Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ukraine Spring Report #13

Report # 13 for Monday April 25.

We had to be up early as we were going to a very large school over 2 hours
away right on the Romanian border. It is one of those out of the way
forgotten towns and schools. They don't even have a gas supply, the pipe
ended at the border and they heat the 400 student school with scrap wood
from a saw mill.
We had phoned to ask if they had any needs that we could help them with
and they needed sports equipment. We went to a very good sports equipment
store that gives us a 10% discount. We bought some soccer, volley ball and
a basket balls, a volley ball net and a badminton set.
We met with about 100 or more of the students, the senior graduating class
wanted us to speak in English to them. They have a very good English
teacher and they listened very well and understood what we were saying,
when asked.
We spoke to many of the junior students but many of the middle grades
could not come as there was a fire alarm check before we got there and all
the students were on the playing field. This meant that they were out of
class and it is getting near exam time.
The equipment was very much appreciated by the lady administrator who had
a tremendous responsibility not only with the running of the school but
over 200 of the kids board at the school all week, as they live up in the
mountains and cannot travel each day.
She has over 60 staff.
We prayed with her before we left for home and got home at about 7pm, very
tired but glad for the opportunity to speak to staff and students.

Tuesday April 26.
We had a few things to do before heading out to Petriliv (Peter Village)
about an hour away. We had visited there last week and found that the
school was badly in need of school supplies. As they have always given us
a great welcome and we have always spoken to all the children, we felt we
should help them. We bought them a copier/scanner and paper, pencils and
crayons, coloured paper, pens etc. We also managed to get them a used PA
system for their auditorium.
We hit the right day as they were having an in-service with six teachers
from other schools. The students started off with a skit about "Why we
don't need mathematics". It was very good; they then had two teams answer
academic questions. All very well done.
They then asked me to speak to everyone there and tell them why we come.
It was a good opportunity in the gospel. We also gave all the teachers and
visitors New Testaments.

Then the Mayor, Olga said how much she appreciated us coming and what we
have done for the school. Then two students gave us final thank you from
the student body.
It was all very nice we REALLY are appreciated there.

We were then escorted to the dining room for a traditional Ukrainian meal.
I can't begin to explain it except that it was wonderful. We said our
goodbyes and headed back home in the pouring rain. As I write this it is
pouring right now.
We had a nice meeting at 5pm and spent some time with a lady who is not
yet saved but I think will not be long getting saved. Pray for Sveta.
All for now, God bless and keep praying.

Malcolm and Nick

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