Monday, November 16, 2015

Malcolm's Report #2

Malcolm and Howard's Report #2

Today Friday, We had a lay in as there was not too much for us today. The assembly ladies were starting to get ready for the meals. Supper tonight, lunch after meeting and stuff getting ready for 3 meals tomorrow. We went to E and A's for lunch and then later to the Central Baptist Church for supper before the meeting.

Several had already come from Ivano Frankivsk on the bus or train. It was so good to see some who we have known for years. Then Eric Marge and Bonnie arrived in a van load from Ivano Frankivsk.

After supper we gathered to sing for half an hour before the meeting started. A nice number had come but more were coming on Saturday.
Howard preached first and then Eric. The audience listened well and we can only hope that someone will believe the messages and be saved.

After meeting they had a night snack and those staying in the churches accommodations either went for a walk or played some games at the church. We headed home and had a good nights rest.

Eric and Margie are staying with Howard and me in our apartment, so we had breakfast here, rather than going to the church.
We went to the church in time for the 10am start. 4 people had come from Slovakia, 2 men and two young ladies. The one man Daniel Moses had been here last year but none of the others had. The one young lady was Daniel's niece and the other girl, her friend. The other man was We would all agree that they were delightful people.

The meetings started with half an hour of prayer and then a bible reading on 1 Peter 2. Eric Fowler lead it and we helped. It went very well, I judge. A van-load came during the prayer time, from Lutsk. It was good to see “old faces” once again. Timothy Sloan came with them.

After a good lunch, we held the main session of ministry of God's word. The first speaker was Daniel Moses I spoke next on Revival, and Eric spoke on Leviticus 1 and the burnt offerings and how the animals typified Christ our sacrifice.

This ended the Conference and some people started home right away, most of the rest stayed for supper. As the “night was young” some of the young people from Ivano came to the apartment and played UNO until bed time.

Sunday morning arrived with a bright warm sunny day. The weather was lovely for the whole week-end. The assembly hall was packed with many coming to observe the meeting. After the remembrance meeting, the other brother Pavel, from Slovakia ministered the word on “From Grace to Grace”.
The Sunday school children then sang and recited their verses. Eric then spoke to them on the serpent on the pole, complete with a pole and a serpent nailed to it.

This completed the meetings for the week-end and everyone, after a lunch, began to make their way home.
Eric and Margie are going back to Ivano until next Friday, when they return home. Howard and I will then go up to Ivano for the remaining 3 weeks of our time here.
Please keep praying for us, we need much wisdom.

Malcolm and Howard.                                                                                                                                   

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