Monday, May 23, 2011

Spring 2011 - Report #24

4th day in the Rough and Rugged UKRAINE 
Last night was a long night, felt like a touch of a flue, possibly the change of air and a little tired all caught up with me. I had to take some extra medicine for it but not bad now at the end of the day. Rested until 10 this am and then took a cold shower again before going for a 2 hour visit to a nurse and family on a farm. We had dinner with them at 2pm.
There were five of them man and wife. Urie and Maria and their  daughter  Bojenia  and a cousin and  a grandmother visiting.
Had nice meeting with them they are searching very very much but it is the same as in our own country, hearts that are hard with sin and religion that makes it dark for them. But our God is very much able to save them. They lost a son when he was very young They have had visits from many of our brethren. Maria has been to meeting before as she works in Lviv as a nurse.
They truly put on a meal for us. They have pigs, cows, chickens, turkeys, and ducks. Quite a place for sure. Edmond was happy about the meeting with them.
Tomorrow I will go to Ivano. I’m looking forward in seeing the new van Malcolm got for Ivano. It will be a great asset
for the work there I’m sure. I’m looking forward to seeing the ladies who, since last year has been received in the meeting here
in Lviv. I'm praying others will soon want to do the same thing. Will appreciate prayer for some who need to be baptized and some that need Salvation there.
Today there were 5 of us visiting, Flo, Edmond and his wife and John Winkles from Canada plus myself.                                                                        In Christ    Eric
Day 5  Hello to all  

I'm now safe in Ivano, the drive was the same fast and bumpy road. It is nice to have a Van, Malcolm made a good choice when he bought it, I'm sure it will serve us very well.
The day started normally with Flo giving us a breakfast of eggs and toast this time, first eggs since leaving Canada so very nice.
Then we got the room ready for meeting and our soul ready for speaking to the group.
  It was sure good to see all the people and some up from Ivano. Not all are in the meeting but some. It was nice to see the one lady and I will talk to her about being baptized.
  The worship went well 21 of us there 15 Ukrainians with a few missing. Then a wee lunch and back on the road for the bumpy ride back to Ivano.
  It was sure great to see the ones in Ivano. Some were sick and missing but we had 18 Ukrainians out which was great for sure.  8 men which is a great cheer.
 Vadym has work now and his daughter still sick, so we hope he can work around these blockages. Satan will always try to stall the work.
  It is great to have Daniel here to help for some time.
  We had our Bible reading tonight and it went very well.  John 1 has lots in the Gospel for any not saved as it was, one man and 2 ladies were there I had not seen before.
  Now tired and it is nice to get regular shower and sleep will be ok.
  Six of us went for Pizza and that tasted good since we had a little dinner and no supper.
  Thanks for your prayer again, we value them very highly. Also pray for the movements among the city here and any trips outside the city.  Eric With Daniel ( not in the den of lions but in Ivano)  

Spring 2011 - Report #23

Eric Fowler report #1 May 17th
 It was a long journey from Toronto to Flo  Kancir’s home in Lviv Ukraine.
The flight was great except that, over Newfoundland the plane dropped and hit with a bang bringing everyone to attention, what a shock, nice to know we were still in one piece.
I had a long wait in Vienna, but am here now.
Flo picked me up at the airport and gave me my orders.  A 45 min. sleep, a cold water shower and then a meeting. We had 20 out with two unsaved, which  was great.  They had special prayer meeting for Howard  Pratt who didn't come as he got news the morning we were to leave, that his dad had passed away.  I will miss him very much.
Then special prayer for Nichola, Marcus's wife who isn't well after the delivery of their baby.
Tomorrow we will be going to the Carpathians mountains  as Turka, a man from jail ask us to visit there. This will be a long trip after the flight over the Atlantic, but AS MUCH AS IN ME  I AM READY TO PREACH THE GOSPEL IN THE URAINE.
                                         God bless all   
Eric   Fowler

Greetings from the Sunny side of Ukraine.
 Flo made breakfast the way I like it ..oatmeal and toast ...
Then 8 boxes of clothing were loaded into the van with glasses and medicine.
We then went and bought $400 worth flour, sugar and other necessary things.
It was a 3 hour drive to the mountains. We arrived at the end of the road into a very poor village named Ellnick.
Gave away the food and clothing to the 20 poorest families.... and then spoke Gospel to 55 people;
it was a grand out- door day and they listened very well.  
Then we went for dinner with a couple who invited us. They had killed a pig for our coming
and had some fresh pork was killed in the morning!
Had nice talk in the home yet the man seemed very nervous ...and this made Agnes and Edmond from Ireland,
very nervous, they wondered if he had taken us to the mountains to kill us all,funny how you think at times.
They want us back and seemed to be searching for the truth.
Now back in Lviv safe but very very tired for sure, after 21 hours travelling yesterday.
One soul is worth it all. God is able. Tomorrow we go to the all girls home and Bible reading
 on John ch.2 in the evening. I have to open as Edmond wants a wee break.
                                 Value highly your prayer that I will not over pressure my Heart.
                                                   Thanks in the Lord's name    In Christ   Eric

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Spring 2011 - Report #22

Monday May 16 2011

   On Thursday the 12 we had our weekday meeting with about 15 people present.  We had some folks from the assembly in Lviv that came down. Edmund and Ruslan spoke in the meeting, It was the first Thursday with the change of time from 5 to 6pm. The reason for the change is that those who work until 5 will not have to rush or miss the meeting. Not everyone got the message though, one lady name Oxana came at 5pm and I told her the meeting time has change to 6, but accidently said 7 in Ukrainian,  once I realize my mistake I had no way to contact her. As the meeting was coming to the end she came in (talk about feeling like a donkey). Well, I did apologize and she easily accepted it. I’m still learning my numbers in Ukrainian, as you can tell!
After the meeting we went out for dinner with the people from Lviv before they headed back.
 On Sunday we went up to Lviv for the remembrance of our Lord and afterwards, Vadym gave his testimony, which was very good to hear and then Edmund gave a good message on singing praises unto our God. We rushed back to Ivano for our 4:00 Bible reading. They fixed some of the pot holes on the road that leads to Lviv which saved us about 20minutes on the trip, this is great for us!
When we got back to the meeting place there were some waiting as always, this is a good sign! Knowing that these meetings are going on longer then they are use to and for them to still be coming out is very encouraging to see. This tells me if there are consistent meetings they will come!
The Bible reading went well, not too much participation but they listened very intently and the things that were said by others was very good. Once again all the men were out, it was a good meeting!
       Last week Vadym had called a few schools to make appointments for our visitation and speaking to the kids but for some of these places there were no answer and others said they will call him back and haven’t as of yet. Vadym has been putting a lot of time at work not only because it is busy but to prepare for his time away from work while Howard Pratt and Eric Fowler are here, they will be arriving in Lviv mid week, pray that all goes well in their travels and their time here will be blessed.
  In Christ our Lord

Monday, May 9, 2011

Spring 2011 - Report #21

Report # 4 from Dan.

    Monday the 8th, is another cloudy, raining and very cool day, has been for the last few days. For more than a month now every Monday has been considered a holiday and yes, this Monday is another holiday. Not sure what the day is for but I think they find any reason to make a Monday a holiday.   
    Last Thursday the 5th we had our weekday meeting, about 11 were out and once again they listened very well in spite of some distractions. Vadym had to rush back to work so after I spoke he read in Proverbs and closed in prayer and returned to work. The Thursday before just after I spoke one of the ladies wanted to ask me a question, she asked, what we can do to protect ourselves from the world. I said memorizing scriptures helps very much, she then said which ones and we looked at a few. Louse Smith and I visited her place last year, a one small room apartment. Her husband had a stroke a few years ago he is still alive but not able to work and her son goes to a university. She had similar thoughts last year; I think she is a believer and a very nice lady. Her name is Maria, I’ve been praying for her!   
    Yesterday, Sunday was mothers’ day; most of the ladies were away for our bible reading. They were slow in coming and I thought someone had canceled the meeting without telling me but thankfully that was not the case. It was a small meeting but the exciting part was every man that we hope to be at the meetings was at the bible reading at the same time; this was very, very good to see!! There were 7 total  and 5 of us were men all but one are believes and it looks like that one is searching for salvation, his name is Andre, I’ve been praying for him as well. The meeting went very well; I hope these men continue to come to the meetings!  
    The Ukrainian classes continue, the teacher is showing me how to use the genders in their grammar and using adjectives and adverbs.  She is a good teacher but Oh, how I wish I paid more attention is my English class, it just may have made learning Ukrainian a little easier, maybe?
In Christ our Lord
PS. Amelia, Vadym's 4 year old daughter has been sick for more than a week; keep this family in your prayers.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spring 2011 - Report #20

Monday, 2 of April                                                                                                                             
  This pass Thursday the 28, we had our preaching meeting, Vadym and I spoke.  Vadym read in Proverbs and also read a description of the crucifixion of Christ. I spoke on Jesus entry into Jerusalem and how he revealed himself as King to the people. About 14 out total all seem to listen very carefully!  
  On Sunday we went up to Lviv for the breaking of bread, 8 of us from Ivano-Frankivsk. The remembrance and the Fellowship are heartfelt and it is always great to make it up there! Though each time we go to Lviv I always feel like the axel will break off the van, as you may already know these roads are not in the best or should I say fair conditions!  As we got back to Ivano  for our Bible reading  there were a few waiting as we arrived and a few more came in as we were about to start,  15 total . This was a good sign, for not having meetings for two Sundays due to their Easter traditions and even now it is still being celebrated yet they came for the Bible reading. We had a good reading in John chap. 1; it was a slow start at first but picked up just a little. The meeting went very well and it is really good to see that they are showing an interest, I hope this continues!!    
    Last Friday was my first Ukrainian lesson. It was about 2hr. but after the lesson I felt brain fatigue (does anyone knows what I’m talking about?). Well, it was just the first class it may take a few more until I adjust, I hope!  
  Continue to pray for these meetings that the interest will continue and that these meetings will bear much fruit for the honor and glory of our Lord and our God!! 
Thanks much for all your prayers!!! 
In Christ our Lord

Spring 2011 - Report #19

Dear Friends
I’m now home in Portage la Prairie and not particularly enjoying the snow that arrived in a storm last Saturday. As some may know, my flight from Warsaw Poland was cancelled for the Monday and I had to stay in a hotel, courtesy of LOT Polish Air for the night. I did suffer some jet lag for most of last week but seem to be settled down now.

Thank you for those who prayed for the pinched nerve in my neck that I went with to Ukraine. I’m glad to say that it seemed to suddenly be no longer a problem. I don’t know how it happened. Thank you Lord.

I left Brother Dan Perez in Ivano. He is taking Ukrainian lessons and plans on staying for 3 months. Please pray for him, that he will be able to learn the language.
I am particularly writing to tell you that we do have a Blog and Dan is writing on it. If you have time to read it will keep you in touch with what is on-going. The Blog name is “God’s work in Western Ukraine.” Just Google it and you will see the Blog.

As a matter for prayer, I ask you to pray for the need of the school in VERHOVAN on the Romanian border; that we can help in some way to get toilets inside the school of 425 students, instead of them having to trek outside to wooded outhouses. God is able to do what the government refuses to do, or even be concerned about, for the blessing of these dear children and the staff.

Yours on behalf of the people of Ukrainian.

Malcolm Stanley.