Sunday, November 27, 2016

Final Ukraine Report from Malcolm And Wade. Nov 2016

Ukraine Report #9.  Monday Nov 21st

A lady Lianna, has managed to get another apartment and has managed to remodel 50% of it. She managed to purchase enough chipboard to cover the cement floor before laying linoleum. A man had said he would lay the floor but was not able to do it. Because she is such a regular attendee at meetings we volunteered to cut, glue and lay her floor for her. It was finished after supper and is ready for linoleum to be laid by someone. I had a good talk with her about her salvation, but she is still a little fuzzy about whether she is already a “believer”. Please pray for Lianna and her teen-age daughter Marina.

We came home to eat supper and Dan arrived after a 10 hour bus trip from a town named Uzhorod  on the border of Ukraine, where he had been ministering for a week.

Tuesday. We decided we would go to the English school, as we call it, and speak once again, as it is in town here. We were well received by both the Administrator and the assistant Administrator who met us last time. The Head Administrator, we soon found out, is really into Ukrainian politics and held forth on all the reasons why things are misunderstood about Ukraine. 
Well once he stopped, he welcomed us here and we were taken to a senior class of students, all in their uniforms, and Wade and I both spoke with only a little help from our interpreter. They were a very receptive class and we only hope they will heed the message we brought them.

We had some shopping to do and then got ready for our last meeting in Ivano. We were thrilled to see over 30 people present, two young men who were contacted on the street that day also came and sat on the front seat. They had obviously never been in a gospel meeting before but one stopped for a long time after and talked. 
After many hugs, we took a little group for pizza and then home to a welcome bed for our last night in Ivano Frankivsk.

Wednesday. After a good night's sleep and breakfast we packed and got ready to go back to Lviv. We said our goodbye's and left in time to go to Vladimir's home in Lviv for lunch.
We went to the mid-week meeting in Lviv and Wade gave a good word. Then it was back to the apartment in Lviv and a good last night's sleep in Ukraine.

 Thursday. We needed to clean up the room we slept in that night, as 19 boxes were expected at 10 am, so we made room. Just after they came with the boxes, Vladimir came and took Wade for a “down-town-tour” as he not been down town in Lviv. We were to meet at the airport.
After lunch we left with Ruslan, Gilles, Heather and me to the Bible House to order bibles for Ivano and buy some Ukrainian Christian calendars.
We all arrived in good time for the plane with no problems booking in at all.
After some sad goodbyes we headed for Warsaw, Toronto and home with good flights and no hitches.
 Thank you for your prayers for us, we felt it as we spoke to both children and adults.
 We continue to pray for Dan Perez who has just returned for his 3 month period in Ukraine. Please put him on your prayer list as it is not easy when you are working alone. 

God bless you all.
 Malcolm Stanley and Wade Bauld.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Ukraine report #8 Friday Nov18th

Friday Nov 18th. 
We left Ivano this morning, heading for Lviv to spend the end of the week there. The weather, I should have said, has been lovely for several days and the main roads clear of snow, but the side roads still a lumpy hard snow disaster. 
We decided to make our way to Yosapowichi, a village not too far from Lviv, that we have visited many times with Flo Kancir, when she was here. For those who don’t know, the orphanage is only very partially supported by the Government and would probably gone out of existence if it were not for effort of the North American Christians to help it. It has up to 20 children from 3 to 6 years old.
The Director was new to me, but very pleasant. As in most places, they were doing a “remont” (re-modelling,) of the dormitory because the rain had brought the ceiling down. It was already repaired and plastered but needing paint and the new floor sanded and varnished, but no funds to finish the floor. As the amount was not a large sum Wade & I presented her with the right amount. I thought she was going to cry. She could not believe that God had sent us there, without us knowing the need. I told her “Before she asked, God answered.”

We spoke a little word to the children as they waited to eat and then went on our way to Lviv to have supper with Vladimir’s mother and his girl friend. We went to our apartment and shared it with Gilles and Helene for the night. 

Saturday we left with Ruslan for a town about 70 km from Lviv, where Edmund has helped on alternate monthly Saturdays with a class of children from the town.
A Christian man brings them together and it is a real delight to see the excitement of these children. This day was a little different as a group of children and two men brought some children to sing some choruses, accompanied by a very young little girl on the violin and a man on guitar. They sang for about 15 minutes  and were an absolute delight. They had to leave then as they had another appointment. I then spoke to the remaining 25 children and 12 adults.

We then went to the brothers home for an amazing meal. He has 6 lovely children but that is no problem to prepare a good meal. A young woman from a neighbouring town came to meeting. She has a little child and is seeking to know the truth.

Sunday. I realised that I had left my suit in Lviv, so had Vladimir bring it for me when he went to pick up those who wanted to come to meeting. He arrived in time for me to change into my blazer. A nice morning meeting and I spoke in ministry and Gilles spoke to the children. 

Back to Ivano,  we could not have a meeting in the rented hall due to an old timers dance being held there. The noise was deafening. So some went out with tracts in the city centre.
Then out for supper with Heather Anderson who has come to spend some time here. Thank you, all who have prayed for us, we have felt blessed. 

 Malcolm and Wade.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Ukraine Report #7 Nov 15th

Ukraine Report #7 for Tuesday Nov 15th

Well Tuesday arrived with no melting of the snow on the trees or streets. The number of trees broken off is so sad, literally 100’s in town I’m sure.

We had found a man who would help the Russian lady a Petriliv who had no heat in her cottage except two weak fan heaters. The storm had cut off the electric power to the village and she was desperate as she had 4 children and no way to cook any food on the two ring hotplate. The man agreed to reline the chimney and make the heater into an oven and hotplate as well. This meant she can cook and heat by the same wood stove. Most of the older cottages heat like this only most have gas and don’t need wood. This cottage is not hooked to gas. We took him the money and he will do most of the work on Monday.

We had forgotten that we were invited for lunch at Dema’s home at 1pm so hurried over to be there. Natalia, his mother, put on a feast with borscht followed by a meat patty and mashed potatoes, plus open face sandwiches and cookies. She is so appreciative for what God has done in her life in saving Dema and also what the Christians did for her when she lost her nose to cancer and we paid for her to have it rebuilt with plastic surgery. We believe she has got saved since her surgery.

We had forgotten that people were coming up from Lviv to help in our meeting  and so met them at a restaurant for 4oclock tea. We could not eat a bite but we had a good visit with Ruslan, Gilles and Helene Plourde from Canada and Heather Anderson from the USA who wants to spend time here. The ride was still not good on the highway, so they said. There were a few less for meeting, I think owing to the awful roads in town for walking.
 Gilles spoke and I followed but the room was without heat and uncomfortable but at least no one slept.

We found that most of the schools were back in after the storm. I remembered a school that we visited several times, probably 8 or 9 years ago, but had never gone back to. We had had a very good reception to the school and for the first time, I remembered speaking in English class in English. We phoned and got the assistant Director who welcomed us to come that day. As soon as we got there it was the same man I knew and he remembered me. Well great hugs and then a tour of the lovely facility built by the Czechs. as thanks for allowing their gas pipeline to pass through Ukraine. It has, among other things a beautiful gym and a swimming pool. They have over 400 student and all wear uniform. We spoke to a grade 11 class and they listened to the whole thing in English.
We are welcomed back to speak again before we leave.

I don’t know where some of the money is coming from in Ukraine but is amazing what is being built. There is a hardware store called the Epicentre. The original is larger by far than anything I have seen in Canada. Now they have added an extension that is far larger than the original. The work going on to build everything in the new and move product from the old is mind boggling. Hundreds of people moving, dismantling and re building is amazing. There is onlt one problem though at the moment. We went to buy a single inside door for the  fire ravaged apartment. We found a door in the new part but the sales people were in the old part. We went back and forth until I said that was enough so we came without the door and will go and try again tomorrow. The store is going to need shuttles to move people around, the expanse is so great.

We decided to go to the big school in Holovesco with the 2000 children, so phoned the lady we had met before and she said they would be ready when they arrived. She asked how many classes we would like to speak to and we said 3 she said why not 4 being as you are here! So to 4 full classes we spoke. Two of the were double classes with kids squashed in their desks. Most were older but one class were younger. All were very respectful and the younger class wanted to take selfi’s of us before we left.

The road was very rough with packed ridges of hard snow to try to miss. We went and got the door later with no problem this time.

Home in time to set up for meeting in the apartment. 11 people all together with good attention as we spent time in Acts 2 and what the first assembly practiced. This was very new to some and attracted good questions. After a meal of pizza and cake and cookies, some brought by the visitors we continued for a time and then Valodia ferried them all home.
I humorous thing we enjoyed was when Wade went to the store to buy some cookies. He picked up a box and all the girls in the store were laughing. He found out why when he got to the apartment. He had bought a whole box of cookies that they just dip into and sell in small bags. They must have thought he was joking, or really enjoyed those type of cookies, anyway we sure had plenty of them.

And so to bed after another good day.

Keep praying please, as our time will soon be done here.

Malcolm and Wade.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Ukraine report #5 November 9th

Sorry for forgetting to post this one.

Ukraine Report #5 November 9th.
Wednesday Nov. 9th .

I have forgotten to mention that I am sure it has rained every day of our visit yet.
It is pouring today and did so all day. Snow is expected for the weekend.

We shopped for prices of water heaters first thing, for the burnt out apartment, they are fairly pricy but not unreasonable. Did not buy one yet.

We then picked up Yaroslav, one of the local Christians and headed to the country over quite poor roads. Yaroslav’s wife is living in her recently deceased mothers little farm home, feeding the chickens and the dog. Yaroslav lives in Ivano in his son’s apartment. We stopped in at the farm to say hello as we went on our way to the town a little further on.
We were going to the large school in the village named Stetseva. We were greeted by the charming man Director Vasil, who has been there for years and gives us such a big welcome.
He gathered about 60 students from grades 8,9, 10-12. They were very interested in what we told them of our work and Canada. We spoke for 40 minutes and had a question time too. As I was going down the stairs, a cute 15 year old girl stopped me to ask a question. She said “Will you take me to Canada?” and threw her arms around me. Most people want to come to Canada, it is really too bad as most never will.

We left a box of children’s clothes at the school and then headed to see a catholic priest in the same village. The reason we go to see him is because he is a saved man who tells his congregation they need to be saved, coming to church will not save them. He has a lovely wife and 3 children and has built his own house. When we arrived, his wife told us we were just in time for lunch and sat us down to a good meal of borscht, cabbage rolls and 3 different cheeses, relish and bread. We had a lovely time and then he loaded bags of potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, bread, sugar and beans into our van. He said we would find some poor people that we could give them to!!
 We then took Yaroslav back to stay with his wife for a day or so and then headed home, very satisfied but very tired too.
On the way we went to see a saved young mother Lesia who lives in the most unbelievable apartment of one room, with a mentally challenged husband. Her brother has come to help them remodel their apartment by knocking a door through the wall into the next washroom. They have permission but the neighbours are complaining even though they have started. We gave them some funds to help continue with the needy job when they resume.

Thursday Nov 10th

We went to a very large school in Kolomia. I had never been there before but some others have. The assistant director met us and quizzed us as to what we teach etc. She seemed very efficient and a little sceptical but changed completely once she came to the classrooms. We spoke in 3 large classrooms with good attention and feed back in all. The grade 10 and 11 combined was the best as most speak English. When we were finished, she told us we were welcome back any time but to give them time to book classes for us. There are 1900 students and 130 teachers, the biggest school I have spoken in. She said they had had people before who spoke against the church and the police were called.

Got home in time to rest and get ready for evening meeting in the apartment.
We were excited to have Andre, an older man who is the father of one of our ex-drivers wife, arrived early. He had visited his wife who is sick in hospital with a stomach suture that they cannot stop bleeding for some reason. He is very worried but seemed to enjoy our company with the other 5 people who came for the bible study. He left early but not before we sang Happy Birthday, as it was his 59th birthday.
Altogether, an enjoyable and we trust spiritually profitable day. So off to bed.

Friday Nov 11. They do not celebrate Remembrance Day in Ukraine.

We went about 85k to a village named Yasen, where there is a Sanatorium for sick children. We have been often but the condition of the road to it would keep most from visiting. The building is almost in the mountains and so has very healthy air.
The 89+ children are only there for one month at a time; most have lifelong sicknesses and come there from hospitals. It is not a TB hospital. This was the first time the director/doctor took time to show us through the whole facility. It is beautiful, in excellent condition. Since being there last time they got a major grant from Japan because of what they are doing for children, to put in all new windows and clad the building in an 4” material for insulation. It was then stuccoed and painted. As we went around we stopped to talk to the nurses and the one nurse sat us down and took out blood pressure.

We then went into a large room and spoke to all the 80+ kids and about 10 staff. They were all very attentive and answered our questions. We gave a New Testament to all who wanted one and about 60 or so took one, others had one already. We spoke for about 45 minutes and then went to have lunch with the Director and his assistant.

Then the gruelling ride back to Ivano. We then went and paid for a heater that s installed in the fire damaged apartment today. There will now be heat for the men to begin the cleanup.

Thanks for reading this epistle, sorry if it’s too long but there is so much to tell you about this lovely but hurting country.
Please keep praying when you think of us.
Malcolm And Wade.

Ukraine Report #6 for Nov 12th

Ukraine Report for Nov 12.
We decided to have a good cleanup of the apartment today and so started by sweeping and vacuuming the floors. I then cleaned up the leaves of my balcony and washed the windows. Wade cleaned out the fridge and the kitchen. Vladimir opened another box from Canada and sorted out children’s items from others. We were very glad to get a lot of school items to give away, like pens and pencils a scissors for art projects and coloured pencils and crayons. When any of you see these items on sale at Walmart etc. They are very useful.   
I then went for a haircut, and unlike my usual preference, a young lady did a fantastic job. Absolutely different to any haircut I have ever had, for $4.00Cdn.

We then spent time getting ready for Sunday. In the evening we invited the men who are going to do the renovation to the apartment that had the fire. We spent a long time sorting out what we could do and what would be acceptable and least expensive. It is going to be expensive for any old Ukrainian lady to fix and so we want to do what we can for Anna. I’m sure it will cost about $3,000.00 to finish the job. God is able to provide, we know, but we would like to get the apartment liveable even though not finished. Anna and her daughter Maria are very appreciative for what we are doing.

It started to rain in the afternoon and by evening it was snowing.

By Sunday morning there was approximately 5-6” of wet snow. The trees were loaded and gorgeous. What about going to Lviv? Both I and Wade thought we should stay back and have a bible reading, but Vladimir was sure it would be ok, as the trucks and buses would clear the roads. The first thing we saw were 3 trolley buses  stuck one behind the other while trying to get around a corner. Well we got over halfway to Lviv and into the hills, passing one semi after another either in the ditch or unable to get up the hills. We came on one long hill and the line of traffic was stopped all together. There were two vans at the top of the hill, blocking anyone getting passed. A dozen or so people got out of cars and buses to walk up and help dig and push them out. We sat there one and a half hours and were then told by a “walker” that it was blocked the other side of the hill by a bus across the road. As we had missed the meeting in Lviv by now, we turned around and came back to Ivano. A wasted morning except for the hymns we sang and the scripture Wade read while waiting.
We came home to feast on a Chocolate cake that Luba brought us as a gift from her newly married daughter Marika. Then the vanload went home and will come  for meeting at 6pm. We all had a nap. (Couldn’t miss that on a Sunday afternoon??)

Decided we should get a shovel to clear our parking spot. I guess everyone else had decided the same thing too. We did see some very poor ones but not after walking through the outdoor market did we see what we wanted.

We then went to the Halfway House for young children whose homes are not a good place for them to be. They used to have only older children but now have one 3 years old and up to 18
We tried to get into a store after that to look at printers. As we were sloshing across the parking lot a load of wet snow came off the roof of the store and crashed through the roof of the entrance awning. Some people were just going in but only got covered in snow, it could have been worse. On the way back to the van, I slipped and grabbed a man’s arm, I think he thought I was going to rob him!! Thankfully I didn’t go down and he didn’t hit me.

We had no meeting on Monday so came home to relax and prepare for meeting tomorrow. The bad roads have affected some of our plans for visiting schools as most schools are closed and the roads are terrible.

All for now, tried to paste pictures but not smart enough, I guess. Please keep praying for us, our time is passing quickly.

Malcolm and Wade.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Ukraine Report #4 Nov.6th

Ukraine Report #4.
Sunday Nov 6 th

We were up in good time for breakfast and ready to leave at 8:30am to go to Lviv for Morning Meeting. We had a full van of people to go. Several are not in fellowship in the church yet but are interested to come and look on.

There were a nice number at the meeting and several men took nice part. After the meeting Wade Bauld gave a nice word of testimony and I followed teaching the children.

We then had a nice cold lunch and then loaded the van to return to Ivano. We got home in time to have a nap before going out to our Gospel Meeting in the rented room. A good number were out once again and paid good attention.

Monday. Nov 7th.

We headed out early to go to one of our favourite orphanages in Yablunuv, or Apple Village. The director, Natalia, met us and took us to her office. She is an excellent director, very efficient and has got a program set up for the 80 students in her care. Most of these children are mildly backward in their learning ability and have special assistance in school. Only a few of the children have no parent’s, the others have either one or two but are not allowed to stay full time in their homes due to various reasons.

We took them 4 balls, 2 soccer and 2 volley ball. They were really excited with them. We met in their little auditorium and we both spoke to all 80 of them, they really listened well. Maybe because the Director sits with them as we speak!
We were then taken for a very tasty lunch of Borscht, potato patties and rice. The same meal that the children eat. They feed them very well.

We always ask what their particular need is and found it was for a laundry dryer. We were not able to help at this time. They get no help with appliances from the government.

There is an old people’s home in Yablunuv so we went to visit it while there. The director was away so we were not able to see him, and the old folks were sleeping. We left them calendars and headed home.

Tuesday Nov.8th

Leanna, one of the ladies who attends our meeting and we have known for years, asked if we could help unload some floor underlay sheets of chipboard for her. So we went to her newly renovating apartment. Thankfully, it was on the ground floor and the 14 -½” sheets didn’t take long to carry in. She has been able to do this, as she sold he mothers house in the village, and this gave her money.

We then headed out to the village of Stari Lycetts and the school there. The Christian Ethics teacher, Halina met us with her usual joy, she is a Christian.
We waited to the end of a break and then started to go around about 5 or 6 classrooms, almost non-stop. The children were wonderful and listened well as Wade told of his home city and the fire that almost destroyed it, I followed in each class. We said our farewells and headed back in time for out meeting at 6pm. Again a good number gathered with one new face to me, an African from Nigeria named Kelvin, who is studying to be a doctor. I think he may be a Christian but am not sure yet. Our young brother Dema opened the meeting in the gospel for me.

And so to bed very tired, but not a good night’s sleep once again.

Thank you again for your prayers.

Malcolm and Wade and Volodia our interpreter

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Ukraine Report #3 Nov 3rd.

Ukraine report #3 Nov 3rd.

We went to a school/orphanage in a village called Kosiv. I had been there before and we were welcomed by the Administrator Valentina. The school has a mixture of students, some are just from the village, some are wards of the State because of abuse from alcoholic parents. Some stay for the week in school and go home at week-end. It must be hard to organise things sometimes. Well we were taken into about 6 or 7 classes, from grade 2 to seniors. The listened very well as both Wade spoke of the fire in Fort McMurray  and how it made him and his wife feel how terrible Hell must be. I spoke a little too. We gave out tracts and calendars.
We were then taken for a nice lunch in Valentina’s office and headed back home in time to have a group in for pizza and a Bible study. 10 people came and we had a LONG discussion on tongues, healing and the gifts, also icons, crossing ourselves and other topics. The consensus was that it was very instructive, even though some still had questions.
We did a wash and the headed up town to pick up the computers and deliver them to Petriliv. We could not go until after the inspectors had left so washed the filthy van and picked up more candy for the children when we visited the schools. At about 4pm we took the computers to Petriliv, much to the delight of Anna, the Director. On the way back, we have to cross a long narrow steel bridge. Only one large truck can cross at one time. Well it looked as if a large van had started over while a truck was coming and must have had to back up to the start of the bridge. What a line up of vehicles in both directions. Gor home in good time though.
I thought my Jet-lag was over so didn’t take a pill to make me sleep. So much for thinking, I don’t think I slept more than 2 or 3 hours!!
We were going to make some visits today so did not rush to get going. Our first visit was to Anna and Marika’s home, where they had a fire in the apartment. We picked up Valentin and his wife Tania to come with us as he is going to look after the restoration. What a mess. If it had been a house, I’m sure they would have torn it down. Thick black smoke had completely blackened the ceiling and much of the walls. The ceiling in the living/ kitchen had been ripped down in part because the fire was electrical and went up the wall and into the ceiling.
Plaster stripped from walls.
Burnt water heater

The water heater was burned but they think they can fix it, we think it should be replaced. The plaster was off all the walls in the kitchen. I will attach some pictures. There were many tears from both women as they think of the hopeless situation of no insurance and only 500 Rhivney ($27.00) compensation from the government!!

Valentin has done renovations before and is willing to oversee the job and get other Christians to help, but it will need funds for wages and material, a new heater will cost About $1,000.00 It is a heat-on-demand heater and heats both the apartment and water. They have no heat at all at present.
We then took Valentin and Tania out for coffee and heard how God had saved them both. They are both new to me but Tania was at the Conference lat week and both came to our Thursday meetings.

We then went to visit a lady who I have known for years, Diana and he son Slavic. She was nursing a foot that has just had surgery to straighten a bent toe. We had an excellent time speaking to her about her faith and other matters. We feel she is saved but seems still attached to the church. Slavic listened very well, he is in University.
We left there and went to get some food product for Lesia and her son Andrei. They live in abject poverty, but she loves the Lord and comes regularly. She is a little handicapped but now sweeps the street to add to her handicapped husband’s salary.

And then home to eat a hearty meal of Craft Dinner, prepared by Chef Wade with cubassa rings to boot.
All for now. Preparing for meeting in Lviv in the morning with a full van to go.

Thanks for praying.

Malcolm and Wade

Friday, November 4, 2016

Ukraine report #2 From October 31st.

                                                      Ukraine report For October 31 2016 #2

Well the weekend is over and now we need to get busy with our visiting. Still having a problem sleeping as well as 
Wade, but hope to be over it soon.

We wanted to visit our friends in Petriliv and so headed off to visit this little school. Only 27  students but well run by a dedicated staff with Anna as the administrator. As with all these country schools, there are always some problems  that the authorities are unwilling to fix. The first one was that the drains that run from the kitchen, run into a tank that must be emptied by sucking out and there was no pump to empty it. They needed an electric pump and pipe. We went to town and found a new one in the market with 2 year warranty and bought it with 50 meters of pipe for $62.00. Our dollars  go a long way over here.

Because Wade was new there we were shown around the school before speaking to the children. I noticed one classroom had a new wooden floor. Anna said she laid it! She got a man to cut the wood and she laid and screwed it down, what a woman. We talked to the children and then talked to the computer teacher. There were about 12 or more computers in the room but none had enough memory them to download the programs needed for the children. We took one of the newest computers, 10 years old to see if we could get them upgraded. We found we could and will get to upgraded.

We were given dinner in the cold dining room. No heat yet as it had been off all of last week for holidays.
We were then told about a Russian woman who had 4 children and was living in a terrible home with no heat. As it was on our way home we visited her. The house was clean but the brick chimney of the wood heater had fallen into the chimney. We looked it over and decided to try and find a bricklayer to repair it. We visited 4 bricklayers homes before finding one who would go and look at it on Thursday.

Tuesday, not a good night but up anyway to another rainy dull morning. Had porridge for breakfast and toast and peanut butter. Had fruit as well, just like home!!
We went to the computer shop to see what he could do with the computers. Two were good enough to upgrade to new strength and will last for years. We also were able to buy a new one with a monitor and key board for $277.00US, an amazing price really.  This should fix them up for a long time.
Anna was expecting inspectors on Wednesday and the whole school was being cleaned and new plants put in vases and pots. These people are cruel. They threaten and blame for whatever they want to. If she is out of the office and doesn’t answer the phone they ask her why she wasn’t working and she could get fired.

We came home and got ready for meeting. Edmund and Agnes and Lawrence and Margaret McHugh came for supper before meeting. There were a good number out, some we haven’t seen for years. Wade gave his testimony and Laurence spoke. Altogether a good day.

Wednesday Nov 2, Went to see a dear lady Natalia who is bedridden with MS. We have watched her get weaker and weaker over the years, she cannot sit up at all now but has lost none of her joy and faith in Christ. Her mother looks after her very well and is retired from teaching now. We left funds for her expensive pain pills. Went to see if Andre was at his office. That is the place we were first invited to in Ivano, it is called Solidarity. He was there and we spent about 15 minutes with him. He has done something unique in the basement of the building, he has made it into a “salt mine”, yes that’s right. The whole room has been converted into salt walls and floor. I heard of a salt mine where people can go to stay underground to be healed of breathing ailments such as asthma. People now come for daily sessions in “Andre’s Salt Mine”, and get help from their ailments. 

We did some shopping and then went to see a lady, Luba who is a Christian and has come to meetings since we first came here. She has raised 3 grown children alone as her husband left her 30 years ago. We had a lovely visit and plan to help a little with rent and utility costs she has owing. What is so crooked with the authorities is that it depends on how many live in the apartment as to whether the owner gets a discount on the rates. Her husband who left 30 years ago is still listed as a resident as are the two children who are now on their own. She has to foot the complete amount with no discount as they recon all these people are paying to live there.

Well a good day but tired so will close off for now.

Thank you for praying for wisdom in who we visit and what we say.
Malcolm and Wade.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Our Visit to Ukraine in October and November 2016. #1

My Visit to Ukraine in October 2016
We I’m off for another month to Western Ukraine, my 24th visit.
I left Winnipeg on Wednesday the 26th to go to Toronto and on to Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines and then into Lviv. All connections were good, thanks to a good Travel agent in our assembly.
My partner on this trip is new to Ukraine, so Wade Bauld, from Fort McMurray will have a lot to learn!!We met in Toronto airport but did not sit together. He sat two rows behind me and finished up with 3 seats to himself, so could lie down for most of the trip. I had an empty seat between me and a lady heading to Russia to see relatives.
Edmund and Agnes and Ruslan and Heather Anderson, from the USA plus Laurence Mc Hugh and his wife Margaret from Ireland met us at Lviv airport. I have never had an easier check in, 5 minutes at the most and straight through.
We went to Edmund and Agnes apartment for supper and then to our apartment to freshen up and then SLEEP. The only problem was and is that Wade is a poor sleeper, so wakes early!! We’ll have to work that out somehow!
Friday evening started the Lviv assembly Conference. People from Ivano Frankivsk arrived in time for the first meeting in the evening. The number present made up local people, those from Ivano and a carload from a Slovakian Assembly, 8 hours away, was very encouraging. The Gospel was preached by to Canadian brothers, Gilles Plourde and Howard Pratt. Both gave solemn messages.
After a bedtime snack we all headed to our lodgings, visitors to the Conference were bedded in the apartments in the Baptist Church that is rented for the Conference.
Saturday came all too soon after not too good a sleep. Breakfast was served at the church. The first meeting of the day was a Bible reading led by Brother Laurence, in Colossians chapter 1. There was very good input from several brothers and the time went very quickly.
The afternoon ministry was taken by three brethren, First Brother Daniel Moses from Slovakia spoke, then I spoke and then Lawrence McHugh from Northern Ireland. It seemed that the ministry was appreciated by the comments that followed. A supper followed and then several returned home, however others stayed overnight and came to the meeting at the Gospel Hall on Sunday morning.
There were a nice number to break bread in the morning and then another brother from Slovakia spoke in ministry, followed by Brother Lawrence speaking to the children.
After a lunch in the hall, we said our farewells to friends, some going to Slovakia and ourselves returning to Ivano Frankivsk. We were expecting to have a meeting in Ivano but found there was a senior dance in the building and it was impossible to have our meeting. We cancelled the meeting and met with several people in our apartment and had a very profitable time after pizza !
All for now, more later DV.
Malcolm and Wade.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

We are sorry for the gap in posting news from Lviv and Ivano Frankivsk.

Further to the heading. Eric Fowler and his wife Margy with two other single ladies were there for the month of September. Eric wrote several times but we were not able to  prepare them for posting.
Since Eric returned Gilles and Helen Plourdes and Howard and Robin Pratt have arrived and are there at this time. Malcolm Stanley and Wade Bauld are going in time for the Lviv Conference on October the 26th. and staying into November.
Dan Perez is in Romania and Moldova an will also return in November.Please pray for these workers, there is much ground to seed with the Word of God.

 Sep 9, 2016,
                  From Eric and Margie Fowler Ivano Frankisk ....... ...
 The meeting tonight here in Ivano Frankisk gave to us great joy. Many of the old contacts were out but 6 young men were out new, Dema's friends. Then his brother Slavick was out to sitting in the front seat. 45 were out, what a number Sasha, Olex and Ola's son was back. they were out as well and stayed and talked a long time. God is able to do above what we can ask or think.
 Keep Praying for sure .....

  Sept 10.
  Lidia made breakfast for us. Goats cream in three different forms and the mountain breakfast... Corn meal mush. It went well.It was great to visit with her and her husband and son.

 Then went to the market for MUSHROOMS for Era's parents.   In our looking for them  Heather
  met one of the Christians from the Baptist group we have helped a lot.  I was planning
 to leave them some literature so we left it with him.  He had my tract on his table and other literature.   It was of the Lord to meet him. He has 5 children, all girls.  We gave him more of my tract ...he said now I can tell the people I know this man.  I left him funds to help with is effort in the market every Sat.   
We went to the Mountains, to Virhovina and went to the Principle's home first for dinner OXANA was so happy to have us in her home ..she said she was glad we came on a day we can visit and talk to her, not just in the school. We left her clothing for children and some for the teachers, they are all ladies also left her school material for children some crafts things as well.  We also left her some funds to help in some way within the school. She told us the funds we left last time she bought two hot water boilers one for boys dormitory and one for the Girls.
That was so nice as we had a nice visit with her and her son who is studying to be a Lawyer.    Went to a museum just out of town limits for a visit Then the long three hour ride home again.   We had a short rest and went to Louisa and her husband Eurie’s home for supper. Their daughter got saved three years ago and was our interpreter for some years.
The visit was good but love to see them with a greater love for salvation.
Often hard work and time to win a soul for the Lord .....

        SEPT. 11th.
This is our first Lord's day to be  here. There were eight of us to go to Lviv.
God is good and it is nice that the ride is only 1  1/2  hour drive now as the road is newly paved all the way. Four of the men was missing from meeting so only a small crowd.  But the meeting went very well. Edmond and Agnes are away as Agnes is sick and had to go back to Ireland for help.  The meeting went very well with four of us worshiping..
I gave a little word at the end. A GREAT PRIVILEGE TO THANK GOD ..                              Ruslan gave the story to the children.  then a wee lunch and some hugs and greetings to the 
  Saints there. God is good. Then the ride back home.
  Meeting here in I vano Frankisk. The crowd was just great 45. Dema had 6 of his friend out..amazing. Then Slavic and Dema and one of Dema's friends came back for tea. Era our interpreter stayed as well.   The day ended with a joy of seeing the Lord work.

Sept 12th.
                         Not an early rise as for me I was very tired after days in the mountain and full Lord's day.   
We Loaded van after breakfast and our reading mediation.  We put sheets in  for two sections of the Baby hospital Went to printers to see if I could get some tracts and other things printed.  Picked up interpreter and went to see head Dr,in Baby hospital and had nice visit ,he is such a great man. Would love to see him have more interest in Salvation but pray that will come soon.                       
The went to see the mothers in the Hospital, the Head nurse takes us around. Met 28 mothers, as that 's what we had 28 bags from the ladies from Welland on this trip,.  Had tea with the head nurse.
We then went out to dinner. We then met Luba a sister in the Lviv meeting who
 is taking care of a very old lady who is cripple. We had nice visit for sure.
Came home with Luba and had cake for her birthday ...her daughter Marica came too .
Louisa came for pampers for a lady she helps.  Then Olex and Ola and two sons and 
                 Teraes's wife came for clothing and for just a visit. That was great even though 
             they stayed late and we were all sooooooo tired .

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Report from Dan Perez in Ivano Frankivsk.

Dear Praying friends.                                                                                July 2016
Early in the month I took another MRI scan because I kept feeling pain in my leg throughout the night. I then took the scan to the Dr. and he said that it shows my ACL needs to be repaired and that requires surgery. He said if I could live with it as is surgery is not needed, so I am use a brace for the knee and so far so good!
I was asked to visit one old blind lady with leg problems. They told me that she has an interest in the bible and wanted to talk so I met with her. A very nice lady and listened very well as I shared the gospel to her and seemed to agree with all I said but when I asked her if she know she was forgiven she was lost all over again. All her siblings have died and only one living brother is left but sick and may die soon. She started to cry and said if her brother dies she will be an orphan having no family. I shared with her that all who are in Christ are in the Family of God and God the Father promise that He will never leave or forsake His own!
There is a woman that is looking after her and I gave her some tracts to read to the blind lady and hope that both can be reached with the Gospel message, the good news of being forgiven by God! (WOW, what good news that really is!!)

The highlight of the month was having Larry and Ruth Perkins staying with me just before I left Ukraine. They were a great help in many ways and the people here took a big liking towards them and many remembered them from last year. Though there was so much  to be done we did what we could with the time we had. Ruth really went out of her way when she started to scrub the kitchen floor with a toothbrush! I did not think it was that bad but it did look a lot nicer when she was done! I wanted to take a picture of her doing this but did not want people to think this would be one of their duties plus given bread and water for them to stay here!

We visited one family that lives far out in the country side. Once you get off the long dusty gravel road then you make a turn into the forest. It seemed like the middle of nowhere but on the other side of the forest there is a small village which is where they live. I have not seen them in more than a year and know they have two more children which makes a total of four. He needs to leave the country from time to time to earn some money. Where they live they have no shower and would like to make one but no money. They are now having bible meetings in their house once a week and wanted us to visit but we had no time as they have them on Sundays. They also wanted us to meet one Amish family that has come to a few of their bible meetings, I do hope to meet them in the future. We had a good talk and hope it would be of some encouragement to them. We left them a box, things for the children and for the house.

There is one lady who comes to the meetings and asked for prayer for I think it was her grandson, who was sick in the hospital and she was very burdened by it, well he died, just 8 years old. She was full of tears for a few of the meetings then stop coming. Last year when Larry and Ruth were here we had a nice visit at her small apartment and was hoping to make another visit but could not reach her. I think it had something to do with the 40 days after his death. She did show up at the last meeting I had looking very sad with teary eyes. Another woman said after one of the meetings, God did not help this time. This lady would profess to be a Christian and was hoping we could spend some time with her but no time opened up, her name is Anna.
We visited a few sanatorium, one of them we visit quite often is far and the road is not very good half of the way there. As we arrived we met with the director, he’s a big man and very nice also! They were having some kind of outdoor activity with the kids, making chocolate and putting them in little cups with berries. They asked us if we would like to have the meeting outside and since the kids were out and it was a beautiful day we said we would. They set up the chairs and the kids all sat. There were possibly 75 kids most of them sitting and some of the off to the side with the nurses and teachers. Both Larry and I spoke and I thought they all listened very well! We then gave out New Testaments to those that asked plus bible texts and some candy. We bought some games and brought boxes of clothes and gave it to them which were some of the things they have asked for. They fed us lunch before we headed back on those roads, that was nice of them!

Had a children’s meeting for the locals in a new place, about 10 to 12 children plus their parents came to the meeting. Larry gave the message I tried to do the songs and the games and we had some snacks afterwards. I thought it went well and would have liked to have another one but had no time! Larry also took part in each of the local meetings in Ivano and spoke in the Lviv assembly the two Lord’s Day we were there!
Larry and Ruth were a big help and an encouragement not only to me but to others as well! A big thank you to them for having a desire to come and be used of the Lord! And a big thank you to all who has sent boxes and have continued in prayer!
I am now in Moldova and may visit the Christians in Romania as well. Please pray that God would bless the time spent with the Christians in these places!!
Thank You!
In Christ our Lord!