of day. Not necessarily broken but jobs to be done. We went to order a round
stamp to make some of letters more official looking. We needed to pick it up on
Friday. We can't get things done this quickly at home. We took in the words we
wanted on the stamp and they said it would be ready by 2:30pm on Thursday. All
for 150 R or $20.00.
We then went to the principal/Administrator of School 22 where we are having the
Saturday meetings for Children in their gym. He had his teacher who was the
Christian Ethics teacher and they asked us what we intended to say and do. When
we told them they booked us for 2 days this week. Two classes one day and a large
group in the auditorium the other day. He then phoned another school and made us
an appointment with that Principal. What a God send to find this man.
We had our meeting in the evening with a good number out once again. I had
forgotten to mention that we went to see Natalia, the lady with Ms, the other
day. She is not getting any better, in fact she had problems holding her head up
now, and keeps looking at the ceiling. She is so sweet and doesn't want us to
feel sorry for her. We took some adult pampers once again, as they find them very
expensive to buy.
On Friday we picked up the stamp and got some money changed. The Canadian has
really gained from 7:50 to 7:90r to the Dollar. US was 7:95Rr.
As we were expecting more people to go to the Conference in Lviv than we could
get in our van, we went to the bus depot to find a 15 passenger van to take us
all to Lviv. This was to no avail as firstly there were no 15 passenger vans and
all the others we booked to go to places. Well lastly we found a man with a van
taxi who was willing to take us, but it was only a 9 passenger. So that meant we
had to take our van too. We had no other option but to hire him for 600r for the
one trip , or about $78.00. We said we would make arrangements from Lviv to get
home. We planned to leave at 4pm and the people were ready, but about 4 people
dropped out at the last minute which left us with 7 of them and the 3 of us. We
couldn't help it and so all the others went with the taxi and us three in our
vehicle. A bit disappointing but as they say, this is Ukraine!
We got to the big Baptist church half an hour before the evening meeting and they
were insistent that we ate some soup and sandwiches before meeting started.
About 70 people were there for the first meeting from Lutsk, Ivano and Lviv of
course. This conference was to celebrate the first anniversary of the Lviv
The first meeting was for prayer and gospel. A visiting brother from Ireland
Lawrence Mc Hugh and our own Howard Pratt. Most of the people stay at the church
as it had a boarding facility up stairs.
Saturday started with Breakfast at 8am in the church and a Bible reading started
at 10:30 to 12:45. (The longest one I've been at!) . We did all of Mark Ch.1,
with Lawrence leading it.
Then we had lunch and ministry with 3 brethren taking it. Timothy Sloan, myself
and Lawrence in that order. After supper the Lutsk people went home and our group
stayed in Lviv for the Morning meeting at Flo's. Dan stayed with our group at the
church, Howard and I at Flo's.
When Dan was ready to leave the church, their service had begun and someone had
blocked the van in. At first they didn't want to disturb the service to find out
whose car it was. (They say there are 400 who attend here). Any way someone
eventually let them out in time for meeting.
We had a full meeting with about 22 breaking bread and about 9 looking on.
After lunch we managed to pack everyone, uncomfortably, into our van and got home
in good time for our meeting at 4:30.
Altogether a busy but very profitable weekend and now one week left for me and
two and a half for Howard. Dan is staying on till after Christmas, at least.
Sorry for the Epistle but no time to write while away.
Dan, Howard and Malcolm
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