Monday, May 23, 2011

Spring 2011 - Report #23

Eric Fowler report #1 May 17th
 It was a long journey from Toronto to Flo  Kancir’s home in Lviv Ukraine.
The flight was great except that, over Newfoundland the plane dropped and hit with a bang bringing everyone to attention, what a shock, nice to know we were still in one piece.
I had a long wait in Vienna, but am here now.
Flo picked me up at the airport and gave me my orders.  A 45 min. sleep, a cold water shower and then a meeting. We had 20 out with two unsaved, which  was great.  They had special prayer meeting for Howard  Pratt who didn't come as he got news the morning we were to leave, that his dad had passed away.  I will miss him very much.
Then special prayer for Nichola, Marcus's wife who isn't well after the delivery of their baby.
Tomorrow we will be going to the Carpathians mountains  as Turka, a man from jail ask us to visit there. This will be a long trip after the flight over the Atlantic, but AS MUCH AS IN ME  I AM READY TO PREACH THE GOSPEL IN THE URAINE.
                                         God bless all   
Eric   Fowler

Greetings from the Sunny side of Ukraine.
 Flo made breakfast the way I like it ..oatmeal and toast ...
Then 8 boxes of clothing were loaded into the van with glasses and medicine.
We then went and bought $400 worth flour, sugar and other necessary things.
It was a 3 hour drive to the mountains. We arrived at the end of the road into a very poor village named Ellnick.
Gave away the food and clothing to the 20 poorest families.... and then spoke Gospel to 55 people;
it was a grand out- door day and they listened very well.  
Then we went for dinner with a couple who invited us. They had killed a pig for our coming
and had some fresh pork was killed in the morning!
Had nice talk in the home yet the man seemed very nervous ...and this made Agnes and Edmond from Ireland,
very nervous, they wondered if he had taken us to the mountains to kill us all,funny how you think at times.
They want us back and seemed to be searching for the truth.
Now back in Lviv safe but very very tired for sure, after 21 hours travelling yesterday.
One soul is worth it all. God is able. Tomorrow we go to the all girls home and Bible reading
 on John ch.2 in the evening. I have to open as Edmond wants a wee break.
                                 Value highly your prayer that I will not over pressure my Heart.
                                                   Thanks in the Lord's name    In Christ   Eric

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