Report #4. April 7th and 8th.
Saturday was a relaxing day with nothing booked. The other two wanted to go swimming and for me to go too. They were going early at 7:30 or so but I chickened out and stayed back and cleaned up. I then had to get a message ready and that was a good quiet time to do it.
Well they came back looking like boiled lobsters. They had gone in the sauna after the swim and then took cold showers as a GREAT health kick. All it did was wear them out. Volodia crashed on the couch and Dan didn’t look much brighter except for his red nose. I’m SO glad I didn’t go. I’m glad to say Dan is feeling much better but I wish I could get him to eat normally but I give up.
We went to see Yaroslav in the hospital. He looks absolutely normal but says he hasn’t got his strength back completely yet. We helped him with some funds to buy the medication he needs each day, He is terribly in debt to his sisters who loaned him money for his last operation and he hasn’t paid back yet. He hasn’t been able to get work for a year or so and won’t be able to work for a long time yet.
We had visited Oleg at his work in the afternoon. He has a permanent stall in the bazaar and sells industrial electric motors and the switches for them. We wanted to take him and his wife out for supper and have a talk about the meetings we are having. We picked them up and took them to the restaurant we had been to earlier. It is brand new and a beautiful place. We found that there was a large birthday party with about 25 people and 3 or 4 young children. The noise was not bad but the children were chasing each other. Our waitress had just taken our order and then came and asked if the children were bothering us. If they were we could have a private room. We said the children were not bothering us, but then a live band started up and we could not hear each other across the table. So we asked if we could have the private room and they said no problem and got a private dining room for the 5 of us. We had an amazing meal and the bill came to just over $50:00. We thought that was pretty good.
When we got home, we realized that we had not told any of the people who like to come to the meeting in Lviv, whether we were going or not, so we decided we would not go on Sunday but would go for the meeting on Wednesday and pick up our summer tires, stored up there as well.
We had a time around the bible and got things ready for the meeting at 3:30. We had also seen the need for some guidelines as to the behaviour of people in the meetings that we have. We have never picked the people who come to the meetings and so we seem to have attracted a number of “not so nice” individuals over time. We cannot tell, but Ukrainian people can tell and over time, we realise that we have lost some nice people because of the talk and reputation of the other group. So we drew up a paper with a list of thing that were not to the glory of God and would not be tolerated in the meetings. As I was the main writer of the paper, I was “elected” to read after the meeting on Sunday night. We were glad that there were a good number out to the meeting. Although I say it myself, I was told it went very well but we will have wait to see if anyone comes to meeting on Tuesday! I don’t think there will be any fall-out, but we do need some people who are willing to read and learn the Scriptures. One of the things we decided to do was to change our Thursday meeting to a Bible study, but only to those we know show an interest in the Scriptures. We want to invite some people whom we have come to know, to this bible study. Please pray that some will come.
Altogether a good day and lots of plans for the week, God willing.
God bless you all and thank you for praying.
Malcolm, Dan and Volodia.
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