Saturday, November 10, 2018

Lviv Assembly Newsletter for November

LVIV NEWSLETTER – Edmund & Agnes November 2018
It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name,
O most High.   Psalm 92 v 1
Greetings to all.
On Friday 24th August, Ukraine celebrated Independence Day 27 years on from
1991 when Ukraine broke free from the Communist regime of the USSR.  Some
say ”it was better then” under the old system when “everyone had something”.
Others say,” life is better now with more choices and an opportunity to have a little
more”.  Sadly corruption is ingrained in society from the government down to the
man on the street. We are so thankful for the many open doors for the Gospel of
God and the teaching of His infallible and unchanging Word.
Also in August we were invited to Birkii orphanage for 2 special Gospel meetings with
the children, staff and relations of the kids.  It was a joy to share the Gospel with the
grandparents, Aunts, Uncles of these orphan children along with the many staff
members of this large orphanage.  Although preaching and singing in temperatures
in excess of +30deg was a little difficult but rewarding, even with all the windows
wide open.
In September Gilles and Helene Plourde from Kapuskaping , Canada arrived in Lviv for
a 7 week visit  to help in the work and attend the assembly conference. Our brother
Gilles spoke many times in the assembly and at the different orphanages, and was a
great encouragement to us all.  We appreciated so much their help both practically
and spiritually.
Early in October, Malcolm Stanley and Howard Pratt arrived from Canada for a 4 week
visit to help in the work in Lviv and Ivano and also to minister the Word at the
assembly conference. With them and the Plourdes we enjoyed visits to Yosopovage
,Loupatin, a gypsy camp, homeless shelter and Carpathian mountains.
On the 8th October we commenced one week of Gospel and testimony meetings with
all the foreigners including, Dan and myself giving testimony to God’s saving Grace.
 With the help of Daria (recently saved) she designed and printed invitation cards to
the meetings. We were delighted when some of our neighbors and friends of the
Christians attended and heard the Gospel.
Mid October we arranged a Saturday afternoon for tract distribution in the centre
of Lviv.  The weather was superb and the people were out in “droves”. Although like
always we had refusals, but praise God for the many who received the Gospel
literature and we pray God’s blessing on His Word.
We had a delightful visit to the school at Mostaska when over 70 pupils including
teachers stood and listened carefully as Gilles spoke on John 3 v 16.  We noticed in
particular one teacher, who recently had lost her husband, listened intently and after
the meeting had a brief spiritual conversation with Ruslan.
Much time in October was spent in preparation for the 8th annual assembly
conference on 26/27th October.  This year proved to be our largest conference with
visitors from 5 different countries and we were delighted to welcome a large bus load
of friends from Lutsk and also 2 mini buses from Ivano.  It was also a pleasure to
welcome 12 believers from 4 different assemblies in Slovakia and 1 assembly in the
Czech Republic.
On the Friday night 91 heard the Gospel clearly preached by Gilles Plourde (Canada)
and Marian Mozucha(Slovakia). Then on Saturday over 110 people attended the bible
reading and ministry of God’s Word.  Our brother Larry Perkins (evangelist USA) was
responsible for the reading on Philippians 2. The Lord drew near and gave help as
more than 10 other brethren contributed with questions and comments.
The ministry on Saturday afternoon was Christ centered and challenging.  Howard Pratt
(Canada) spoke on the “Nameless place” and took as his text John 1 v 38 “
Master where dwellest thou” and taught much concerning the importance of the
assembly.  Malcolm Stanley (Canada) followed with challenging thoughts on the
Potter, His hands, His wheel and the clay he worked with and how God works on us
to mold and make us more like His Lovely Son.  Brother Larry Perkins concluded
the conference considering Paul in Philippians 3 as he “rejoiced in Christ” and that
his attitude and activities had been changed by a personal relationship with the
Lord Jesus Christ.  He also highlighted the truth that Christ meant everything to Paul.
We thank you all again sincerely for your prayers and practical fellowship.
Yours in the Master’s service.

Rejoice evermore.  Pray without ceasing. 1 Thess 5 v 16,17.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Malcolm and Howard's final post for 2018

Final Blog 5.
  Well Friday came and the Conference in Lviv begins in the evening. At about 1pm we began to get those who have asked to attend, in the vans. We have rented an 18 passenger van and are using our own van too. As usual, some are ready and waiting early and others come late. We packed the big van with more than 18 as some children sat 2 on a seat. Howard and I traveled in this van, Dan drove the other one. The weather was fine and the trip now takes just under 2 hours, whereas, before the roads were fixed it was more like 3 hours.

We all arrived at the rented Baptist church, which not only provides the venue for the meeting but dormitories for many of the guests. We started with a supper meal and then followed with a gospel meeting with Gilles Plourde and a brother from Slovakia preaching.

During and after the meeting other groups of  people came from Slovakia and Lusk assembly. We were greeted with a mass of hugs and handshakes, as we have met many of these folks for many years. 

Edmund Johnston now had the awesome job of fitting everyone into the rooms in the church and in hotels around the church.
Morning started with breakfast at the church, followed by a prayer meeting and then a Bible reading on Philippians Chapter 2, lead bi Larry Perkins, a brother from Chicago USA. It went very well with several brethren taking good part.

A good lunch followed with many conversation at the tables. Great fellowship and a good experience for "first timers" from different places.

After lunch, the children were gathered together to sing, and what good singing. I must say that, many of our children had never been to such an event but behaved well, throughout the whole Conference.

Ministry followed, with Howard Pratt, myself and then Larry Perkins, with a good hymn in between each speaker.

This finished the conference except for supper and then some went home to Lutsk but a good number of us stayed for the Lord's day in Lviv.

We were really packed into the little hall for the breaking of bread, with quite a number of people looking on. The ministry was given by Daniel Mojzis (Moses) from Slovakia.
I spoke to the children and   after a lovely lunch, the load for Ivano left with some of the folks from Slovakia and Larry and Ruth Perkins, to spend some time with Dan in Ivano Frankivsk..

Howard and I stayed in Lviv and prepared to leave on Monday afternoon. Thankfully, all our flights were on time so no problem getting to Toronto. We both slept with friends and left on Tuesday for home. Howard driving the 600 km to his home and me flying to Winnipeg.

We considered it a profitable trip with many opportunities to preach and teach the word to many hundreds of people.
Thanks for remembering us in your prayers.

Malcolm and Howard.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Malcolm's long delayed post # 4

Long delayed report.due to poor internet connection.
Howard and I have certainly not had a holiday here having many meetings each week with ministry or a children's meeting in Lviv each Sunday and then returning to Ivano Frankivsk for a gospel meeting on Sunday evening. Numbers varied from 12 to 30 each time in Ivano.
It has been good to see many friends we have known here since our first visit to Ivano in 2003.
The weather has been lovely with temps in the upper teens C and no rain until yesterday.
One thing has been especially exciting has been the Wednesday and Thursday meetings in the apartment with generally, invited people who are showing an interest in spiritual things. It is an "around the table" event with either a subject we may suggest or one that may be a concern to them. They have been about 1 to 2 hours long with some lunch to follow. Some are saved others are seeking so a most interesting time.
One of my most exciting contacts to come, was the wife and daughter of a former interpreter and driver, who we feel may have gotten saved at some time. Dema, our young interpreter and brother in in the assembly, had his sister Tania visiting from Toronto where she is working now. She was visiting her mother Nadia, the lady many of you will remember as having to have new nose built after cancer, who we were able to help at that time. These contacts along with others are very special, we only hope that their professions of faith are genuine.
Dan and Dema have had a meeting for and with children from homes in an area, on Saturday mornings for several years. They meet for games in a workshop for handicapped children that has a multitude of pieces of equipment they can use. After the fun time there is a bible lesson and then a quiz and memory verse. The they take them all for a hot meal in a nice restaurant. Several of these children come to Llviv on Sunday to help swell the Sunday school there.
Each day we try to travel, either in the city or to other villages and towns to Schools and orphanages, to both take humanitarian clothing an many other items and to give them a gospel message, usually with both of us speaking. Many of the places have been visited in past visits and we are really welcomed by staff and children.
This all mounts up to a lot of preaching to a variety of audiences in a variety of venues. 
we trust that all is to the Glory of God and not to self.
On a lighter side, even though the ground has been dry for weeks, we have mosquitoes in the apartment. No windows open, no outside door on this third floor, but one or two each night. 
thankfully we found a body spray we use each night and it seems to work.

I hope to find how to put some of the many photos I have on the website or blog when I get home, so as to better show life in this country of Ukraine.
Next Friday begins the Conference in Lviv. We are taking about 30 people from Ivano Frankivsk and are hoping to see lives changed at this time.
Please pray for this event and our last days here.

Malcolm and Howard.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Malcolm's Post #3

Thursday.October 11
We had to shop for stuff and food as we are in a new apartment with Dan. The old one is full of boxes and really needs tidying up and the boxes shipped out. We got the new apartment ready for a meeting at 7pm for mainly invited people who are wanting to know thing from the bible.
We were happy to see some unexpected people come, namely Vadym, our old drivers wife and Daughter Svetta and Amelia, both looking very nice. A young lady I had not met, Anna. Then Tania who now lives in Toronto, Dema's sister home for a holiday.  Also a man Misha who looks after the meeting place we rent.

Altogether An interesting meeting with many questions to answer.

Friday was spent in in helping get things together for Tania and Sasha's wedding in the evening. Tania lost her husband with cancer and has found a nice man to marry and help raise her children. The actual legal part was done at a marriage by a legal person in the afternoon. The reception was held in a rented place, with Tania and helpers preparing the multitude of dishes of food. They both wanted messages in the gospel to be spoken for the good of their unsaved relatives. I and Dan spoke to about 25 guests.
It was all very different but was God honouring.

We were late home after group pictures and taking chairs back to the apartment. Bed was very welcome.

Saturday is the day Dan has a children's meeting at the building that Dema works in with autistic children. It has a load of equipment and the children make VERY good use of it. These children are just from the neighbourhood who just come willingly. After games, they get a Gospel message followed by questions and prizes.
Once this hour is spent, he takes them all for lunch in a restaurant. All well organised and God honouring. 

Malcolm and Howard

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Helene Plourde's Report. #12

Saturday October 6

We visited the homeless shelter this evening.
A good gospel message was spoken to those who had gathered in the lunch room.  Saturday is the only evening where the homeless are not served a meal at the shelter so we brought some food along to distribute to everyone present.  
There were three ladies tonight as well as about twenty men.

Sunday Oct 7th

Walked to the hall to meet with everyone else again to remember the Lord.  Two van loads from Ivano came also, Dan bringing about six or seven kids for the Sunday school.  Nice to see everyone again.  Malcolm spoke a word of ministry and Howard spoke to the kids.  
Thankful to be staying in town today and not getting bounced around in the van!
Supper with Edmund and Agnes again.  Gilles and Howard went out and met with Arthur, the young man they met in the early 2000s on visits here.  They used to play football together.  

Monday Oct 8

We headed out to Drohobych to visit the women’s shelter we have been visiting for 12 years.  We spoke with the staff and the ladies there.  There was only a couple of women this time as one lady was at the doctor with her baby.  It was a really enjoyable time today, lots of discussion on spiritual things.  
We hurried back home, everyone came for supper here and then we headed out to the first gospel meeting of our week of special testimony meetings.  Malcolm told how the Lord had saved him.  We were happy to see a new lady out with Halla.  As well Demitryii was out with his his grandmother.  

Malcolm's Blog #2.

Friday October 5th.

Well we loaded up 4 boxes of clothes to take to a village Holovetsko, in the Carpathian Mountains, about 2 hours way.
We had to go to the Superstore before heading out and bought about $200.00 worth of food.
The scenery was beautiful and the weather lovely and warm as well. The road was good for about half 
of the way and then became very uneven for the rest of the way. We picked up a lady Maria, on the way, who was going with us to the farm where we would distribute the clothes and food supplies.

To get to the farm we had to cross a small river in the water and then climb a very steep bank. The ladies were squealing a bit but we made it.
While  we waited, people began to come from the hills and valleys round about, until there were over 30 people waiting for us to speak. Two of us preached and they listened very well. We then took the boxes out and it looked like Black Friday as they attacked the boxes.Most seemed to get enough clothes for children and adults. Also bags of produce were given to each family.

Altogether, a very enjoyable time spent. We then went to Maria's house for a meal. I had been there before and preached, but this time she wanted us to have a meal with her and her son. Her husband is away working in Israel on a Kibutz .

We headed home after this, quite weary after the ride.

On Saturday we went to the centre of Lviv to give out tracts. I have never seen so many crowds of people. The whole centre of the city was packed with people. Most were tourists from Poland and UK and many other countries in Europe. We found many who would accept tracts and had conversation with many, it was a lovely summer day in the mid 20's.

We then bought some Matrushka dolls in the Vernasage Bazaar, where Flo Kancir always shopped.
By this time we were thirsty so began to look for a tea house. Almost all of them were full, but we eventually found one with some seats outside under an awning. There were just the 4 of us men, the two ladies were shopping in a huge new shopping centre, bigger and more active than anything in Manitoba.
There was so much for people to see downtown, musicians of every kind, fun things for children, electric cars and trucks for kids to rent in front of the Opera House. Really a very happy place on this Saturday.

Edmund and Agnes wanted to introduce us to a restaurant in this new Mall. It was up on the second floor where they barbecue any of 4 meats, lamb, beef, chicken or pork. All done on skewers right in our sight. Very good and very reasonable.

Well from the joy and pleasure of the town centre to a homeless shelter in the suburbs. There were about 25 people, 3 of them women, who come in and have a meal 6 days a week but not Saturdays. So the assembly has been taking food over now and then on a Saturday and has opportunity to preach too. They were very respectful and grateful for what was given them. They can only sleep there from 8 pm til 8 am.
Home then to prepare for Sunday and head to bed.

Meeting starts at 11am, to allow Dan to get here from Ivano. He was at the hall when we got there, with two van loads of adults and children. This really added to the number at the Morning Meeting.
The meeting went very well and I followed with ministry on the first 2 of the gates of Jerusalem., from Nehemiah.  Then Howard spoke a good word to the children.

We went home after a light lunch and rested until we went to Edmund and Agnes home for a good supper.
Yaroslav from Ivano, stayed over on Sunday night with Edmund and Agnes, as he has some medical papers to deliver to a doctor in Lviv on Monday.. His wife Halia has had to have serious abdominal surgery and is still recovering in Ivano.
 Please keep praying for God to make us a blessing while here.
Malcolm and Howard.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Malcolm Stanley's first blog for October 2018

Well here we are Howard Pratt from Kirkland lake Ontario and myself from Portage la Prairie Manitoba. Both of us arrived in Lviv on Tuesday afternoon October 2, weary but glad for a good flight with LOT Polish Air via Warsaw.

We were met by Edmund and Agnes Johnston, resident missionaries here from Ireland. We went with them for a good supper and then to the apartment we will share with Gilles and Helene Plourdes for a week.

Sleep was very welcome but thankfully refreshed us by the morning. The weather is still very nice with leaves on the trees, however turned wet and rainy by afternoon.

Some of the changes we see since being here two years ago and the number of cars now and the difficulty to park and the mass of traffic. Some of the roads are beginning to need repair since being newly built for  the 2012 World Soccer and the side roads are very bad already.

we were at meeting in the evening but were glad to get to bed in decent time here once again."

Today Thursday, we went to Losopowichi, one of our favourite orphanages in a small village an hour away. We did what we had learned to do with Flo Kancir, now over 6 years ago, and that was to "shop till we dropped " for needed items for the children. Mainly cleaning things and toilet paper, as the Government gives little for the needs of these institutions now.

There were about 15 children there with ages from five to 10, we would estimate. They were very happy as Ruslan, our driver and Edmund sang choruses with them. I spoke to them about how Jesus loved the little children just as much as the big people. They listened very well. We gave new toothbrushes, my dentist supplied, and they then went for their afternoon nap. We were given a lunch of soup and potatoes and a meat patty and beets. All very tasty.

We left and went to Maria and Michalo's home in Strye, near to the orphanage. This is the couple who used to live in a terrible mouldy home, but now live in a nice little apartment we were able to get for them. He is the ex-doctor who wood carves for a meagre living. It was a little different visit as we talked with Maria about Salvation. However, she could not understand that Mary could not be her Saviour, only Jesus Christ could. We pray her eyes will be opened to this fact one day. Thankfully Michalo was very clear that only Christ can save.

We cam home to a delicious Irish supper, once again prepared by Agnes. So much appreciated.

Hopefully heading to the Carpathian Mountains tomorrow.

Malcolm and Howard.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Post # 11

Ukraine visit #11

Wednesday morning was spent buying groceries and shopping for some necessary things. 

So back in 1995 when Gilles and Tim Kancir as well as Flora were in Lviv, they visited Flo’s brother and sister in law in the neighbouring village of Lesnivichy.  We still visit there and in fact there is a picture of Flo’s sister in law Stefka on the September 22nd visit.    While they were visiting there in 1995, a young fellow from the same village came for a visit to see the visiting Canadians.  This young fellow, Michael, was 16 years old.  He got his picture taken with Tim and Tim gave him his home address (this was in a days before smart phones and Skype and facebook).  Fast forward to 2018.  Michael was at home looking through some papers and came across a small piece of paper with green ink.  On it was Tim’s address from 1995.  So he sat down, wrote Tim a letter and mailed it hoping something would come from it.  
Sure enough the letter made its way to Tim in Canada and with the help of Google Translate and Gilles the letter was translated.  Michael had included his email address so Tim was able to get back to him easily.  So before leaving for Lviv we got his telephone number and an invitation to call.

Ruslan called Michael and told him we were in town.     He still lives in the small village of Lesnivichy but couldn’t meet with us when we went there.  So Ruslan told him about the mid week meeting we have.  So Wednesday evening while we were sitting waiting for the others to show up, in walk Michael and his wife Ola. They were so happy to be with us and stayed afterwards and talked for a good while.  He remembered Gilles, telling him he had not changed!  So they plan on being out on Sunday, bringing their little boy to the Sunday School.  

Gilles and Helene's Post# 10

Ukrainian visit #10

Sunday 23 

Awoke early.  Headed out  to the gospel hall to go to the Breaking of Bread.  What a precious time it is in the busy-ness of life to be able to do the one thing that the Lord Jesus asked us to do and that is to remember Him.  It is like an oasis in the desert.  
Dan and Dima both drove up from Ivano with quite a few kids as well as several adults who come join us on Sunday.  Also saw quite a few people I had not seen in a while.
The children who come to the Sunday School seem to enjoy the singing and reciting their memory verses as well as listening to the lesson.  

Tuesday September 25th

We were off to Ivano Frankivsk again today as we normally do on Tuesday to go help with the gospel meeting there.  There were about 30 people present with Ihor interpreting for Gilles.  
After the meeting when we were standing around talking there were three young adults looking around.  I showed the young woman where the ladies room was and she asked if we were from the States.  I told her we were from Canada.   She and the two other fellows are from Ghana and are studying in Ivano-Frankivsk, so the courses they are taking are in English!  This was a bit of a surprise.  They were in the same building as we were but they were in the auditorium rehearsing for some sort of musical program they were planning on having on Saturday.
I spoke to the her (Kiki was her name) about the gospel meetings we were having and gave her a tract explaining the gospel.  She seemed interested in knowing more and we are hoping she comes out next Tuesday.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Report #9

Saturday Sept 22

After stopping by at the grocery store to pick up some groceries to help out, and after loading a box of clothing picked out from the boxes in the apartment, we headed out to Lisnevitchy.  This is another village we have been visiting since 1995 on that first visit because this is where Flora’s brother and sister in law live.  Ivan, Stefka’s husband passed away quite a few years ago, but we still go visit Stefka.  She lives with her son Orst and daughter in law Ola.  Two years ago we were visiting and we could converse with Stefka.  But this year we found that she has been suffering from dementia and does not remember us at all.  She does remember Flora though!  

Gilles and I went to see the old couple who live next door.  Back in 2001 Gilles had helped him (Volodia) harvest his corn.  On another occasion Volodia took Gilles with him when he went to get his horses which were out in the pasture.  Every year we have stopped in to chat with them, as they live next door to Stefka.  This year we approached him and he didn’t remember Gilles at all, however the door suddenly opened and we were both wrapped up in this warm embrace from his wife because she remembered us.  She was very happy to see us.  Gilles was able to converse with her a bit and understand a bit of what she was saying.
She very explained to us how things have changed so much.  There are no more cows anywhere, the younger generation is all working in the city and life has changed very much for them.  And again there is the ever present problem of poverty for the elderly.  She was very sad as she explained to us that everything is going up in price but their pension is not sufficient to cover everything anymore. 
However she lit up as she told us that God is good.  All those years ago she heard the gospel preached at Stefka’s house and accepted that Jesus had in fact given His life for her, seeing him as the answer to her spiritual need.

After we left, we drove back to Lviv and picked up the food bags we had prepared to bring to the homeless shelter.  It only opens at 8 pm and Saturday is the only day they have no supper served to the ones sleeping there.  So after everyone had come in they came upstairs where Gilles and Ruslan and myself were waiting.  Gilles spoke about the love of Jesus being all inclusive and Ruslan translated and had a few things to say himself.  Everyone was very respectful and listened very well.  There were about twenty people sitting and listening.  We then distributed the food bags we had prepared.  It was more like a lunch, with a sausage and cheese sandwich, banana, coffee packets, sugar and juice box and a gospel tract in each bag.  Gilles mentioned to them how we can supply a small lunch to satisfy an immediate hunger, but only Jesus can fill the spiritual hunger we have.  It can’t be filled with anything else, though often we try with different things.  We all left there very happy with our visit and happy to have met these individuals and especially having been able to tell them of the One who loves them!

Report #8

Friday Sept 21, 2018

Today we headed out to a small village where Tanya, Ruslan’s wife was raised.  It is the village of Billie Comin.  
We stopped for a few minutes along the way so she could visit the grave of her parents who are both buried there as well as her grandparents. 
We were expected at her sister’s place for a meal.  Well, anyone who has been here knows what that means.  Multiple dishes of food....when you think there can’t possibly be more, here comes another dish.  
We visited with the family for a while.   Then we got in the van and went to another sister’s house to repeat the process!!  Needless to say we did not eat as much at the second sister’s house since we were stuffed. 

While we were in this village we did stop in to three elderly ladies.  We brought them some groceries and helped them out a bit.  These old ladies all remembered Flo very fondly and all wondered she was gone and why they were still living.  One in particular remembered that they have both been born in the same year.  Had a few words with them about being ready for the inevitable.  Lida, a lady we have been visiting for many years has serious lung issues and struggles to breathe. 
All of these ladies commented how difficult it is to grow old here.  Many feel left behind as their children have to work in the city and take care of their own families who are growing up and going to school.  Pensions are small, the price of everything is going up and things are more difficult for those with fixed pensions.  There is no social net here.  

Report from Gilles and Helene #7

Thursday Sept 20

From the boxes that were received from home, Tanya and Ruslan sorted out some clothes to bring to the orphanage in Lopatin.  We made a pit stop at Metro and bought some laundry soap as well as enough bananas for all the kids there...approximately 70 kids from kindergarten age to 16 or 17 years old. 

The kids were in class when we arrived so the director gave us a short tour of the kindergarden section where the children were all having their afternoon nap.  Slowly but surely the other children started filing in the auditorium.  Some were about 7 years and they sat in the front.  They seemed fascinated with Gilles and I who were standing there waiting for the director to return.  These younger ones were looking at us and giggling and we heard one of them refer to Gilles and I as Baba and Dido loosely translated as Grandma and Grandpa!!!  

So finally when everyone was in and quiet ended down Ruslan spoke to them a bit and introduced Gilles who spoke to the kids. He related a story about a soldier who had been shot but the small bible he was carrying in his breast pocket saved him from the fatal shot as it took the bullet thus saving him.  Since he had realized his need of a saviour at a younger age by reading his bible, the bible had in fact saved him twice. 
There were about 35 children and 6 adults.  The children listened really well.  A few of them were able (and willing) to recite John 3:16.  We know that they know this verse but perhaps they were just shy to stand up and say it.
We gave them each a book marker with the save verse John 3:16 written on it.  We also gave them each a banana.  It might seem strange to give them a banana but that is something that is a real treat for them.  The budget in these places does not allow for the luxury of bananas.  Other fruits such as pears and apples grow in the many fruit trees around.  

Afterwards when we were speaking with the director she was telling us that she has fresh honey at her house, so we told her we would be interested in buying a litre.  Well, after Ruslan got off the phone asking several people he knows if they wanted fresh honey, we were purchasing five litres.  We drove to her (Maria the director) house and met her mother who is the one who takes care of collecting the honey.  We had been told that the mother had problems with one knee but we were taken aback with what we saw.  This poor woman has a running sore on that same leg, but her knee left us in disbelief.  She wears a brace on the bad knee but her leg is out to the side from the knee down, at about a 45 degree angle.  We were told she needs knee surgery, but because of the sore that does not heal, the doctors do not want to touch her leg.  She was using a cane to walk with great difficulty.  We have a walker at the apartment and will be making a special trip there in the near future to bring it to her

Friday, September 21, 2018

Blog #5 & #6 for Monday and Tuesday Sept 17th and 18th

Monday sept 17
Today we headed out to Drohobych.

We visit a home which houses several girls who have just had a baby and have no place to go.
The first time we visited this place was about ten years ago.  It was a pilot project at the time.
Every time we go there we bring diapers and whatever they ask for.  Ruslan normally calls prior to us going and he’s told what is needed.  This time we brought some special formula for a newborn who was having difficulty and needed something to help his young immune system.

There were only three young ladies there this time around, as well as some staff, so we sat with them and talked about the Lord Jesus and the need to be saved. One of the girls was from the East and said she had tried to read the Bible but found she could not understand it.   She said she found it rather strange that people would have an interest in the bible and that religion was something people did on Sunday.  Ruslan spoke to her a bit more till she left to tend to her crying baby.  He spoke a bit with the the director.  

One of the girls was telling us she needed to come to Lviv the next day so we offered to wait for her and drive her since we were heading home.  So half an hour later we were on the road.  I can’t imagine taking a crowded bus with a baby, a large carriage for the child (5 month old girl) plus a bag full of diapers and clothes and baby supplies.  We dropped her off close to where her grandmother lives, which just happens to be close to the gospel hall.  After inviting her to the gospel meting on Sunday we bid her goodbye and drove to our apartment.  It would be nice to see her on Sunday for sure.

Gilles and I then went up to George Washington street to a language centre we noticed.  Once inside we realized its a language school. We were able to speak to a woman there about something we need translated. She will look into getting it translated for us.  We asked about her being available to work as a translator and it did not seem like this was a possibility except for weekends.  So we left her with the papers we need translated and came back home.

Tuesday Sept 18
Tanya and Ruslan came over in the morning and we spent some time unpacking the boxes we had shipped from Kapuskasing that had arrived just a couple of weeks before we did.  
Things were sorted out for their different destinations.

After changing we got in the van one more time (!) and drove down to Ivano-Frankivs’k for the gospel meeting.
We met up with Dan having left early to be able to go visit Yaroslav and his wife Halla. Halla has just had surgery to remove a cancerous mass in her abdomen.  She is thankful that the surgery enabled her to walk again.  She is waiting to go for more tests. The cost of being ill in Ukraine is difficult for us to imagine in Canada where we have health care for the majority of our needs.  Yaroslav and Halla are both on a pension and the apartment and utilities take care of 75% of their monthly income.  In a country where you need to pay for everything from a band aid to x-rays to doctors fees, it is not hard to imagine the financial strain this health crisis has been for them. If anyone is interested in knowing more about their need please contact us at

Letter from Gilles and Helene regarding Yaroslav and Halia's situation

This is a post to ask for prayer for a brother in the Lviv assembly and his sick wife. 
Yaroslav and his wife Halia were a great help when we first went to Ivano Frankivsk in finding places for us to visit and accompanying us around the area. She has been sick for many years but is now obviously very sick.
This is Helene writing. Yaroslav is not really well either.

Tuesday before we went to the meeting in Ivano we, (Dan, Ruslan, Gilles and myself) visited with Yaroslav and Halla.
She has been quite ill for some time and last month had surgery..
They removed a cancerous tumour the size of a football we were told.  Prior to her surgery she was unable to walk, but since the surgery she is very thankful to be mobile.  (Most of what is said is not interpreted, so I’m not sure on the specifics of the surgery or type of cancer).  She says she feels better and will be going for more tests soon.
As you know everything boils down to money.  Yaroslav explained to us how they are desperate for financial help because of the medical care for  Halla.  They have borrowed money from the bank and also from what we can make out, have maxed out whatever credit they had available to them.  They have spent any money they had and are 40,000 rhivny in debt (or over $ 2,000), barely able to pay the interest charges.  He said they cannot afford their rent now because of the payments they have to make on their debts.  Not 100% sure if their son and his daughter lives with them but he does not presently work .  
We were sure that those who know them would want to know of their circumstances  .
Editors note
I have had a lot to do with this lovely couple for well over 20 years and know of their dedication to the Lords work, even though Halia is not in the Assembly.
Yaroslav preaches in the assembly and helps Dan in Ivano Frankivsk.
I am returning to Ukraine on October the 1st and will try to help in this situation, as the Lord provides.

Your brother in Christ Malcolm Stanley.

Halia in Centre and Yaroslav on right
Son and grandaughter on left.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Gilles and Helene for Sunday Sept !6.

Ukraine visit #4 Sunday Sept 16, 2018

Gilles and I were so anxious to see everyone that we were at the hall an hour early!!  Thankfully it was a sunny morning.  Breaking of Bread is at 11.  
Everyone started showing up as well as Dan and Dima with several folks from Ivano and half a dozen children.  
One of the ladies I mentioned in the previous post, Oxana with the four year old daughter, came, by bus.  A two hour bus ride!

Had a nice time remembering the Lord Jesus and his incredible life and death and resurrection.  No greater person ever walked the earth.  

Sunday school was enjoyable for these very enthusiastic kids.  They love to sing and listened well as Ruslan spoke. Also they were eager to recite their verses.  

We had lunch and everyone went their separate way.  Gilles and I came back home and had a much needed nap.  That jet lag is not letting go.  
Took a walk to the grocery store to buy what’s missing for my soup!