Thursday, December 3, 2015

Malcolm's final report #11 for November 2015

Malcolm' Final Report for November 2015.

Since my last report, we did a lot of local visits as well as a few out of town. As we were out of touch because of internet problems, I got behind on making daily records and so the following will not necessarily be in sequence.

Each meeting we had seemed to bring out someone who had either not been out before, or who neither Howard or I had met before. One night we had a couple who had fled from Kiev, who we believe are saved and who have two little girls. I'm not sure what their intentions are but think they are going back to Kiev.
We visited in some homes of different people who had been attending our meetings. Some of the apartments are pathetic, when you see what they have to live in. We are so blessed. We visited one lady named Halina, who lives on the 5th or top floor. She has had 2 strokes and lives alone with a cat and not much else. Her daughter comes over to help her each day. She use to be able to come out to meetings but cannot move out of the flat now. Her daughter came out to all the meetings while we were here.

We went to visit a friend named Mihailo, who was an administrator of the home we have reported on many times, as the Home for mentally challenged men in Sniatin. We always enjoyed the visit and helped in many ways over the years. Early this year he was replaced by another director, for no reason and left without a job.
He had built a house next to the home property where he planted fruit trees and grew vegetables for the home for men.
The new director brought in liquor for the patients. Some have got drunk and at least one fell out of a window and was either killed or seriously injured. I will not say more but the government does this regularly here. A good administrator build up a good home and then another government man is given the position as a “gift”, and the original man let go. It is so corrupt and sad.
Well it seems they celebrate the angel of our friends name ?? So, all the family would come during the day and the meal would continue. Well we were the first to eat, and did they feed us. His 4 grand-daughters acted as waitresses and really looked after us.
After we were fed we were loaded with lovely apples from their orchard and we said tearful goodbyes. His wife has a little store in their house and also does massage, so they still have an income.

We made a visit to see an old lady in Hospital, about an hour away. She is the mother in law of Yaroslav, who is in the meeting in Lviv and travels with us each Sunday. His wife Halia has been looking after her mother in her village home for years, now they are both sick but only the mother is in hospital. She was very glad to see us and seemed quite bright but may have had a stroke. We prayed with her and for her and left fruit.

We had a little scare when we heard that Lufthansa was going on strike the day we were to leave. Much prayer was offered and thankfully the strike was called off.
We had a birthday party for Volodia in the apartment, with pointed hats and a birthday cake. He is 27 years old.

We cleaned up the apartment for Dan who is to arrive after we have gone. He has spent the 3 months necessary to be out of the country, in Moldova and Slovakia helping in the assemblies in these countries. Please pray for him as he will be working alone.

We got to the airport in good time and had Andrei, Ruslan and Volodia to see us off. We had no problems for out total flight from Lviv to Munich and then to Frankfurt and onto Toronto and then me on to Winnipeg and Howard on the bus for 7 hours to his home.

Thank you for your prayers and support while away, God's presence was a continual experience for the whole month.

Malcolm, Howard and Volodia.