Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Eric's Report #2 for Nov 2-4th

Thursday, Nov. 2

      The days are still staying warm ...even though some days are a little damp and rainy.  Breakfast as normal...

    Igor came early and took the van to the garage to have the back window replaced.  They had to leave it and then go back later.  Ira came early as well, so the reading time included Ira and Igor which is very good. They both seem to enjoy it very much.
     Dema and his mom came as well, she was at hospital and was very tired. We had planned for her to be with ladies today and help with boxes.  We need clothing for a family of 5 whose father is blind, also some for Peter's Village where we will go on Monday.
     We need clothing for a mother who is having a new baby and has 2 other children already. 

We went to the 1/2 way home and spoke to 24 children.  We sang with them and I spoke of the Love of God and taught them John 3:16..... We gave them a Bible text and candy each and some older ones I gave my story to.  We then picked up the van from getting the glass replaced.

      We then delivered some carrots, beets, and potatoes to two different families. 
The ladies opened more boxes after we ate.  Heather and Igor walked to the market for more things that we needed.   I did more preparation for meeting.  We rested a little before meeting and then walked to meeting. We had 41 at meeting, that was good for sure and yet some of the regular ones are still missing.  Ira brought more potatoes from her mom since they had a good garden this summer.

Friday, Nov. 3

     Today marks a full week since we came, it seem like a long time. I'm struggling very much with the flu which makes the jet-lag even worse. 
 Igor came early and  Dan and he went to take an older lady to the hospital. 
We went and got money changed, the highest ever we’ve ever gotten for USA dollar. We also went and made the payment for the calendars we are getting printed for the New Year with our address on them where we meet, and also Dan's telephone number. It will be better for contacts here. Dan also had a tract ordered and we picked that up as well. 
 We gave Leanna a visit at her new work place. This is good for here in that she will make a little more money but her work will keep her away from meetings.
The ladies and Ira took Dema's mom to see a new Dr.  We also picked up the bags we ordered with Matt 11:28 printed on it. We met Oleg and Ola on the street on the way home and we all went for lunch 9 of us.  We had nice time with them.
The day is over and the week since we came is now to it's end.

Saturday  Nov. 4th

                  Breakfast together and we found more clothing in the boxes for the family of 5 children we will visit today.  We waited until Igor came to read together and pray.
          Then Leanna came and she picked out some shoes for the family and herself and some clothing for herself too.  We then went to the family and had a nice visit with them.  His wife said when they were married he wasn't blind.  It was after the first child was born. he has some Genetic thing from his family.  His grandmother is blind and one of his uncles.  We talked with them and encouraged them to come to meeting Sunday because this will let us get to know them and for them to get to know us too, then we can meet again on Monday to see if we can help more.
        We took Leanna to market to get some food. We also checked to see about receiving blankets for baby bags, we found some at a good price.  Heather spent day with Ira visiting a few girls she knew from a former visit.  Dan, Margie, Igor and I went to Leanna's new apartment for a dinner. She has also got a new job.  The man promised more money, but the first two weeks no pay, that is normal in Ukraine. She works 12 hr days and 6 days a week and he has not paid her what he said he would.
Later we went to visit Svetlana’s parents.  It was a great visit but it is hard to open up to talk about salvation. Now home to do preparation because I have to speak to children tomorrow and then for the gospel meeting back in Ivano Frankisk.  We will go to Lviv in two vans tomorrow ...

                Eric and Margie Fowler ....
                    Heather Anderson .... and Dan Perez

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