Saturday, March 28, 2015

Eric's Final report #8

                                          CANADA  ......  ...HERE WE COME .........  
   March 23.
We started the day early and went to Luba's and took her to take to Hospital. She hasn't been obeying very well and has been putting her foot down and taking weight on it.   Took her to a different hospital and had to wait for some hours to see the Dr. We left her there and went and got cleaning things for baby's hospital again. We took them into the lady at the hospital and will take the rest to the head Dr. before we leave for Canada. The Hospitals are closed to visitors as many people are sick with the flu but when you have connection it can be by-passed.  Went back to Luba and it was what we thought, damaged done to her leg, she had to get x-ray on it.   The Lord was gracious and the lady who did x-ray told us that a dr. who was supposed to be off was in. He put it in place and put the best cast on it. Amazing the mercy of God.  We paid for everything and took Luba home.  We then went to Cancer hospital and got Leanna.   We took her to get food for her at Walmart and for ourselves. We went to supper and then took her home.  We spent time for meeting tomorrow night it will be my last in the Country for this time.

 March 24
We took Leanna to the Cancer hospital to see her mom. We paid for more medicine and supplies at the hospital for her. They get nothing free not even a swab or coverings for shoes to go in or a gown, all have to be bought. We visited some time with her; it was our first time to see her since the operation.  She was so grateful to get operation. It is a hope of seeing the Salvation of her dear daughter and maybe her. We went to Red Cross office to see if we can get Leanna's mom a bed for a month so that she will be able to go home. We went to dinner and at dinner paid for 4 young soldiers and another lady there. They we so surprised but so grateful for it.
Margie and Leanna went to our apartment and cooked food for her mom at the hospital and Volidia and I went to Danna's house with clothing for her to pick out. Danna is the Lady who had a large family of boys and one girl.  One of her son's died over the winter. All the family except the girl has well attended the meetings this time. Then we went to meeting .   I t was my last and 40 were out.   Our God gave help and trust the people will respond to his voice.  
 We came back to  the apartment after meeting and Yaroslav came for tea.  A man who called about a family who had a fire and lost everything came and picked out clothing for son and mom and also got bedding and other things that we had to help.  
 Long day again.   We packed some in van for tomorrow to go to Boys orphanage.

 March 25
 We were up early went to a special market and bought fish for the 95 boys. We took pampers that we had , 6 boxes of  clothing and some bed clothes. We also got my tracts from Lviv from Meest that came yesterday, We went to printers and got signs I made for Sunday school lessons. Then the 2 hour ride to the village over terrible roads. I can see why the Lord just keeps us in the city for this trip roads too bad and dangerous. We gave things to them and spoke the Gospel to 30 workers. We went to Men's home, the head man that used to be there but was fired and a man who doesn't want Gospel, took over. Had a nice time with the former man and his wife.  He showed us pictures of some of the men now fighting among themselves, as the new man is allowing them to drink.  One man jumped out or second floor window, who was drunk and got killed.  
 We came back after our long ride and went to the half way house here and gave them some more sneakers we got from the boxes.  We then went to Leanna's and had tea and gave her some things from the clothing boxes.  We took her to hospital to bring supper to her mom.  Mariena her daughter came with us to our apartment. Dema came to move boxes from veranda as we will leave tomorrow for the long journey home to Canada.  Anna and her husband came for money for the Gas for this month.  Arranged the things in the apartment and cleaned up some.   Long day for sure.....

   March 26
   We went to hospital to meet Dr. for last time and gave him more cleaning things. and the sheets that was remaining here. Went to drug store and got drugs for Natalia that we promised...she is the lady in wheelchair. We delivered clothing and potatoes to Tanya’s and her children.   Took clothing for beds to Donna and some of her sons. We delivered a coat to a man that he was asking for.  Marina came  to say good by and we took her back home and saw her mom and said good by.   We then left for Lviv and meet Edmond and Agnes for supper. 
 Long drive and tired now.   Nadia and Lubcheck and their son came for tea and say good by as well.  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we gave out calendars on the street every spare moment we had in between  movements.   Sasha came and had tea with us before leaving Ivano.   It was so hard to say good by to all, sad times here for sure.   Tomorrow we will fly at 3:30and be home in Canada 9;30 Friday night.

Value all your prayers and notes for those who wrote and may Heaven be richer and lives down here be changed and helped.
Margie and Eric Fowler Ukraine 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

Eric Fowler's Report #7

Eric Fowler’s report #7  
 March 19   
 We got up early and went to a village for Leanna's mom. Her mother has needed an operation for three years now. We had made an appointment at the Hospital with the Dr. we see all the time.  He is not just the head Dr. of the hospital but is head over all the Dr's of the region.  Leanna and her mom visited him. We went to the lady in charge of who has a daughter in Brampton Ontario and had nice visit with her.  We then came back to Leanna
and mom and the doctor is sending her to the cancer hospital. He told her what dr. to ask for.   We went just out of town to a little hospital. The lines were very very long . What a mess but        we would never have got anywhere without the name of the Dr. we saw. The Doctor had called as well and in less then and hour we are in the appointment. Nice to have connections.
We have to buy everything the dr. needs for operation, even to the gloves and mask, every last item.  We had to go back to the village again 40 min. out of town for Leanna's mom to get the things to be admitted to the hospital.  Neither Leanna or her mother expected to get treated so quickly, all because of the contact with the doctor we have had for years. We left her there for operation tomorrow  at 11am.
God is great and God is good.  Leanna is happy and this is a major step in her conversion, we trust.   We went and bought the mops and cleaning things on our way out of town from the cancer hospital.  We will take them to the dr. tomorrow. 
Gods great program of reaching souls often brings very hard work. Got tea and then went toOleg's building and got boxes of clothing for clothing distribution tomorrow.
We then went to supper with Svetlana's parents.  Sveitlana is home for 7 days from Dubai.  She is the girl who got saved  about three years ago and was our Interpreter for some years. Her dad
and mom we have met three time since we came.  They were very nice and great to talk.
We love to see them have a real interest in the Bible.  He would like to have a leather jacket so told him come tomorrow and see If the LORD has put one in some box for him.   He wants a pair of jeans too. Will see tomorrow what the Lord will do for him.   
 Came home finally and glad day is over.

 March 20
 We are all slow in getting on the move today.  Yesterday was a long and big day. Our first stop is at the place where the clothing distribution will take place. Will meet Misha and the others that will help with three ladies and another man. Taras was to come from a bank and some of his workers but having trouble there today and couldn't come.
Banks are closing every day so the economy is getting worse, if this is even possible.
We made a visit to the Dr. to deliver the mops to him. He was very very happy. He is feeling      the pressure of losing three of his three best Dr.s to the war front.
   We then went back to the long 5 and half hours of dealing with over 235 people who came to get clothing. We gave out New Testaments, calendars, tracts and a bar of soap at the end. It went very well for sure all seemed happy that went through and also those that helped .  We had to get more boxes and the total was over 30 boxes. May it be a step to contacts for sure.
Many who come to the meetings came through as well.   Day over and stretched to the limit.

March   21
The week is coming to a close. We were praying about a mountain trip but it isn't working to that end.  It is still cold in evenings and may be snow up there. We haven't checked but the Lord maybe just keeping us safe this way.  
 We dropped off more sneakers to the orphanage here in town and dropped off more food and  clothing and blankets to Hilda the older lady who relatives are coming to the meeting.  It was nice she came so much last time but her health is preventing her this year. I believe she really got saved. She went to the Lusk conference last year and truly enjoyed it.  Was also to Lviv conference. Our God is so good to people.   We then went to visit Natalia, she is the lady with MS that we always visit. We got her medicine she needed.  Svetlanna went with us and we took her cd's of NT that I got in Canada for her.  She had some chapters of NT that Howard gave her before but this is all the books of the NT. We also gave her one for her friend who is also in a wheelchair. 
 We then met Sasha and his brother and took a fridge from his dad's place and to his apartment.  It would be nice to see Terrace and his wife come to meeting but he has never come. We then went and had supper with Luba. This was different as Luba  is the lady who broke her leg. Had a nice time with her daughter and granddaughter and Daughter in law. It has been years working there and very slow in making progress.
 One must never get tired of labouring even with one person.
We left there and got car washed which takes and hour and also got gas for the long trip tomorrow to lviv.  This is the last meeting in Lviv before we leave for Canada.
   March 22
Woke early and ready to move. 
 Yaroslav came here and also Dema. Great to see Him go for sure we need young men like that.   Look to the Lord to save him and use him.   We went to pick up Sasha, who is never on time and for this trip shows no interest at all and wondered why he wants to go to Lviv. Victor is going he shows an interest but will have to be a great change in him. As far as I know spent 15 years in Prison and it truly has affected him .   Leanna is going again, even though her mom got the operation at the hospital on Friday but seems to be doing well.                                                       At the meeting we had 14 in the back and 15 to the Worship meeting . The meeting went very well and worship was nice.  Edmond spoke to the children and I spoke in Ministry.   I again spoke on Godliness ..... it's Beginning  ... It’s growth which will affect Our Worship.
Good trip home again here in Ivanno .... time to rest , read and Run to meeting again. I did expect a smaller meeting tonight as it was cold but when all settled in 33 was there.   After meeting we went and visited a Black lady and son from Nigeria, her son name is Sampson.   I asked where name came from she said my grandmother got it from Bible.
Home isn’t the apartment and tired and happy for the kindness of the Lord for many KM's over the many bumps.  
                              Eric and Margie Fowler ..... Ukraine 2015

Eric Fowler's Report #6

Eric’s Report #6 for March 17 and 18...

March 17
Morning seems to come too early for sure. Every day is full and you go bed tired.
We had more sheets for hospital come, so called Dr. and went to the hospital. He was very friendly again for sure. I gave him my testimony and he commented once he read it .

They are having problems getting mops and cleaning things as there is no money from the              
government coming for these things. We went and bought mops for the ladies floor and took them back. The lady cried when we took them to her. Inspectors from the Government tell her she must have them, but no money allotted for them.
 45 min. was spent on street giving out what was left of the invitations to meetings. 
We went to the half way house and took some sneakers from the boxes that came. They need 35 pr. we had 15 if they fit.

Edmond and some others came from Lviv for meeting and to visit Luba. They brought some help from the Lviv Assemby, which was very nice . We all went out to supper, Sasha came with us and there were 8 of us. There were 29 out to meeting; Edmond spoke and Ruslan opened and I closed.
We then went to the Jewish lady Lorissa for supper. She often cooks rabbits for us but not this time. If possible, she is getting poorer. A sad land. The Gas prices are hurting as they burn gas for heating and cooking. It’s going to be difficult ...summer coming is a little break. Left some help to her and her mom. We nearly froze eating a little potatoe she had cooked.  Had difficulty coming out from her place and at main road there was a major accident with police around.  We see an accident every day and some times more than one
 The war talk now is that Russia will attack in early May with a major attack. The fighting in the East is getting worse and worse. There have been some in other places with shootings in shopping areas.                 . Day over and tired.
 March 18
 Normal rise and breakfast,  it was suppose to be warmer this week but nights are cold.  Snow
in the Mountains I would think. It is great there is no snow in the city still. 
  Went  and got more food for some families. The first delivery is to the Russian young lady who lost husband and has two children. They have been sick so got  medicine for them last weekend.   Had nice visit and tried to talk of Christ and the work that can forgive our sin if we by faith trust it.   She talked some of her dear husband. I tried last year to point him to the cross and the  importance of a simple trust in the Saviour.   
 From there we went to Maria  one of the two blind ladies that comes to the meeting. She was missing on Sunday and was sick and her very aged mom is sick also.  Had a talk with her and her son, her son was out to meetings some over the years but not much in the last two. She had tea made and some food as well.  I tried to encourage her son to come Sunday will have to see.       We then went to Antaninas and Victor her son. He was home but spends much time in Hospital since out of prison. We had lots of native food there for sure. Had a great visit and at times he talks like he got saved. He reads a lot and that is good. From there called Dema Tanya's  brother. Tania is the lady that went back to Canada I talked about last Friday.   He came and helped get 11 boxes of clothing and carry them up the flight of steps to our apartment.  We had a great talk to him about his interest in God way of salvation. We need a move among the people here of seeking Gods only way of Salvation.
Tanya a nurse that comes to the meetings much, came over to house and had little supper and talked some. She brought us some things she made from wood herself. The people are very talented with their hands in so many ways.
 Another day over in the city. It seems I can't get to go out of the city, so much to do with the people here.   
 Talked to the head Dr. at hospital and we will go and see Him tomorrow about Leanna's mom who needs and operation.  Will see how tomorrow will go. 

Eric and Margie Fowler.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Eric Fowler's Report #5

   March 11 Report # 5 from Eric Fowler.

We are enjoying our time with Vladimir as our driver interpreter and brother. 
Got food packages to deliver  to Dana, the lady who has the big family. Her family is now grown some and out on their own but still has some coming and going to school. It was her son that died leaving a wife and two children. He had his lost two legs with diabetes.
Went and got a hot plate for the floor where Leanna lives and took her home.  We did plan to go to the street to give out invitations and calendars but it was raining. So we went out to dinner at the Carpathian Kitchen restaurant, where we go when we don't go back to our  apartment.  We bought food for supper as Svetlana's parents are coming for supper. When they came we had  a nice time with them. Personal work is very important in building a local work. To get people      out to meeting one must spend time with them and be one of them.
    Day over now  and tired with talking and answering questions.

 March 12
Heavy rain again today.  Not good for street work again.   So we went and picked up Leanna again, she has been coming every day and spending time with us. We can only pray she has an interest in Salvation. We will see as the time goes by.   
 Went to the Half way house and spoke to 35 children and 4 adults. The children are very well behaved for coming from broken homes. They have been taken from the street and unsuitable homes and are waiting to be put into better homes. They had many question, many are teens.
We had long talk with the head lady.  The war pressure has taken a toll on many. 
 She  then took us to the Invalid lady that lived close by. We had nice talk to her but what a place she has to live in, very sad.  She needs a walker and we will bring one from the apartment.
We then went to a German lady that got  saved in 2006 when I was here with Louie Smith.
We did have a very  had nice visit with her and her son. Deanna made progress for some time
when first saved but got connected with some false teaching and has been having problem spiritually ever since.    
 From there was came home and made supper and had Yaroslav in and talked some on the work here.   We took him home and went got new rim and fixed a flat tire.    Volodia just found out we were driving all the days here with no spare tire.  Came home and got ready to go to Lviv early in the morning.  We will take a young lady, Tanya to airport to fly to Canada. Tania’s family lives in Ivano and we had her for an interpreter on occasions. Some may remember that her mother had cancer of the nose and Christians in Canada and the US gave generously to have plastic surgery to replace her nose. 3 years ago, Tania went to Ontario to work and try to support her mother and 4 brothers. She had been home for 2 weeks to visit her ailing grandfather.
  Leana and her daughter and Maria, Luba's daughter will go with us for weekend in Lviv.  Yaroslav will come on Saturday. We will take bedding and food with us.
A late night getting ready.

March   13
   We were up early and went and picked everyone up. Had a nice trip to lviv and then to the Airport. Edmond and Agnes and Ruslan came to say goodbye to Tania.  That was very nice of them.  She was overwhelmed by the number saying goodby to her. 
We went a treat at McDonald's. Then went to the apartment and had a little rest and got ready for ministry meeting.  There were as just a small number out to meeting, more from Ivano than from Lviv.  I spoke on GODLINESS and the Development of Holiness in a Christian.

The day over and very tired when all in apartment are settled in for the night. O yes went down town after and met with the Jewish man to change money.  The dollar went down at bank much and he gave me 1860 just down 40R.   Gas went down from 2899 to 2599 over night.  The international Bank loaned Ukraine 27 billion so that may have changed things.

                                           Eric and Margie   Fowler    UKRAINE  2015

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Eric Fowler's Report #4 from Ukraine.

Report # 4 from Eric and Marge Fowler.

 War is smashing homes lives and the whole nation; very very sad. Prices as just unbelievable, the rich are taking advantage of the poor without mercy.
 March 9
 Again we like to thank all the Lord's dear people for praying for us at this unique time in the Ukraine. Another wave of calling up young me to the army has started and will continue until April 20th as far as I can learn.
Great  Britain  is in the news for giving 20 armed vehicles to the  Ukraine. Prayer is very
necessary for the whole of Europe. 
It's a great joy to be in the Lord's army, bringing words of PEACE and deliverance to the people. 
I said in my last report that this is a great warfare for the souls of people, for sure. 
HE THAT WINNETH SOULS IS WISE Prov. 11. Amazing that Our Great God can use us in our generation.

 The morning started quietly with reading and prayer together.
 We went and picked up Leanna and she came to our apartment to help my wife sort clothing.
 No boxes have arrived yet since we came so pray with us that this will happen in the next few days.  Leanna's daughter came for noon lunch and we played a few games with them .Then came the news that  Luba had fallen this morning and broken her leg.  I shared the details in my last report. We went directly to the hospital and got crutches for her and pain pills that she needed.   She cried much in Hospital about not being able to help We took her home and got her safe in her apartment, but with great difficulty as the steps to her place are very bad. 

 We then went to see Tanya's grandmother, her mom and her 4 brothers.  One of her brothers was out to meeting on Sunday and also her mom. Left help with her grandmother for medicine.  Tried to tell her of the forgiveness of sins through Christ, but it was very hard as religion has blinded her eyes.

We then went with Oleg and Ola and their son and his wife. We had a nice visit as it was Oleg's birthday. They need much prayer as we have known them since 2005 but they are slow in growing spiritually.

Another day over and very tired.

March 10.

 We picked up Leanna and went to the Orphanage here in town. They have 35 children most
of them, for a long time.  We took oranges and candy to them. I spoke to them about the Jesus being the Light of the world. I asked if we went on a camping trip what would be nice to have?  One thing they said is a LIGHT, so told them about Jesus being the Light and the word of God being our light. I told little of my family and of Canada.  They asked many questions. Then had tea with the head lady Oxana and asked about any need in the place. Some of them had no shoes so will take the lady from there on Thursday. and get sneakers for them all. Then she told us of a very poor invalid lady, near the home who has nothing. We will buy food for her tomorrow.  Then we went paid for invitations we got printed for the meetings we are having each week and ordered some signs and texts we needed. We then went to the street and gave out few hundred invitations with Sasha and my wife.
We then went with Leanna and got food for Luba and family and took it to them. Then my wife and Leanna and Luba's daughter came to apartment to make some supper and I finished preparing for meeting. Voladima and Sasha went and washed van. 
Went to meeting at six. We had 31 out, which was great for sure. 
From meeting we went and visited Tanya's mom and her 3 brothers. Her oldest brother is gone to the war front with a group taking supplies of food, medicine and clothing to the soldiers. Very sad times here and need much prayer.

 Labourers together for the LORD.

 Eric and Margie Fowler  ...Ukraine March 2015.....

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Eric Fowler's Report #3 from Ukraine.

Report #3 for March 6th (with prayer request for March 9th)
 Thanks to all the Saints that PRAY for us at this unique time in the Ukraine
 AGAINST IT.  It's the Lord's own work not ours, we are just a little pebble on the sea of time that can be used in our generation. Every soul everywhere, will sooner or later be in Eternity ...

 A SAD NOTE FOR TODAY ONLY. I haven't written a report for today because Luba, the sister from Ivano Frankisk, fell this morning and broke her leg. We feel it is an attack from the enemy as Luba, who is in the meeting and was looking forward very much in helping with the Calendar work. She cried much in Hospital about not being able to help. So we value very much your prayers for her. I've been preaching much about the power of God and his protective hand, so it's the enemy hitting back for sure.
March 6  ……..
 We  had more Baby bags made by the Ladies in Welland, Ontario, so called the head nurse at maternity ward and she took us to 14 mom’s with new babies.  We had to wait some time as she was called to an emergency operation. She was very kind again and we had nice time with mothers.
Met a couple from the East where there is fighting and they very appreciated the kind gift.  In each bag is a New Testament, a children Bible story book, a calendar  and other literature.  
 We had a long visit with the  Head nurse. She needs cleaning things for her floor as the government gives them nothing. They get things only through sponsors that help them.  Another nurse came to her office and talked some.
From there we came home and studied much for the meetings on Sunday.  Leanna came and had dinner with us here and talked some. I do believe she is searching. She wants to go to meeting with us to Lviv on Sunday with her daughter. That will be the daughters first ever meeting and Leanna's first worship meeting.  That will put more pressure on how I will speak on Lord’s Day.  When she left we went to Svetlana’s parents for supper.  We were there for over 3 hours.  They are very upset over the war.  He was a driver to the area where the war is,  now it’s closed for him, he did it for 18 years.    Svetlana is the interpreter who got save two years ago. Visiting is hard work when it’s pioneer gospel work but very rewarding for sure.
 March 7
 We didn’t rise too early.  My wife did some very necessary cleaning of our clothing and the apartment here.  I did some extra reading and got ready for tomorrow.
 We then went to Luba’s and got the three of them and went to their village where the Grandmother lives. We had a very nice visit.  It was very very cold there and almost died with cold. She is a sweet old lady, I do believed she got saved a year or so ago, and and as soon as we got there, she wanted us to tell her something about Christ.  She said I love the Lord,.he is so good to me and yet she lives in poverty. We brought back 2 bags of potatoes for Luba and some bottles goods.  People here live on the potatoes. 
 We came back to the apartment for  a shower and got ready to have a visit with Oleg and Ola. He is the man who takes care of the clothing boxes when they land here. We had a very nice visit but I’m afraid that he is sliding from reading and praying as he ought.  He is doing very well in business for sure but growing in the Lord’s things he is not.   After their visit we came home and finished preparing for tomorrow as it will be a early rise and a long day.
  March 8
 We rose early for the long drive to Lviv and back.   Yaroslav came to the apartment here.  We then went to pick up Luba and the Leanna and her daughter that lives nearby.   The drive to Lviv went well as the traffic is down very very much because of the very high prices of gas. It  is over double from last year.  We arrived early at the building in Lviv and had coffee.  The weather is a little warmer today, there is no snow not a speck but still a chilly wind. 
 The worship meeting was a nice one, I was praying for that as it was Leanna and her daughter’s first worship meeting. Some of the local men have grown well and their worship was very nice for sure. I had the word after the meeting and continued on with The Person – Christ , The Place –In His Name  and  now -----The People … redeemed of the Lord and made ready for the PLACE.   It is great to know and be in the right place here on earth to Worship and Work and then to be ready for the HEAVENLY rest in our Home in Heaven.   The Saints were very kind to Leanna and her daughter. We had 18 in the meeting to worship and 8 visitors. Then they had sing and verses for the children and one of the local men had a story. The time between meetings were very short but I went down town Lviv to meet a Jewish man and change money, as exchange at the bank is very poor compared to when we came, then the Long journey back to Ivano Frankisk.
Leanna told some in the evening meeting in Ivano that they loved the meeting in Lviv and felt like they were among one big family. This is a good testimony for the Christians in Lviv.
The meeting in Ivano was larger than last week with no advertisement and  being a womans day holiday. We had 35 to meeting and it was great to have some new ones.  This means that some there have been asking others out. We had some regular ones missing as the day for woman holiday and this took some away.  Went to supper after meeting and took Tanya with us. She is a nurse from the Hospital we visit and has been attending meetings well. We came home after and was ready to crash in bed which we did.  Leanna came to the night meeting after traveling to Lviv and back. We would ask special prayer for her and her 16 year old daughter that both would be saved even this time while here.  They will come with us tomorrow for some of the time. Labours together for the LORD.

Eric and Margie Fowler  ...Ukraine March 2015.....

Monday, March 9, 2015

Eric Fowler's Report #2 March 4th from Ukraine.

Eric Fowler’s report #2  March 4th 2015           
 Thanks to all the Saints for praying for us.  The mood here is very sad.  Many more young men are being conscripted to the war front, even the hospital here in the city had two of the best surgeons taken. Food prices sore very high, sometimes things double over night. Fruit, very high, floor sugar and other things are hard to get, gas more than double from last March.                     
 Today we went to hospital and gave the Dr. more sheets that came. Then we went to the Mom's
section and met with the head nurse. She was so glad to see us. Her mood was very low as two
of the doctors who take care of mothers are called to go to war front. It was in her section that a man came in with explosive  tied on him and set it off. I talked a little about that in my last report. Another person also died from the explosion. 
 We had a very nice time with 14 visits with mothers. They were all from Ivano Frankivsk except for two. One lady talked and asked many question. One Father was present and they were from the war front area. I heard that over 100,000 have fled the area. One couple from war front came for clothing and to meeting the week before we came. We called them since coming and they will be out this coming Sunday. We then went to market and got food for an old lady who came to meetings for some time now and I believe she got saved along the way some time. She was at Lutsk last July to the conference and she really enjoyed it. One of her daughters was out to meeting on Tuesday night with two of her daughters and want to come back again as they really enjoyed the meeting.  Helena is her name and she cried when we came and brought so much food. she said she was so lonely for us both.
   We then came home to have little tea and do little extra reading. I am responsible for the four Lord's days in Lviv while I 'm here as well as the two meetings a week here in Ivano Frankivsk.  
We then went to meet the Russian lady, Tanya, who lost her husband after we left last year. I talked a little of her yesterday as she was out to meeting with her two children. We let her shop for herself, but she was shy.  She had never shopped for so much before. The two little
 girls love my wife and I.  
 We then picked up some things to have 5 people in as it was my wife's birthday. Oleg and Ola,
 they are the ones who receive the clothing when it comes here. Then Luba and her daughter Marika.  Luba is in fellowship in the meeting in Lviv. Then Louisa , came she is the mom of Svetlana  the interpreter who got saved two years ago. We had a nice time with them all.       Luba and Marika stayed a little extra and we played some games with them.
   Day over and it was full.
March 5th
 We had to leave apartment early to meet a man to get Biology charts for the school in Peters
 Village.  WE went and picked up Leanna as she wants to spend little more time with us.
Her full intentions I'm not sure about but like to think she is searching for salvation.
 Had nice time  at the school and they were very happy to receive us again. The principle was sick and in Hospital last year when were there. She cried when we came as she appreciated her flowers, food and visit while in hospital.  Her daughter is a doctor and is called to the war front
as well and this makes her very very sad. Had soup at the school and looked at the stove they had
 just week ago. It was a stove from the 1500’s I think, very very old.
We came back in the city a 50 min. drive and we picked up some food for Leanna and took her home. We then went to supper to Valantina's home. She is one of the blind ladies that come to meeting.  She was not out yet since I came as she is having some other medical issues. It was nice to see her son again, he has a car collection. Her cousin comes to help her some when she has us in and wants to do this once or twice while we are here. The dear lady has heard much Gospel but as of yet is not saved.  We then took Leanna and her daughter, Valdimear and my wife and I for a swim.
Now home for another day over. Trying to write these simple thoughts where you all can read and again do little extra study for all the meetings.

                                Eric and Margie Fowler    Ukraine Missionary journey.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Eric Fowler's first Report for March 2015.

                                         WARS AND RUMOURS OF WARS
 Kingdom against kingdom, famines, pestilences and earthquakes. The beginning of sorrows.   This is for the end days and for the world. Now the nation of the Ukraine is under great difficulties.  Inflation is unbelievable. Just last March $100 Canadian  dollars  would give you 1575R now it gives you 2060R. The price of many things has risen but their wages become less.    
 The earth will be dissolved with fire but we know our hope is in Him and we will be saved from the fire because of Him, the great God of the Universe ... THIS GOD IS OUR OWN GOD.
We were very busy from start to finished, a very full day. We called the Dr. at the hospital to leave him the white sheets, he was very very happy to see us. He said he was wondering about us and when we would come, he thought we had forgotten him.  He said the Government gives them  no help. This is the hospital where a man came in with explosives tied on him and set it off to kill his wife really, but killed himself and the head nurse who took care of the ladies. Others were badly hurt and the hospital was damaged up to the second floor. Very sad for sure in the day of much sadness here.  We will go back to him tomorrow and get the go ahead to visit mothers with babies.   We then went to a printers to get invitations to put in Calendars to advertise the 8 meetings we will have here in the city for the month of March.
 Went and paid for the rent on the meeting room in the hotel where we will have the meetings.  Then we went to pay for the room where we will have a big day of clothing distribution in the city hall on the 20th of March. We then went to Walmart and called Lesia, one of the poorest Saints here, to come and pick up a cart of groceries. She had the joy of getting what she needed. The dear lady was one of the first saved in 2005 on our first trip. She is married with one child. She will share her food with her mom for sure who is poorer then she is, if that is possible. Her mom has never come to meetings but we have been very kind to her and some day this will surely pay off.
From there we went home and called others about the meeting tonight. Studied some more for tonight and preached on Person of God, Power of God, Presence of God, Promise of God.
There were 29 at the meeting tonight, our God is good.  One Russian lady and her two children was out, she came last year lots with her husband. He is now dead and this is what makes the work here so urgent as everywhere death can claim at any time. We explained the Gospel to this man much last year on private visits and sad to have no assurance where he is, only God knows. 
After meeting we went for a private visit with a lady and her 16 year old daughter. We have helped and spent much time with them for the past 2 years. She has come to meetings about three times but has never stayed the full meeting. Again we must have patience and work with people.   
Now we are home and very very tired. Only the Lord knows the true value of the day and Heaven will tell the true story.  Value Prayer as so much sickness sweeps the country because of a lack of good food and medicine and we need protection from this. Wisdom is need to work among the people with care.
                            Eric and Margie