Sunday, December 16, 2012

Malcolm's Report

Report of the happenings in Ukraine since I left on November 6th.
Several things had taken our time while in both Lviv and Ivano Frankivsk during the month of October.
One of most important decisions that had to be made was concerning the apartment that was rented by
our late Sister, Flo Kancir. It had been rented by Flo until March 2013 but we were concerned with what
should be done after that date.
The concern was in two areas, the first being where would people stay as the arrived or left Ukraine, as
we had always stayed in Flo’s apartment? The second was where would the boxes of clothing go to be
stored and sorted before distribution?
Contact was made first of all with the owner of the apartment as to whether he was willing to still rent
the apartment and would the rent stay the same? He is willing to rent to us and the rent would stay the
same at $450.00US per month.
All the brethren and sisters who have been in the habit of visiting in this area, were contacted and asked
their opinion about re-renting, and if they agreed, would they be prepared to contribute to the annual
rent of $5400.00US. They all agreed to contribute as God would supply and so are trusting the full
amount will be available by next March.
Our next concern was the possibility of having a caretaker family live in the apartment to keep it in good
order and be willing to host the visiting missionaries. Prior to making any decision about this, there was
a concern about a family in the fellowship in Lviv assembly, who were living in anything but congenial
circumstances. 7 people of 4 generations in one small apartment. One young couple Lubchic and Nadia,
with a 4 year old child Vitali, were contacted as to their willingness to take on this responsibility. We are
glad to say they have accepted the opportunity and will move in on December 1st. Because of adverse
circumstances, they will not be able to contribute to the rent or utilities. The assembly in Lviv will look
after the utilities.
The second need was to acquire a newer van for use in Lviv. The present one, purchased several years
ago, having over 400,000kms on it, was becoming unreliable on long trips. A newer, high headroom van
was purchased in Belgium and has now been fitted with seats and windows and is ready to use. This
vehicle will also be used to pick up elderly people to bring to meetings and to take humanitarian aid
when visiting orphanages.
The funds for this vehicle were sent from the USA and Canada. The old vehicle was also sold for $3,000.
Thank you to those who gave to this need.
The second Conference was held in Lviv and people from 3 areas came for the ministry. The time of
fellowship was excellent and the gospel and Ministry very suitable to the company gathered. Dennis
Williamson of N Ireland, Howard Pratt of Canada, Dan Perez of USA and Malcolm Stanley of Canada all
took part in the Ministry and Gospel.
Since Howard and Malcolm returned home, Louis Smith and Eric Fowler spent time in Ivano and all have
now returned home. Two Brethren have agreed to come to Ivano from Lviv and continue a mid-week
meeting. This will help until someone returns, hopefully in the New Year. We are praying for others to
be exercised about the work in both Lviv and Ivano Frankivsk. We need younger men, as at present, all
are pensioners with the exception of Dan Perez and Eric Fowler. The door is still open for the preaching
of the Word in schools, orphanages senior’s homes and in our apartment.
As most of you will know, reports from the workers are posted on this blog and can also be forwarded to
individuals by e-mail. Thank you for your interest and support in prayer and in supplying for the needs of
the work in that most needy country.
Yours by Grace.
Malcolm Stanley.
Christian Assembly Work in Ukraine.
210 Alfred Ave.
Portage la Prairie MB. R1N0H3

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dan Report

November 05, 2012,

Monday) Monday we woke up to a quiet morning! Yesterday we took Malcolm and Howard to
Lviv, both spoke at the morning meeting and had very good messages! Do pray that God will
Bless all that they have done while here! Then we picked up Louis and make it on time for our
meeting, a good number out and listened very well! After the meeting one Lady (Oksana)
stayed behind and talked with Louis and me about her daughter who flipped out and now in a
psych ward, much prayer is needed!

Today had my first Ukrainian class, though overdue, better late than never! This class was a
two hour lesson and afterward I felt as if I made a trip to Lviv and back, it took a lot out of me
but think I need as much as I can handle to learn this difficult language!

Tuesday) Left in the morning to visit an orphanage for mentally ill girls, ages about 8-35, in a
town called Kolamaya. We talked with a small group of kids that have some kind of
comprehension, then had small talk with the director and a few staff. We brought clothes and
cleaning supplies to give to this orphanage.

Before leaving the town we stopped at the main school to talk to the principal to ask
permission to speak to the kids. It was a very nice school and the office was very nice and big,
the principal looked very serious. I was having flash backs to when I was in school and had to
see the principal. I thought he might throw us out of his office but he seemed to have warmed
up to Louie and was willing to have us speak, so we made an appointment with the Christian
Ethics teacher for next week. This school is the largest in this town 1200 students possibly the
largest we have spoken in, Louie did very well in talking to the principal!!

Wednesday) had my second two hour Ukrainian lesson, while I was there Louis and Vladimir
had a talk at the apartment with Luba, one of the ladies from our meeting and who is in
fellowship at the Lviv assembly. She had some questions about the Bible that they discussed
and family and relational problems that ended up being the main topic.

After this we went out for dinner with Ruslan and his wife Anna, (they were part of that church
group that came up with us to the Lviv conference), at the restaurant Ruslan had many
questions about Christian living and about eternal security. We later went to his house for some
coffee and tea. Vladimir was trying to get his computer to run faster while more questions
came up about eternal security. After a few hours there and our talk at the restaurant it looked
like a few light bulbs turned on as we went through parts of the Scriptures. Ruslan professes to
be saved but thinks the church group he was with has confused him and his wife. It was a very
profitable time we had together!

Thursday) Boxes came in the morning from Portage La Prairie CA. A big thank you to them!
We sorted out the boxes and prepare some to take with us to a town we will be visiting tomorrow. Then Louis went out to make a phone call at a place where international calls are
not too expensive. While he was in the booth the worker, who didn't know he was there closed
the place and left for lunch. Louis tried to leave but he was locked in and had to wait a half hour
or more for the worker to come back, it was good he made it back home.

We then had our new Thursday meeting. There were 7 of us all together and had a very good
talk about Geneses 5, 6. One man, who has lived in England, brought a pamphlet with him from
England that talked about the gospel and was from a gospel hall in the area. After the meeting
Taras, another young man, stayed behind with some questions about salvation, he did this
before and do believe he is still searching!

We will be picking up Eric on Sunday, Please continue to pray for these meeting and for our

In Christ our Lord

Louis, Dan