Saturday, November 10, 2018

Lviv Assembly Newsletter for November

LVIV NEWSLETTER – Edmund & Agnes November 2018
It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name,
O most High.   Psalm 92 v 1
Greetings to all.
On Friday 24th August, Ukraine celebrated Independence Day 27 years on from
1991 when Ukraine broke free from the Communist regime of the USSR.  Some
say ”it was better then” under the old system when “everyone had something”.
Others say,” life is better now with more choices and an opportunity to have a little
more”.  Sadly corruption is ingrained in society from the government down to the
man on the street. We are so thankful for the many open doors for the Gospel of
God and the teaching of His infallible and unchanging Word.
Also in August we were invited to Birkii orphanage for 2 special Gospel meetings with
the children, staff and relations of the kids.  It was a joy to share the Gospel with the
grandparents, Aunts, Uncles of these orphan children along with the many staff
members of this large orphanage.  Although preaching and singing in temperatures
in excess of +30deg was a little difficult but rewarding, even with all the windows
wide open.
In September Gilles and Helene Plourde from Kapuskaping , Canada arrived in Lviv for
a 7 week visit  to help in the work and attend the assembly conference. Our brother
Gilles spoke many times in the assembly and at the different orphanages, and was a
great encouragement to us all.  We appreciated so much their help both practically
and spiritually.
Early in October, Malcolm Stanley and Howard Pratt arrived from Canada for a 4 week
visit to help in the work in Lviv and Ivano and also to minister the Word at the
assembly conference. With them and the Plourdes we enjoyed visits to Yosopovage
,Loupatin, a gypsy camp, homeless shelter and Carpathian mountains.
On the 8th October we commenced one week of Gospel and testimony meetings with
all the foreigners including, Dan and myself giving testimony to God’s saving Grace.
 With the help of Daria (recently saved) she designed and printed invitation cards to
the meetings. We were delighted when some of our neighbors and friends of the
Christians attended and heard the Gospel.
Mid October we arranged a Saturday afternoon for tract distribution in the centre
of Lviv.  The weather was superb and the people were out in “droves”. Although like
always we had refusals, but praise God for the many who received the Gospel
literature and we pray God’s blessing on His Word.
We had a delightful visit to the school at Mostaska when over 70 pupils including
teachers stood and listened carefully as Gilles spoke on John 3 v 16.  We noticed in
particular one teacher, who recently had lost her husband, listened intently and after
the meeting had a brief spiritual conversation with Ruslan.
Much time in October was spent in preparation for the 8th annual assembly
conference on 26/27th October.  This year proved to be our largest conference with
visitors from 5 different countries and we were delighted to welcome a large bus load
of friends from Lutsk and also 2 mini buses from Ivano.  It was also a pleasure to
welcome 12 believers from 4 different assemblies in Slovakia and 1 assembly in the
Czech Republic.
On the Friday night 91 heard the Gospel clearly preached by Gilles Plourde (Canada)
and Marian Mozucha(Slovakia). Then on Saturday over 110 people attended the bible
reading and ministry of God’s Word.  Our brother Larry Perkins (evangelist USA) was
responsible for the reading on Philippians 2. The Lord drew near and gave help as
more than 10 other brethren contributed with questions and comments.
The ministry on Saturday afternoon was Christ centered and challenging.  Howard Pratt
(Canada) spoke on the “Nameless place” and took as his text John 1 v 38 “
Master where dwellest thou” and taught much concerning the importance of the
assembly.  Malcolm Stanley (Canada) followed with challenging thoughts on the
Potter, His hands, His wheel and the clay he worked with and how God works on us
to mold and make us more like His Lovely Son.  Brother Larry Perkins concluded
the conference considering Paul in Philippians 3 as he “rejoiced in Christ” and that
his attitude and activities had been changed by a personal relationship with the
Lord Jesus Christ.  He also highlighted the truth that Christ meant everything to Paul.
We thank you all again sincerely for your prayers and practical fellowship.
Yours in the Master’s service.

Rejoice evermore.  Pray without ceasing. 1 Thess 5 v 16,17.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Malcolm and Howard's final post for 2018

Final Blog 5.
  Well Friday came and the Conference in Lviv begins in the evening. At about 1pm we began to get those who have asked to attend, in the vans. We have rented an 18 passenger van and are using our own van too. As usual, some are ready and waiting early and others come late. We packed the big van with more than 18 as some children sat 2 on a seat. Howard and I traveled in this van, Dan drove the other one. The weather was fine and the trip now takes just under 2 hours, whereas, before the roads were fixed it was more like 3 hours.

We all arrived at the rented Baptist church, which not only provides the venue for the meeting but dormitories for many of the guests. We started with a supper meal and then followed with a gospel meeting with Gilles Plourde and a brother from Slovakia preaching.

During and after the meeting other groups of  people came from Slovakia and Lusk assembly. We were greeted with a mass of hugs and handshakes, as we have met many of these folks for many years. 

Edmund Johnston now had the awesome job of fitting everyone into the rooms in the church and in hotels around the church.
Morning started with breakfast at the church, followed by a prayer meeting and then a Bible reading on Philippians Chapter 2, lead bi Larry Perkins, a brother from Chicago USA. It went very well with several brethren taking good part.

A good lunch followed with many conversation at the tables. Great fellowship and a good experience for "first timers" from different places.

After lunch, the children were gathered together to sing, and what good singing. I must say that, many of our children had never been to such an event but behaved well, throughout the whole Conference.

Ministry followed, with Howard Pratt, myself and then Larry Perkins, with a good hymn in between each speaker.

This finished the conference except for supper and then some went home to Lutsk but a good number of us stayed for the Lord's day in Lviv.

We were really packed into the little hall for the breaking of bread, with quite a number of people looking on. The ministry was given by Daniel Mojzis (Moses) from Slovakia.
I spoke to the children and   after a lovely lunch, the load for Ivano left with some of the folks from Slovakia and Larry and Ruth Perkins, to spend some time with Dan in Ivano Frankivsk..

Howard and I stayed in Lviv and prepared to leave on Monday afternoon. Thankfully, all our flights were on time so no problem getting to Toronto. We both slept with friends and left on Tuesday for home. Howard driving the 600 km to his home and me flying to Winnipeg.

We considered it a profitable trip with many opportunities to preach and teach the word to many hundreds of people.
Thanks for remembering us in your prayers.

Malcolm and Howard.