Sunday, May 13, 2018

Report #8 from Eric Fowler for May 9th -11th. 2018

 8th Ukraine - report May 2018 (edited but without the pics)
                May 9th
             We were all up early ..... Igor and Leanna came and we all read together and prayed.   To see those two get settled in Salvation would truly be a blessing. 

 Loaded the van with 5 boxes of clothing for the Sanatorium in Yarson​, where we are to visit today.  The supervis​o​r of the place told us there ​are​ 125 children there.​  ​We have clothing for workers and children.  The drive there is about 1​ 1/2​ hours​, ​but ​for ​the last 30 min. the road is very poor.​
 ​ They welcomed us with open​ ​arms and hearts and gathered 100 of the children in and we spoke to them for 1/2 hour .... We gave a calendar​, text​,​ and a tract ​to ​each and one of the boxes had a package made up of tooth​paste​, toothbrush​,​ and flos​s​ ... so we gave them one​ of those too​. ​ ​Had nice time with them. ​ ​The 25 missing ​were​ out in the back and they took us there after speaking and we saw them. We ​gave them​ a​ tract and the little ​B​ible.  They had a fire ​going and boiling mountain tea and​ were​ making mountain food. ​ ​They were giving the children a training lesson on out door su​r​vival. ​ ​There were children from many villages​.​  5​ were​ from Ivano Franki​v​sk.   We had a nice meal with them and then gave them medicine we had for children.  Then the long ride back to town.  We stopped and went for a short walk along the river.    When back to town​, ​we went to change money​ and got the best exchange since we came ​with our​ USfunds.
 May 10th
          Morning came and breakfast was normal. My wife is truly great to me for she makes it every morning.   Igor came at 10:30 and we read and prayed together ...​ ​May his salvation soon come.​ ​ 
My wife got baby bags ready again in the morning ​because​ we pla​n​ to go there again​ on Friday​.  We delivered medicine and a walker and other​ supplies​ to​ the​ City hospital again.  I had some tourniquets​ ​and they were so happy to have them. ​ ​The head nurse went around and gave one to each nurse.  We then went to​ the​ Central Bus station and bought our ticket to go to Sl​o​vakia.​ We will have to leave​ a​ day early ​since the ​Buses only go on MondayWednesday, ​and ​Friday.  Dema is going with us if it works out for him. ​ ​We then went to see Ole​x​ at the market and looked at a Wipper Snapper grass trimmer for Peter​'​s village school.  We found one for a good price with Olex's help.​  ​We went out for dinner​, and then​ went back to the apartment and got the things we had for ​Igor's​ ​dad​ ​and​ went to the village to see Him.  He was all ready to come back to town with us and ready for meeting.  We visited one of his sisters and had tea there and a nice visit.  We left​ tracts​ with her​ ​and a copy of the small ​B​ible we had printed.  We rushed back into town and ​had ​just enough time to shower and run to meeting. 
 We again had 28 out and it was great to see Dema's mom and Igor's father out. ​ ​It was great to see Nat​illa​, the lady who recently got saved in L​'​viv out to meeting here.  She is working in the area for a week​.​  Then after meeting Leanna and her three friends came for tea. My wife and I went for a walk in the center and​ n​ow we are both ready for a rest.
  May 11th.
        A brother in Newfoundland.often quoted." This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be Glad in it".  We had breakfast as normal and Igor came and we read together. 
 He helped Dan make the calls to arrange the day, first we​ went​ to deliver medicine we ha​d​ to the City ​C​entral ​H​ospital . plus some other things we found in the boxes we opened.   Again she was more then happy to get any help.  
The war is raging on and seems to drain funds from many departments and​ the​ government seems to take from​ the​ hospitals first.  All hospitals tell us ​that ​absolutely no help​ has come​ since the New Year came in ...We then picked up the Lady from L​'​viv who recently got saved and she spent the day with us.  It was great to have her and give her a little cheer along the way.  The work she does brings her ​to​ Ivano ever​y​ so often.  We went to Peter​'​s Village and delivered the grass cu​t​ter we bought for them.  Again they were overjoyed ...all teachers and workers.  We saw the Mayor at the school again this peace of equipment will be used in a number of villages.​  We called by Igor​'​s Grandmother ​to ​say good​-​by​e​ for the last time now and g​o​t about 6 dozen fresh eggs. ​ ​We hurried back to town and straight to the Baby ​H​ospital and again we​ visited​​ 18 new Babies with gifts. ​ ​We didn't have enough as ​there were​ 5 more there then we had.​ ​ The mothers all seem​ed ​overjoyed with the gift.  We left gloves​ ​and garbage bags that we picked up for them enough for ​the ​month or more.  We took the head nurse​ ​two walking sticks​,​ one for her in the Garden and one for the home.  She cried and said her mom will be overjoyed​. We came back home and rested some and Leanna and her daughter came​,​ and Leanna made supper for us.​  I got her daughter to go over our Ukrain​ian​ homework.  We went then and picked up Dema and his mom and went to Dema's grandmother as she had a birthday today.  We had a nice visit with them. ​ ​We​'ve done ​much with that family and​ have known​ them since 2007. The Lord has been kind and Dema is a young man now.he was 10 when we first met them.  Home now and​ tired​ to say the least. 
 Dema helped Dan​ call the children for tomorrow​'s​ meeting.  Thanks  for all​ ​who​ have​ Prayed for us ...and for any who just wrote a wee note to encourage ....
 Thanks in the Lord 
                      Eric and Margie Fowler
                         IN the Ukraine with Dan P​e​r​e​​z

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