Sunday, April 30, 2017

Eric Fowler's report #7 April 24th


April 24 background
       Where No Vision is the people will perish ..... Look unto the FIELDS they are ripe to Harvest.
       Our Last week here and we are both tired after the weekend, but in a good way.
Little later rising but our manna which is light to eat in the morning, is much different from the food people give you here. Our normal time of prayer and reading together  to get direction for the day.
      Igor came and we went to change money. The exchange is going lower every day and we've had to go to the street to exchange the last few times.
Igor's mom, Anna, came to look at clothing and she had soup. Igor took me to the Barber to get my hair cut.  I have used the same one many times.first time one has cut my hair that could speak English.  She is a girl from the East part of Ukraine where the war is going on. Always give them literature and they seem to appreciate it. 
We went to the Army Base to see if we could meet with the soldiers and give them Bibles. This took some time and they wanted us to write a letter about who we are, stamp it, and pass to their office to see if they would receive us.
We had another 100 bags made with Matt. 11:28 embroidered on them, they are black with red letters.  Then we went to pick up tracts that Heather had printed.  I also ordered 9 big vinyl song sheets last week to be able to sing with the children at schools and other places.  We gave the final go ahead on the way they are to do them. 
We did up the bags with the Bible in them...tracts also and a pen and chocolate bar. We got 20 Bags ready to go to hospital tomorrow to see more new babies and their mothers.
Leanna came for a visit and Ira also came and she took Leanna home after the visit. Marichka's baby was taken to ICU in the Baby's Hospital today. Margie made Banana Muffins for tea.  The day is now over ... trust lives were touched for the Glory of God.

April 25
         Sunny, warm, and bright. A new day and new opportunities to bring the LIGHT of His word to this large nation.   We like to start the day in His word and power for the day ahead. One never knows the way the Lord will guide but we know He will guide. We went to the Soldier place again to give the letter and see if it will be possible to give the Bibles.  They will call us back to tell us when it is decided if we can give the bags to the soldiers also. Igor's wife wrote the letter and stamped it with the stamp we have made up for the Missionary work here in Ukraine. Then we went to the Baby hospital with Bags for the New arrivals.  We had a Birthday tea with Helena, the head nurse. Then we all went to the street and gave out some gospel tracts. After that, we went home and got 9 boxes ready for the trip tomorrow to the Mountains to visit the large school near Romania.  Heather went to get candy and few other things for the school trip  tomorrow. I prepared for meeting and Igor's Dad said he will come again tonight.  This is a miracle for sure with him not drinking.  There were 35 at meeting tonight. That is great as well considering it is planting time and some are sick. Deanna and her two neighbors came to meeting again and came after for a short visit. Dema came to help get all the boxes ready and in place for tomorrow.  The Lord gives strength for the days and their labours.  To bed and need it....

April 26
        Awake early for sure and the final touches to go today.  It is a 3 hour drive on rough roads up the mountain.  Breakfast as normal for me .... Manna.    Heather likes to eat pizza, salads, and Ukrianian leftovers for breakfast. Our reading and prayer for the long hard ride. 
Dan and Igor came and loaded the van.  It is full for sure and then away we go.  It is great to have the van here for the work...we had to do some major  repairs on it when we came, but it's ok now with new tires and some new rims.  The ride went ok and we arrived on time. We were happy to see no snow along the way just high into the mountains as we were told we would have snow there. The first day almost over and it's very sunny.Thank God for that.  The children were out to meet us ..this year the number of  children is down to 390 from over 400 last year.  They tell us people are going out of the country when they can get papers to do it. We spoke to three classes of about 39 children ....Grade 1 , grade 7 and grade 11.  The psychology teacher took us to the classes (and she heard the gospel given in each class too). It is her first year in this school to teach.
We went to Lēla's home where we are to stay and we dropped our things off.  It was a joy to see her family again. They were so happy to know we came to them again.  A German lady is staying there with them as well. Oksana, the Principal of the school, was happy to see us again too. Oksana served us a little lunch in the room we helped to construct to teach the girls how to cook and then supper at the place where all the children eat. I talked again to Oksana about replacing the tables for the children to eat since the ones there are very poor.  We met the German lady and had little talk to her. Dan and Igor had talk to her after some of us went for a walk.  We are off to bed after a long day and yet a good day.

April 27
      It is great to be in Verkovena in the fresh air of the mountain. We were awakened by the crowing of a rooster and the call from Lēila for a mountain breakfast.  (Lēila is also a teacher at the school.)  An original Hootsoo? local breakfast. Cornmeal mush and mushroom sauce and mountain tea with a mountain cabbage salad.  The German lady ate with us and was quite happy to be with us since she knows very little of the Ukraine language and was happy to speak the English that she does know.
Oksana gave us food for the trip back, and we were happy to have it because we planned to stop and have a picnic along the river on the way back into the city. 
 We called Peter, the man from the Baptist in town, as we had clothing and literature for him.  He was very happy as it was his day for having the people come for clothing and wanted us to preach the Gospel to them.  We gave the school their boxes of clothing and the school material we had for them and then went to where Peter was giving out clothing.  He allowed us to speak first to about 150  people plus 50 children and Dan used the two roads chart. It was a great privilege.  It was amazing as his boxes were to be given out for Christmas, but they were very late and he was giving them out for Easter instead. The boxes came from somewhere in Canada, and he was happy to say we were from Canada who were to speak to them even though Dan and Heather were from America. We helped him give out the boxes for all the children first and then to the adults. He said he was alone and was wondering how he was going to do it all and God was so kind to send us to help him.  Then we gave him the clothing we had for him and 20 New Full Bibles and lots of extra literature. He was so thankful for all.
Then the long ride home and we went a different way which was a little longer, but the road had been redone some of the way which gave a little better ride home.  We stopped and had a picnic as it was sunny and warm. We went to Leanna's for supper - she cooked a supper for us in her new place that she is trying to fix up. The man who we visited last week with clothing and shoes was there as well. It was a nice supper and afterwards we went and got a blood pressure cuff for a lady who works in the Baby Hospital.  Then we returned to the apartment and did 25 of the new bags with Matt. 11:28 on them to take to the hospital tomorrow.  We got two lady boxes of clothing ready to take to the hospital tomorrow as well.  A day finished again ....Praise the Lord.

       Value much Prayer
              Eric and Margie Fowler

                     and Heather Anderson

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Eric Fowler's Report #6 April 20th.

        April 20th.
       Thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. Prov 27v1 
 .   We are getting a little tired as the days pass.
 Our day started as all other days. Breakfast and a read together and prayer for the hours ahead with thanksgivings for the hour that has gone with the faithfulness of our Heavenly father. 
 Dan and Igor came and we went and took the old stove of Valentina's to the scrap. We got 150r! She has her new stove installed and its very nice.  She said she can sleep better now as no gas smell in the apartment..
Then we went and bought a set of taps for Botanka's mom. There is a great need for her mom as she is confined to her home and needed water for sure. Valentina came and looked for clothing for her and her son. He needs big size for men and  this is hard to get. Dan and I went to look at place for rent, we would like to have a permanent place for meetings. It was in a good location but that was all that was good about it.
We went to Danna's for tea. She had her two lady neighbors in Maryana and  her daughter. They were out to meeting twice now.  Danna's son was there as well and asked many questions.
 We gave them the bags with verses on them, everyone likes them for sure. We had nice talk with Dema, he is growing and one can only pray that the Lord will keep him safe from the the snare's of the enemy. Home safe and another  day over.

 April 21
             We both awoke early  and breakfast was great and our read and prayer before the day is on us. 
Igor came and we went to the village to visit his dad.  His dad has a bad drinking problem and caused much trouble over the years.  He is now living in an old barn alone with dogs and chickens.  We tried to talk to him but he was drinking. We took food and clothing to him.  He did promise to come to meeting Sunday night so will have to pray that this will happen.  Igor said it will be a real miracle if he is not drinking and comes on Sunday, we look to the Lord for one. 
We came back into Ivano. Dan got a parking ticket as new laws are in force on parking. Yaraslov's son Vatalie and his wife and their little daughter came to get clothing.  Donna the lady who had 7 children also came for clothing. She is having bad health problems and is a very sad lady. 
Danna, Mariana and her daughter came to the apartment. We had tea and a time of bible questions again..
 A day over and we are tired again .

April 22 ...
              Truly the  Lord is gracious and full or Mercy. His kindness is new every morning.  It was a joy to read and pray as we start the day
Today is very windy and raining, better then snow as they are having snow in many places here and in the Mountains.     The snow is killing the buds on the new trees and flowers. 
 Igor came and we went and got food for Bodanka's mom, she is the Lady who is old and can't get out to meetings any more. We did get her taps for her bathroom so that she could have water.  It is a sad thing, she was a nurse and worked for over 35 years ...her husband was a military man but is dead, she lives in very sad conditions  I really believe she is a Christian and came to meetings a lot before her stroke. We took her some food and some warm night clothing.  
 Leanna came and we picked up 3 boxes of clothing for a man and his family from a village 70k from Lviv. We will meet him  tomorrow.  We picked out clothing for a boy who is an invalid and is now in the hospital.  We went and got pampers for him as well and some wipes. We had nice visit there with his mom, she is expecting another child very soon so picked out some clothing for her new baby as well. We gave her literature and two others in the room with her as well.
Then we went to supper with Olex and Ola. We would love to see them grow more in the Lord.  They are doing well in  both their Business’s but spiritually they are not growing.  We knew them since 2005 and sad how little they have grown. 
We did some shopping for gifts for tomorrow in Sunday school as I will speak to the children. Dan did some calling as we will rent a bus and take people to meeting in Liviv in the morning.  We will use the same driver and bus as the one to Lustk last week end.   Now the day is over and week over again tired for sure.

        April 23
                     A early rise to get ready for liviv trip to meeting.   Breakfast and reading and prayer for the day ... Our God is very thoughtful and knows our needs before we have it.  The driver came and Dan took boxes for the man in the village that will meet us in Lviv. 15 of us including the driver. Lessia and her son . Tanya and her mom and her two children. Yaroslav, Dema, Luba and Lenna. then the 4 of us and the driver.  Nice trip to lviv as the weather got better along the way. It was a great meeting with 16 in the back and 16 to remember the Lord... it was like a little  conference for them.  We will try to have this next week as well.   I spoke to the children on  The Door ... and Dan spoke to Saints from Eccel.    It was a joy to see the man from the village come to meeting and listen very well. 
He took pictures of the Sunday School  singing  which is good and he wants us to visit his village. 7 children were in Sunday school the largest there for a long time.
A safe drive home and a little rest and be ready for meeting tonight.   It was a great crowd  35 for Sunday night and it's planting time. God is good.  Igor's father came, a day of not drinking for him is a  Divine miracle  for sure. 
We then went to Igor's home for supper.  It was a great time there Igor's wife, his mother and father ...and his mother in law. 

 Home safe after a long day.   

                                   Eric and Margie Fowler 
                                      and Heather Anderson ...  
                                        value your prayer ...

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Eric Fowler'a report #5 April 15 2017

April 15th, Saturday  
Lutsk Conference (cont.)
    We stayed at Oksana and Sasha's for conference. Breakfast at 9 and it was a full Ukrainian breakfast. Cold pork, salted tomatoes, compote tea, a 4 layer home made cake, Easter bread home made.  We went to meeting at 10:30. Kevin Oh and Bobby Carson spoke in ministry. Kevin was on Joshua 1 and Bobby on Creation in Ps. 130.
      Thomas Sloan, Timothy's son, spoke to the children on the true meaning of Easter from 12:30 to 1:30.  Then Kevin and I spoke in ministry from 3 to 4:30. I spoke on "The Importance of a Clear and Simple GOSPEL" and Kevin on Joshua 2. We had supper and went home to rest for tomorrow.

April 16th, Lord's Day
Lutsk Conference (cont.)
    Today it is an Easter. Ukrainian breakfast. We had pumpkin soup, cold pork, boiled eggs, salad, six different things and Easter cake.etc..  We are away for meeting at 10:30.  The meeting went quite well. People from Ireland, England, Canada, America and Malaysia. Kevin spoke on Joshua 3. Then a little break and a children's meeting on "The True Meaning of Easter" continued. Then we had dinner and then the Gospel meeting with Dan and myself.  
We then said our goodbyes and back to Ivano Frankivsk again.  We gave one of the Ukrainian men from the conference a ride home in Lutsk on our way out of town, and he told us a different way home.  It cut off over an hour or so of travel time - a great thing...very thankful!
The ride home was just great and a clear evening with the sun shining.  We also sang some songs on the way back. We got to Ivano at 8:30 and by 9:00 all people were delivered.  It was great to get back to our beds here for sure. The driver was very happy with the trip, he said he enjoyed it and us, we were very thankful.

April 17th, Monday
      It wasn't an early rise today for sure. This was expected after the long ride and the conference on the weekend. It was OK to get back to the regular breakfast of Manna and Canadian tea.   
Leanna came came early to visit and read with us. This was good for her for sure as it has been a long journey trying to reach her and lots of patience. She brought a man named Uri. We got him clothing and shoes. He teaches at the Oil & Gas University. We will make another visit to him another day. 
 Igor came and we went to exchange more money. The exchange goes up and down very much and want a good exchange. We ended up waiting on this as well till later.
We went and brought sheets to the Surgery Hospital here, also some other medical supplies that were given to me from Corner Brook, Nfld, but the nurse wasn't there. We will try tomorrow again.
 We then got medicine for Natalia and went to her for a visit. We have known Natalia since 2005 - our first trip.  It is amazing to hear her talk and her attitude although she has MS and is now getting worse and worse. Her mom cut tulips and gave to Heather and Margie. The gardens are growing so well, but sad if we get the snow it is calling for.It will be a great destruction to the area here for sure.
From there we went to Louisa and Yury's for supper..We had a little spiritual talk with them, but they just don't have the interest.  The supper there was out of this world with such a variety.  We were back home late and rushed to bed.  Tired for sure as the Lutsk trip is still having an affect.

 April 18th, Tuesday
             "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."   Psalms 118:24
      The day started with a normal breakfast and a read together. Leanna came and so we went to visit the older man from her work again. We had tea together and had nice visit this time and  brought him more clothing and he showed us his hobby of making small clock's and Magnifying glasses.  It was a very neat visit.  He was cleaning two days at his place when he knew we would visit.  We gave him the Surgie book and NT on CD. These were made for me in Canada and many here like it. We had over 100 with us and it has been a God send.  
Igor came after this visit and went to change money again. We then took sheets and other supples to the Hospital we tried to do yesterday. They told us about a 4 1/2 yr. old that needs head surgery, he is at another hospital.  We will try to visit him and see if we can give help. Then we took Dan and Igor to a Pizza place for dinner.
 Home for a little rest and some extra preparation for meeting.  We walked to meeting and took extra bags from Lutsk. with John 3:16 on each side.
 We had 23 out to meeting and that is good for after the Easter holidays. We then went to Ira's home for supper. It was a great visit but she and her family are very religious and wanted to show us that more by saying the Lord's Prayer for thanks at the supper table. It is so sad to see such nice people be in such Religious darkness.  Day over and back to the apartment for the night's rest.   

 April 19th, Wednesday
         A normal start of the day. In every thing give thanks ....Rejoice ever more.  
 Dan came and we loaded up boxes for a school in Luba's village. We took clothing for girls, boys and ladies at the school.  We got candy for them also.  We also took bags with John 3:16 on them. We had an opportunity to speak to about 35 of them.  We had tea with three of the teachers at the school. One teacher had us go to her home for a visit as well. She is the social worker at the school. Had a very nice visit for sure. Her husband is an airport controller for planes in the army.  We also had a short visit at Luba's mother in Law.  She enjoys the truth of sins forgiven and she had us read the Bible to her some.
We went to the printer's  about Heather's tract and I gave information to get some hymns printed. We came back and Leanna came for a visit with her daughter. Day over and trust heaven rejoices over the labours. 

              Value prayer from all ...
                 Eric and  Margie Fowler
                      and Heather Anderson

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Eric Fowler's Report #4 April 11 2017

April 11
  A good morning start usual ...breakfast , a read together, and a time to thank the Lord for His provisions and peace
After dinner we went to an Orphanage here in town and spoke to 31 children, spoke on a shoe; also brought oranges, apples, and candy.      Had nice time there and Maria showed us around. They have some new changes from money given to them. 
We went to the Carpathian Kitchen for dinner together.  We paid for the couple behind us and they wanted to know why we did it, a great way to reach people. 
Back to the apartment and the last preparation for meeting tonight.  The gospel meeting was at 6 and we had 28 in, even with the Easter holidays ... Vasil (Luba's son) was in
We came home and the last arrangement of the bags for a visit at the Baby hospital tomorrow.   A wee ginger tea and off to bed.

April 12
Breakfast and read and again. How important it is to pray for the direction along the way.  Igor came and got boxes ready for people to come for clothing. This is a big job as each time you need to reorganize boxes. We don't have a good system with people seeing the clothing.  It was once organized when we had Marika around. I always like all the people to come for clothing that come to meeting when we are here.
I went to the drug store for medicine for Annia, the Lady who had her house burned last year. She had a terrible fall and cut her leg and now it is sore. We got medicine and took it to her. 
Heather and Margie finished the baby bags for our second visit.
 Lessia then came for clothing, she usually gets for her mom and a few other neighbors, even though they have never come to meeting.  She is saved and baptized and is faithful to meetings here. Bogdanka came for clothing with her 9 year old daughter. They have been faithful to meetings for a couple of years now.  Her mom came when she could but has had a stroke and is now consigned to her apartment. She is the lady I asked for over size lady's clothes for. She is very very poor and we help with food many times. Irena then came and I went to look for shoes for her daughter but didn't have any luck in getting any.
We then took a walker to a lady and when we got there had to come back and get the one with two sets of wheels as she couldn't use the one with only one set of wheels. They were both teachers and their son needs medicine that costs over 3000r a month. Takes most of their pension and they were renting a walker. It is very sad to see such a lack of help here. Went to market and got food for Hila, Bogdanka's mom, again and had a little visit with her.  We then took Leanna and Marina out for Easter supper. They came back to look at clothing as well ... Day over and it leaves one tired.

 April 13
       Started a little early as we are to be at the hospital at 11. Igor came and we  loaded the van with the baby bags and extra clothing for the babies and sheets again for 3 floors of the hospital.   The nurse asked last time for some sheets for the third floor.  We gave some before but it was all used on the 1st floor.  We had some other medical supplies for them as well.  We got liquid hand soap .... floor liquid soap ..  washing powder .... and toilet paper .... amazing they have nothing. We also took a box of ladies clothing for the nurses there.
       We then took a wheel chair to another hospital to a man who called for one.  He just had his leg off today.  Talked to his Dr. and head nurse, they can use white sheets there as well so we will bring them to them next time. Irena's daughter came who wanted shoes with her grandmother ... we went and this time with her we got the ones she liked. Leanna came again and looked for clothing that works for her. Deanna, the German, came with Leanna and looked for clothing. 
My wife made banana muffins and they stayed and had a talk over the muffins.  We also got our suitcases ready for the ride to Lutsk for the Easter conference tomorrow. We will meet at 10am near our apartment to leave.  Another day to it's end ... "HE that winneth souls is wise" ...but very hard work.

April 14 ......
     .. We met at 10 and loaded things in the van and the15 of us. A very nice crowd but would like more, but Easter takes some away that would have possibly gone otherwise.  The ride was nice and at 4 o'clock we landed in Lutsk just when they were into the story with the children there. 
It was great to get there on time for meeting We then were taken by the men to our places where we were to stay.  Then back to meeting at 7pm. Dema told how he got saved and Kevin Oh originally from Malaysia, but now living in England, preached the Gospel.
We then had supper, which was late, and went to our place to stay.   We were all tired after the long ride. My wife and I and Heather stayed at Alexander and Oxana's home. We had met them before at Lviv conference and Heather stayed with them last Fall in a visit she had in Lutsk then. It was great to get to rest. The others stayed at a motel and a rest park place.

All for now.

 Eric and Margie Fowler
and Heather Anderson

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Eric Fowler's Report #3

Eric and Margie Fowler's
      and Heather Anderson    report #3

April 7th

Breakfast and a time of reading together for a fast get away to Lviv. The weather has been warm and sunny for which we are thankful. A lot of people got their gardens planted already. Trees are green and fields are green and looking great.

Yaroslav's wife, Halia, has been having health problems and today we will take her and her son to Lviv to see a Dr. Mark, a Christian Dr. who has a clinic in Lviv and does alternative medicine. We will take her there since the Dr's here in Ivano have found nothing in her case EVEN THOUGH SHE HAS HAD MANY DIFFERENT TESTS. We left here at 10 and arrived there at 1. When we were finished there Heather, Margie and I went to visit Nadja and her new baby Daniel. She is now living with her mom while recovering. This gave us a little chance to visit with her mom and dad who are in the meeting and also a wee visit with her grandmother. It was great to have supper with them and have a time of fellowship. Heather then went to visit with a Deaf Lady and stayed all night. Nayda is the lady's name and she is coming to meeting. Heather had a nice time with her. We went back to the apartment here and rested.

Saturday April 8

We rested some extra this morning and nice to have wee time alone and pray about what we are doing here. Edmund came at 10:45 and got us to go to Sosnivka to speak to a group of children. They get 20 to 35 children each time here and Edmund goes every second Saturday. I enjoy the group, they learn many verses and are very attentive to the story. At times there are 5 to 8 adults which is very nice. We do have to drive an hour and the road isn't good. Then Vasiel, the man who plans it, takes us to his home for a dinner. They have 6 children and she is a real good cook. It was great to see Vera, his wife, again and talk to her. They both like to talk of the Lord while eating. It was a joy to learn that two days ago a Russian lady got saved. The Lord is at work and it was a joy to talk to her. The group sang very nicely and I gave them a story on the Shoe, it was the first time they ever heard it. Then back to Lviv and prepare for the meeting tomorrow morning. A week is over and tired for sure.

Sunday April 9
A new day...the Lord's day and a new week. It was a joy to be able to remember the Lord again. It was great to see 8 in the back to observe and 15 of us to remember the LORD. I gave a little word at the end on Gal. 5:1 Then Ruslan spoke a word to the children.
It was a joy to hear 8 give thanks ... Then the ride back to Lviv and a wee rest and then to meeting again. We did have 31 out to meeting. This is good considering planting time and the Sunday was Palm Sunday at the churches and this is big for them. The Sunday before Good Friday and Easter Sunday is bigger here then Christmas.                                       Dema came back to the Apartment after and had a great talk with him. The day is over and tired for sure. We did have bags made last fall with a Bible verse on it and we gave all at the meeting a bag each. We trust that this will help spread the word in the street.

April 10
It is Monday again ...Relax Rest Refresh Read Renew while on the Run. Breakfast and a little time of fellowship to touch the Spirit. Then the day started in a rush. Tanya with three children came to get medicine for her husband who has trouble with his Immune system and now is running a very high temperature. Then 45 boxes came from Meest, some form Nfld, Nova Scotia, and Ontario. It was great to get this gift for sure. There were boxes from Welland and Waubaushene here when we came. This gave us the ability to do the Baby Hospital.                                                          Then we got a call from Dana, the lady who has the big family. Her husband had been drinking for four days and so we went and talked to him some. Then we went and bought food for her. Sin is a sad burden and everywhere you see its vast effects on the people and the nation. Marianna, her daughter is home again and we have helped this girl lots. She was at meeting Sunday but came late. She has been coming some but not much over the years.                                                                         Then we went to Valentina's and had a late dinner. We found out that her old gas stove is causing great danger leaking gas and is very dangerous. It was her son's 16th birthday and had a nice time with them. We went to the market and bought a new one. She has been faithful to the meetings since 2005 and gives good signs of Salvation.

We then came and got medicine for Luba, “pony tail Luba” not the Luba in the meeting. She fell and broke her hand. Then we came back to the apartment and spent some time with Leanna who came for a visit. She is troubled and we look to the Lord for a full deliverance. She wanted some clothing for a friend and we gave her some food; got a taxi for her and she went home.  Monday which was long is over, now trying to study for meeting, write report and get boxes ready for hospital tomorrow as we are to meet head Dr. 9:30 in the morning.
             Value prayer for us and the work.
               FROM UKRAINE Eric and Margie Fowler
                    Heather Anderson....

Friday, April 7, 2017

Eric Fowler's Report #2 April 2017

April 4th 2017

            Days come and go fast.  Rested well last night and this morning we are feeling somewhat refreshed.  Breakfast and a little time of reading and prayer for the day ahead.  Dan had to put the van in for a tire change, over due oil change, and major repairs on the under carriage. Total cost when he got it this morning was 8660 Ukrainian equal to over $400 Canadian.

 Luba, Marika and the new baby (Evelina) came to pick out clothing for the baby and themselves.  Leanna came to help as well.  

We went to the Baby hospital at 2:30 and visited 14 mothers with new babies...two were born last night. Had a  nice visit with the head nurse as well. We left her white sheets again and medical gloves, also some medicine for mothers and nurses.  She asked us to pick out clothing for a boy 3 years old, his mother is a nurse but a single mother and is very poor...
    We had 22 out to meeting tonight. It is planting time and takes people to their gardens out of town and hinders them from getting to meeting.
We then went to Maria's for supper after the meeting. Her son came before we left, it was great to meet him again. We would love it if he would come to meeting, but have never won his confidence some how, the Lord is gracious and some day, Lord willing.
 Heather is taking Ukrainian language lessons. Great because it's a hard language.

       April 5th
        Rested well and morning start is good with Manna and a good breakfast.
We were picking out clothing for Peter's village, the Mayor and school. The ladies did more boxes and I went with Dan to visit Andrei, he comes to meetings a lot but his wife just died a month ago. He was very sad. I'd love to see this man get settled .he has his bible and NT on his desk and told us he reads it much.

We then went to the market and had a visit with Oleg, he is the man that takes care
of the clothing boxes coming into the country. Had a nice visit but he and his wife
Ola are too busy. They are doing well with business but not growing in the Lord.
 Heather stayed home and studied Ukrainian and helped with hanging out laundry and did some dishes, and Margie and I went to the Market.
We  took Tanya to get food. Tanya has two girls 5 and 6 years old and who lost her husband a year or so ago. Tanya is a lady from some part of Russia.  
Then we took Lesia, who has a small son, to get food as well.  Lesia was just
  helped to paint and do some long over- due work on her little place. We then took  Orissa the Jewish lady out to supper.  She fell some time ago and was in a oma for two weeks and Dr's didn't expect her to live but she is recovering slowly.  

We came from there and finished boxes for Peter's village and loaded them in the van.  Dan had his Bible hour with his normal group when we went for supper.
      We are tired for sure so a shower and to bed went just right.  Value prayer for much wisdom in this confused country.

      April 6th

       Early rise for sure to be ready to go to Peter's village to be there at 10.  We were able to have our normal breakfast and our Read and prayer time and be ready for Dan's arrival as well. The weather is changed and it was cold in the morning and Rain will come we thought for sure and it did rain before getting to the village.
       We went and picked up Leanna for she wanted to be with us ...nice for her.  Arrived at the school on time and it was truly great to see them all again. We brought clothing for them , also liquid soap for their dishes and aprons for the ladies in the Kitchen and one left for the Principal, she was sooooo happy. We also left them a bag we had done with a Bible verse on and  book of Sergei, the Russian sailor who jumped ship in Vancouver.
Had a lesson with them all on the SHOE .... Ex. 3:5...the Holiness of God and His word. What the shoe has that we have ...eyes, tongue, Soul, inside and out etc.
    We then went to the Mayor and had a nice time with her. She told us that 4 people 
 in their 40', shave died since the new year We had a little time to witness to her. We've known this lady since 2005. We Left her clothing to distribute, calendars, and a Sergei book. 
  From there we went to the Russian lady with her 4 children and left food and Bible literature for her with her neighbour since she wasn't home, but she called back and said she got the food and was happy with it.
    We came back into town and Dan went and helped Leanna move a piece of furniture she had in store from her mom's place.  We went to meet Orissa and got medicine for her.  Then we went to supper with Yaroslav and his family ...great visit ..His wife has been very sick and they can't just come up with the problem.  In our supper time with them, we talked about taking her to see the Christian Dr. Mark in Lviv as we were going to Lviv tomorrow to make few visits with the Christians there and to go and speak to the children that Edmund goes to every second Sat..   
Now we are home wife cleaning up from the clothes and box movements and I'm trying to write up this wee report and soon time to rest again and be ready for Lord's day again.

              VALUE PRAYER VERY MUCH ....
                  In Christ,
                     Eric and Margie Fowler
                         Heather Anderson

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Eric Fowler's Letter #1 March and April 2017

 UKRAINE ... MARCH 2017 #1 letter.
Greetings from the Poor Land of Ukraine.

Our 24th Missionary journey to Europe and the needy land and people of the Ukraine......
       March   30
Heather Anderson came in on the 30 from Ontario, Wis. USA to fly with us to Ukraine.  My wife and I picked her up on our way from Welland where we were  for meeting on Wed. night and to get some things the ladies there had finished for us to take to the Ukraine with us. We came back to Collingwood and finished packing our 6 cases. Then  A last rest for a little while in Canada.
       March 31
                   We were ready for Mary, our daughter, when she came from work at 3:30 to head early to airport. It was nice to get there and be first in line. All our cases were just to the limits of what we could carry.  The Lord gave us a special lady there to check us through and put us in seats together on the flight.  We had no problems at the security and were through in no time. Many were praying especially for us to have no trouble checking through. God is so good , no problems.
      The flight left on time and arrived in Warsaw on time.  It was a rough flight over the Labrador Sea and Greenland but the ladies slept most of the way.
         April 1
            We landed in Warsaw safely. The Lord is good. The little wait over in Warsaw was just enough time to check through security there and have a coffee.  The flight to Lviv was short and easy.. In Lviv the weather was 21 and sunny.  Edmund, Agnes and Ruslan met us at the airport and took us to  the Shafarika apartment.  There was time to shower and walk to Edmund and Agnes for a Shepherd’s Pie supper..
      April 2
        The morning came early for sure but we rested well and nice to be in Ukraine safe and ready to work.
We asked Dan to come early from Ivano Frankivsk and he did and had Luba, Dema and Yaroslav with him. He came and got our 6 cases before meeting.  Edmund came and got us for Worship meeting at 10:45. 16  of us remembered the Lord and it was great to see Dema from Ivano Frankivsk and hear him worship in uch a humble and appreciated way; he is truly enjoying his Salvation. I spoke a little on 1 Cor. 3 and 1 Cor. 11 ..... Then Edmund gave a word to the children... It was a joy to see 6 in the back observing.  The Man who had his wife leave him with 5 children was there with the two boys.
       It was great to see the Saints here once more , 5 were away because of work and sickness.

Then the ride to Ivano Frankisk and  getting into the apartment and a little rest before the meeting there..
         It was great to see 29 out which is good for our first night here.  Dan opened and he wanted me to do the preaching. After meeting, 6 of them came for a wee drop of tea and to talk. It was great to see one of Dema's friends out. But it was good to get to bed after the long flight and the long Lord's day, We were very tired. 
        April 3
          Morning came early, but didn't sleep too well so rested some in the day.  Dan came and we went to the bank to change money. Canadian currency is down some  but got best with a bank that Dan knew. 
Ira, our lady interpreter, came and we  then went to the  market and got food for ourselves and got some for Hallia, an older lady,so went to visit her.   She had a stroke over a year ago and not doing well.  She was a nurse for 35 years and now lives in poverty what a pity. She loved to come to meetings before the stroke and I believe she trusted the Saviour before this. Her daughter was there who came to some meetings too.

We also picked up some things for Peter's Village School. We then went and picked up Leanna and went to her new place for supper. We had a nice talk about Salvation, she is very concerned.  God is good and is able to save.   Home and need to rest for sure.
                                    Eric and Margie Fowler
                                         And Heather Anderson