Jet lag sure plays a number on a body's clock and combined with the hours in the confines of a plane, even the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the first few days are a bit of a blur.

We were met at the airport by Edmund and Agnes Johnston as well as Nadia.

So wonderful to be met and taken care of by friends when you arrive somewhere. Warm soup, a place to finally lie down and a nice meal a bit later were all greatly appreciated.
As usual the first thing (Wednesday) we did was exchange money into the Ukrainian currency. On my very first visit here in 2005, the Canadian dollar was worth 4.25 hryvni. 2013 sees the Canadian dollar worth 7.85 hryvni. The Ukrainian currency has lost almost half its value, while the price of everything has continued to go up. Gas for example costs $1.40, more expensive that what we paid in Kapuskasing when we filled up before we left home.
We then visited an older lady, who is the sister of Flora Kancir's sister-in-law. Ivanka, is housebound, well, apartment bound actually. Her feet are extremely swollen and sore making the spiral stairway down from her third floor apartment impossible to manoeuver. This building is in the center, in the oldest part of the city and the wooden stairs are so worn down that you need to stay on the edge to walk down. The center of the steps is pretty much like a slide down three flights.
Ivanka was more than happy to see us. Since she can never get out she can no longer come to the Breaking of Bread or any other of the meetings with the Christians in the assembly. She had asked one of her boarders to get some cookies and fruits for us. We chatted a bit with our good friend Ruslan interpreting and then sang a few hymnns with her. She enjoyed that immensely.
After some supper, we walked to the Gospel Hall and had the pleasure of meeting a few of the Christians that were able to come out. What a joy it was for us to be able to see them again. Gilles spoke about Psalm 73 and they were encouraged.
Thursday morning saw us going to the warehouse to pick up detergents, toilet paper, and heading out to the Lopatin orphanage one hour away from Lviv. You would not believe the condition of the road leading there. I can't even find anything to compare it to. The kids all came together in the auditorium, about 100 people all together including the teachers and listened well to the gospel message given to them by Gilles. Edmund asked the kids some questions afterwards and it was obvious some had listened well.
On our way back home, Ruslan stopped to pick mushrooms. He was telling us how the good ones are often hiding around the poisonous ones!! He must know what he is talking about since he's still around and picks mushrooms every year. His wife makes the best mushroom soup I have ever tasted.

Next Monday morning we are heading out to Dobre to visit Maria from Kapuskasing. Her village is very isolated and quite far so we are bringing clothes and food for the poorer people there. So the evening was spent trying to sort through some boxes of clothes.

Today is Ruslan's mom's birthday. The tradition here is that the person celebrating their birthday puts on a meal which basically lasts all afternoon and people come and go with gifts and flowers. Interesting twist to our taking someone out for their birthday.
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