Wednesday Oct 9th the day was spent sorting out clothes to bring to some families in need in one village in the Carpathians.
On our way there we stopped in an small village to visit a lady that Flo had befriended there. Yaroslava lives there with her family and has no contact with any Christians. She carries on in her quiet way getting strength from her relationship with God and reading His Word.

We travelled at least two hours Thursday morning and arrived at the same time as Misha, who came in on his homemade utility vehicle from working in the field somewhere. It is actually an army truck that has been stripped down with a platform added behind the seat.

It's always a pleasure to see Misha and Maria again. They are very very nice people and well respected among the rest of the village.

People from the village were quick to come. Gilles spoke from the bible explaining how God never intended salvation to be a secret and how God made the message of salvation very clear. Salvation is through Christ and His work at the cross. Jesus could say I am THE way, THE truth and THE life. No man comes to the Father except by me ... He is not one of the ways, He is the only way.

Mr. Brandt from the States regularly sends glasses so we were able to give out at least a dozen pairs to people who would otherwise not be able to read.

Several of the boxes of clothes that were received in Lviv from different parts of Canada as well as the States were left for the people needing to get some warm clothes.
We had a good time chatting with Misha and Maria as we ate lunch. We spoke about the importance of knowing Christ as your personal Saviour and how there is nothing a person can do to add to Christ's finished work at the cross. Living a good life and being good to your neighbour is all good, but it doesn't bring you to heaven. Only trusting in Christ's sacrifice at the cross as payment for your sins puts you right with God.
So we left in good time to drive back before dark. Along the way we stopped to visit an abandoned Jewish cemetary. The headstones are all in Hebrew. It's sad that it has been abandoned. All the Jews from the neighbouring village were killed during the second world war.

So ended our outing to the Carpathian mountains. The roads weren't very good again but the scenery was so pretty. It was actually a very relaxed day.
Sorry if I'm behind in these reports, but typing it in the notes on FB is a bit of a challenge. I found out the hard way that it doesn't automatically save your stuff. This is actually the third time I write this report.
On our way there we stopped in an small village to visit a lady that Flo had befriended there. Yaroslava lives there with her family and has no contact with any Christians. She carries on in her quiet way getting strength from her relationship with God and reading His Word.

We travelled at least two hours Thursday morning and arrived at the same time as Misha, who came in on his homemade utility vehicle from working in the field somewhere. It is actually an army truck that has been stripped down with a platform added behind the seat.

It's always a pleasure to see Misha and Maria again. They are very very nice people and well respected among the rest of the village.

People from the village were quick to come. Gilles spoke from the bible explaining how God never intended salvation to be a secret and how God made the message of salvation very clear. Salvation is through Christ and His work at the cross. Jesus could say I am THE way, THE truth and THE life. No man comes to the Father except by me ... He is not one of the ways, He is the only way.

Mr. Brandt from the States regularly sends glasses so we were able to give out at least a dozen pairs to people who would otherwise not be able to read.

Several of the boxes of clothes that were received in Lviv from different parts of Canada as well as the States were left for the people needing to get some warm clothes.
We had a good time chatting with Misha and Maria as we ate lunch. We spoke about the importance of knowing Christ as your personal Saviour and how there is nothing a person can do to add to Christ's finished work at the cross. Living a good life and being good to your neighbour is all good, but it doesn't bring you to heaven. Only trusting in Christ's sacrifice at the cross as payment for your sins puts you right with God.
So we left in good time to drive back before dark. Along the way we stopped to visit an abandoned Jewish cemetary. The headstones are all in Hebrew. It's sad that it has been abandoned. All the Jews from the neighbouring village were killed during the second world war.

So ended our outing to the Carpathian mountains. The roads weren't very good again but the scenery was so pretty. It was actually a very relaxed day.
Sorry if I'm behind in these reports, but typing it in the notes on FB is a bit of a challenge. I found out the hard way that it doesn't automatically save your stuff. This is actually the third time I write this report.
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