Saturday, March 28, 2015

Eric's Final report #8

                                          CANADA  ......  ...HERE WE COME .........  
   March 23.
We started the day early and went to Luba's and took her to take to Hospital. She hasn't been obeying very well and has been putting her foot down and taking weight on it.   Took her to a different hospital and had to wait for some hours to see the Dr. We left her there and went and got cleaning things for baby's hospital again. We took them into the lady at the hospital and will take the rest to the head Dr. before we leave for Canada. The Hospitals are closed to visitors as many people are sick with the flu but when you have connection it can be by-passed.  Went back to Luba and it was what we thought, damaged done to her leg, she had to get x-ray on it.   The Lord was gracious and the lady who did x-ray told us that a dr. who was supposed to be off was in. He put it in place and put the best cast on it. Amazing the mercy of God.  We paid for everything and took Luba home.  We then went to Cancer hospital and got Leanna.   We took her to get food for her at Walmart and for ourselves. We went to supper and then took her home.  We spent time for meeting tomorrow night it will be my last in the Country for this time.

 March 24
We took Leanna to the Cancer hospital to see her mom. We paid for more medicine and supplies at the hospital for her. They get nothing free not even a swab or coverings for shoes to go in or a gown, all have to be bought. We visited some time with her; it was our first time to see her since the operation.  She was so grateful to get operation. It is a hope of seeing the Salvation of her dear daughter and maybe her. We went to Red Cross office to see if we can get Leanna's mom a bed for a month so that she will be able to go home. We went to dinner and at dinner paid for 4 young soldiers and another lady there. They we so surprised but so grateful for it.
Margie and Leanna went to our apartment and cooked food for her mom at the hospital and Volidia and I went to Danna's house with clothing for her to pick out. Danna is the Lady who had a large family of boys and one girl.  One of her son's died over the winter. All the family except the girl has well attended the meetings this time. Then we went to meeting .   I t was my last and 40 were out.   Our God gave help and trust the people will respond to his voice.  
 We came back to  the apartment after meeting and Yaroslav came for tea.  A man who called about a family who had a fire and lost everything came and picked out clothing for son and mom and also got bedding and other things that we had to help.  
 Long day again.   We packed some in van for tomorrow to go to Boys orphanage.

 March 25
 We were up early went to a special market and bought fish for the 95 boys. We took pampers that we had , 6 boxes of  clothing and some bed clothes. We also got my tracts from Lviv from Meest that came yesterday, We went to printers and got signs I made for Sunday school lessons. Then the 2 hour ride to the village over terrible roads. I can see why the Lord just keeps us in the city for this trip roads too bad and dangerous. We gave things to them and spoke the Gospel to 30 workers. We went to Men's home, the head man that used to be there but was fired and a man who doesn't want Gospel, took over. Had a nice time with the former man and his wife.  He showed us pictures of some of the men now fighting among themselves, as the new man is allowing them to drink.  One man jumped out or second floor window, who was drunk and got killed.  
 We came back after our long ride and went to the half way house here and gave them some more sneakers we got from the boxes.  We then went to Leanna's and had tea and gave her some things from the clothing boxes.  We took her to hospital to bring supper to her mom.  Mariena her daughter came with us to our apartment. Dema came to move boxes from veranda as we will leave tomorrow for the long journey home to Canada.  Anna and her husband came for money for the Gas for this month.  Arranged the things in the apartment and cleaned up some.   Long day for sure.....

   March 26
   We went to hospital to meet Dr. for last time and gave him more cleaning things. and the sheets that was remaining here. Went to drug store and got drugs for Natalia that we promised...she is the lady in wheelchair. We delivered clothing and potatoes to Tanya’s and her children.   Took clothing for beds to Donna and some of her sons. We delivered a coat to a man that he was asking for.  Marina came  to say good by and we took her back home and saw her mom and said good by.   We then left for Lviv and meet Edmond and Agnes for supper. 
 Long drive and tired now.   Nadia and Lubcheck and their son came for tea and say good by as well.  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we gave out calendars on the street every spare moment we had in between  movements.   Sasha came and had tea with us before leaving Ivano.   It was so hard to say good by to all, sad times here for sure.   Tomorrow we will fly at 3:30and be home in Canada 9;30 Friday night.

Value all your prayers and notes for those who wrote and may Heaven be richer and lives down here be changed and helped.
Margie and Eric Fowler Ukraine 2015

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