LVIV NEWSLETTER – Edmund & Agnes April 2018
“And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased” .......Mark 4 v 8
Dear Fellowbelievers
We are thankful that the Ukrainian winter is a distant memory of snow, ice and minus temperatures and spring has arrived with light breezes, sunshine and temperatures in excess of +20. Amazing to us that the locals never mention the weather and for us N Irish “blow ins” are always murmuring!!
So life marches on with joy in our hearts to be able to open, read and preach the Word of God daily.
We continue our regular visits to the different orphanages speaking to both young and old about their soul and their need of salvation. Recently at Lopatin orphanage nearly 100 gathered in the “zal” (large hall) including teachers and staff to sing, learn scriptures and we spoke on that great text Jesus said “I am the door” using the door of the hall as an illustration.
At the latter part of 2017 it became apparent that we needed to change our ageing assembly minibus which we use every day for the Lord’s work. Our search to find a suitable replacement was proving difficult. After much prayer and waiting on God at the end of January we went to Kiev to view two vans returning to Lviv 20 hours later with a “new to us” 2012 Ford Transit passenger van. “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus”.
We continue to give God thanks for the tons of clothes, shoes and other helpful items that arrive in Lviv from assemblies in Canada and USA throughout the year. The sisters in the assembly have the responsibility to sort and make ready for distribution firstly for believers and then for the Ukrainian people, orphanages, Carpathian mountains and personal contacts, gypsies and homeless shelter.
Please remember in prayer a recent visit to the village of Krossnae and Bealy Common. First call was with V who lost his wife 3 years ago and he now lives alone. He is very “religious” but has an ear for the Gospel. We hope that he will soon trust Christ and know for sure his sins are forgiven. Next call was L a lady in her 70’s a lovely Christian who suffers from asthma. When we go we try to encourage her with reading the scriptures but always come away feeling richly blessed. Her husband died many years ago and her only son has left home. Lydia lives in very poor conditions but is “rich towards God”.
We rejoice in the evidence of a changed life in the salvation of Daria a 26 year old young lady who was saved in February. She has been attending all the meetings in the assembly since the beginning of 2017 when Rene Samson introduced her to the Gospel while on a visit to Lviv from Nova Scotia. After he went home she continued to come and showed great interest in her soul and eternal destiny. She visited us many Lord’s day evenings for supper and always brought her Ukrainian bible to read and asked many questions. God was working and the gracious “Holy Spirit” was striving with Daria and on the 10th February on a bus travelling to Germany she bowed at the cross of Calvary and acknowledged her sins and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray that she will grow and be built up on her most holy faith. We meet with her weekly for bible study and she also has requested helping at the orphanages when we visit.
Items for Prayer &Thanksgiving
*”Forgotten War” in the East of Ukraine, 36 killed last month.
*Protection, Preservation and Progress of assembly in LVIV.
*Thankful for increase in Sunday School numbers.
*Thankful for the provision of new vehicle.
*Thankful that God again has opened His hand in Salvation.
*Deeply thankful for the many opportunities to preach “the unsearchable riches of Christ”.
We wish to thank all for their continued prayerful and practical support for us and the Lord’s work in Lviv Ukraine.
Warmly in His Peerless name
So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth but; God that giveth the increase. 1 Cor 3 v 7.
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