Friday, November 24, 2017

Eric's Final posting for his October November 2017 Visit.

Wednesday, Nov. 15th.

We were to be on the way to Peter's Village after breakfast, then waited for Igor to come and did our reading.  We are praying that this time together in reading will be a great influence on him. 
Then off to the  Market and got the Generator for the school in Peter's village.  They have many outages in the winter and then have to stay all night at times to make sure the water in the pipes doesn’t freeze. They were very happy to get it.  The place where we bought it gave us a crash course on the operation of it. There was joy in the eyes of all when they saw it, especially all the men there.  May the Lord use it to make hearts search for the truth we have told them so often. 
 We spoke to 33 children and 5 teachers and they gave good attention.  I spoke on sin and it’s great dangers. Had a little lunch with them again and then off to Igor's mom's village to see his mom and Grandmother and had a great visit.  His grandmother told us war stories for some time as she is 88 and was a girl when the war was on.  Two bombs hit their village and some barns blown up and animals killed but no people.

Then back to the city and went to visit Luba, the one with the pony tail, since a few different Luba's come to meeting.  We took her some cabbage and got her Gas bill to pay tomorrow. We visited Tanya and her family and brought cabbage and potatoes and had tea with them. Then visited Hila, the older Lady that used to come to meeting but now is unable.  She got some cabbage and some clothing.; also bought medicine for her too.  She was a nurse and worked for 40 years, sad to see her living now in total poverty. 

Thursday 16th.

    Breakfast as the order is every day, then waited for Igor and our daily reading.  One needs to spend time alone with God in every work and country but so much more in this country.

 Leanna and Marina came to join us in our reading.  Leanna has a new job and hasn't spent much time with us as she is not able to come to any meetings. We got bags ready for the hospital to visit with the Mothers of new babies.
      Leanna and Marina looked for clothing for themselves. Then Leanna made pancakes for lunch.  We went to the hospital and did 23 babies.  Had nice time with the nurses and workers.  The head nurse was busy at the start and a new lady took us around.  She is a mid-wife and her name was Natalia .... she was very friendly.
      The head nurse came back before we left and said good by.  Leanna and Marina went to do paper work on her retirement from University where Leanna worked.  Margie made banana muffins again, as she has done a few times since we came. 
Got ready for meeting and a wee rest before walking there.
       There were 26 out to meeting and hard to say good-bye to all of them.  Dema's mom came and she paid good attention.

Friday 17th

        Up good and early and breakfast went well.  Igor came and we read and prayed together.  We left for Strey to visit a Dr. we have learned to know and Mrs. Kancir helped a lot.  We picked up groceries for them along the way.  Margie and Heather went to a market we saw along the way and I gave out 200 or more Calendars and books and tracts.  I had a nice time as I love street work. We did some but not enough this trip.  Had nice visit with the Dr. and family.  They live in a new place that was arranged for him, He is in and loves it.  We went over salvation with her since she isn't sure of it.  She seemed to appreciate the explanation we gave her. Then we went the remaining way to Lviv.
        Dan and Igor returned to Ivano Frankivsk and we relaxed at the apartment and did some extra reading.
 We will go with Ruslan and speak to the children in Chervonograd tomorrow.

Saturday  18th

       We had a little extra rest this Am then had our hour of breakfast and our read.  Ruslan came and got us and we went to market to buy food for the family we will visit tomorrow and gifts for the children.
       There were 25 children and 4 adults out.  I spoke on Sampson and they all paid good attention.  Then went to Vasel's for their usual good meal.  We took a 
Russian lady home and left her some funds to help and gave her food and clothing. 
 Nice to get back home and rest some as the ride was very bumpy.  I did some preparation for meetings tomorrow. Nice to be in bed early.

Sunday 19th

 We were able to sleep in a little since we are in L’viv and don't have the long drive here to remember the Lord.  It also  gives us time to read and relax a little. It will be the Last Lord’s Day for my wife and I at this time.   Heather will go to Lutsk until Dec. 5 and will help with the work until then.  The weather is some cold and there was a little snow when getting nearer to L’viv. 
We had a nice morning meeting. I spoke after the meeting and Dan spoke to the children.
         It was again nice to see so many up from Ivano Frankisk. A little lunch after the meeting and then the ride back to Ivano Frankivsk.  A wee rest and some extra preparation for meeting.  This will be our last meeting in Ivano Frankivsk  for this trip.  There were 34 in for meeting tonight and it was nice to see Maria come, an English teacher. We met her in 2005 and used her to interpret some to help us. Tomorrow will be a big day since it's the last day here and then we’ll leave Tuesday for home. We did some packing for home and then to bed.

Monday  Nov. 20th

      It was our normal hour to wake and breakfast and then Igor came for our read and prayer time.  It would be good to see this man saved.  We went to visit Donna and helped with her Gas bill. Then went to get some extra food for and got pain pills too  and visited her.   She was saying that I didn't go to her apartment when we brought food to her the last time.  She lives on the 7 floor and has to walk up so it's hard up stairs for me
, but had to go this time.
        Then went to the Blind man again and left some more clothing and said good-bye.  He was very grateful for all the help we have given him and his family.  His son sang one of the Sunday school hymns for us,  amazing that he knew it only after two children meetings, smart children.  Then went and visited blind Maria and took pampers for her mom  and got pain pills too.
        The demand for simple things we take for granted at home is amazing.  We meet Orissa on the street for a visit.  This dear lady got saved in 2005, she is a Jewish lady who is very poor and her trouble over the years has been overwhelming. She almost died a year ago and still has a big medical bill. We went to see a lady with two children and prayed with her and left some other supplies she needed for her children. 
 Svetlana is home for a short visit. We had tea with her mom and husband and saw her new baby, little David.
 We came home and finished packing.

 Heather visited her roommates from last year fall with Ira helping her and then Ira came and said good-bye to us all.

Tuesday   Nov. 21th.

          All up early and breakfast was normal even though it's the last morning.  Igor came and our last read and prayer together.  Then the last drive to L’viv for this time.  It is difficult to say good bye to Ivano Frankivsk, and those who will meet us in Heaven for the Labours in that country.
            Ruslan and his wife and little grandson met us there. Also, Timothy Sloan and Anotoli met us there since they came to pick up Heather to take her to Lusk with them.   We had coffee together and then said good-byе.
         We Went through security and then waited for the flight.  We had a nice flight to Warsaw and no waiting time , just through security and onto the flight.   We had a long flight as there was a head wind all the way. It was a smooth ride, but heavy security in Toronto for some reason. David,our son came and picked us up.

         It was  great to be home again for sure.  God is good and is at work at all times.  The verse for today is “Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and might things, which thou knowest not” He is able to do anything and delights to do the unexpected.  We can only say the need is deep, the care is great, the burden hard to bear ......
Eric and Margie Fowler
             Heather Anderson ...
                       With Dan Perez

Lviv News Letter from Edmund and Agnes Johnston.

LVIV NEWSLETTER-Edmund & Agnes                                                                             NOVEMBER 2017
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23v1                                                                            
Open air meeting - Carpathian mountains
During July and August we enjoyed a very hot summer with temperatures reaching +38deg.  This gave opportunity to visit often different villages in the Carpathian Mountains.  It is on these occasions we give God thanks for the time to share the Gospel with these dear people and witness the love and the grace of Christ to give His life and provide so great salvation.  It is a privilege to” sow the seed” and leave the results with God. 
Also in the summer months we were back with the gypsy community visiting 6 families who reside deep in the forest in self constructed plastic covered shacks.  We are always made welcome and we are delighted to help these people with a little food and clothes and of course also sharing the Gospel.  They always make us very welcome and we are happy to be with them, although the conditions these people live in are terrible.  On our last visit we tried after preaching the Gospel to interact a little with some questions and discussions about Life, Death and Eternity.  Please pray for them as they read the Gospel literature, bibles and texts of scripture.  Our hearts are touched as we see the beautiful children (no shoes and dirty faces) listening to God’s Word and trust they will be saved early in life.

It is always a joy to welcome visitors to Lviv.  In early October we had a visit from Laura and Beth Milliken and Clarke Kane from Armagh and Ballintoy assemblies respectively from NI. Then at the end of October we enjoyed a visit from Heather Anderson USA, Lawerence McHugh NI, Eric and Margy Fowler Canada, Doug and Debbie Yade, Canada who all came for the assembly conference.  

It is very encouraging for us to see the interest of these believers in the work of the Lord in Lviv and other parts of Ukraine.   We really appreciated their practical and spiritual support and the help of the brethren as they preached the Gospel in the orphanages, children’s meetings and gave wholesome ministry and teaching in the assembly.
Lviv assembly conference
On the 27th/28th October we held the 7th annual Lviv assembly conference.  Over 75 attended this year from Slovakia, USA, Canada, NI and many parts of Ukraine.  The opening meeting on Friday evening was Gospel when L McHugh( NI) and Paul Ostrolucky(Slovakia) preached searching and challenging messages.  Saturday morning commenced with prayer before the bible reading conducted by Doug Yade on 2 Timothy 2 looking and considering “7 pictures of   the believer”.  God gave help with much practical teaching for everyday Christian living.  After lunch the Ukrainian children from the Sunday school and children’s meeting came to the front and sang a few choruses before receiving good prizes from Dina a Slovakian sister who had kindly brought these gifts with her.        

Then three brethren ministered the Word of God, Daniel Mojzis (Slovakia) spoke on “Fellowship”, Eric Fowler (Canada) gave a message on the God of Peace, of Glory, of Love etc, and Doug Yade concluded the conference by speaking on the book of Ruth - the leading and guiding of God. The Lord richly blessed with an excellent time of singing, study of God’s Word and fellowship with fellow believers.
We sincerely value the prayers of the Lord’s people and appreciate all the support and kindness shown to us over the last months and years.
With warm Christian love,
Edmund & Agnes

......they rehearsed all that GOD HAD DONE with them.....Acts14 v27

Friday, November 17, 2017

Eric's Report #5 Nov 11th- 14th.

Greetings .... Saturday, Nov. 11th.

    Satan is alive and well in the LATE Great Planet Earth.  He is working at home base and abroad even more.  The LORD JESUS truly said “without Me ye can do nothing”. 

We were a little slow getting going today ... Breakfast wasn't early but  Igor came at 11 and Leanna came at 10:05. Leanna got a new Job, it is good in some ways as they needed it to give them little more money for food but it takes her away from from all the meetings. We read and prayed together as this is good for both of them.  To live and teach people is very hard work when it has to be done  with them knowing nothing. My wife had a little clothing picked out for her and Marina and we gave her cabbage and beets too.  

We got a taxi to the children’s meeting.   We had 13 children to the children meeting. It was great to see the 5 children from the blind Man's family there.  Dan sang and I told a story to them. It was a great joy to teach them a verse. Dan then played a few games with them. We then took them all to the Chicken Hut for a burger and fries treat.  Heather then visited with a Ukrainian friend she met when here last Fall.   I rested a little and did some study for the two Sunday Meetings.

We then went to Olex and Ola’s for supper.  It was great to have their two sons there with us.  We have had a long term contact with this family ,they take care of the boxes when they come. It is sad to see they are getting too busy to come to the meetings now though. It is hard work to reach and teach people and see them grow in the things of God. 
Home, but tired, Long rides back and forth to the meetings tomorrow.

          Sunday  Nov. 12th.

    We are up early and breakfast then away to the meeting in Lviv.  It is Cold and rainy here in Ivano Frankivsk and we saw snow on the way to Lviv.   We went in two vans with 4 children ,Yaroslav, Luba, Tanya and her husband and another Tanya and her mom. There were 14 of us in the circle to remember the Lord and 14 at the back.  There were only 4 in Sunday school all from Ivano Frankivsk, no children from Lviv.
 The Lviv meeting needs much prayer,  it has been getting smaller and causes a concern for the work.  I spoke in ministry and Edmund gave a word to the children.  A wee lunch and then away for the drive back.  Igor drove our van for us and it is nice to see him at the meeting.
      We were back in record time and a wee rest and a little read for the meeting.  We had 5 new ones in to the meeting and 36 were in - God is good. We had rain still here and cold, but no snow. It was great to get to rest.

          Monday   Nov. 13th.

      Monday came early and it feels like Friday but ok.  It is great to have my dear wife with me.  As always, she makes breakfast, oat meal or cream of wheat,  it gets us ready for each day.
       We were up early, and Igor came early for reading and prayer.  We are looking for a break and hope to soon see this man saved. 
We are up earlier than normal today as we are to go to the Sanitorium, the place where children come for rest and treatment.  The man in charge is always friendly and this time  it was the same.  It is a two hour drive and over some bad roads.  It was great to see them gather in all the children, 132 of them, and then 7 workers stayed as well.  I spoke a word on SIN and its dangers and Dan asked questions to them.  The children were from 5 different towns.  We gave out Calendars, tracts, and some New Testaments.  I also gave some magnets and Canadian Flag cards with verses on the back.  We gave each two candies and answered some question from some.  Then they fed a beautiful lunch to us served by one of the ladies and we ate with the director.  We also met the Dr. of the place, who is the wife of the director.  They have school there as well for the children since they come for 28 days at a time. Then the long hard ride back. 

Dema came for a visit and Dan, Dema and I went and made 4 visits.  We delivered cabbage to all visits and some clothing.  Two of the visits were to two young couples with two children.  They are both coming to meetings, also read and prayed with one couple.  The other visits were with an old lady who needed extra large clothing and then the other was a lady with 4 children.  I tried to help Dan and Dema see the need of spending time together visiting the ones who come to meeting and help to do Shepherd work if the work is to develop here in this City. 
Home and it is a wee bit late and I’m tired.

          Tuesday Nov. 14

    Morning came early and Igor came and we read and prayed together.  Breakfast was just as fresh and good as ever.  I went to get money changed, and it's up and down like the weather.  We called to see about a hospital visit with the Mother and Baby hospital but the head nurse was busy.  It will have to be another day. 
We had some Mp3 players here that Malcolm Stanley left, with the Bible on it, and the blind man asked on Sunday if we could get one for him.   We charged it over night and went for a visit to the family.  They live in a very very poor place. No chairs and no table but he was very happy to get his Mp3 player. We also brought more clothing and gave him some cabbage.  We talked to him a little. They are a very nice couple and children are well behaved.

We then went to the Government Bank and paid some Gas bills for different people.  Russia has put up the Gas prices and this is hurting people very much.  They use gas to cook and some for heat.  We were out to eat a little and back to prepare for meeting.  Heather had another Ukraine lesson.    We had 33 out again tonight with another new lady.  The Blind man and his wife were out again ....  I told him it was great to see him again tonight and he said “I need that kind of speaking”.
       Back home how and tired.

Eric and Margie Fowler
           Heather Anderson ...
                         With Dan Perez

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Eric's Report #4 Oct 8th-10th.

Wednesday  Nov. 8th.

    Breakfast and waited for Igor before reading, he seems to enjoy the reading together. Do pray for this man, he is truly searching and the enemy is after him as well.
Picked up Luba to go to her mother in law’s village, Starylusett. We visited her Mother-in-Law and she was very sick and still in bed.  Luba stayed with her while we went to the school.  The house was a mess to say the least, no heat and very cold.  It was amazing that as soon as we came she wanted us to read from the Bible with her. I would have confidence she is a saved lady and knows her sins are gone because of the Blood of Christ.
 The school visit went very very well.  We did 3 classes of about 60 children. Grade 3, grade 6, and then grade 11. They were great visits.  We gave calendars, tracts, and other literature, and all were received with thanksgiving.  They all asked when will you come back. We had tea in the teacher’s office and talked to her for a while. Then the teacher who took us to the classes came with us to town to go to the train station to change tickets she had to go to Kiev. 
We came back to the apartment tired and called Leanna and Marina and went for supper.
  Now the day is over and our resting spot feels like home. God is good and trust all who heard the word will search until they find its truth.  The privilege to speak to students in school is one we do not get in our home country.

Thursday Nov. 9th.
      The day's start the same every day ... breakfast and a time to read and pray.    Trust this will speak to Igor's life for good. We went to market after breakfast and paid for the Generator for Peter's village. This is for the school when they lose power in the winter so they can have heat in school and not freeze up the pipes.  We then went and got our laundry from the cleaners and went to market and got a food package for a lady with two children.  We delivered it and she wanted us to read and pray with her.  She just had the second child so can't get out to meeting and said she misses coming. She asked if we could visit her every week to read and pray with her. 
I tried to change money again, but the exchange is down.  I spent some time giving out calendars on the street.
 We took clothing to the blind man's family. Ira and Heather took Dema's mom to another doctor's appointment. We took her home and went to market and bought food for her and her two boys. We then went for a walk in the center.
      Home safe and to rest. Long days and visiting is hard work.

Friday   Nov. 10th.

        We were up early today as we will drive 2 hours to the village where Yaroslav’s wife Halia is living at her mom's old house. Igor came and we had our reading and prayer time, breakfast, and then on the road.
      We picked up Yaroslav at his son’s home and got him. We thought his son and grand- daughter might have been with him, but he came alone.  The drive was not bad, but some rain along the way. In this direction there are some big farms and they are still taking in corn and cabbage.  We bought cabbage for all the ones back in the city that come to meetings and who don’t have gardens of their own. Had nice meal at the old place and a talk with Halia. The dear lady was a power house for God at one time but got tangled in the “Tongues movement” and it has affected her mind.
      Then the drive back to the city and tea and something sweet with Yaroslav’s son and his wife and daughter. They have never come to meeting and it’s sad they have no interest. 

Then we called Luba  “Ponytail Luba” we call her ,who lives near, to come for cabbage.        
Back home and very tired.

 Eric and Margie Fowler
           Heather Anderson ...
                         With Dan Perezeric's

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Eric's Report #3 Nov 5-7th

Sunday Nov. 5th.

        Today we rose early .... ate breakfast quickly and got ready to drive to Lviv.  We will take the two vans.  Dan bought a van for himself for when we are here and so he can sometimes do different things when he needs to.  He sometimes goes to different countries to visit as well and it’s nice for him to be able to travel in his own machine.
       There were 10 adults and 6 children that went with us, great crowd. The drive to L’viv was in fog and some rain at times.  Sunny when we got to lviv.  The meeting was small from Lviv as some of saints are away working and a flu is sweeping the country. 
It was very nice, all 7 men worshipped.  Doug Yade spoke after the breaking of bread.   Dema took the singing with the children and then I spoke to them.  We had a wee lunch and left to go back to Ivano Frankisk. 
We got back in good time and the fog had cleared off. I had a wee rest and prepared for another meeting.  We had 40 again in the meeting and a new couple.  A blind man and his wife were out the ones we took them clothing for their 5 children so they came to meeting.  They are a contact through Leanna, she gave some furniture away to them. She knew they were very poor and asked if we’d like to help them.
    Dema came home with us for a visit and a talked after the meeting.
 Day over and to say the least ... we are very tired.

Monday Nov. 6th.

       The morning came too early, still a little struggle with the flu.  Igor came for our Bible reading time. We need prayer for him that he will soon come to the Lord. We starte  earlier since we are going to Peter's village to visit the school we go to all the time.
  We left at 9:30 and stopped for candy along the way. We met the head teacher and had a nice talk with her.  She said students were asking where are our friends from Canada, will they come anymore this year?  She took us to the class room and spoke to 32 students and 5 teachers.  I spoke on all have sinned and showed them the serpent and talked on the dangers of sin.  Dan read John 3 as Moses lifted up the serpent, so our stories tied in very neatly.  We then went to dinner at the school and for the first time ever we ate with the students.  It was very neat. We gave calendars, text, and candy to all. We took one of the boys from the Russian family and took things to his mom. We gave her a full Bible as well. 
We came back into the city.  We went to Valentina's, one of the blind ladies that come to meeting, for supper.  We went to change money after and also spent an our or so on the street  giving out Calendars and tracts.  We came back to the apartment and did up more baby bags for mothers at the hospital.  We also put address labels on calendars.  I did more study for meeting tomorrow night.  Another day in the field of labour here in the mighty Ukraine.

Tuesday  Nov. 7th.

       This is the 13 day into our 25th trip to the Ukraine.  We write you wee notes as we go, to encourage you all to pray.   The full version of it all will be published on the Golden shore of Heaven. 
 Today we were all slow.  In fact Heather isn't feeling well. The pace and the labours and the needs and demands of the place has a way of catching up with you.  The different food has a way of send quakes through your stomach.  We had our time of reading when Igor came and a tea.  We had planned to do repairs on the van again but no appointment.  We then went with our clothing to the cleaners. 
 We came back for Margie and went to market with the Blind man's wife for her to get some food for all the children.  We went from there to the city hospital and gave them more white sheets .... we also had some other medical things to leave them.  We had some plastic bed covers for them.  We met the head Dr. while there and she said they are in need of much and appreciate any help. 

It was a cold damp day with rain. I did some writing of my report and some extra preparation for the meeting.  We then went to Anna's and Maria's 's for a supper.   We seem to be eating all the time, It's a way to meet and talk to people.  We walked to meeting and tonight we had 34 in ... cold and wet so families with children weren't in.  We are back to the apartment and writing and reading again. Heather has another Ukrainian lesson. Ira gives her lessons after school.  It is nice to try to learn Ukrainian if one has the opportunity and can make the time, but it’s not an easy language to learn at all, and it is good to be able to talk in their mother language if you can, but it’s also a blessing to have interpreters. The Lord is good to provide what we need here.

            Eric and Margie Fowler
                           Heather Anderson ...
                                         With Dan Perez

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Eric's Report #2 for Nov 2-4th

Thursday, Nov. 2

      The days are still staying warm ...even though some days are a little damp and rainy.  Breakfast as normal...

    Igor came early and took the van to the garage to have the back window replaced.  They had to leave it and then go back later.  Ira came early as well, so the reading time included Ira and Igor which is very good. They both seem to enjoy it very much.
     Dema and his mom came as well, she was at hospital and was very tired. We had planned for her to be with ladies today and help with boxes.  We need clothing for a family of 5 whose father is blind, also some for Peter's Village where we will go on Monday.
     We need clothing for a mother who is having a new baby and has 2 other children already. 

We went to the 1/2 way home and spoke to 24 children.  We sang with them and I spoke of the Love of God and taught them John 3:16..... We gave them a Bible text and candy each and some older ones I gave my story to.  We then picked up the van from getting the glass replaced.

      We then delivered some carrots, beets, and potatoes to two different families. 
The ladies opened more boxes after we ate.  Heather and Igor walked to the market for more things that we needed.   I did more preparation for meeting.  We rested a little before meeting and then walked to meeting. We had 41 at meeting, that was good for sure and yet some of the regular ones are still missing.  Ira brought more potatoes from her mom since they had a good garden this summer.

Friday, Nov. 3

     Today marks a full week since we came, it seem like a long time. I'm struggling very much with the flu which makes the jet-lag even worse. 
 Igor came early and  Dan and he went to take an older lady to the hospital. 
We went and got money changed, the highest ever we’ve ever gotten for USA dollar. We also went and made the payment for the calendars we are getting printed for the New Year with our address on them where we meet, and also Dan's telephone number. It will be better for contacts here. Dan also had a tract ordered and we picked that up as well. 
 We gave Leanna a visit at her new work place. This is good for here in that she will make a little more money but her work will keep her away from meetings.
The ladies and Ira took Dema's mom to see a new Dr.  We also picked up the bags we ordered with Matt 11:28 printed on it. We met Oleg and Ola on the street on the way home and we all went for lunch 9 of us.  We had nice time with them.
The day is over and the week since we came is now to it's end.

Saturday  Nov. 4th

                  Breakfast together and we found more clothing in the boxes for the family of 5 children we will visit today.  We waited until Igor came to read together and pray.
          Then Leanna came and she picked out some shoes for the family and herself and some clothing for herself too.  We then went to the family and had a nice visit with them.  His wife said when they were married he wasn't blind.  It was after the first child was born. he has some Genetic thing from his family.  His grandmother is blind and one of his uncles.  We talked with them and encouraged them to come to meeting Sunday because this will let us get to know them and for them to get to know us too, then we can meet again on Monday to see if we can help more.
        We took Leanna to market to get some food. We also checked to see about receiving blankets for baby bags, we found some at a good price.  Heather spent day with Ira visiting a few girls she knew from a former visit.  Dan, Margie, Igor and I went to Leanna's new apartment for a dinner. She has also got a new job.  The man promised more money, but the first two weeks no pay, that is normal in Ukraine. She works 12 hr days and 6 days a week and he has not paid her what he said he would.
Later we went to visit Svetlana’s parents.  It was a great visit but it is hard to open up to talk about salvation. Now home to do preparation because I have to speak to children tomorrow and then for the gospel meeting back in Ivano Frankisk.  We will go to Lviv in two vans tomorrow ...

                Eric and Margie Fowler ....
                    Heather Anderson .... and Dan Perez

Travel Woes from Ukraine to Slovakia. Oct. 29 2017

We would like to write you how we got home from the Lviv Conference.

As we did not have GPS navigation (and the mobile data were exhausted and limited outside the European Union), we relied on Pavol 's car with his navigation.
Pavol and Daniel wanted to use the second - faster - border checkpoint, the one Daniel Perez and Edmund advised them. Last year, we spent 4 hours at the regular border!

So we went via quite bad road for 20 km, at approximately the middle of it, Pavol got 2 of his tires burst at one time. We wanted to use the tire from our boot. However, it did not fit; Pavol's Octavia car was much younger than ours, but the wheel was slightly different, unable to mount. So, we had only one spare tire. Moreover, it started to rain.
So, Dina, Pavol and I went back via that road by our Octavia to a petrol station to find some help.
The compressor in the petrol station was out of order - as is usual in Ukraine - and all tire services were closed already (Sunday, after 18:00).

However, God was merciful to us, as one older man stopped at the petrol station and brought us to his brother. There, we were trying to inflate the tyres with his old compressor, and found the exact place of the holes. One tyre was fixable, and the second unfixable. 
Meanwhile, Daniels, Petr, Michaela and Eva were outside Pavol's car as it had only 3 wheels on. The rain started to be heavier and heavier, and only 1 could be in the car.

After several unsuccessful call attempts, that old man brought us to another village where a tire service owner was living. You can’t imagine how muddy the "roads" were there. We found him at home, having some family celebration. However, he was willing to go with us to his tire service in another village. There, he fixed the tire, and we were on our way back. Pavol mounted it on the car.
With this, we continued the next 10 km, with help of the old man with his old van who was showing us where only a minimum number of holes were, some holes were big enough to break an axle.

Pavol paid for that repair to the tire service owner 300 Hrivna, approx 10 EUR. And the old man with his van did not want any money. However, he accepted the Ukraine Bible Eva had bought in Lviv.

The border checkpoint was quite fast, approx 1 hour, but very windy. Then, the road towards the highway, and then going through Poland, leaving Petr and Daniel near Krakow, and then heading to Slovakia, with wind, rain and snow on the roads.

So, we were at home in Samorin Monday at 4:30 am. Petr and Daniel were at home in the Czech republic at approximately 2:00 am. And Pavol, Daniel and girls came home at approx 5:00 am. Praise the Lord, no other accident on the road, despite bad weather, we were only really tired.

So, it seems, God was writing His 5th chapter of Ruth :)

Many thanks for the prayers of all the Christians in Lviv.

With love, Dina and Marian, Samorin, Slovakia

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Eric Fowler's report from Ivano Frankivsk #1

Tuesday Oct 31

Our Interpreter came and we had our reading time together .  

We then went a picked up Tanya and her two girls to take them to Graveyard, as it's three years today that their father died. Tanya had two ladies with her as it was the first time the girls went to see the grave of their dad.  One lady had two of her children as well.
I prayed with them all and explained that it is important to be saved and ready to die as it can't be changed after you die.  It was windy and very cold. They put flowers on the grave. We took them home and after lunch we picked up the two ladies and let them pick up groceries.

 Heather and Margie went through boxes to get things for the baby bags. We did find two boxes of bags already done to give out,so put a text, New Testament and children story book in each one. We went to the city Hospital and gave white sheets to them. We had 6 boxes of sheets come in the 19 boxes that came yesterday. They came just in time for sure. The nurse almost cried as they have been cutting up pillow cases and sowing them to make sheets. We will bring them more next week.  We also left them pain killers and gravol to help some sleep.  

Then we meet Rulsan and Doug and Debbie Yade for supper and went to meeting. I spoke with Doug and Dan opened the meeting. We had 31 in and this was a nice crowd but there was some of the regulars missing. We went for tea to Marie's after the meeting.It would be nice to see her in the meeting. She would be if there was a breaking of bread here in the city. 

  A long day and it was nice to get home to go to sleep.

             Nov. 1 Wednesday
                             Igor came and we had reading and prayer time again. This is great for Igor and for all of us.  We took clothing to the cleaners to get washed.  They wash and dry it for you at a very small price and this will save much time for us here.  We do have a washer but no dryer and with winds out side hard to dry in side. 

 We finished off the bags and went to the hospital to give to new mothers. We met 31 mothers with new babies, the most we ever did at one visit. The most of the mothers were from the city of Ivano Frankivsk, two were from villages outside. We had a nice visit with them and with the head nurse.  We gave bags with bible verses on them to most of the nurses and workers there. The nurses reminded us that the desks we bought and put together were working good for them.  We also gave them sheets for the beds. They needed them but not like the city main hospital.

 We then took another lady who has three children to pick up her groceries . We do this to allow them to enjoy picking it up, they don't get that joy very many times. We went tto her house and had tea with her husband and mom and brother .
         value much prayer
            Eric and Margie and Heather Anderson 

                      With Dan Parez

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Heather Anderson #1 report from Ukraine 2017

Dear praying Friends.                                                              23 October 2017

 I am thankful to report that the Lord has given a safe journey to the Ukraine.  I arrived in Chicago first and then to Warsaw, Poland, and finally to L’viv, Ukraine on Thursday the 19th. 
I started getting a cold before leaving, so was also thankful the Lord gave me some much needed sleep along the way on the longest flight over the water, then I was thankful too that the flight to L’viv was very short.

Had a nice chat on the long flight with a Polish man next to me (as much as it was possible with me trying to speak with the wee bit of Ukrainian I know as he understood a little of it since it’s a little similar to Polish - a few words anyway). He took some gospel literature since his son is going to the University in L’viv Ukraine if I understood him correctly Hopefully his son will translate some of it to this man.

Also, there was a Jewish young man sitting one more seat over near the window. He seemed to be of the strict sort praying with phylacteries and everything! It was interesting to see him pull some of the things out of his bag and put them on in the morning and it looked as though he was praying, but the Lord knows. I prayed for an opportunity but he didn’t want the gospel tract I offered, but I was thankful he took a pocket calendar.. He spoke English and was from Chicago on his way back to a Jewish School in Israel. I have seen many Jewish people in the airports along the way. Oh how I wish I could share the gospel with each one of them.

A little side note while I was in the Chicago airport waiting to check in for my flight, there was a Korean man 
who comes in from the Chicago area, who was passing out gospel tracts. As he came to me I offered him a few gospel tracts as well and I think he was a bit surprised. He says he comes to the airport often to pass out tracts and I was amazed that the airport officials allow it, but that’s very encouraging. I haven’t read what he gave me yet, but nonetheless it was a challenge and encouragement to me.

We are thankful too that another couple from Canada, Doug & Debbie Yade, also arrived safely here on Friday the 20th. We went to a children’s meeting yesterday about an hour away and then had a meal with a lovely couple from that area and another young lady , newly saved back in February, with her daughter. She was a contact from their visits to a single mother and baby home they go to often. She heard the gospel first there and then she began coming to this children’s outreach with her daughter. All very encouraging to Edmund and Agnes and that she was reading the Bible on her own too. She seemed so very bright and even wanted to recite the Bible verse she was memorising just like the children at the meeting. Good example for the children.

 My Ukrainian teacher is an excellent teacher which is her real profession, but I am her first and she says her best Ukrainian language student.  I’m sure she says this because I’m her only Ukrianian language student for now!   She has done a lot of interpreting in Ivano Frankivsk for the believers as well and been a great help to us all in many ways.

A van load of people from Ivano Frankivsk drive a few hours and try to come every Lord’s Day so they are able to meet with the believers in L’viv.  Also, Ivano Frankivsk is where I will be going for several weeks with Eric and Margie Fowler after conference.

This week we will have much to do with preparing for conference coming up this weekend along with many other visits. Edmund has asked for prayer for preparing and that the conference would go well.
My jet lag is tapering down now and I’m hoping all will be well for us by conference time. Please pray for Doug and Debbie & Eric & Margie Fowler for adjustments to the time. With the big time difference it can take about a week to get over jet lag. Also for Lawrence McHugh (from Ireland), the brother from Slovakia, and Edmund & Agnes, Ruslan & Tanya here from L’viv, and Dan and Dema helping with the dear people from Ivano. Again, thank you very much for praying and for all the encouragement in every way. You are all appreciated very much.

Heather Anderson from USA.