Editors note.
An explanation may be in order
regarding Dan going to some other European countries. A visitor can only stay 3
months at a time in Ukraine. They must then leave for 3 months before
returning. Dan chooses to go and help some assemblies in these other countries
for 3 months rather than return to his native USA. These small assemblies
really enjoy and appreciate his time with them.
Moldova/Ukraine, 11/2016
While in
Moldova I had the chance to visit a boy’s College dormitory. These are boys in
their late teens that are taking a trade like oil drilling, electrician or
some kind of construction. The first visit was very difficult, there were about
15 or 20 of them there, two of them spoke Russian and as I was speaking they
were just talking over me. It came to the point where I asked the interpreter
whether I should continue; so he then
took over in Romanian, the language most of them there understood and I just
stepped away.
We both felt very strongly the arrows
of our adversary seeking to stop that which was planned to give glory to Christ
our Lord! We went again the following week and there were different students
and this time more about 30 or so and no one speaking Russian this time. This
time they all listened very well and I was surprised at the difference in their
attentiveness over that last group, I do hope it can be used to speak to their
The assembly there had a Conference
with speakers from Romania and Germany who did most of the speaking. The
assembly building is small so the place became packed from wall to wall in a
short time. The breaks and meals were taken outside in the cold but sunny
The passage of discussion was in Colossians
chapters 2 and 3. Unfortunately I was not feeling well so I spent most of the
time outside with the kids.
I got ready to go back to Ukraine, but this
time I took a very different route. I was able to get a ride from Moldova into
Romania, which was a great help! From here I took a bus pretty much across
Romania and through the Carpathian mountains, it took 17 hours to get to
the border of Ukraine. This was a new border crossing for me and I was very
nervous about them trying to make things difficult but it ended up as one of my
easiest and pleasant crossing. When the officer gave me back my passport he
said, “Welcome to Ukraine and enjoy your stay”, I think this was the first time
I was greeted this way, it felt good!
This part of Ukraine borders three
countries Romania, Hungary and Slovakia. I walked across the border into a
small village. I was then told there are no buses here and I would have to walk
three kilometers to the nearest bus stop, so with one suitcase, one large
backpack and one small one, I started walking across the village to
the bus stop. Once I got on the bus I thought it would be 1 or 2 hours to the
town where I was going called Uzghorod but it actually took another 5hrs.!! The purpose of coming to that town was to
visit two assemblies that I heard were in this area. I had a number and called
and the next day was invited to dinner by this Christian family. One of
their daughter's can speak good English and was the interpreter. We had a long
discussion for many hours late into the night. Most of the talk was about the
Church, her function, her purpose, and her development. We then talked about
the gathering together and assembly truth. I spent most of my time with this
small assembly of about 10 and this very nice Christian family! The other
purpose I came here was to visit a Christian book store. This place was a big
warehouse of books in Ukrainian and in Russian. It is a German organization
that prints Christian materials in other languages. Books from Macintosh,
Darby, Kelly and so on, I was very surprise to see such materials printed in
Ukrainian and Russian. My Time spent here was very good and I was very blessed
to meet such a family!
Then came my 10 hour bus ride back over the
Carpathian mountains to get back to Ivano. As we were going uphill the bus was
going so slow I thought we were going backwards, however I did make it to Ivano
safely, Praise God! I was met by Dima at the bus stop in Ivano and
was very glad to see him, we then walked together to the apartment!
While I was away Eric and Margie Fowler
were here carrying on the work and then Malcolm and Wade were continuing the
work which meant having weekly meetings and visiting institutions, bringing aid
that was sent by Christians in North America along with the gospel message. Was
good to see Malcolm again and Wade for the first time. Heather Anderson from
Wisconsin was also here visiting the Christians in Lutsk, Lviv and Ivano.
We all went to the mid week meeting in
Lviv where Wade gave a very good message about Christian character. Gill
and Helen Plourde were also staying in Lviv at this time.
After the meeting we said our
goodbyes. Malcolm and Wade flew out the following day and I came back to Ivano.
Please pray for the work and for us
workers, for guidance and strength and for Unity! Also for this Christian family
and the small assembly that I visited, that God would protect them and preserve
Thank You for your many prayers!
In Christ our Lord! Dan Perez

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