Sunday, April 23, 2017

Eric Fowler'a report #5 April 15 2017

April 15th, Saturday  
Lutsk Conference (cont.)
    We stayed at Oksana and Sasha's for conference. Breakfast at 9 and it was a full Ukrainian breakfast. Cold pork, salted tomatoes, compote tea, a 4 layer home made cake, Easter bread home made.  We went to meeting at 10:30. Kevin Oh and Bobby Carson spoke in ministry. Kevin was on Joshua 1 and Bobby on Creation in Ps. 130.
      Thomas Sloan, Timothy's son, spoke to the children on the true meaning of Easter from 12:30 to 1:30.  Then Kevin and I spoke in ministry from 3 to 4:30. I spoke on "The Importance of a Clear and Simple GOSPEL" and Kevin on Joshua 2. We had supper and went home to rest for tomorrow.

April 16th, Lord's Day
Lutsk Conference (cont.)
    Today it is an Easter. Ukrainian breakfast. We had pumpkin soup, cold pork, boiled eggs, salad, six different things and Easter cake.etc..  We are away for meeting at 10:30.  The meeting went quite well. People from Ireland, England, Canada, America and Malaysia. Kevin spoke on Joshua 3. Then a little break and a children's meeting on "The True Meaning of Easter" continued. Then we had dinner and then the Gospel meeting with Dan and myself.  
We then said our goodbyes and back to Ivano Frankivsk again.  We gave one of the Ukrainian men from the conference a ride home in Lutsk on our way out of town, and he told us a different way home.  It cut off over an hour or so of travel time - a great thing...very thankful!
The ride home was just great and a clear evening with the sun shining.  We also sang some songs on the way back. We got to Ivano at 8:30 and by 9:00 all people were delivered.  It was great to get back to our beds here for sure. The driver was very happy with the trip, he said he enjoyed it and us, we were very thankful.

April 17th, Monday
      It wasn't an early rise today for sure. This was expected after the long ride and the conference on the weekend. It was OK to get back to the regular breakfast of Manna and Canadian tea.   
Leanna came came early to visit and read with us. This was good for her for sure as it has been a long journey trying to reach her and lots of patience. She brought a man named Uri. We got him clothing and shoes. He teaches at the Oil & Gas University. We will make another visit to him another day. 
 Igor came and we went to exchange more money. The exchange goes up and down very much and want a good exchange. We ended up waiting on this as well till later.
We went and brought sheets to the Surgery Hospital here, also some other medical supplies that were given to me from Corner Brook, Nfld, but the nurse wasn't there. We will try tomorrow again.
 We then got medicine for Natalia and went to her for a visit. We have known Natalia since 2005 - our first trip.  It is amazing to hear her talk and her attitude although she has MS and is now getting worse and worse. Her mom cut tulips and gave to Heather and Margie. The gardens are growing so well, but sad if we get the snow it is calling for.It will be a great destruction to the area here for sure.
From there we went to Louisa and Yury's for supper..We had a little spiritual talk with them, but they just don't have the interest.  The supper there was out of this world with such a variety.  We were back home late and rushed to bed.  Tired for sure as the Lutsk trip is still having an affect.

 April 18th, Tuesday
             "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."   Psalms 118:24
      The day started with a normal breakfast and a read together. Leanna came and so we went to visit the older man from her work again. We had tea together and had nice visit this time and  brought him more clothing and he showed us his hobby of making small clock's and Magnifying glasses.  It was a very neat visit.  He was cleaning two days at his place when he knew we would visit.  We gave him the Surgie book and NT on CD. These were made for me in Canada and many here like it. We had over 100 with us and it has been a God send.  
Igor came after this visit and went to change money again. We then took sheets and other supples to the Hospital we tried to do yesterday. They told us about a 4 1/2 yr. old that needs head surgery, he is at another hospital.  We will try to visit him and see if we can give help. Then we took Dan and Igor to a Pizza place for dinner.
 Home for a little rest and some extra preparation for meeting.  We walked to meeting and took extra bags from Lutsk. with John 3:16 on each side.
 We had 23 out to meeting and that is good for after the Easter holidays. We then went to Ira's home for supper. It was a great visit but she and her family are very religious and wanted to show us that more by saying the Lord's Prayer for thanks at the supper table. It is so sad to see such nice people be in such Religious darkness.  Day over and back to the apartment for the night's rest.   

 April 19th, Wednesday
         A normal start of the day. In every thing give thanks ....Rejoice ever more.  
 Dan came and we loaded up boxes for a school in Luba's village. We took clothing for girls, boys and ladies at the school.  We got candy for them also.  We also took bags with John 3:16 on them. We had an opportunity to speak to about 35 of them.  We had tea with three of the teachers at the school. One teacher had us go to her home for a visit as well. She is the social worker at the school. Had a very nice visit for sure. Her husband is an airport controller for planes in the army.  We also had a short visit at Luba's mother in Law.  She enjoys the truth of sins forgiven and she had us read the Bible to her some.
We went to the printer's  about Heather's tract and I gave information to get some hymns printed. We came back and Leanna came for a visit with her daughter. Day over and trust heaven rejoices over the labours. 

              Value prayer from all ...
                 Eric and  Margie Fowler
                      and Heather Anderson

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