Ukraine Report #9. Monday Nov 21st.
A lady Lianna, has managed to get another apartment and has managed to remodel 50% of it. She managed to purchase enough chipboard to cover the cement floor before laying linoleum. A man had said he would lay the floor but was not able to do it. Because she is such a regular attendee at meetings we volunteered to cut, glue and lay her floor for her. It was finished after supper and is ready for linoleum to be laid by someone. I had a good talk with her about her salvation, but she is still a little fuzzy about whether she is already a “believer”. Please pray for Lianna and her teen-age daughter Marina.
We came home to eat supper and Dan arrived after a 10 hour bus trip from a town named Uzhorod on the border of Ukraine, where he had been ministering for a week.
Tuesday. We decided we would go to the English school, as we call it, and speak once again, as it is in town here. We were well received by both the Administrator and the assistant Administrator who met us last time. The Head Administrator, we soon found out, is really into Ukrainian politics and held forth on all the reasons why things are misunderstood about Ukraine.
Well once he stopped, he welcomed us here and we were taken to a senior class of students, all in their uniforms, and Wade and I both spoke with only a little help from our interpreter. They were a very receptive class and we only hope they will heed the message we brought them.
We had some shopping to do and then got ready for our last meeting in Ivano. We were thrilled to see over 30 people present, two young men who were contacted on the street that day also came and sat on the front seat. They had obviously never been in a gospel meeting before but one stopped for a long time after and talked.
After many hugs, we took a little group for pizza and then home to a welcome bed for our last night in Ivano Frankivsk.
Wednesday. After a good night's sleep and breakfast we packed and got ready to go back to Lviv. We said our goodbye's and left in time to go to Vladimir's home in Lviv for lunch.
We went to the mid-week meeting in Lviv and Wade gave a good word. Then it was back to the apartment in Lviv and a good last night's sleep in Ukraine.
Thursday. We needed to clean up the room we slept in that night, as 19 boxes were expected at 10 am, so we made room. Just after they came with the boxes, Vladimir came and took Wade for a “down-town-tour” as he not been down town in Lviv. We were to meet at the airport.
After lunch we left with Ruslan, Gilles, Heather and me to the Bible House to order bibles for Ivano and buy some Ukrainian Christian calendars.
We all arrived in good time for the plane with no problems booking in at all.
After some sad goodbyes we headed for Warsaw, Toronto and home with good flights and no hitches.
Thank you for your prayers for us, we felt it as we spoke to both children and adults.
We continue to pray for Dan Perez who has just returned for his 3 month period in Ukraine. Please put him on your prayer list as it is not easy when you are working alone.
God bless you all.
Malcolm Stanley and Wade Bauld.