Saturday, March 22, 2014

Report #6 from Eric Fowler for March 21st.

Report #6 from Eric Fowler For March  21st.
 The Morning was bright and great to see the sunbeams come through the window.  The day will
be warm reporting to be in the 20'sC. This will be great since  leaving 6 feet of snow in Canada.
We loaded the van late last night to go to  Peter's village this morning, about 45 Min from Ivano.  We will go to the school there as we are always very welcome there. 
  It was great to open boxes from Pugwash Nova Scotia and find school things. It is very encouraging to see an exercise to send what is needed here.
That need is growing every day. 1300 Ukrainians has turned up at the Border in Poland. The
Polish authorities called Ukraine Authorities as to what to do. They were told that if they wanted them, to take them. They were fleeing the disturbance in Crimea.  
We took boxes for children, men and woman in Peters village, as all needed at the school.
Sasha our interpreter came and we left at nine. We left and are to be back at Yaroslav’s for  supper.
 Nicolai came too, a man who has been coming to meetings for all week. It was good to have a little extra time with him. He is a sports trainer. We trust he soon will find Christ, his back ground is Amish.
We had a nice time at the school. They were so happy we came. They said when all the teachers  were talking in staff room in morning we called and were so happy.
The school is with no funds from Government and some relatives called up to train for war movements,  the atmosphere  is very somber, it shows on the faces of all. The workers in the cafeteria was asking what we did to the principle as she is smiling. Nice when we can just put a little happiness in the heart of some.  We spoke to about 35 five children  and 15 teachers and workers.  They always listen so well.
We came back into town and visited a very poor family and took clothing and toys for the children. The man has lost his leg of just below his knee. He was out to the first 4 meetings but his wife started work and couldn't come the past few nights.  The children was asking when will uncle Eric come, he always brings us nice gifts.  Had nice visit with children and Margie played with them.
Then went to the Bank and changed some  money. We got  the highest ever in Ivano, 8.6 rubles per dollar. Nice for us but all prices in the markets are very high, even bread.
We gave out more invitations. The crowd in the street is heavy today as the weather is warmer.
Had a nice time with Yaroslav and family his wife has been out for four nights now. It was nice to learn his son got work.
The meeting was smaller but still had a new lady out. The weather is good so the garden work has started and took many people to the gardens and so they never got back in town in time to come to meetings.  The coming week is a break from school and this took some of the crowd as well.
Mr. Harper is to be in Kiev tomorrow. Trust this will do some good even to the Dollar. The American Dollar is 10 Rubles to the dollar, nice if ours would go up to that.
Value prayer for us EVERY DAY.
Christian  Love.
      Eric and Margie Fowler

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