Dan’s report for the first half
of December.
We visited a school/ orphanage
in a town called Dolena about an hour away from Ivano, a school of about 600
students and a town of more than 20,000, one of the oldest in the region. I had a good talked there with the Principal,
she told me that 5 young men from the town that went to this school are
fighting in the east. One of these young men died in the fighting and the town
mourned as hundreds attended his funeral.
Then we were taken to the
auditorium where we spoke to about 200 kids, we expecting to go into the class
rooms as we have done before, because it is always harder to speak to so many
at once but God gave help and they listened well. All who did not get new
testaments last time were able to get one this time. We then met with the
Christian Ethics teacher and she ask for thing the school needed, such as
silverware, tin cups, bed sheets, etc. These are things the government should
provide for them but, if they did not supply them in better times, surely they
will not during war times. We left some boxes of clothes for the poor and needy
for them to distribute, they were very thankful for this! The teacher ask if I
wanted to come again to speak to the kids in the class rooms like in the past,
I said I would and was hoping to do so this year but they will be going on
vacation soon and it does not look possible.
Sasha and I sorted boxes
in the morning to take with us as we visited another school about 45 min. away.
This school has two Vice Principals who we always deal with. This is the first
school and town that we have visited that hasn’t had refugees from the east.
Though they are prepared to received them as of yet the refugees have gone to
other towns nearby but they do think they will eventually get some. After
talking to the vice-principals we were taken to the class room to speak to the
students. There were about fifty plus students and all listened well but I was
feeling under the weather that day and I believed it affected the message but
will leave it in the Lord’s hand and for his purposes. Those who did not get
new testaments last time was given one this time along with a bible text and a
gospel tract. We left with them boxes of clothes for the families in need.
I received a call from the
mayor’s assistant of a town we visited many times, asking when will I come to
have a meeting with them. I was happily surprised for the call and for the
request so we made plans for the following week. So far it has just been a
handful of people that have been coming to these meeting but they say more are
interested. We have met several times but our last meeting I had to cancel due
to repairs on the van. They have been asking a lot of questions and saying that
the priests do not answer their question or explain the bible in the way they
have been hearing in our meetings. Some of the questions have to do with
celebrating the many religious holidays that they have, is it biblical and
fasting is this biblical? The one I like
the most was when they asked me how we can know if we believe and what the
right things to believe are. I tried to explain in different ways, how they can
know if they believe, but they still did not understand. After a while, I read
a few verses from John 3 and it looked like something clicked, not sure what
exactly but could only hope and pray that the Holy Spirit is working in their
We had a good visit with the
head doctor at the maternity hospital. We brought some medical supplies that
came in the boxes for him to see if they can use them and what some of them
were, we did meet again and he explained some of these things to me. As we
talked I asked if any were here from the East, he said there were and all the
treatment they receive are free. I said I thought this was a good gesture
showing friendliness and unity but it still bothers some others that have to
pay. We also visited the head nurse in the next building and had another good
talk; she was off this day but came just to meet with us. I asked her if it
were possible to speak to the nurses she thought that it was a good idea for
them to hear about God’s mercies and said that a few times a year they have a
conference for nurses and thought it would be good to speak there, though I
would need to ask permission. This looks like a good opportunity for the
The Lord’s work continues but
much prayer is needed for Ukraine, for each meeting and visitation, for this
small village that show a lot of interest and for Sasha’s salvation! Thank You
In Christ our Lord!
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