Thursday, December 3, 2015

Malcolm's final report #11 for November 2015

Malcolm' Final Report for November 2015.

Since my last report, we did a lot of local visits as well as a few out of town. As we were out of touch because of internet problems, I got behind on making daily records and so the following will not necessarily be in sequence.

Each meeting we had seemed to bring out someone who had either not been out before, or who neither Howard or I had met before. One night we had a couple who had fled from Kiev, who we believe are saved and who have two little girls. I'm not sure what their intentions are but think they are going back to Kiev.
We visited in some homes of different people who had been attending our meetings. Some of the apartments are pathetic, when you see what they have to live in. We are so blessed. We visited one lady named Halina, who lives on the 5th or top floor. She has had 2 strokes and lives alone with a cat and not much else. Her daughter comes over to help her each day. She use to be able to come out to meetings but cannot move out of the flat now. Her daughter came out to all the meetings while we were here.

We went to visit a friend named Mihailo, who was an administrator of the home we have reported on many times, as the Home for mentally challenged men in Sniatin. We always enjoyed the visit and helped in many ways over the years. Early this year he was replaced by another director, for no reason and left without a job.
He had built a house next to the home property where he planted fruit trees and grew vegetables for the home for men.
The new director brought in liquor for the patients. Some have got drunk and at least one fell out of a window and was either killed or seriously injured. I will not say more but the government does this regularly here. A good administrator build up a good home and then another government man is given the position as a “gift”, and the original man let go. It is so corrupt and sad.
Well it seems they celebrate the angel of our friends name ?? So, all the family would come during the day and the meal would continue. Well we were the first to eat, and did they feed us. His 4 grand-daughters acted as waitresses and really looked after us.
After we were fed we were loaded with lovely apples from their orchard and we said tearful goodbyes. His wife has a little store in their house and also does massage, so they still have an income.

We made a visit to see an old lady in Hospital, about an hour away. She is the mother in law of Yaroslav, who is in the meeting in Lviv and travels with us each Sunday. His wife Halia has been looking after her mother in her village home for years, now they are both sick but only the mother is in hospital. She was very glad to see us and seemed quite bright but may have had a stroke. We prayed with her and for her and left fruit.

We had a little scare when we heard that Lufthansa was going on strike the day we were to leave. Much prayer was offered and thankfully the strike was called off.
We had a birthday party for Volodia in the apartment, with pointed hats and a birthday cake. He is 27 years old.

We cleaned up the apartment for Dan who is to arrive after we have gone. He has spent the 3 months necessary to be out of the country, in Moldova and Slovakia helping in the assemblies in these countries. Please pray for him as he will be working alone.

We got to the airport in good time and had Andrei, Ruslan and Volodia to see us off. We had no problems for out total flight from Lviv to Munich and then to Frankfurt and onto Toronto and then me on to Winnipeg and Howard on the bus for 7 hours to his home.

Thank you for your prayers and support while away, God's presence was a continual experience for the whole month.

Malcolm, Howard and Volodia.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Malcolm's Report #10

Malcolm's Report #10

Wednesday November 18th.
Well it looks as if winter is soon to be here. It's quite cool with rain on and off. Things seem so messy here, so many poor sidewalks and potholes in the streets. The streets are much better but holes still seem to appear from nowhere.
We had decided to go to Virhovina a large boarding school across the Carpathian mountains. We thought we should get there before any snow arrived.
We were glad to see the road had been paved most of the way and was improved the rest of the way. We took 4 boxes of clothes with us as there is always a need for clothing in the lives of the “mountain children” that attend the school. About half the children live in the town but half of them travel to school on Monday and stay until Friday because of the distance they live in the mountains.
We met with Oxanna the Director and then went to the theatre, where the children were performing verses and song about Ukraine, as it was some special day, not sure which special day, they seem to have many ! They sang and spoke about their tradition of welcoming friends by giving a large Easter style loaf. The young boy and girl then came right to the back of the auditorium and presented it to me and Howard, complete with an embroidered cloth. So very sweet and unexpected.
As the children were now dismissed for the day-time studies, Oxanna took us to our "private" hotel.
We then took Oxana and her husband out for supper and had fresh trout. It was very tasty and well served. It worked out to about $5 to $6 Canadian each, including salad and drink. We then went back tp school at 6pm and over 100 students waited for us in the theatre. we then sang with them and gave a message as they listened well.
Then back to the hotel and Howard and Volodia shrunk a few pounds off in the sauna and pool. Volodia stayed in for 2 hours??
Breakfast provided in the morning and back to school to see two “workshops” that are almost complete. One for woodwork for the boys and a neat little “Cafe” where the girls will learn how to prepare and serve light lunches. They still need a microwave and dishes and cutlery, also a sink and taps to wash dishes etc, but I'm sure it will come in time.

We had planned to visit a school a little way from Virhovina but were warned not to go as the road was a disaster all the way back through the mountains.

Our plan turned out to be for the best, as we stopped at an orphanage on the way home and were warmly welcomed by a new young Director Michola who used to work for the original Director. He was excited to see us and show us what he had done and what he is planning to do. He brought all the 75 or so children from Kindergarten to 15, into an open hall with no chairs, He says that's his next project. We had a good time with them and they listened very well.

And so home very tired after the 130k through the winding roads for much of the way. I drove half way up and then half way back. We never feel it is wasted time or driving.

Will close off here and try to catch up on the rest of the days.

Malcolm Howard and Volodia.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Malcolm's Report # 9

Malcolm's report #9

Monday arrived with rain, it seems to have set in fairly regularly until it turns to snow but none yet.

We loaded up with boxes for Yabluniv or “Apple Village” to visit the orphanage/school there along with a maternity hospital and an old folks home. It is so convenient to have them all 5 minutes apart.

We met with the director of the school and spent time with her over a light lunch. I found out that here husband had passed away 3 months ago and she was taking it very hard, even though he had been sick with cancer for several years. We noticed a tear appearing so prayed with her. We then spoke to all the children and several staff. She does a wonderful job a training these children, some who are mentally backward. Her sewing and art teacher is amazing in what she has taught the girls and some boys to do.
She mentioned that she can use even small pieces of cloth as well as bolts of cloth, as she uses material to make pictures with silk flowers and other material, many on display are absolutely beautiful.

We left there and went to what was the maternity ward and found the door padlocked. We found the maternity nurses on the floor below and were told that the mat ward had been closed because of lack of women having babies. They were just talking to one mother to be who was obviously very poor with a mouth of rotten teeth but very sweet, who was in for a 7 month check up. We gave her one of the baby blankets a sister in Portage makes and she was very happy. We were told that most of the women go into the bigger cities to have their babies, as Labluniv is very small.

The old peoples home is in the same building as the hospital and we were very surprised to see a new entrance and ramp. As soon as we got inside we could see many improvements.
The Director Yuri was not in but came in about half an hour later. He was new to us and is obviously a go-getter. We spent about half an hour talking with him and the lady Maryanna, who is now in charge of the actual home in Yabluniv, he is director of 4 different areas of social work such as visiting homes to see who is eligible to come into the home, others who are asking for financial assistance and so on. He has made major renovations so far and is planning even more such as their own kitchen instead of carrying food from the hospital kitchen. He left Maryanna to organize a meeting and we met with about 20 or so as well as staff. They were very happy to have clothing and any help we may be able to offer.
We were then invited to have lunch with a 90% blind lady, another Maria and her son
(who was really not too well with a high temperature) and her mother. We had a nice meal in their one room and a kitchen apartment. How do people manage like this for years, she has raised 2 children here?

Tuesday was again wet and quite cool but no snow. We headed to the Half Way House, as we call it and met with the now assistant director Maria, as her son has now taken over as Director and she is now working with the children on a one on one basis and is enjoying it. They have made the changes they talked about a year ago and now can keep the children for 9 months instead of 3 which helps in school as they can give more time to their studies after settling down in the new environment. They have more children that they used to have and 6 more arrived while we were there. 4 had just been found sleeping under some stairs, after running away from home because of the drunkenness and abuse at home. Then the police brought 2 more in while we were speaking, the one about 3 years old and the other about 6. We didn't hear anything about these two.
The others listened very well as we gave them a simple gospel message. Some of the children are in their mid teens.

We had shopping to do for more parts for our hoist for the boxes which is already a great asset to loading the boxes.
At 4 pm we met with Svetlana, our former interpreter, for a light supper in a restaurant. Sveta now works in the Arab Emirets but was home in Ivano for a week. It was good to see her as she was our interpreter for several years and got saved during her time with us.
She then came with us to meeting at 6 pm. There were a few less number of people out but we had good attention and conversations afterwards.

Time is flying by so pray that we will know God's guidance and blessing in the remaining days here.

Malcolm Howard and Volodia.

Malcolm's Report #8

Malcolm's Report #8
Friday November 13.

A little overcast but very mild with no wind. Very nice they say, for this time of the year.

We had to leave at 7:45 am to go to Strii and meet Ruslan from Lviv to finalize the purchase of the house for Marie and Michal and their 3 children. We wanted the assessment of a Ukrainian man before finally settling the purchase.
Howard stayed behind and cleaned up the apartment and did some laundry. Volodia an I arrived in time to have coffee then Ruslan and Sasha, a plumber who has done much work for us, met us and we went to the house. Ruslan felt it was a good buy for the money and the plumber thought there was not much problem with the renovation in the kitchen. Ruslan tried to see if the owner would negotiate the price but she was not prepared to and got a little upset that he would ask. I guess she has lowered the price about 9 or 10 thousand dollars since trying to sell it as not many can afford to buy with the economy the way it is. I left a deposit and left on good terms. We have till the end of the year to pay for the house.

We had lunch and came home, stopping at our large Epi Centre to pick up the last pieces to finish the hoist at the apartment.
Volodia then worked on it until after dark and had it welded and able to hoist up our “test box” of 30k.
It will need to be finished tomorrow but will really assist in mainly getting boxes down to the van when we are leaving for a home or hospital. We can also bring the boxes up when they are delivered. I think I mentioned that the only negative thing about this lovely apartment is the badly worn two flights of stairs in narrow halls. The hoist will really help.
And so to bed quite tired tonight.

Saturday woke us with rain which eventually cleared into a nice day. We were planning on meeting a new Christian young man Dema, this after-noon and so needed some house supplies and fruit from the open market before. I must confess that both Volodia and I did not wake until 8:45am, the longest I have slept in to date. This put us a little late getting going after a breakfast of eggs and bacon by our late Chef Malconii. (I burnt the bacon!). After reading we got off at about 10:45. We met Dema And saw his mother at the same time, who invited us back for coffee after 3pm. Her name is Natalia and some will remember 5 years ago when were able to help her have surgery to replace her nose that had to be removed because of cancer. It was a miracle surgery and no one would think that she had had such surgery if they met her. She has four boys and one daughter Tania, who is saved and is working in Toronto. The four boys came in one by one as we ate. It was good to see them all now.

Dema is saved and we had a great time around the table, reading the word and challenging his older brother as to why he is not saved yet. He is very near and is very eager to talk.

Home then and getting ready for Sunday. Two messages for both of us tomorrow, two in Lviv and two back here in Ivano.


We left Ivano for Lviv in light rain that has continued for most of the day on and off. About 7 C temp.
We took Yaroslav, luba and Dema with us and got to the meeting 1 and 1/2 hours early due to the now good road that is almost finished repaving. It is an absolute miracle that this happened but such an improvement to the infrastructure.
We had a nice meeting with about 12 in the fellowship and 4 looking on.
Howard then spoke and I spoke to the children. After a lunch we headed home in time for a nap before the 6 pm Gospel meeting. There were 20 people out, mostly regulars but some missing.
One of the most difficult things is to know how to deal with people who come to meeting only to ask for money. Some show no real interest in the message but are asking for money right after the meeting.
We usually know those in real need and seek to meet their needs as best we can, but we have some who we fear a just beggars.
Please pray for wisdom in dealing with these people.

All for now. We are planning many visits for the week ahead as our time is fast depleting.

Malcolm, Howard and Volodia.

Malcolm's Report #7

Malcolm's Report # 7
Wednesday November 11.

Today Remembrance day is not celebrated her in Ukraine. They have another day when the remember the wars that have devastated this country so many times.
We planned a busy day today to visit two schools out of town. The first was Petriliv or Peter village. We had some boxes to take to the village as well as some school supplies left with us to deliver. It wasn't the most organized time, which is most unusual. Firstly, we had to wait for the principal who had other visitors. She came and we then went up to the class but another lady had arrive too, to teach a lesson on safety. She had started so Hana the principal suggested we go and see the lady mayor while the lady talked and we could unload our boxes at the mayors office. We got there and she was out! We sat around while they tried to find her. We were about to go and she arrived. We had a quick visit where she told us she had been elected again as mayor over 5 villages. We quickly unloaded the boxes of clothes. Olia, the mayor is very good at seeing that the needy people get the clothes, no fooling her.
We headed back to school and were told we should go for lunch first before we spoke to the children. We had a nice lunch of soup, burger and mashed potatoes.
Then we were ready for the children but they had to eat first!! We eventually spoke to them and had a good response.

We then had to rush to the other school at a town called Stari Licetts, on the other side of Ivano. We were about 25 mins late but no problem, we had to talk to the lady who teaches Religious Ethics and is probably a Christian. We met a class of about 30 grade 7 and 8 students and had a good time, even singing “ Jesus Loves me” and “My God is so big.”. It was good to see them singing and doing the actions. We have 2 choruses on nice charts.

We headed home and sorted boxes again for tomorrows visits.

Thursday opened with warm temperatures and dry weather and we headed to an orphanage/school in the town of Kosiv, lying in the foothills of the mountains. We were very happy to find new roads for most of the way, this really makes the trip more enjoyable. The school is one of the nicest and best run we visit. The children are happy and well behaved. We headed right into speaking to classes of about 20 students each class. There are over 170 students in this facility but several were sick. Again we sang and the children enjoyed the singing and messages. We were then invited to lunch in the principal Valentina's office. Without doubt the best lunch we have had in any school, all home cooked and baked in the school kitchen.
We then unloaded the boxes and and headed home. We had been told 6 boxes were to be delivered this evening, need to be there.

Another day when we could spread the word by mouth, with tracts, calendars and New testaments.

Thank you for your interest and prayers.

Malcolm Howard and Volodia.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Malcolm's Report # 6

Malcolm's Report #6
Sunday 8th Nov.
We met for the morning meetings and had nice fellowship around the table, with bread and wine.
I brought the message after the meeting and then Howard spoke to the children. After a nice cold lunch we all said our good byes, Edmund and Agnes as they were heading to Ireland for a wedding at some time and us back to Ivano Frankivsk.
We arrived in Ivano Frankivsk in mid after-noon Sunday. What a surprise and delight at the 99% total road repair on the road back. I don't know where they got money from but it was amazing.

We checked our things into the apartment. It was the first time we had been here in the newly acquired apartment and are very impressed with every bit of it, EXCEPT the 200 year old stairs to it, that have never been repaired I'm sure.

A good number of people out to meeting and help was given to preach again, with Howard. We will continue to have meetings on Tuesday and Sunday.
To bed late, after getting settled and everything hung up. Volodia is to be our interpreter and driver and guide.

I mentioned the Doctor Misha and Maria in Strii in earlier letters, well Maria had called to say she had found a house for sale, close to their present home. We decided that we would go with her to meet the owner and see the house. We arrived about 11:30 and had to wait for a while for the owner to arrive. We spent a lot of time looking at it and the garden and feel so far it will serve their need. We did not make a decision until we talk to others and have a week to decide whether to buy it. The kitchen will need some renovation, if we buy it.

We took Marie and Joseph her son for lunch, Marie said she had not eaten in a cafe for 20 years. We came straight home quite tired and planned our week before going to bed.

We planned some visits in town today so went to get food to take. People will empty their cupboards to put on a meal. No matter what you say, they must make a meal.
Our first visit was to Natalia, our young friend with MS. She is cared for at home by her mother. She has lost all use of he limbs and bodily functions, but you come away blessed by her smile and positive attitude. She was worrying that she has been losing too much weight so she is taking a multi- vitamin/protein drink that Eric Fowler and wife got for her, she really likes it. She cannot use a pillow now and cannot sit up alone, but she loves The Lord. Her mother served us a light lunch of cabbage rolls and chicken broth.

It was then off to visit a sister in the meeting here and her daughter. A nice apartment but very little income as the husband left for abroad and is now with another woman. This is evident everywhere, I'm afraid. Luba is the lady's name, not the Luba who is in the meeting. She has 2 daughters, the one was home, Nadia, a teaching student at university. She had never been with her mother to the meetings in Ivano but agreed to come with us tonight. We were thrilled and she paid good attention. There a good number there.
We delivered a van load to their different homes and headed home ourselves. We plan a busy day tomorrow so had an early night to bed.

Thanks so much to caring to read this and to pray us and the work.

Malcolm and Howard and Volodia.

Malcolm's Report #5

Malcolm report #5

Today was not so foggy but damp and dull, not nice at all.
Today was our day to go to the Baby Orphanage #1 in Lviv. We have visited this orphanage since first coming here with Flo. Edmund and Agnes keep up the visits now monthly. The place seems in better condition than when we visited years ago. We were well received and soon were ushered into a room where about 25-30 staff gathered. Howard gave word and I finished. The main doctor recognized me and came over to me. He has been their 18 years. We then went to feed the 2 to 3 year old's their snack of a piece of bread and butter with red caviar on it. They love it and lick the caviar off first. Red caviar is cheap and very healthy.

We grabbed a meal at McDonald's and then headed to the airport to see Eric, Marge, Mary and Bonnie of to Toronto. They were in a tizzy when we arrived. The airlines have lowered the weight of the checked bags, and they were all overweight. They managed to get them all down but then their carry-on's were too heavy, so the same process. We saw them off then, but just as we were leaving, Volodia gets a call that he is needed at customs upstairs. He is gone about 10 minutes and comes back through the line again with Eric. He then got away. The problem was a jar of honey he had got from a farm and it was not bought in a store or something. Anyway, Volodia convinced them to let him take it. We hope he doesn't lose it in Toronto customs!

Supper again at Agnes's and then to meeting. I spoke tonight and gave my testimony. Please pray for this assembly as too many men have jobs that keep them from week-night meetings. Some do not get out at all in the week.

Had a good day today, a late start as we didn't need to be at the village until after 1pm but a wonderful group of young kid all willing to say their verses and sing. I spoke and then we went to the man who organizes the meetings, the one who worked with the gypsies. They have six children but she puts an amazing meal on.

Home and quite tired, at about 6pm. 30 boxes arriving but not ours but boxes and boxes of pampers from Salem Oregon. We were too tired to go up to the Pizza or over to E /A's for a snack, so I spent the evening getting ready to speak after the b of b tomorrow. Trust all is well. Heading away with Volodia tomorrow so should be on line tomorrow.

God bless you all and please keep praying as we move back to Ivano Frankivsk.

Malcolm and Howard

Malcolm's Report # 3

Malcolm's report # 3 Nov 4th

Monday arose with bright sun and mild temperatures. It make it so much more joy than dull rainy days.
Ruslan arrived for us with Edmund, ready to go to one of our favourite little orphanages at Yosopowichi, about an hour away. Agnes was in need of a rest after the conference weekend, so stayed home.
There are presently 17 cute little children in the home. We sang choruses with them and Howard gave a little message.
Sasha, a plumber came with us and put a new set of taps on the tub, while we spoke. We also brought a new door to have installed in one of the rooms. We are going to look into a steel table they need to prepare food on.
After having a nice lunch of borscht and a fish plate, we bade farewell and headed to the doctor's home in Strii. He is the man who carves wood items. He is unable to do that now as he has a frozen shoulder, or something like it, and can't use his arm. Some may remember that their living accommodation is one of the worst we ever visit. We had hoped to help them get into and attached empty apartment, but it looks as if this will not happen as two sisters own it and can't agree how much they each need. Maria, Michaelo's wife is going to start looking for an apartment that they can afford.
Sadly, their oldest son was conscripted into the army and is now in hospital with shell shock and is mentally damaged.
We headed home to Agnes where she had prepared a lovely supper. We visited for a long time afterwards and them headed to out apartment less than 10 minutes walk away.
I have never been more frustrated with internet as with this one in our apartment. It is one thing to have something that does not work at all, but another thing to have something that only works when it feels like it. UGGGH! So to bed.
Tuesday. Not a very early start because of supplies we had to pick up from the supermarket. We were going to the Carpathian Mountains to visit Natalia, a school teacher who got saved while interpreting for us 10 or 12 years ago. She is now married with 2 lovely daughters. She is invaluable in knowing who are those in need in the mountain villages, so we head up steep rough roads and stop beside the road. The people seem to come from everywhere or nowhere. They must see the van, but some were in their gardens digging potatoes others maybe at home.
Before we distribute the produce, we have a little gospel meeting and they all listen very attentively.
I spoke on the harvest being over, the summer being ended and they are not saved. Edmund taught the little children a verse.
Natalia had wanted us to go to her house first and have lunch, which we did. She lives in a beautiful house her father built and her husband has now added on to. He works in construction in Russia so was not there. They have added several bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and hope to attract renters who come to ski in the area. Very smart.
We finished up at her sister Ira's home for the final distribution. Iira is also a teacher as well as raising a family of 15 children. Her husband works on the railway in Russia. Several people arrived and the gospel was preached again. One lady was there who lost here husband with cancer less than a year ago. She is left with 4 children.
It had turned quite cold before we left and we had a hard job to get warm on the way home. On the way up to the mountains, we stopped to changed seats in the van. We found out later that Howard's coat had fallen out when we stopped and we were too far to go back. He was quite upset as he had had it for 10 years and it was a used one at that!! Thankfully he didn't have anything in his pocket of value a he wasn't really upset, more annoyed at himself.
Home at last, very tired and cold, must have got chilled standing in the villages.

We had a good night's sleep. Keep praying. Malcolm and Howard.

Malcolm's Report #2

Malcolm and Howard's Report #2

Today Friday, We had a lay in as there was not too much for us today. The assembly ladies were starting to get ready for the meals. Supper tonight, lunch after meeting and stuff getting ready for 3 meals tomorrow. We went to E and A's for lunch and then later to the Central Baptist Church for supper before the meeting.

Several had already come from Ivano Frankivsk on the bus or train. It was so good to see some who we have known for years. Then Eric Marge and Bonnie arrived in a van load from Ivano Frankivsk.

After supper we gathered to sing for half an hour before the meeting started. A nice number had come but more were coming on Saturday.
Howard preached first and then Eric. The audience listened well and we can only hope that someone will believe the messages and be saved.

After meeting they had a night snack and those staying in the churches accommodations either went for a walk or played some games at the church. We headed home and had a good nights rest.

Eric and Margie are staying with Howard and me in our apartment, so we had breakfast here, rather than going to the church.
We went to the church in time for the 10am start. 4 people had come from Slovakia, 2 men and two young ladies. The one man Daniel Moses had been here last year but none of the others had. The one young lady was Daniel's niece and the other girl, her friend. The other man was We would all agree that they were delightful people.

The meetings started with half an hour of prayer and then a bible reading on 1 Peter 2. Eric Fowler lead it and we helped. It went very well, I judge. A van-load came during the prayer time, from Lutsk. It was good to see “old faces” once again. Timothy Sloan came with them.

After a good lunch, we held the main session of ministry of God's word. The first speaker was Daniel Moses I spoke next on Revival, and Eric spoke on Leviticus 1 and the burnt offerings and how the animals typified Christ our sacrifice.

This ended the Conference and some people started home right away, most of the rest stayed for supper. As the “night was young” some of the young people from Ivano came to the apartment and played UNO until bed time.

Sunday morning arrived with a bright warm sunny day. The weather was lovely for the whole week-end. The assembly hall was packed with many coming to observe the meeting. After the remembrance meeting, the other brother Pavel, from Slovakia ministered the word on “From Grace to Grace”.
The Sunday school children then sang and recited their verses. Eric then spoke to them on the serpent on the pole, complete with a pole and a serpent nailed to it.

This completed the meetings for the week-end and everyone, after a lunch, began to make their way home.
Eric and Margie are going back to Ivano until next Friday, when they return home. Howard and I will then go up to Ivano for the remaining 3 weeks of our time here.
Please keep praying for us, we need much wisdom.

Malcolm and Howard.                                                                                                                                   

Malcolm's Report #4 Nov 4

Malcolm's report # 3 Nov 4th

Monday arose with bright sun and mild temperatures. It make it so much more joy than dull rainy days.
Ruslan arrived for us with Edmund, ready to go to one of our favourite little orphanages at Yosopowichi, about an hour away. Agnes was in need of a rest after the conference weekend, so stayed home.
There are presently 17 cute little children in the home. We sang choruses with them and Howard gave a little message.
Sasha, a plumber came with us and put a new set of taps on the tub, while we spoke. We also brought a new door to have installed in one of the rooms. We are going to look into a steel table they need to prepare food on.
After having a nice lunch of borscht and a fish plate, we bade farewell and headed to the doctor's home in Strii. He is the man who carves wood items. He is unable to do that now as he has a frozen shoulder, or something like it, and can't use his arm. Some may remember that their living accommodation is one of the worst we ever visit. We had hoped to help them get into and attached empty apartment, but it looks as if this will not happen as two sisters own it and can't agree how much they each need. Maria, Michaelo's wife is going to start looking for an apartment that they can afford.
Sadly, their oldest son was conscripted into the army and is now in hospital with shell shock and is mentally damaged.
We headed home to Agnes where she had prepared a lovely supper. We visited for a long time afterwards and them headed to out apartment less than 10 minutes walk away.
I have never been more frustrated with internet as with this one in our apartment. It is one thing to have something that does not work at all, but another thing to have something that only works when it feels like it. UGGGH! So to bed.
Tuesday. Not a very early start because of supplies we had to pick up from the supermarket. We were going to the Carpathian Mountains to visit Natalia, a school teacher who got saved while interpreting for us 10 or 12 years ago. She is now married with 2 lovely daughters. She is invaluable in knowing who are those in need in the mountain villages, so we head up steep rough roads and stop beside the road. The people seem to come from everywhere or nowhere. They must see the van, but some were in their gardens digging potatoes others maybe at home.
Before we distribute the produce, we have a little gospel meeting and they all listen very attentively.
I spoke on the harvest being over, the summer being ended and they are not saved. Edmund taught the little children a verse.
Natalia had wanted us to go to her house first and have lunch, which we did. She lives in a beautiful house her father built and her husband has now added on to. He works in construction in Russia so was not there. They have added several bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and hope to attract renters who come to ski in the area. Very smart.
We finished up at her sister Ira's home for the final distribution. Iira is also a teacher as well as raising a family of 15 children. Her husband works on the railway in Russia. Several people arrived and the gospel was preached again. One lady was there who lost here husband with cancer less than a year ago. She is left with 4 children.
It had turned quite cold before we left and we had a hard job to get warm on the way home. On the way up to the mountains, we stopped to changed seats in the van. We found out later that Howard's coat had fallen out when we stopped and we were too far to go back. He was quite upset as he had had it for 10 years and it was a used one at that!! Thankfully he didn't have anything in his pocket of value a he wasn't really upset, more annoyed at himself.
Home at last, very tired and cold, must have got chilled standing in the villages.

We had a good night's sleep. Keep praying. Malcolm and Howard.34

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Malcolm and Howard's first Report October 29th

Malcolm and Howard's report #1 October 29th.

Well here we are, safe and sound in Lviv. We arrived in good time yesterday but both very weary.
The flights we all good and on time but the lay-over waiting was especially tiring, for some unexpected reason. I slept well on the main flight to Vienna, but Howard hardly dozed.

We were met by Ruslan, our driver and Edmund and Agnes and Mary Fowler, and brought to our apartment. We had only enough time to shower and change, before going to Edmund and Agnes's for a good supper and then to the meeting for prayer and ministry. I was sure I would have fallen asleep during the prayer meeting but managed to stay awake long enough to speak a word on 4 great things in Mark 4 and the storm on the sea.
After a small lunch we were taken home and “crashed” into bed at 10pm waking at 6:45am, well refreshed, thankfully.

We were picked up at 10:30am by Ruslan and then joined by Edmund and Agnes and Mary Fowler, who is staying with them until after the Conference on Friday and Saturday. Then a whirlwind of a day, visiting a housebound sister, Ivanka, for about an hour, then visiting the Vernesage gift market to order a table runner from a lady we know, then to the largest Mall with a supermarket named Ashan. It has 44 check-outs!
We went there to by the food for the Conference. The bill came to over 5,000Rhv. But when converted came to $294.00 Canadian. The exchange is now over 17.30 Rhv to the Canadian dollar or 22 to the US Dollar. It was only 12 something to the Canadian dollar last year.

After leaving all the purchases in the fridge at the Meeting room we headed to E and A's for a good supper. We had to be home by 7pm as Nadia, a sister in the meeting was coming round to cut Howard's hair. Also the owner of the apartment was waiting to see what is wrong with our internet router. There is something wrong but the company will come to check it out tomorrow, God willing.

We took a nap after they both left and don't feel too bad after the busy day.
Remember our meetings starting tomorrow evening, Friday and all day on Saturday. Please pray that God will bless and the Christians will be blessed as well.
The exchange is now over 17.30 Rhv to the Canadian dollar or 22 to the US Dollar. It was only 12 something to the Canadian dollar last year.

Things have changed some in the last year. Someone is investing in the infrastructure here, building massive condos and apartment blocks and another large Mall in the centre. The roads in the city are vastly improved and still being renewed. Some things don't change though. When Ruslan arrived for us this morning, he told us he had had to change a tire as it had a big nail in it. We dropped the tire off at a tire shop on the side of the main road. It has no covered shop, you just pull up to the building and they work on the vehicle outside. We left the tire and picked it up later. We sat in the van, they lift it up with an air bag and install in in about 5 minutes, all for the cost of 90Rhv. Or just over $5.00! What a rip off.
The exchange is now over 17.30 Rhv to the Canadian dollar or 22 to the US Dollar. It was only 12 something to the Canadian dollar last year.
This will be all for now, please keep praying.

Malcolm and Howard.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Joint Report by Eric and Bonnie.

Written October 26th

Report written by Bonnie. 

We are enjoying our time here, very busy for sure. God is good; may heaven be richer for the labours here.
Eric and Margie Fowler

Dear friends
Today is Election Day in Ukraine! I have no idea who is getting in, but I am sure the prayer of the Christians here is that whoever takes over will keep peace in this country! The election was for Local government which is tied in with the government  in KIEV.

Today the sun shone all day!  The first full day of sunshine since we arrived!  Maybe it will shine for the rest of the week!

Going back to Fri. we headed for Lviv mid morning.  Valodia's mother lives there and we were planning on spending the afternoon with her.  I thought it was perogies she was going to show us how to make, but it actually was pelemini. It is a minced meat that is in the centre of dough.  We made about ten dozen.  She fed us well!

We left there and headed to Edmund and Agnes for supper. Not sure I mentioned them before, but they are a commended couple from Ireland. There was a ministry meeting that night as well. Eric Spoke on Heb. some and the times where “Let us”  is mentioned. Very few were in, some are sick and some are away working.

Sat. morning we were picked up by Edmund and Agnes and headed off to another town an hour away for a children's meeting. About 40 children, along with some parents came to the meeting. The children were lovely singers and each
one of them came forward to recite a verse from the Bible!   In fact the children are mostly from a Pentecostal group in the town and one of the men arranges this meeting every second Sat. in the month . Some new ones comes almost every week.  After the meeting, we were invited to a couple's home for dinner.  They have six children. She put a lovely meal on for us!

We were at the meeting in Lviv again this morning. Eric spoke again, this time on the two times Moses smote the Rock for water and the other time where Moses put the TREE in the water to make it sweet. I'm  getting to know the people there a bit better. In Sunday School today, Edmund called me up to the front to help them sing ' I may never March......' thankfully, it was
in English!  They served us dinner again and then we headed back here to Ivano in time for the gospel meeting tonight! Again a nice number was in and final arrangements were made for the ones who want to go to Lviv Friday to the conference there.

Company came in after meeting, so we ordered in pizza.  Nice to visit with some of the folks here.  Personal work is very important for sure.

We left Mary in Lviv today and we were all rather sad that she wasn't coming with us.  She is staying with Edmund and Agnes and helping them get ready for conference this next week-end.  We will go up again on Fri. and give a hand as well.  That might be my last trip up to Lviv.  There is a possibility that I will stay the rest of next week and help out a bit with
the work there, before flying back to Canada!

So, this could be my last few days in Ivano.  There is lots to do, so we will keep busy.  Possibly another trip into the mountains and another trip to the school we were at the first week.  They need cleaning supplies. Eric just received boxes of tracts, so will stand on a busy street corner and give some out!

Thanks again for all your prayers!
Eric Margie Mary and Bonnie 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Eric and Bonnie's Joint report # 4

    Hello  .... This was written by Bonnie again as I've been struggling with flue, so with arrangements and meetings it hasn't been busy. God is good at all times and we rejoice in everything. We value your prayers ...ERIC

Hello family and friends,
Eric reminded me tonight that I hadn't put out a report for two days, so here goes!

IYesterday was an exciting and happy day for us!  Margie and I had put together several baby bags, with blankets, diapers, clothing, a Bible and some literature!  So after breakfast we headed to the children's hospital with a suitcase full!  What a thrill to go into each room and give a mother and her new born baby a bag!  They were happy to get them and we even got to cuddle some babies!  Wonderful to be able to put a smile on their faces!

We were invited to blind Maria's house for lunch!  What a lunch it was!  Homemade borscht (sp) along with cheese, cold meat, bread and meat patties!  Then out came the perogies!  They were so so good!  Homemade with homemade cheese in them, with homemade sour cream to put over them!  I will never tell how many Margie and I ate!  ?. Her elderly mother came in for a visit and what a sweet lady!  Had her kerchief tied under her chin and had a smiley round face!  A true Babushka!

We came back to the apt. To drop Eric off and then Volodia took us to a market.  It was closing up for the day, so we went to another one close to where we live.  We walked there and had a fun time looking at many interesting things.  Went into a few stores that sold things from Ukraine!

We were invited to the home of a Christian man who lives with his son, his wife and little girl!  Another wonderful meal!  We ate so much yesterday that at 10:30 last night decided to go for a walk!  My flashlight came in handy!  Volodia was with us, so no need for alarm!

Today was a rainy dull day!  Our first visit was to the orphanage we went to last week!  Today, I took candy, toy cars and hair clips and ponies and had fun giving them out!  Managed to video the children singing Jesus Loves me in their language!  Then went to the office of the principal where she served us tea and cookies!  Thankful that we were able to help her with a bit of money as so often the staff have to go without pay so they can buy food for the children!  Before we went to the orphanage, we went to the grocery store to buy some food for a crippled lady who lives near there!  After we took the food into her apt. I went out to the van and cried!  I have no words to describe where she lives.

Stopped for a yummy lunch and then we went to the grocery store again to buy food for a family who just arrived from the war zone!  They have 4 children and the husband is presently in the hospital and is disabled in some way!  The traffic was so bad coming back that we were almost late for meeting.  It was the biggest meeting so far!  And it was such a rainy night.  The rain stopped long enough for some of us to walk home.

After meeting and our supper, the van was loaded with boxes as we are heading to the mountains in the morning.  Plan on being gone until Thurs. night.  Please pray for safety as we travel.  We will be visiting a school, so have loaded up with school supplies and will also be distributing clothes for the winter!

Thinking of you all back in North America and so thankful to know you are praying for us here in Ukraine!

Love to all,  Eric Margie Mary  Fowler

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

#2 Report from Ukraine by Bonnie Sharpe.

Hello again from Ukraine,(Bonnie writing for the first time in Ukraine.)

Our day is almost finished and I guess it is around 1 pm or later, depending on where you are!

Please pray for Eric!  He has picked up a bad cold and tries to carry on here even tho he isn't feeling well!  We have no plans to visit tomorrow, so hopefully, he can stay in and rest.

I must tell you about the drivers here.  Valodia is our driver and I trust his driving, but there are times that I cover my eyes, waiting for a crash!  The roads are mostly narrow and never straight!  Cars are parked everywhere, so it is difficult to get down a street.  There are times that a vehicle is coming right at you and you wonder where to go.  Mix in bikes and people walking and yikes!!!!

Today was a visiting day.  We went to see Natalia, a dear Christian who has been on her back in bed for several years.  She has MS, I believe!  She always has a smile on her face.  Her mother quit her job to take care of her.  Her mom, Slava served us tea, grapes and sweets and sent us away with a bag of dried apples.

We stopped for lunch and then Margie, Lena and I headed to a hospital by taxi to visit a lady there.  We were sent to the wrong hospital, so after a few phones calls, we walked to the right hospital.  Dana was in her bed in a room with nine other beds.  Her left leg won't work, so not sure if she had a stroke!  While we were visiting her, Eric and Valodia visited her daughter-in-law and two girls.  Her husband passed away.  She has had no power for several months, so no fridge, lights or heat.  Eric is going tomorrow to help out with getting her power again.  We walked back to our apt.  It was so lovely to get a good walk and the sun was shining for a bit today.

Lena (another Lena) wanted Eric and Margie and I to go and see a flat which she has bought and needs to fix up!  I have pictures of the inside and I have no words to describe it!  It needs a miracle!  Lena is a single mom of a teen-age girl.  Trying to find someone she can trust to do some of the work is a challenge and then finding the money to do it will be hard too!  I am sure she will not be living there for several years.  It is heart breaking!

We picked up pizza on our way home, so had a nice supper with four of our friends here.  Dema is a young man who comes to the meeting and has been with us quite a bit. 

For my Waubaushene friends, we were very thankful to receive all five boxes that were sent a few weeks ago.  Margie and I really needed some baby clothes, so we're more than thankful to have a box of baby clothes arrive today.  All in all, 15 boxes came, so lots of unpacking and sorting tomorrow!

Wishing you all a lovely week-end!

Bonnie, Margie Mary and Eric

First Report from Eric Fowler in Ukraine. October 2015

Written October 14th. 
 Hello   Prayer Partners ......
Lord's Day ...... day 1
Lord's day came to early and mighty tired but great to be here . Breakfast was manna and bread and cheese, then off to meeting. Meeting was little small some Saints away Luba was up from Ivano Frankivsk, 2.5 hrs. away by bus for her, she is so faithful.  The meeting was nice and All the men worshipped, I spoke on WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM. 1 John 3 and Philemon and his example of being like the Lord now. Then a wee lunch and off to Ivano Frankivsk One joy is that the Road to Ivano is almost paved new. What a blessing
The meeting there I thought would be a wash out. Rain with snow but God was good with 21 of us there. I spoke on HEAVEN ...... OUR HOPE ... THROUGH  Christ. I later heard from home that two of the Saints from Labrador went to heaven while we were travelling here. Amazing thinking of being there for EVER. Then went to Lenna's for supper with here and her daughter,they were not at meeting as they were tired, they just got back from visiting far away relatives. We went back to apartment but the heat wasn't up so cold there but soon got ok when turned on. Tired and rest was ok
   Monday  ... Day 2 
Rising was easy and wasn't extra early. Rain and snow again and a very dark day.

Went to bank to exchange money and got nice rate at a bank which we used in March. God is good. Got hair cut at the friendly spot at the top of Franko St.  Came home and Lena's the lady who will help us for time we are here .
We went for Groceries for our selves and apples and Oranges for  an Orphanage of 32 children Bonnie had candy to take ... also we gave them a text each...they were all different than in March. all small children.
Then went to German company in town for special mops for cleaning in the  Hospital . Then went to the Orphanage  to speak to the children. The Main lady wasn't there so visit was short but good.   The children were quiet and listened very well. Back home now to rest and  read and supper.

 Margie Mary and Bonnie Sharpe.

Monday, September 28, 2015

News update from the Canadian scene. October 2015

News from Canada as to those heading to Ukraine.

In the beginning of October, Eric Fowler, his wife and two other ladies, will go to Lviv and Ivano Frankivsk for a month.

On October 28th, Howard Pratt and Malcolm Stanley will arrive in Lviv in time for the Conference. Both will be taking part as well as Eric Fowler.

When The Fowlers leave, Malcolm and Eric will stay for the month, working in both Lviv and Ivano Frankivsk. We will all be having meetings at various times of the week as well as visiting schools, orphanages and various homes and villages in the areas around the two cities, distributing literature and items of need.

We thank the many who have donated clothing etc. that has already been sent and will be waiting for us when we arrive.

Thank you for your prayers and support of the work in this very needy country. Some have asked about the ongoing turmoil in parts of Ukraine. As you will see in the previous letter, there is a fragile cease-fire in effect at the moment, but thankfully the hostilities did not reach the the Western part of the country. However, the economy has suffered drastically in all of Ukraine.

We hope to have regular updates from the work throughout the next 2 months.

Psa_126:5  They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. 

Malcolm Stanley.

Lviv Newsletter from Edmund and Agnes Johnston. September 2015

Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days”. Ecc 11 v 1
Hello dear friends
The news reports of the war and the situation in the East of Ukraine continue to dominate the headlines, however there has been a considerable decrease of bloodshed and destruction with a new “cease fire agreement” in place from the 1st September. The threat of the enemy remains, having already breached our borders we continue to look to God alone for His mercy and help, according to His will.
We have noticed in the past few months in the Lviv region increased investment being put to the repair of the “abominable roads” which is long overdue. Also a restructuring of the Police force with a clamp down on “rogue and corrupt” employees.
During July we enjoyed very high temperatures + 30/35 and very sunny which facilitated having some of the meetings in the open air and spending valuable time with the children. We had good visits to Yesopovege, Rosdil, Lubin and Loupaton sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, singing about the Saviour and the joy of listening to the children repeating the scriptures of truth.
Also in July we had a visit to Lviv by Larry & Ruth Perkins (Chicago) although most of their two week stay was spent in Ivano Frankisk labouring with our brother Dan Perez. They visited us in Lviv each Lord’s day and Larry gave some searching and challenging ministry. Our brother is an Evangelist preaching and teaching across the States.
In August we were back again to the Carpathian mountains, and although the people were busy digging potatoes and gathering apples and pears from the many fruit trees in that area, we were a little surprised yet delighted when over 30 came to the open air meeting. I spoke on Luke 23 v 33 and then asked some questions and were very encouraged by the answers given.
In September we visited Truskavets womens centre attached to the hospital. We had an excellent visit with 8 of the ladies plus staff – please join us in prayer, as we long to see blessing in salvation and lives changed to love and serve the Lord Christ.
Once again this year we had our assembly outing including the boys from the Sunday School We had a few games together, then a bar-b-cue, a time of singing and our brother Misha organised a quiz. All this happened in temperatures of +37 with hot sunshine, it was a good time of fellowship enjoyed by all.
  • Peace and the Ukrainian Forces – their protection
  • Lviv Assembly – its strengthening, unity and blessing
  • Blessing in Salvation and souls “won for Christ”.
  • Agnes and I – as we struggle with the language.
  • Stephan, Roman, Martha + S/School pupils salvation
  • 5th Annual Lviv Assembly Conference 30/31st October D.V. – Eric Fowler (Newfoundland)
Again we want to thank you unreservedly for your continued support, and value so much your prayers which we are confident will be answered according to the mind and will of our Great God.
With warm Christian love,

Edmund & Agnes.
O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth. Isaish 25 v 1

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 2015 report from Lviv from Edmund and Agnes Johnston.

LVIV NEWSLETTER – Edmund & Agnes                                                                        June 2015

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither your ways my ways, saith the Lord, Isaiah 55 v 8

Greetings to all
We are both deeply thankful to the Lord for His sustaining Grace and preservation over the last few months and would like to thank all for their continued remembrance of us at the Throne of Grace.
Although the war in the East of Ukraine continues the fatalities have decreased, however there is still much loss of life with no solution in sight.  The people of Ukraine feel discouraged and depressed with the current situation, and economically things are getting worse with rising prices and the value of local currency crashing.

We thank God daily for the many open doors and opportunities to “sow the seed” and promote the “Good News” of the Gospel .  During the last few months we continued our visits to the 8 different orphanages in the Lviv region that we work with and try to help.  We have been able to build strong relationships with both staff and children over the years and look to the Lord to bless the Gospel as we “hold forth the Word of Life”.  We are so encouraged by the answers given by the children to the Bible Truth we endeavour to teach them.  Perhaps only eternity will reveal what has been accomplished for His Glory.

We enjoyed a visit from Eric & Margy Fowler (New Foundland) during March.  Our brother and sister spent most of the time working in Ivano Frankisk and came to Lviv each weekend for the breaking of bread,  and  our brother gave some valuable ministry on NT assembly principles and practices.

We recently made a visit to Bealie Common a village where we called with 5 different personal contacts.  The purpose of these visits is to give food bags, literature, read the scriptures and share the Gospel.  We were saddened to learn of the death of Victor’s wife just 2 weeks before we came.  We had often told her about the Saviour and hope that she trusted Christ before entering eternity.  Another call in this village was with Lydda a dear believer who lives with her son Jene who is not saved.  He listened well as we read the bible together and explained to him his great need of salvation and about the great Redeemer who died to save him.

In May we had a meeting at the University with many students, lecturers and director.  God gave help as we spoke on “women at the cross” from John’s Gospel, attention was excellent and afterwards we had tea with the director and some of the lecturers.  Please pray that God’s voice will be heard in these God given opportunities.

Last week again we visited Ruslan’s cousin Stephan & Suitlana & their two teenage children.  This couple occasionally visit the meetings however we feel it very profitable to engage in one to one conversation in their home.  On this visit they provided a very nice “Ukrainian meal” and then we had the joy of opening the scriptures at Genesis 22 when young Volodia their son read some verses and I spoke a little word on Abraham and Isaac and pointed them to the Lord Jesus as the “Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world”.

Unfortunately in the middle of May I (Edmund) had my wallet “pick  pocketed” , driving licence, jeep documents and bank/credit cards all stolen.  This resulted in me not being able to drive in Lviv and necessitated us returning to NI to have all these papers and cards replaced.  Also we were advised to exchange our Jeep this took a month to complete before returning to Lviv to continue our service for the Master.  Amongst some of the lessons learned from this incident, are the words recorded in Psalm 31 v 14, 15 But I trusted in thee, o Lord:  I said Thou art my God.  My times are in thy hand:

Please “pray for us” and the work of God in Lviv that the name of the Lord Jesus might be exalted and glorified.

Yours in His Lovely Name – Edmund & Agnes.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Dan's Report from Romania. May 2015

In Romania, May 2015 By Dan Perez.
 I have had to delay my trip back to Ukraine due to doctor visits, I had planned originally to leave Romania in the first half of May but thought is good to finish some of the treatments and do a follow up visit before going back. This process took longer than expected.
Then last week an unexpected event happened. I was on the street mid evening when a severe pain brought me to my knees on all fours while I tried to catch my breath and bear the pain. Eventually a lady stopped and asked if I was ok, she then realized I spoke English and started to speak in English to me. I tried to call my roommate to come and get me but couldn’t dial the number because of so much pain, she tried but didn’t know how to use my phone. She ended up calling the ambulance and another person called the roommate.
In the emergency they stuck all kinds of IV into me but the pain still increased. Then after 30 min. or so the pain started to decrease, I thought I was getting better but that was not the case. The IV was a pain killer but the problem was still there; though this concerned me I was very thankful for the pain relief! ; I found out I had had a kidney stone attack, that is why it was so very painful!!!
  The lady that helped me took a taxi to the hospital to see how I was doing and told me to keep her informed, this was nice of her!
On my last visit to the doctors one of them did check my kidneys and saw no stones and said it looks like it already has passed, this was very good to hear!
I met with Daniela (the young lady that helped me) and her husband for dinner last week. It was a productive long evening; she talked a lot and had a lot of questions about spirits and spiritual things.
While in Romania I have been trying to learn the language; though a little easier than Ukrainian, still much different than English grammar which makes it difficult to pick up!
One Saturday I went with David Weir (a worker in Romania) and his children to another assembly in a different town where they have a young people’s meeting. I was asked to speak and was glad that there was such a meeting. The ages were between 12 to 20’s and about 20 to 30 of them. They seemed to have listened well though a little stiff around the collar. The student bible studies that David been having here in town seems to be going well; though most are Christians they seem to have some confusions in certain areas of scriptures but it is good to see that that they are interested!
I am planning to go back to Ukraine this week if all goes well. One of the problems I am having is that there is now no direct public transportation from Romania to Ukraine, due to the war. Private commuters though can cross freely there and back. At the moment I am trying to find other routes to Ukraine and this is becoming more and more difficult. I may have to go back into Moldova to find transportation.
Once in Ukraine I would like to start a meeting for the young people. This is not so easy, most would not be Christians and Ivano-Frankivsk is a very closed town for outsiders meaning if you are not Greek Catholic or Orthodox you are an outsider. I do hope with God’s help that doors and hearts will open!!
Please pray for Daniela and her husband, I do believe God has been trying to get her attention for some time and hope they both search for His salvation! Also for a safe trip back to Ukraine and for open doors to start some kind of meetings for young people! For my own health also, prayer is appreciated.
 Thank You!!
In Christ our Lord
Dan Perez.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Eric's Final report #8

                                          CANADA  ......  ...HERE WE COME .........  
   March 23.
We started the day early and went to Luba's and took her to take to Hospital. She hasn't been obeying very well and has been putting her foot down and taking weight on it.   Took her to a different hospital and had to wait for some hours to see the Dr. We left her there and went and got cleaning things for baby's hospital again. We took them into the lady at the hospital and will take the rest to the head Dr. before we leave for Canada. The Hospitals are closed to visitors as many people are sick with the flu but when you have connection it can be by-passed.  Went back to Luba and it was what we thought, damaged done to her leg, she had to get x-ray on it.   The Lord was gracious and the lady who did x-ray told us that a dr. who was supposed to be off was in. He put it in place and put the best cast on it. Amazing the mercy of God.  We paid for everything and took Luba home.  We then went to Cancer hospital and got Leanna.   We took her to get food for her at Walmart and for ourselves. We went to supper and then took her home.  We spent time for meeting tomorrow night it will be my last in the Country for this time.

 March 24
We took Leanna to the Cancer hospital to see her mom. We paid for more medicine and supplies at the hospital for her. They get nothing free not even a swab or coverings for shoes to go in or a gown, all have to be bought. We visited some time with her; it was our first time to see her since the operation.  She was so grateful to get operation. It is a hope of seeing the Salvation of her dear daughter and maybe her. We went to Red Cross office to see if we can get Leanna's mom a bed for a month so that she will be able to go home. We went to dinner and at dinner paid for 4 young soldiers and another lady there. They we so surprised but so grateful for it.
Margie and Leanna went to our apartment and cooked food for her mom at the hospital and Volidia and I went to Danna's house with clothing for her to pick out. Danna is the Lady who had a large family of boys and one girl.  One of her son's died over the winter. All the family except the girl has well attended the meetings this time. Then we went to meeting .   I t was my last and 40 were out.   Our God gave help and trust the people will respond to his voice.  
 We came back to  the apartment after meeting and Yaroslav came for tea.  A man who called about a family who had a fire and lost everything came and picked out clothing for son and mom and also got bedding and other things that we had to help.  
 Long day again.   We packed some in van for tomorrow to go to Boys orphanage.

 March 25
 We were up early went to a special market and bought fish for the 95 boys. We took pampers that we had , 6 boxes of  clothing and some bed clothes. We also got my tracts from Lviv from Meest that came yesterday, We went to printers and got signs I made for Sunday school lessons. Then the 2 hour ride to the village over terrible roads. I can see why the Lord just keeps us in the city for this trip roads too bad and dangerous. We gave things to them and spoke the Gospel to 30 workers. We went to Men's home, the head man that used to be there but was fired and a man who doesn't want Gospel, took over. Had a nice time with the former man and his wife.  He showed us pictures of some of the men now fighting among themselves, as the new man is allowing them to drink.  One man jumped out or second floor window, who was drunk and got killed.  
 We came back after our long ride and went to the half way house here and gave them some more sneakers we got from the boxes.  We then went to Leanna's and had tea and gave her some things from the clothing boxes.  We took her to hospital to bring supper to her mom.  Mariena her daughter came with us to our apartment. Dema came to move boxes from veranda as we will leave tomorrow for the long journey home to Canada.  Anna and her husband came for money for the Gas for this month.  Arranged the things in the apartment and cleaned up some.   Long day for sure.....

   March 26
   We went to hospital to meet Dr. for last time and gave him more cleaning things. and the sheets that was remaining here. Went to drug store and got drugs for Natalia that we promised...she is the lady in wheelchair. We delivered clothing and potatoes to Tanya’s and her children.   Took clothing for beds to Donna and some of her sons. We delivered a coat to a man that he was asking for.  Marina came  to say good by and we took her back home and saw her mom and said good by.   We then left for Lviv and meet Edmond and Agnes for supper. 
 Long drive and tired now.   Nadia and Lubcheck and their son came for tea and say good by as well.  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we gave out calendars on the street every spare moment we had in between  movements.   Sasha came and had tea with us before leaving Ivano.   It was so hard to say good by to all, sad times here for sure.   Tomorrow we will fly at 3:30and be home in Canada 9;30 Friday night.

Value all your prayers and notes for those who wrote and may Heaven be richer and lives down here be changed and helped.
Margie and Eric Fowler Ukraine 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

Eric Fowler's Report #7

Eric Fowler’s report #7  
 March 19   
 We got up early and went to a village for Leanna's mom. Her mother has needed an operation for three years now. We had made an appointment at the Hospital with the Dr. we see all the time.  He is not just the head Dr. of the hospital but is head over all the Dr's of the region.  Leanna and her mom visited him. We went to the lady in charge of who has a daughter in Brampton Ontario and had nice visit with her.  We then came back to Leanna
and mom and the doctor is sending her to the cancer hospital. He told her what dr. to ask for.   We went just out of town to a little hospital. The lines were very very long . What a mess but        we would never have got anywhere without the name of the Dr. we saw. The Doctor had called as well and in less then and hour we are in the appointment. Nice to have connections.
We have to buy everything the dr. needs for operation, even to the gloves and mask, every last item.  We had to go back to the village again 40 min. out of town for Leanna's mom to get the things to be admitted to the hospital.  Neither Leanna or her mother expected to get treated so quickly, all because of the contact with the doctor we have had for years. We left her there for operation tomorrow  at 11am.
God is great and God is good.  Leanna is happy and this is a major step in her conversion, we trust.   We went and bought the mops and cleaning things on our way out of town from the cancer hospital.  We will take them to the dr. tomorrow. 
Gods great program of reaching souls often brings very hard work. Got tea and then went toOleg's building and got boxes of clothing for clothing distribution tomorrow.
We then went to supper with Svetlana's parents.  Sveitlana is home for 7 days from Dubai.  She is the girl who got saved  about three years ago and was our Interpreter for some years. Her dad
and mom we have met three time since we came.  They were very nice and great to talk.
We love to see them have a real interest in the Bible.  He would like to have a leather jacket so told him come tomorrow and see If the LORD has put one in some box for him.   He wants a pair of jeans too. Will see tomorrow what the Lord will do for him.   
 Came home finally and glad day is over.

 March 20
 We are all slow in getting on the move today.  Yesterday was a long and big day. Our first stop is at the place where the clothing distribution will take place. Will meet Misha and the others that will help with three ladies and another man. Taras was to come from a bank and some of his workers but having trouble there today and couldn't come.
Banks are closing every day so the economy is getting worse, if this is even possible.
We made a visit to the Dr. to deliver the mops to him. He was very very happy. He is feeling      the pressure of losing three of his three best Dr.s to the war front.
   We then went back to the long 5 and half hours of dealing with over 235 people who came to get clothing. We gave out New Testaments, calendars, tracts and a bar of soap at the end. It went very well for sure all seemed happy that went through and also those that helped .  We had to get more boxes and the total was over 30 boxes. May it be a step to contacts for sure.
Many who come to the meetings came through as well.   Day over and stretched to the limit.

March   21
The week is coming to a close. We were praying about a mountain trip but it isn't working to that end.  It is still cold in evenings and may be snow up there. We haven't checked but the Lord maybe just keeping us safe this way.  
 We dropped off more sneakers to the orphanage here in town and dropped off more food and  clothing and blankets to Hilda the older lady who relatives are coming to the meeting.  It was nice she came so much last time but her health is preventing her this year. I believe she really got saved. She went to the Lusk conference last year and truly enjoyed it.  Was also to Lviv conference. Our God is so good to people.   We then went to visit Natalia, she is the lady with MS that we always visit. We got her medicine she needed.  Svetlanna went with us and we took her cd's of NT that I got in Canada for her.  She had some chapters of NT that Howard gave her before but this is all the books of the NT. We also gave her one for her friend who is also in a wheelchair. 
 We then met Sasha and his brother and took a fridge from his dad's place and to his apartment.  It would be nice to see Terrace and his wife come to meeting but he has never come. We then went and had supper with Luba. This was different as Luba  is the lady who broke her leg. Had a nice time with her daughter and granddaughter and Daughter in law. It has been years working there and very slow in making progress.
 One must never get tired of labouring even with one person.
We left there and got car washed which takes and hour and also got gas for the long trip tomorrow to lviv.  This is the last meeting in Lviv before we leave for Canada.
   March 22
Woke early and ready to move. 
 Yaroslav came here and also Dema. Great to see Him go for sure we need young men like that.   Look to the Lord to save him and use him.   We went to pick up Sasha, who is never on time and for this trip shows no interest at all and wondered why he wants to go to Lviv. Victor is going he shows an interest but will have to be a great change in him. As far as I know spent 15 years in Prison and it truly has affected him .   Leanna is going again, even though her mom got the operation at the hospital on Friday but seems to be doing well.                                                       At the meeting we had 14 in the back and 15 to the Worship meeting . The meeting went very well and worship was nice.  Edmond spoke to the children and I spoke in Ministry.   I again spoke on Godliness ..... it's Beginning  ... It’s growth which will affect Our Worship.
Good trip home again here in Ivanno .... time to rest , read and Run to meeting again. I did expect a smaller meeting tonight as it was cold but when all settled in 33 was there.   After meeting we went and visited a Black lady and son from Nigeria, her son name is Sampson.   I asked where name came from she said my grandmother got it from Bible.
Home isn’t the apartment and tired and happy for the kindness of the Lord for many KM's over the many bumps.  
                              Eric and Margie Fowler ..... Ukraine 2015