Monday, April 28, 2014

Malcolm's Report #6.

Malcolm’s Report #6 for April 26th and 27th

We cleaned up the apartment and did a wash, three loads. No dryer but are amazed how quickly the clothes dry on the folding rack. Most were dry by bedtime. We then went and shopped for some needed items for us. As Volodia is so good at woodwork, we decided to fix the door into the bathroom. It had come lose in the joints and would not close at all well. We needed 2 long clamps so went to the Epi-centre and bought two and some glue. Volodia wanted some clamps so he bought one for him and he bought the other one. We took the door completely apart, it had two full length glass panels. We found it was doweled but had never been glued. We glued, reassembled and clamped it and left it to dry till morning.

We went to visit our dear friend Natalia, who has MS and is confined to her bed at home. Her mother was so glad to have us and prepared us a true Paska  meal. We spent a good hour or so with them both and had a good talk over the scriptures and then prayed.

We left and then went to get the van washed ready for going to meeting tomorrow in Lviv.
We then picked up Sasha’s parents, Oleg and Olia and headed out of the city to and amazing restaurant in a dumpy little village down the most horrible road. I thought as we went, why would anyone build a restaurant out here. Well! What an amazing place. It has a main building that seats 500 guests for wedding, one was there before we left, and another simply amazing round building built like a big wooden barrel. It housed a swimming pool, hot tub and sauna. We had booked a room upstairs that had a table that would have probably seated 30 people that was half round against the round windows. We had the room to ourselves with a special waitress. I can’t begin to describe the menu, which was rather disappointing as nothing was in English.
Outside the building on the grounds, was a miniature zoo with all kinds of birds, small animals and 2 deer, plus a lake. This man owns a wood mill in several towns and had seemingly begun with nothing. He seemed to be very well thought of.

I was feeling a little under the weather in the evening, not due to anything I could think of that I ate, anyway I went to bed at 10 pm and woke a 3am, never to sleep again. I hope I manage Sunday OK.

Wasn’t feeling too well when I woke up but thought I would still go to Lviv for the meeting. We left at 8am with Sasha, Volodia, Yaroslav and 2 sisters. I let Volodia drive while I sat back and napped, when ever possible because of the roads. Well very glad to say was feeling fine by meeting time and had no more effects the whole day, God is so good.

We had a good number at the Breaking of Bread meeting and Howard spoke after the meeting. We then had lunch and I felt well enough to drive home. 
We relaxed and got ready for meeting tonight.

There were a good number out, some who said they didn’t know we were here, so missed all last week’s meetings. We had picked a nurse up from her home on the way home from Lviv, that had attended some meetings at different times before. She went to a ball park with the men for some exercise and then came to meeting. She looked very interested. Her name is Tania.

We went out for a pizza after meeting and then home and to bed for a good night’s sleep, I hope.

Your Brothers in Service.

Malcolm, Howard and Volodia.

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