Thursday, 27 of November
Made plans to go to the Bible Society in Lviv to pick up New Testaments, only one problem, I didn’t know how to get there. With Ruslan (who normally picks the Bibles up) away working in Vohkovena adding two washrooms to a large school building, I had no one to guide me there. Left later than planned but with the help of Google maps and Svetlana, was able to print out directions but then had another problem, it’s in Ukrainian! Did not let that stop me and so I left alone for Lviv. As I got near I then had another problem, they have no street names anywhere, why? Ukraine! Well, after tipping a taxi driver he led me to the Bible Society. A round trip that took about five plus hours, felt like a long day!
Friday had scheduled a meeting at a village called Nizheniv to speak at the village hall. Called to verify and they said it was ok. Once we got there though the lady who we thought was the Mayor was second in command and said the Mayor did not like this idea and would like to talk before we have the meeting, it had to be a phone conversation for he was away at the time. He was very hostile over the phone and was not welcoming at all. He is a new Mayor and wants to play it right by the priest. We ended up making another appointment with the Mayor and the Greek Catholic Priest, whatever the priest says goes. We will meet with them on Monday, when we also have plans to speak at another village hall nearby that same afternoon. I pray God’s protection and guidance!
Saturday left early to the children’s meeting to invite any kids I see around the school. Still not many out but more are hearing about these meetings, I sometimes think God is giving me what I can handle, still in the learning process! Thanks to Ruth Perkins for sending me direction to some games to play with the kids! If anyone has ideas or knows a game to play with the kids, let me know! Did some sweeping and mopping in the van, well over due and then tried to find a carwash but seems like everyone in town had the same idea but got her done and she looks squeaky clean!
Pray for these meetings on Monday and for our meetings here in Ivano- Frankivsk!! Thank You!!
In Christ our Lord!
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