Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Travel to visit Maria (Oct 9)

October 7th, 2013 half way to Lutsk So this morning we had plans to leave for Dobre at 8:30 At 9:15 we left Shafarika and it took about half an hour to get out of the city.  We took an alternate route out because of the heavy traffic.  Once on the main highway Gilles and I learned the meaning of bad roads.  Never ever have we seen such bad roads.  Everyone drives wherever, in order to avoid the holes. Not just small holes, but literally craters, three feet round one foot deet.  Simply unreal. Roads that were in excellent condition three years ago are literally impassable, unless one slows down to a crawl. The frost of this past winter caused many of the roads in Ukraine to be damaged. Well, half way to the half way point of our journey a couple of these holes did us in, breaking the coil spring on the driver' side. Just a slight change to the agenda...a pit stop to your local Ukrainian Tire to get this fixed ASAP.  Our five hour trip to Dobre to visit Maria just got a little bit longer. No problem, Ruslan calling all his connections and very soon we have the wife of the friend of a friend who calls her husband and gives us an address to go to in this little village of Rodehiv. The few kilometers to reach this village were actually travelled in a field because the road was almost impassable.  Thankfully today is a dry day and the "secondary road" is smoother than expected.  You really have to see these roads to believe it. It's not one hole here and there, it's more a case of which hole do you take in order to avoid the bigger ones. So we found the garage, pulled up, a few phone calls later the van is up, and the mechanic is hammering away trying to pry the pieces loose. Half an hour after the part was removed, the new piece arrived by local courier.  Another half hour later piece is changed and we are on the road again! Why the delay? Who knows? Doesn't matter whether we know or not.  It's all good, we are on ours way once again.. 

We visited with Maria and her family for a very short period of time, Gilles gave a little gospel message and the people who came listened well.  Before leaving we took out the boxes of clothes that we had brought along and the people were able to take what they needed from the boxes.  They also left with groceries that were brought along for them.  When we go to isolated villages like this we normally bring barley, oats, rice, tea, oil, canned fish, dry soup mixes. It was good to be able to help them out with these things.

So Maria sends her regards to all those she knows in Kap.  She says she regrets ever moving back to Ukraine from Kapuskasing.  But at the time she was adamant she wanted to be with her family.  Life is so different and difficult where she is now.  At 86 she says she prays that God will take her home soon.  She is remarkable healthy considering all things.
We got back on the road and drove home, this time manoeuvering the craters in the dark. Very interesting! We arrived at 10 pm.  In total we travelled a bit over 600 kms in the day.  It took ten hours for our return trip with approximately one and a half hour at Maria's.  It was a very long day but well worth it.

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