.......why have I found grace in thine eyes, that thou shouldest take knowledge of me, seeing I am a stranger? Ruth 2:10
Dear fellow believers
At the end of Spring the people of Ukraine elected a new President, who in his former employment was a film
star. This brought a little hope for a country which is struggling economically and financially and suffering under
the awful blight of corruption. However we give God thanks for the freedom we have to proclaim the Gospel
and distribute bibles and literature praying that God will bless the “silent page”.
star. This brought a little hope for a country which is struggling economically and financially and suffering under
the awful blight of corruption. However we give God thanks for the freedom we have to proclaim the Gospel
and distribute bibles and literature praying that God will bless the “silent page”.
We continue our visits and meetings at Stare Rosdil and Bokva orphanages for handicapped boys and girls
respectively. At Rosdil there are over 80 boys and young men with different handicapps and sadly some are
mentally retarded. We thank God for the Director of this home who is very open to the Gospel and appreciates
us spending time with those who are less handicapped and with a better measure of understanding.
During the summer months we hold the meetings outside, last meeting we had 30 young men and 6 carers
singing and repeating scriptures and listening to a bible story.
respectively. At Rosdil there are over 80 boys and young men with different handicapps and sadly some are
mentally retarded. We thank God for the Director of this home who is very open to the Gospel and appreciates
us spending time with those who are less handicapped and with a better measure of understanding.
During the summer months we hold the meetings outside, last meeting we had 30 young men and 6 carers
singing and repeating scriptures and listening to a bible story.
Likewise at Bokva where there is 90 girls and young woman all orphans of which 30% would be severely
mentally retarded. However ,we have the great joy of gathering the other young women together with many
members of staff to listen to the lovely story concerning Christ the Saviour of the world.
mentally retarded. However ,we have the great joy of gathering the other young women together with many
members of staff to listen to the lovely story concerning Christ the Saviour of the world.
The assembly had the great joy of receiving Lilia Vus into the fellowship last May. However in August Lilia was
married to Rene Samson from Nova Scotia, a brother who had visited Liviv on several occasions over the last 5
years. So the assembly commended her to Madame Assembly,Nova Scotia, we were very sorry to lose such a
faithful sister but wished her God’s richest blessing in her new assembly and new life with Rene.
married to Rene Samson from Nova Scotia, a brother who had visited Liviv on several occasions over the last 5
years. So the assembly commended her to Madame Assembly,Nova Scotia, we were very sorry to lose such a
faithful sister but wished her God’s richest blessing in her new assembly and new life with Rene.
On our annual drive to N Ireland for the purposes of MOT we stopped for the Lord’s day with the assembly in
Mechelen, Belguim. This was very refreshing and uplifting to fellowship another time with these dear believers
, however sadly they had just buried one of the brethren a few weeks before our visit.
Mechelen, Belguim. This was very refreshing and uplifting to fellowship another time with these dear believers
, however sadly they had just buried one of the brethren a few weeks before our visit.
In July we were invited to the wedding of Olya Bilabrovets and Jonathan Ellis (Canada) which was held at a nice
hotel in Lutsk. It was a very hot but happy day for all, where Ukrainian tradition is lots of delicious food, food
and more food!!!! Timothy Sloan conducted the ceremony as the young couple exchanged vows and then
brought a very suitable message from the Word of God.
hotel in Lutsk. It was a very hot but happy day for all, where Ukrainian tradition is lots of delicious food, food
and more food!!!! Timothy Sloan conducted the ceremony as the young couple exchanged vows and then
brought a very suitable message from the Word of God.
We all here in Lviv were deeply saddened at the homecall of our beloved sister Evanka (88). Unfortunately
Evanka had been confined to her 3rd floor apartment for many years. She was a lovely believer and it was
always a delight to visit, sing and read the scriptures with her. Often while we were speaking she would
interrupt and finish or add something to what we were saying about the Word of God. She had a beautiful
voice for singing and now she is singing a new song with the multitude of heavens eternal choir.
Evanka had been confined to her 3rd floor apartment for many years. She was a lovely believer and it was
always a delight to visit, sing and read the scriptures with her. Often while we were speaking she would
interrupt and finish or add something to what we were saying about the Word of God. She had a beautiful
voice for singing and now she is singing a new song with the multitude of heavens eternal choir.
The Lord very graciously provided funding for the purchase of an electric orthopaedic bed for our dear
sister in Christ Lessia who suffers from MS and for the past 2 years has spent 24/7 on a sofa bed. When we
regularly visit she is an inspiration to us with her radiant smile which expresses her joy of the Lord and “how
good God has been to her” is her frequent comment.
sister in Christ Lessia who suffers from MS and for the past 2 years has spent 24/7 on a sofa bed. When we
regularly visit she is an inspiration to us with her radiant smile which expresses her joy of the Lord and “how
good God has been to her” is her frequent comment.
On the 25/26th October the assembly held their 9th Annual conference. This year over 100 people attended
from four different countries, NI, Canada, Slovakia, USA, along with believers and unbelievers from Lutsk and
Ivano Frankisk. This year our brother Paul Andrews (Belfast) was responsible for the Gospel with Malcolm
Stanley (Canada). Paul conducted the bible reading on Philemon and ministry of the Word of God, along with
Malcolm Stanley and Daniel Mojzis, (Slovakia). Please pray with us that following the preaching of the Gospel
that even yet precious souls will be saved. Please also pray that there will be life changing results after the
ministry and exposition of God’s Word. The ministry was most challenging, edifying and uplifting.
from four different countries, NI, Canada, Slovakia, USA, along with believers and unbelievers from Lutsk and
Ivano Frankisk. This year our brother Paul Andrews (Belfast) was responsible for the Gospel with Malcolm
Stanley (Canada). Paul conducted the bible reading on Philemon and ministry of the Word of God, along with
Malcolm Stanley and Daniel Mojzis, (Slovakia). Please pray with us that following the preaching of the Gospel
that even yet precious souls will be saved. Please also pray that there will be life changing results after the
ministry and exposition of God’s Word. The ministry was most challenging, edifying and uplifting.
Many expressed afterwards that they had been encouraged and that the conference was very profitable and
worthwhile. To God be the glory.
worthwhile. To God be the glory.
We would like to sincerely thank all for their continued prayerful and practical support in the months that have
passed and we look alone to the Lord for further blessing upon the work in Lviv.
passed and we look alone to the Lord for further blessing upon the work in Lviv.
Warmly in Christ
I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is
to come, the Almighty. Rev 1 : 8
to come, the Almighty. Rev 1 : 8
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