Thursday, May 24, 2018

Eric and Marge Fowler's final week in Slovakia and return home. May 16th - 21st.

   May 16th

                     We were up early and.finished packing to go to the bus. Igor came and we read and prayed together. It would be great to see him saved. Leanna camea  little later and made us cakes to take with us and eggs.  Again, it would be great to see Leanna saved as well. they both heard lots of gospel.
   A little wait at the bus  station but it finally came and we were away.  We gave out         tracts along the way.  We meet a Russian Lady and she was so thankful for calendars and other literature.  We had a 2 and a 1/2 hour wait at the Slovakian boarder.They had dogs in to sniff the bus out,.quite the experience  to say the least. They searched the  bags of some of the people, some, every piece. Thank God as we prayed and they didn't search ours .... one question, do you have.any liquor.and I said we don't smoke or drink. Thanks they said and let us go. 
 We were 17 hours from the time we left the Bus stop until we reached the house we are to stay with our brother Daniel Moses. We met Daniel and some others at Lviv conference ... also at Lusk  A great welcome  at  5 in the morning and a wee tea and off to bed for a needed rest.   The Lord is good and brought  us here safely.. 

            May 17TH

     It was great to rest well and not have to get up early. 
.    We had a nice Slovakian Breakfast with some of the family. We then did some preparing   as we will have a meeting tonight at an assembly one hour away. We had dinner at the old folks home which is operated by the Assembly here in the city. they have a special  dinner traditional in Slovakia to meet some of the folks living in the home.They are 23 living there.  The hall is connected to the home we are staying in.  It is owned by Daniel's Father. A.nice complex in a quiet section of the city.  Dema and I went for a short walk near an old Castle built in the 12th  Century.  We then had a short rest and were on our way to the meeting.  We saw two bad accidents along the way. 

The meeting went very well. The assembly is made up of Gypsies that have gotten saved.  We went to one of their homes and had dinner.  It was a very nice dinner and a very nice home. It is amazing that God can change lives and clean them up. The Man is now a butcher and makes a good living. Dema had a short word with me. He to has a life that is changed and can have a nice word for sure. He is just saved 3 years in July.
 He is happy to have come with me as it is his first time out of the Ukraine. 
Had a  safe ride home and the much needed rest.

           May 18th

  We didn't rise real early and we had a nice sleep.  The home we are staying in is simple
  and Daniel's folks are very hospitable. We read and prayed together and took some time 
  to prepare for the meeting.
 Daniel's great Grandfather was the first man saved in the assembly labors back in 1901.   He was put in prison and died in prison for his faith.
 The assembly yesterday has grown to 35 from being down to 5. The assembly in Zvolan have about 45, with a nice number of young men.  Daniels son took us to his mom's work.  She owns her own Pharmacy. It was great to see her place and then she took us for a walk to a special water park. The walk was necessary and also gave us time to talk.
 The evening ministry meeting was big and help was given. The elder at the end said it is nice not to hear anything different. They have had other experiences with those who came from different countries.  It is great to just give them Gods word and if they know it and already living it, it will encourage all.
Had tea at Daniel's house with some different folks and a talk and of to bed.

              May 19th
  Daniel's wife served breakfast today. Daniel's broke his ankle before we came so that slowed him down.      We all read an prayed together and shared some thoughts.  Daniel's wife and two children took us for a walk up a mountain to and old Castle that was also built in the 12 century.  It was one hour and a half walk up a mountain. It was enough for me for sure.  We got some nice pictures from the mountain top of Zvolan. It is a very pretty city of about 40,000 people. The country has just 6 million. It has 22 assemblies and no full time worker. The Christians have done  work in the Gospel.There are a number of places they go and preach and visit. 
 We came home  to a nice cooked supper and some more visitors. Some young ones came in from towns by train.

              May 20th.

 This is our last full day in the country.  Breakfast little early and of to worship meeting.   They will have a mini Conference of Christians from about 5 meetings.They knew we were coming and arranged it. It was great to hear 15 worship and with no waiting time between. I had a word at the end and then they served dinner at the Old folks home.It was sour crout soup and little meat in it. Then they had a plate of sweets.8 different ones on it! They too like their sweets like the Ukraine people.
We had a short break and then I told how I got saved and a little gospel and Dema told how he got saved. We sang a hymn while standing and then I had the ministry. for hour and half.   I had a short break half way through and it went very well. They were happy to hear Gods word. There were  families with children but not a sound, you could hear a pin drop. 
 It was quite an experience to see the thirst for Gods word and so many tears from those that gave such good attention. It was a joy to see the unity among them. Dema was over joyed. The Lord must have special work for him to do if we just give him the experience. 
A rest from the day, a late supper and  a visit with some others.  We said some good by's as we will leave early in the morning 4;30 to the airport in Vienna.

            May 21
 Up very early to take things to the road as a young man Stano will drive us 3 hours to the airport. It's the last leg of the way. We are touched in HEART about the labors in Ukraine and about God opening the Door to the needed work in Slovakia as well.
 His own CHURCH He builds every day.  Paul's journeys was helped and guided by the Holy Spirit, and it is great to witness the same in our own day.

We got there with lots of time,stopped along the way for coffee.  Dema came with us and will visit going back to the relatives of Stano the driver.  Our flight to Warsaw went smooth and good. We had a 5 hour wait over and then our flight was off.   It was smooth and went very well.It was great to be back on Home Canada land. 
Our God is amazing reaching souls every day.
 Eric and Margie Fowler
Thanks to all who prayed much! ...

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Report #8 from Eric Fowler for May 9th -11th. 2018

 8th Ukraine - report May 2018 (edited but without the pics)
                May 9th
             We were all up early ..... Igor and Leanna came and we all read together and prayed.   To see those two get settled in Salvation would truly be a blessing. 

 Loaded the van with 5 boxes of clothing for the Sanatorium in Yarson​, where we are to visit today.  The supervis​o​r of the place told us there ​are​ 125 children there.​  ​We have clothing for workers and children.  The drive there is about 1​ 1/2​ hours​, ​but ​for ​the last 30 min. the road is very poor.​
 ​ They welcomed us with open​ ​arms and hearts and gathered 100 of the children in and we spoke to them for 1/2 hour .... We gave a calendar​, text​,​ and a tract ​to ​each and one of the boxes had a package made up of tooth​paste​, toothbrush​,​ and flos​s​ ... so we gave them one​ of those too​. ​ ​Had nice time with them. ​ ​The 25 missing ​were​ out in the back and they took us there after speaking and we saw them. We ​gave them​ a​ tract and the little ​B​ible.  They had a fire ​going and boiling mountain tea and​ were​ making mountain food. ​ ​They were giving the children a training lesson on out door su​r​vival. ​ ​There were children from many villages​.​  5​ were​ from Ivano Franki​v​sk.   We had a nice meal with them and then gave them medicine we had for children.  Then the long ride back to town.  We stopped and went for a short walk along the river.    When back to town​, ​we went to change money​ and got the best exchange since we came ​with our​ USfunds.
 May 10th
          Morning came and breakfast was normal. My wife is truly great to me for she makes it every morning.   Igor came at 10:30 and we read and prayed together ...​ ​May his salvation soon come.​ ​ 
My wife got baby bags ready again in the morning ​because​ we pla​n​ to go there again​ on Friday​.  We delivered medicine and a walker and other​ supplies​ to​ the​ City hospital again.  I had some tourniquets​ ​and they were so happy to have them. ​ ​The head nurse went around and gave one to each nurse.  We then went to​ the​ Central Bus station and bought our ticket to go to Sl​o​vakia.​ We will have to leave​ a​ day early ​since the ​Buses only go on MondayWednesday, ​and ​Friday.  Dema is going with us if it works out for him. ​ ​We then went to see Ole​x​ at the market and looked at a Wipper Snapper grass trimmer for Peter​'​s village school.  We found one for a good price with Olex's help.​  ​We went out for dinner​, and then​ went back to the apartment and got the things we had for ​Igor's​ ​dad​ ​and​ went to the village to see Him.  He was all ready to come back to town with us and ready for meeting.  We visited one of his sisters and had tea there and a nice visit.  We left​ tracts​ with her​ ​and a copy of the small ​B​ible we had printed.  We rushed back into town and ​had ​just enough time to shower and run to meeting. 
 We again had 28 out and it was great to see Dema's mom and Igor's father out. ​ ​It was great to see Nat​illa​, the lady who recently got saved in L​'​viv out to meeting here.  She is working in the area for a week​.​  Then after meeting Leanna and her three friends came for tea. My wife and I went for a walk in the center and​ n​ow we are both ready for a rest.
  May 11th.
        A brother in Newfoundland.often quoted." This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be Glad in it".  We had breakfast as normal and Igor came and we read together. 
 He helped Dan make the calls to arrange the day, first we​ went​ to deliver medicine we ha​d​ to the City ​C​entral ​H​ospital . plus some other things we found in the boxes we opened.   Again she was more then happy to get any help.  
The war is raging on and seems to drain funds from many departments and​ the​ government seems to take from​ the​ hospitals first.  All hospitals tell us ​that ​absolutely no help​ has come​ since the New Year came in ...We then picked up the Lady from L​'​viv who recently got saved and she spent the day with us.  It was great to have her and give her a little cheer along the way.  The work she does brings her ​to​ Ivano ever​y​ so often.  We went to Peter​'​s Village and delivered the grass cu​t​ter we bought for them.  Again they were overjoyed ...all teachers and workers.  We saw the Mayor at the school again this peace of equipment will be used in a number of villages.​  We called by Igor​'​s Grandmother ​to ​say good​-​by​e​ for the last time now and g​o​t about 6 dozen fresh eggs. ​ ​We hurried back to town and straight to the Baby ​H​ospital and again we​ visited​​ 18 new Babies with gifts. ​ ​We didn't have enough as ​there were​ 5 more there then we had.​ ​ The mothers all seem​ed ​overjoyed with the gift.  We left gloves​ ​and garbage bags that we picked up for them enough for ​the ​month or more.  We took the head nurse​ ​two walking sticks​,​ one for her in the Garden and one for the home.  She cried and said her mom will be overjoyed​. We came back home and rested some and Leanna and her daughter came​,​ and Leanna made supper for us.​  I got her daughter to go over our Ukrain​ian​ homework.  We went then and picked up Dema and his mom and went to Dema's grandmother as she had a birthday today.  We had a nice visit with them. ​ ​We​'ve done ​much with that family and​ have known​ them since 2007. The Lord has been kind and Dema is a young man now.he was 10 when we first met them.  Home now and​ tired​ to say the least. 
 Dema helped Dan​ call the children for tomorrow​'s​ meeting.  Thanks  for all​ ​who​ have​ Prayed for us ...and for any who just wrote a wee note to encourage ....
 Thanks in the Lord 
                      Eric and Margie Fowler
                         IN the Ukraine with Dan P​e​r​e​​z

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Report #6 From Eric Fowler May 3rd - 5th.

Report #6 . (Sorry for out of order.Editor)
 May 3rd   

This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Igor came and we read together.  He is truly showing a desire to know but not saved as of yet.  Breakfast time came but tired and enjoying the labours of every day. 
 We tried to pay the heat, gas and apartment bills, but because of the two holidays and weekend together, places are closed.  We finished getting the things ready for the baby hospital - 33 babies. A lot of work.  We took a box of ladies clothing for all the nurses.  
 It is Dema’s mother’s birthday, so we went and got cake and coffee and went to her place to surprise her.  We did do just that and her mom came while we were there so that was just great.
      We went to the place to pay bills near her and guess what, It was  open, so we paid bills for three families.  We went and changed more money, this time American funds are a little higher then Canadian, but both go up and down.
     I spent a little time on the street with tracts.  We picked up Dema as he had time off for dinner and he helped bring boxes and cases into the hospital.  We had a great time there... gave out 33 bags ... then a baby was born when we were on that floor.  The grandmother came and got a bag and then there was one more mother there who is to have a baby maybe late tonight, who came for a bag so 35 were given out.  One man came who we visited and said they were born again Christians and wanted us to pray with them and their new baby.  That was very neat ... they've been saved for 7 years now.  
      Then back home from the hospital and we had just enough time to shower and off to meeting.  We had 26 in and this is truly great for the time of the year it is good weather for planting. 
 Then Leanna and Dema's Mom came for tea  after meeting..  Dema came too after work and Marina, Leanna's daughter came as well.  
 Now the day is over and we are both exhausted.

May 4th...
    We were up and had breakfast and got ready for today,  very very sunny. It was high 32C before the day was over. 
 Igor and Leanna came and we had a read together.  Igor and I then went  to market to exchange money.  We got the best rate for American funds since we came.  We picked up the receiving blankets that we ordered.  We went to the bank and paid for heat, gas and the apartment payments for a family.  We then came home and ate a little. 

Leanna helped my wife with boxes and then helped my wife cook lunch.  We all then went to the market and got cleaning supplies for the Hospital.The head nurse said they've gotten nothing since the New Year.   Gloves, hand soap, towels, floor cleaning, toilet cleaning, etc.  This took time as we had to fill the water bottles that we had for containers,. they have soap and cleaning things in big containers.
     Dan took the van to be repaired again, having trouble with it since the summer tires were put on. Dan and Dema went on a visit with a couple and Margie and I went and gave out some tracts again.  I did some tract work in between the market calls..  
      Leanna and Margie and I went to the new Market which is set up on the white house center to celebrate the 356th year of the start of Ivano Frankivsk.  We went for tea and Marina joined us and while there Igor went by and he came in and was with us for some time.  Then Margie and I came home and called it a day. 

May 5th.
      It is for sure that breakfast time comes too early.  We are going to Luba's village to see her mother-in-law so Leanna and Igor didn't come to the apartment as Igor lives in the same village.  Luba came and prayed together.  Luba is in the fellowship in Lviv and is a faithful ..sister,.she got saved in 2005. We had a nice visit with her mother in law and Luba stayed and did garden work. They have two cows and one had twin calves  We read and prayed with Babushka, the grandma she always wants us to do this.  Luba told us when first visiting her that her mom always read in the evening, that was the way they closed every day. 

 We came back to town and got ready for the Children’s meeting.  Dan picked up some children and Margie and I walked to the place,        
        Meeting went well with 19 today, a few regular missing but a few new ones too..We took them all again to Burger King. The mother of the new children came while we were at Burger King.  Had a nice talk to her.  It will be interesting if they come back next week.  Margie and I walked  home and I spent some time on the street giving out tracts again  ... until they were  all gone.  We came back to the apartment and while Margie ironed, I rested.  Ira came and we had our 4th Ukrainian lesson.  We took her to coffee and enjoyed the visit.  We then returned for the day and we are both tired. 
. This is the Day the  Lord has made ...we did rejoice ...and pray that Heaven is richer for all the Labours.  We love labouring here for sure but miss family and country.   Value the prayer of all and enjoy any little note that any would write back.  
  In The Lord by His Rich Grace, 
      From the Ukraine Margie and Eric Fowler with Dan Perez

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Report #7 from Eric Fowler. May 6th-8th 2018

 May   6th 

     We were up early to be ready for the long drive to L’viv.  Dan picks up the children and the adults come to our location and drive with us.  We have 10 children and 6 adults.  Leanna is with us... she doesn't go often, but sometimes but her friend, who lives 85 km away, came with his family. We brought clothing for them.  He and the two boys came to the meeting.  His wife had to stay in the van and take care of the baby.  He said the meeting made him think a lot.  
The meeting went very well.  All the men worshiped and Dan had a word at the end and I spoke to the children. 
 Then the long trip back again. A little tea and a little time to prepare for the meeting in Ivano.  The meeting was a little smaller as it is planting time, also a holiday and good weather.  But, Leanna was there and Dema's mother also.  Dema had a word with me today. He is very nice in his presentation and very compassionate.  We went out for a ginger tea and back home after a long day. Before we went to bed, we worked on getting 7 boxes of clothing ready for Peter's village, some for the Mayor and some for the school.  Now the day is over ... Praise the Lord.

   May 7th Monday

  We are up again early since we are to be there at the Mayor’s Office by 10.  Igor came and we read together, trust he soon will become a believer.  We were at the Mayor's Office on time, picked up a lady while going there and found out she was a teacher from the school.  The mayor was so glad to see us.  I met her in 2005 on my first trip. We have worked a lot with her for sure. Have had some meetings at the place and she has been a big support.   We went to the school then and  they were all waiting along with the children.  The kindergarten class wasn't in today.
      We had a talk with the principal in her office and she told us how much they all valued the Delco motor generator last year.  They used it a number of times.  We spoke to 28 children and 9 teachers.  She told us at the office how much they all like the explanations we give of the Bible stories.  We left them clothing and school things.  I had caps for the men that work and some of the ladies wanted them as well.  We picked up three ladies coming back. 2 from a village and a younger lady who came back to Ivano Frankivsk.  
We went back to the apartment and got the cleaning things we picked up for the hospital.  The head nurse and the mid-wife nurse met us.They just couldn't believe how much we had for them.  Had tea again and left to have dinner with Valantina and her son, her cousin was there too. We helped him last year with an operation as he broke his shoulder at work. It was a nice meal and visit as always. 
 Then I spent 45 min. on the street again giving out tracts.  We came home and did this report and rested a little.
 After that, we went to market to get some gloves for the hospital as we didn't get the right ones, before.
 I rested some and Margie picked over some boxes.

    May 8th Tuesday.

        The mornings all seem to be the same. early rise. breakfast too fast. a read and off to Staryleset to speak to the children there. We took two boxes of children’s clothing. the school there gives it to the poorest children.  There are 395 children in the school.  We are allowed to go and speak to the children any time.  The religious teacher is very favorable to the Gospel. We gave them little Bibles that I had made up with many different verses ... tracts and small calendars..Very nice time there.  We spoke to 3 classes 27 in class 6 and 12 in class 5 and 18 in class 11. Visited Luba's daughter she is now married and lives with her grandmother. 
 Then back to town to have dinner with Marica and her mom.
  Her brother came while there he has a very bad drinking problem. he lost his wife some years ago, she was saved in 2005 on our first trip. 
Then home to be ready for meeting.  It was a nice crowd again, 28.  The RC nun was out again.  Yaroslav opened with hymns and Dema prayed and Dan and I had a word. 

 Dan went to market and got some things we need for the hospital visit again and Dema came home for a snack and we then went to an Old lady to bring food and some other things she needed.  Now home for the day ...preparing to go to a camp some hours away, where there are 135 children. It's a camp where children go for medical treatment.
 Eric and Margie  Fowler
     With Dan Peeaz   Ukraine

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Report #5 from Eric and Marge Fowler. April 30th - May 2nd 2018

 5th ukraine report April 2018 (edited)

       April 30th ....
                 This is the tenth day in the country.  Dan left early to get the Van checked out again, there is a noise in the front. They checked it and made an appointment for Friday to do extra work on it.  
My wife and I had breakfast and Margie did some more boxes since people have been asking for summer clothing.  Igor and Leanna came and we read together as they seem to look forward to it.  Leanna stayed and helped Margie, and I went with Igor to get medicine for two ladies... Dema came and we went to see Tanya's husband. He has been told he has cancer. He was sick and has been in the hospital twice since December. . Had a Visit with her uncle that is there living with them, we went over salvation and how you can't loose it  ... 
Then went to the market and bought food for two families. 
Leanna and Margie cooked dinner for us. Nice to have the people in .Dema stayed and Marina came (Leanna's daughter). We went and delivered food to the families after eating.
            Today and tomorrow are holidays, so we can only make private visits, as everywhere is closed. I spent another time on the street with tracts for over an hour.
 The 9 or us went out to supper as it was Leanna's birthday.   It was great to meet her friends from the Oil University, who teach the Ukrainian language there.  She wants us to visit the University and she will give us lessons as well,We are to buy some books from her to help us.
           We came home and Margie and I went for a walk as the weather is 28 degrees in the day.  The farmers are worried about the summer since the weather is dry already.

          May 1st

              The Morning start is important for sure. We had a good breakfast and a good read.  Igor came and we read together, he seems to enjoy it, but as of yet not saved.  God has been speaking to him for sure. It was great to have his wife join us for Leanna's birthday's supper last night. 
 Dan tried to make some calls on appointments because we needed to change some of them.  Nothing seemed to work just right. We called and decided to visit Crippled Natalia ... We have known her since 2005, she will be 45 this year. She's been in a wheelchair for over 20 years.  We went and bought medicine for her as we always do.  We had a nice visit with her and her mother. 
 We then went to Cola's place and let him and his wife and his mother-in-law pick out clothing and boots.  Dan will get him to do some little repairs on the van.  We came home and had some lunch ... then Igor took me and my wife to get a few other things to finish off
the baby bags for the Mother Hospital, which we will do Thursday Lord-willing.
.  I spent some time on the street giving out tracts again.
   We came home and prepared for meeting tonight.  Meeting was at 6 and had 26 out,  nice number for the holiday and planting time.  Ira came later and we did another Ukrainian lesson.  We are doing this not just for the language part, but to keep good contact with her.  God is able to open her heart to the truth of Salvation.    Another day is over and we are both tired ....

        May 2nd
              Morning came early since we had to go for two hospital appointments.  Dan went to Kaloush with Dema because he was having headaches and someone gave him the name of a Baptist Dr. there.  It is a 40 min. drive and the appointment is at 9 o'clock.  We had a 9 o'clock appointment in town to go with Lessia.  Dan drove where he was going and we took a taxi.  Our appointment wasn't  that long and then I went on the street for an hour with tracts.  Dan had to bring Dema to another hospital and didn't get back until 2 o'clock
 Igor came at 11 and we went to pay for some gas bills but the crowds were too big so we went to market and got food for his Grandmother, and got pampers for the new Born baby bags to take to the mother's hospital tomorrow
 Igor and I came back and ate some. Margie and Leanna were picking out clothing for a family of 5 near L’viv which we will deliver on Lord's Day.  Leanna was with us for Lessia's appointment at 9. Igor went with me to the street again with tracts. The line for bill payment was still crowded so  Dan and Dema came and got us and we went to look at a building that is for sale. We then went to see Tanya's husband again .He is actually dying, very sad but he seems to have peace that God loves him so much and all his sins are gone.  He
lived a rough and sad life. 
 We went from there with boxes and let two families pick out some clothing.  We let Tanya get some clothing for her husband since she needs to put what she takes off her husband into the garbage as he is in a terrible condition.      
           We came from there and went to the village to see Igor's grandmother, she is 88 and in good health.  She can tell you many stories about Ukraine under Austria's occupation and then Polish occupation, then the Wars, Germans,  Russians, many hair raising stories.   Now back to the apartment to get the bags ready for tomorrow.

                              IN Christ by Grace
                            Eric and Margie Fowler .with Dan Perez