Saturday, July 30, 2016

Report from Dan Perez in Ivano Frankivsk.

Dear Praying friends.                                                                                July 2016
Early in the month I took another MRI scan because I kept feeling pain in my leg throughout the night. I then took the scan to the Dr. and he said that it shows my ACL needs to be repaired and that requires surgery. He said if I could live with it as is surgery is not needed, so I am use a brace for the knee and so far so good!
I was asked to visit one old blind lady with leg problems. They told me that she has an interest in the bible and wanted to talk so I met with her. A very nice lady and listened very well as I shared the gospel to her and seemed to agree with all I said but when I asked her if she know she was forgiven she was lost all over again. All her siblings have died and only one living brother is left but sick and may die soon. She started to cry and said if her brother dies she will be an orphan having no family. I shared with her that all who are in Christ are in the Family of God and God the Father promise that He will never leave or forsake His own!
There is a woman that is looking after her and I gave her some tracts to read to the blind lady and hope that both can be reached with the Gospel message, the good news of being forgiven by God! (WOW, what good news that really is!!)

The highlight of the month was having Larry and Ruth Perkins staying with me just before I left Ukraine. They were a great help in many ways and the people here took a big liking towards them and many remembered them from last year. Though there was so much  to be done we did what we could with the time we had. Ruth really went out of her way when she started to scrub the kitchen floor with a toothbrush! I did not think it was that bad but it did look a lot nicer when she was done! I wanted to take a picture of her doing this but did not want people to think this would be one of their duties plus given bread and water for them to stay here!

We visited one family that lives far out in the country side. Once you get off the long dusty gravel road then you make a turn into the forest. It seemed like the middle of nowhere but on the other side of the forest there is a small village which is where they live. I have not seen them in more than a year and know they have two more children which makes a total of four. He needs to leave the country from time to time to earn some money. Where they live they have no shower and would like to make one but no money. They are now having bible meetings in their house once a week and wanted us to visit but we had no time as they have them on Sundays. They also wanted us to meet one Amish family that has come to a few of their bible meetings, I do hope to meet them in the future. We had a good talk and hope it would be of some encouragement to them. We left them a box, things for the children and for the house.

There is one lady who comes to the meetings and asked for prayer for I think it was her grandson, who was sick in the hospital and she was very burdened by it, well he died, just 8 years old. She was full of tears for a few of the meetings then stop coming. Last year when Larry and Ruth were here we had a nice visit at her small apartment and was hoping to make another visit but could not reach her. I think it had something to do with the 40 days after his death. She did show up at the last meeting I had looking very sad with teary eyes. Another woman said after one of the meetings, God did not help this time. This lady would profess to be a Christian and was hoping we could spend some time with her but no time opened up, her name is Anna.
We visited a few sanatorium, one of them we visit quite often is far and the road is not very good half of the way there. As we arrived we met with the director, he’s a big man and very nice also! They were having some kind of outdoor activity with the kids, making chocolate and putting them in little cups with berries. They asked us if we would like to have the meeting outside and since the kids were out and it was a beautiful day we said we would. They set up the chairs and the kids all sat. There were possibly 75 kids most of them sitting and some of the off to the side with the nurses and teachers. Both Larry and I spoke and I thought they all listened very well! We then gave out New Testaments to those that asked plus bible texts and some candy. We bought some games and brought boxes of clothes and gave it to them which were some of the things they have asked for. They fed us lunch before we headed back on those roads, that was nice of them!

Had a children’s meeting for the locals in a new place, about 10 to 12 children plus their parents came to the meeting. Larry gave the message I tried to do the songs and the games and we had some snacks afterwards. I thought it went well and would have liked to have another one but had no time! Larry also took part in each of the local meetings in Ivano and spoke in the Lviv assembly the two Lord’s Day we were there!
Larry and Ruth were a big help and an encouragement not only to me but to others as well! A big thank you to them for having a desire to come and be used of the Lord! And a big thank you to all who has sent boxes and have continued in prayer!
I am now in Moldova and may visit the Christians in Romania as well. Please pray that God would bless the time spent with the Christians in these places!!
Thank You!
In Christ our Lord!

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