Saturday, October 8, 2016

We are sorry for the gap in posting news from Lviv and Ivano Frankivsk.

Further to the heading. Eric Fowler and his wife Margy with two other single ladies were there for the month of September. Eric wrote several times but we were not able to  prepare them for posting.
Since Eric returned Gilles and Helen Plourdes and Howard and Robin Pratt have arrived and are there at this time. Malcolm Stanley and Wade Bauld are going in time for the Lviv Conference on October the 26th. and staying into November.
Dan Perez is in Romania and Moldova an will also return in November.Please pray for these workers, there is much ground to seed with the Word of God.

 Sep 9, 2016,
                  From Eric and Margie Fowler Ivano Frankisk ....... ...
 The meeting tonight here in Ivano Frankisk gave to us great joy. Many of the old contacts were out but 6 young men were out new, Dema's friends. Then his brother Slavick was out to sitting in the front seat. 45 were out, what a number Sasha, Olex and Ola's son was back. they were out as well and stayed and talked a long time. God is able to do above what we can ask or think.
 Keep Praying for sure .....

  Sept 10.
  Lidia made breakfast for us. Goats cream in three different forms and the mountain breakfast... Corn meal mush. It went well.It was great to visit with her and her husband and son.

 Then went to the market for MUSHROOMS for Era's parents.   In our looking for them  Heather
  met one of the Christians from the Baptist group we have helped a lot.  I was planning
 to leave them some literature so we left it with him.  He had my tract on his table and other literature.   It was of the Lord to meet him. He has 5 children, all girls.  We gave him more of my tract ...he said now I can tell the people I know this man.  I left him funds to help with is effort in the market every Sat.   
We went to the Mountains, to Virhovina and went to the Principle's home first for dinner OXANA was so happy to have us in her home ..she said she was glad we came on a day we can visit and talk to her, not just in the school. We left her clothing for children and some for the teachers, they are all ladies also left her school material for children some crafts things as well.  We also left her some funds to help in some way within the school. She told us the funds we left last time she bought two hot water boilers one for boys dormitory and one for the Girls.
That was so nice as we had a nice visit with her and her son who is studying to be a Lawyer.    Went to a museum just out of town limits for a visit Then the long three hour ride home again.   We had a short rest and went to Louisa and her husband Eurie’s home for supper. Their daughter got saved three years ago and was our interpreter for some years.
The visit was good but love to see them with a greater love for salvation.
Often hard work and time to win a soul for the Lord .....

        SEPT. 11th.
This is our first Lord's day to be  here. There were eight of us to go to Lviv.
God is good and it is nice that the ride is only 1  1/2  hour drive now as the road is newly paved all the way. Four of the men was missing from meeting so only a small crowd.  But the meeting went very well. Edmond and Agnes are away as Agnes is sick and had to go back to Ireland for help.  The meeting went very well with four of us worshiping..
I gave a little word at the end. A GREAT PRIVILEGE TO THANK GOD ..                              Ruslan gave the story to the children.  then a wee lunch and some hugs and greetings to the 
  Saints there. God is good. Then the ride back home.
  Meeting here in I vano Frankisk. The crowd was just great 45. Dema had 6 of his friend out..amazing. Then Slavic and Dema and one of Dema's friends came back for tea. Era our interpreter stayed as well.   The day ended with a joy of seeing the Lord work.

Sept 12th.
                         Not an early rise as for me I was very tired after days in the mountain and full Lord's day.   
We Loaded van after breakfast and our reading mediation.  We put sheets in  for two sections of the Baby hospital Went to printers to see if I could get some tracts and other things printed.  Picked up interpreter and went to see head Dr,in Baby hospital and had nice visit ,he is such a great man. Would love to see him have more interest in Salvation but pray that will come soon.                       
The went to see the mothers in the Hospital, the Head nurse takes us around. Met 28 mothers, as that 's what we had 28 bags from the ladies from Welland on this trip,.  Had tea with the head nurse.
We then went out to dinner. We then met Luba a sister in the Lviv meeting who
 is taking care of a very old lady who is cripple. We had nice visit for sure.
Came home with Luba and had cake for her birthday ...her daughter Marica came too .
Louisa came for pampers for a lady she helps.  Then Olex and Ola and two sons and 
                 Teraes's wife came for clothing and for just a visit. That was great even though 
             they stayed late and we were all sooooooo tired .

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