Sunday, October 5, 2014

News Letter from The Johnstons in Lviv Ukraine.

LVIV NEWS LETTER – Edmund and Agnes Johnston.
                                                                                October 2014

“Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!  Psalm 107 v 8

Hello dear friends
The war in the East of Ukraine intensified during June and July and at the last report the number dead has reached 3,500 souls with thousands injured and many with loss of limbs. We feel God has answered many prayers with a present cease fire announced at the beginning of September which is holding, although “very fragile”.

In June we had Max McLean from Oil Springs assembly in Canada, with us for 10 days.  Our brother has been here many times before and again on this visit proved very helpful both practically and spiritually.   Max was a great help in the assembly with choice ministry and preached the Gospel fervently in many orphanages.  

Also we had Doug and Debbie Yade from Kirkland Lake assembly N. Ontario at the beginning of July.  This couple brought with them much encouragement for all of us here in Lviv.

We were very pleased when the Prison Authorities contacted us to resume our monthly Gospel meeting – God again has answered prayer.

To facilitate the MOT of our vehicle we drove back to N Ireland (1700 miles) and spent the month of August in N I.  On our way back we enjoyed a Lord’s Day with the assembly in Mechelen, Belgium.  While we were in N Ireland I had a number of report meetings and enjoyed fellowship with 5 different assemblies each Lord’s day.

We are thankful for the opportunity over the last four months to continue our fortnightly children’s meeting in Sosnevska.  We average 25 children and up to 9 parents are in attendance.  Please pray that the scriptures learned by the children will bear fruit in salvation.

1.       Commencement of Sunday School /children’s meeting in Lviv assembly. (Currently we have five boys who attend the breaking of bread and after the meeting is over we have a short time for singing chorus and learning verses).
2.      Sasha (25yrs old) who interprets in the Gospel outreach in Ivano but is not saved.  We have planned D.V. one week of Gospel meetings in Lviv where he has indicated he would be interested in attending.
3.      Special Gospel meetings – commencing Oct 20-25 D.V. with Malcolm Stanley and Howard Pratt.  
4.      Lviv assembly 4th Annual Conference – 7th / 8th Nov D.V. (speaker Paul McClarty N.I and others.)
5.      Two cousins of Vladimir (Lviv assembly interpreter) who are showing an interest in salvation – (Olenka 19 and Maria 26).
We would like to acknowledge the value of your prayerful interest for us and the Work of God here in Lviv.

With warm Christian love – Edmund & Agnes Johnston.

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