Friday, October 24, 2014

Malcolm/s Report #2 October 21st.

Ukraine Report #2 October 21st  and 22nd.
Tuesday. Howard and I stayed home in the morning as we needed to prepare for meeting. Howard is going to Ivano Frankivsk this afternoon to take the meeting and Edmund and I will preach here. The men here, Rene Samson, Sasha and Edmund went to the local apartment blocks to finish of the invitations. We went to Edmund and Agnes for an excellent supper. Luba, a sister from Ivano has been staying with Edmund for a few days and is enjoying the time here.
There were a number at the meeting at 7pm but not too many new people as the weather is not too nice, quite cool in an evening.
Wednesday. As we were going to visit two groups of people today, we had to buy 2 shopping carts of produce. The first place we visited was the orphanage in Yosopowichi, which we have visited since first coming to Ukraine. The building was in desperate condition when first visited with rotten windows, disfuntional washrooms and water systems, plus a leaking roof and doors that the snow blew through. Through the years all the windows and doors have been replaced and total new washrooms refurbished. This orphanage is not supported by the government, but is supposed to be supported by the village, but is not. There are about 12 or so actual orphans plus about 20 or more kindergarten children actually using the facility.
We take cleaning and laundry supplies plus cooking oil and other foods. They are very grateful and we have opportunity to speak to the children and then to the staff. This time, we found the need was to replace an electric water heater that has rusted out and was leaking. We are planning to install a new water heater and a rust filter.
We then headed back to see our friends Micha, the wood carver and Maria his not-too-well wife who live in the city of Stri. They live in two rooms with a mentally challenged and crippled oldest son and another son and teen daughter. There is no water or bathroom or kitchen sink in the apartment.
 While wecwere there at this time, we were given a tour of a much larger suite attached to theirs but in much better condition, that is for sale. It would need renovating but could even be accessed to their present apartment and all made most liveable. The original priced asked was $30.000 US but has now dropped to $15.000US. We are praying that, in the will of God, they may find this amount, plus about another $5,000 for renovation. If this were to happen I know they would be willing to have meetings in the large living room. There is no gospel testimony in Stri at the present time. This is not a plea for funds but for prayer, if anyone would like further details or pictures, please contact me.
We were back in time to eat a “buffet” meal in our apartment, prepared by Rene’. He has a French name and there must be some French Cuisine in his genes. He had 2 meat and one fish plate and all the trimmings. Edmund and Agnes were with us too.
Meeting was good with several children out and some visitors. Howard arrived back from Ivano and had a nice meeting there.
Please keep praying, as there are only 2 nights left in these meetings. Many have promised to come out on Thursday or Friday.
Your Brothers in Christ Service.

Malcolm and Howard.

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