Saturday, July 13, 2013

Update from Eric

Eric, June 30 Up early and ready to go to Lviv. We had to pack for Canada as we will not return to Ivano Frankisk. We plan to stay in lviv until we leave for Canada on Wednesday. The trip was 3 hours but road repaired some. Svetlana w goes smoother ent with us. I remember her first trip to Breaking of Bread. She truly enjoyed it and helped the ladies very much with the lunch.

The meeting went well, Ruslan interpreted for me in the word after the meeting. He always did have trouble with my expressions. When Vladimir isn't there, they truly miss him. Worship goes much smoother when he is there as well. Dan and the gang went back to Ivano. Then seven of us went to the center of the city and spent 3 hours in the street giving out literature. I love it in the street. I had a unique experience at the end when I only had a magnet and a book mark left. I gave them to one lady but she was so disappointed that that was all I had to give her. She went away sad. I walked about twenty steps and found two tracts sticking out of a garbage can. I took them out, straightened them and prayed where is the lady, she had gone into the crowd. I stood on the side walk for about 10 minutes, waiting for the others to come, when all of a sudden I spotted the lady on the inside of the crowd going the opposite way. I quickly walked behind her and touched her on the shoulder and she looked back and I showed her the two papers. She smiled and understood who I was and smiling she said thanks and went down the street still saying thanks, thanks. Amazing!
Then went out for supper, all seven to a place that communist had used but was redone. Afterwards we came back to Agnes and Edmund’s and had ice cream and coffee. Had a short sing and then back to Nadia's and ready to sleep. Lord's day over and very very tired. July 1. Up to a very different breakfast, soup and fish. The lady would not take no for an answer. Oh well it filled us. Edmund came and picked us up and we went and picked up things for a small Orphanage in Yosopowich, only 19 children. It was little over hour but had nice visit. We spoke to 9 of the staff who paid good attention. My first visit was in 2005 but a lot different since that day. A lot of repairs have been done over the years; new doors windows and other things. God has been good to the little place. They all have a good interest in the Gospel. Then we came back to Stri to visit a Dr. that we know. I have visited him often. He reminded me I gave him his first Bible. His wife just had open heart surgery. He carves wood for a living now. He is the Dr. that had to leave because he saw so many die from lack of medicine. We went to visit Rosa next door who is 96 years old. A sweet old lady.

Came back to Edmund's for supper. Lubchec and Nadia and their son were there with us. We had a little sing and then came back to the apartment after a full day.

July 2 Today Edmund came and got us again in the morning and went to visit with Andre's mother Maria. We left her funds for food. Her husband left her some 5 years ago and never came back. Then took Micha's wife to hospital. They come to the meeting all the time and are both deaf mutes. Ruslan's mom then had us for dinner. She is in the meeting also, I baptized her and her husband
in 2006 when I was here. Her husband died in 2007. They were Jews. Amazing to see God at work. Then we went out of the city 20 min. to visit Roman. He is not saved He has 5 children 3 girls and two boys. His wife left some years ago with 4 children and a baby 6 weeks old. He has been a good father for sure. You should see where they live. I had a nice talk to them on John 8:12 “Jesus said I am the Light of the world”. It would be nice to see them saved. The two girls were there with their father, they are 17 -15. We left funds with them for food. Came back into the city and had supper with Edmund again.

We came back to the apartment to talk to Misha, the next door neighbor here. He came to many meetings over the years and both him and his wife professed but are not coming to meetings like you would want to see. Now to pack for home. Thanks for all your prayers over the weeks ... continue to pray for the work her in the UKRAINE THAT GOD WILL EXERCISE OTHERS TO COME WITH A HEART FOR SOULS The need is so great. WHERE THERE IS NO VISION THE PEOPLE PERISH. Eric and Margie

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