upcoming Trip to Ukraine
Dear Brethren and Sisters.
Once again a number of brethren and sisters are planning God willing, to go to Ukraine to distribute the scriptures and humanitarian aid and preach the Word, in this most needy bankrupt country.
The recent election does not give any hope of better things, unless coming more and more under socialist control is “getting better”.
Our greatest concern is for the door for the gospel and distribution of the Word of God to still be open. As of right now, the door is wide open.
Meetings have continued in Flo Kancir’s apartment and she is returning on March 3rd for her usual bi-annual visit.
Louis Smith and Dan Perez are going on March 18th, Dan for his first time.
I plan to go for the month of April with a young brother from Southern Manitoba Nick Mazerolle. This will be Nick’s first time as well.
In conversation with one of our men over there, he sounded very discouraged with everything Ukrainian! The cost of utilities, corruption on every hand, the poor health care, etc. etc. He rented a garage to do his automotive repair and during the Ukrainian Christmas or New Year the garage and several other businesses were robbed of everything of value, computers, diagnostic equipment and the safes and cash boxes. A dentist office was emptied of everything as well as a watch and clock repair shop. The security man was beaten and left tied up in a locked office.
What is most upsetting is that the police rarely catch the criminals or recover any stolen goods.
He told me that if it wasn’t for his faith he didn’t know what he would do. He trying to save again for equipment.
This is just one of the sort of thing that almost everyone has to tell of. Sometimes it is loss of jobs, many times it is the inability to afford medications that have been prescribed by doctors, some unable to get the medications they need before getting surgery. Much of the funds we dispense is to supply the needs of the Christians and those who are recommended as particularly needy people.
I am sure many are still sick from the flu and H1N1 epidemic that swept the country. Thankfully we were able to leave the country during the first week of the quarantine, without suffering any ill effects. Thank you for those who knew we were there and prayed for us.
I will close with this and try to keep you up to date with what is going on once I get there.
Your Brother in Christ.
Malcolm Stanley.
Christian Assembly Work in Ukraine.
210 Alfred Ave.
Portage la Prairie MB
204 857 9074.