Saturday, November 5, 2016

Ukraine Report #3 Nov 3rd.

Ukraine report #3 Nov 3rd.

We went to a school/orphanage in a village called Kosiv. I had been there before and we were welcomed by the Administrator Valentina. The school has a mixture of students, some are just from the village, some are wards of the State because of abuse from alcoholic parents. Some stay for the week in school and go home at week-end. It must be hard to organise things sometimes. Well we were taken into about 6 or 7 classes, from grade 2 to seniors. The listened very well as both Wade spoke of the fire in Fort McMurray  and how it made him and his wife feel how terrible Hell must be. I spoke a little too. We gave out tracts and calendars.
We were then taken for a nice lunch in Valentina’s office and headed back home in time to have a group in for pizza and a Bible study. 10 people came and we had a LONG discussion on tongues, healing and the gifts, also icons, crossing ourselves and other topics. The consensus was that it was very instructive, even though some still had questions.
We did a wash and the headed up town to pick up the computers and deliver them to Petriliv. We could not go until after the inspectors had left so washed the filthy van and picked up more candy for the children when we visited the schools. At about 4pm we took the computers to Petriliv, much to the delight of Anna, the Director. On the way back, we have to cross a long narrow steel bridge. Only one large truck can cross at one time. Well it looked as if a large van had started over while a truck was coming and must have had to back up to the start of the bridge. What a line up of vehicles in both directions. Gor home in good time though.
I thought my Jet-lag was over so didn’t take a pill to make me sleep. So much for thinking, I don’t think I slept more than 2 or 3 hours!!
We were going to make some visits today so did not rush to get going. Our first visit was to Anna and Marika’s home, where they had a fire in the apartment. We picked up Valentin and his wife Tania to come with us as he is going to look after the restoration. What a mess. If it had been a house, I’m sure they would have torn it down. Thick black smoke had completely blackened the ceiling and much of the walls. The ceiling in the living/ kitchen had been ripped down in part because the fire was electrical and went up the wall and into the ceiling.
Plaster stripped from walls.
Burnt water heater

The water heater was burned but they think they can fix it, we think it should be replaced. The plaster was off all the walls in the kitchen. I will attach some pictures. There were many tears from both women as they think of the hopeless situation of no insurance and only 500 Rhivney ($27.00) compensation from the government!!

Valentin has done renovations before and is willing to oversee the job and get other Christians to help, but it will need funds for wages and material, a new heater will cost About $1,000.00 It is a heat-on-demand heater and heats both the apartment and water. They have no heat at all at present.
We then took Valentin and Tania out for coffee and heard how God had saved them both. They are both new to me but Tania was at the Conference lat week and both came to our Thursday meetings.

We then went to visit a lady who I have known for years, Diana and he son Slavic. She was nursing a foot that has just had surgery to straighten a bent toe. We had an excellent time speaking to her about her faith and other matters. We feel she is saved but seems still attached to the church. Slavic listened very well, he is in University.
We left there and went to get some food product for Lesia and her son Andrei. They live in abject poverty, but she loves the Lord and comes regularly. She is a little handicapped but now sweeps the street to add to her handicapped husband’s salary.

And then home to eat a hearty meal of Craft Dinner, prepared by Chef Wade with cubassa rings to boot.
All for now. Preparing for meeting in Lviv in the morning with a full van to go.

Thanks for praying.

Malcolm and Wade

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