Kingdom against kingdom, famines, pestilences and earthquakes. The
beginning of sorrows. This
is for the end days and for the world. Now the nation of the Ukraine is under
great difficulties. Inflation is
unbelievable. Just last March $100 Canadian dollars would give you 1575R now it gives you
2060R. The price of many things has risen but their wages become less.
The earth will be dissolved with fire but we know our hope is in Him and we will be saved from the fire because of Him, the great God of the Universe ... THIS GOD IS OUR OWN GOD.
We were very busy from start to finished, a very full day. We called the Dr.
at the hospital to leave him the white sheets, he was very very happy to see us.
He said he was wondering about us and when we would come, he thought we had forgotten
him. He said the Government gives them no help. This is the hospital where a man came
in with explosives tied on him and set it off to kill his wife really, but
killed himself and the head nurse who took care of the ladies. Others were
badly hurt and the hospital was damaged up to the second floor. Very sad for
sure in the day of much sadness here. We will go back to him tomorrow and
get the go ahead to visit mothers with babies. We then went to a printers
to get invitations to put in Calendars to advertise the 8 meetings we will have
here in the city for the month of March.The earth will be dissolved with fire but we know our hope is in Him and we will be saved from the fire because of Him, the great God of the Universe ... THIS GOD IS OUR OWN GOD.
Went and paid for the rent on the meeting room in the hotel where we will have the meetings. Then we went to pay for the room where we will have a big day of clothing distribution in the city hall on the 20th of March. We then went to Walmart and called Lesia, one of the poorest Saints here, to come and pick up a cart of groceries. She had the joy of getting what she needed. The dear lady was one of the first saved in 2005 on our first trip. She is married with one child. She will share her food with her mom for sure who is poorer then she is, if that is possible. Her mom has never come to meetings but we have been very kind to her and some day this will surely pay off.
From there we went home and called others about the meeting tonight. Studied some more for tonight and preached on Person of God, Power of God, Presence of God, Promise of God.
There were 29 at the meeting tonight, our God is good. One Russian lady and her two children was out, she came last year lots with her husband. He is now dead and this is what makes the work here so urgent as everywhere death can claim at any time. We explained the Gospel to this man much last year on private visits and sad to have no assurance where he is, only God knows.
After meeting we went for a private visit with a lady and her 16 year old daughter. We have helped and spent much time with them for the past 2 years. She has come to meetings about three times but has never stayed the full meeting. Again we must have patience and work with people.
Now we are home and very very tired. Only the Lord knows the true value of the day and Heaven will tell the true story. Value Prayer as so much sickness sweeps the country because of a lack of good food and medicine and we need protection from this. Wisdom is need to work among the people with care.
Eric and Margie
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