Saturday, April 19, 2008


Saturday was a warmer day than yesterday thankfully. We started off by stopping at the grocery store to buy some groceries for a family we wanted to visit.
I'm not too sure why but it always ends up taking at the very least one hour to buy the food we want. Today we had the extra hurdle of having to find every
thing in the store since they changed absolutely everything around. The only items which were still at the same place were the meat and the produce. Thankfully we didn't have to wait in any long line ups. Tuesdays are the worse days as there is a 10% discount on everything in the store. The place is often packed on Tuesday. So we bought what we needed for this teacher and her two boys. Her name is Natala and the two boys are Taras and Bohdan. She was so
thankful for the groceries as well as the clothing we brought along from some of the boxes we received lately. She had a small meal there for us and it is obvious she is giving from what little she has. We ate with great appreciation of her kindness and generosity to us. Flo spoke a bit with her and mentioned that Natala is always opened to hearing the gospel.
Earlier in the day we went to visit Flo's sister in law Stefka. Her nephew Orst has had a stroke. He is probably in his early 50s. There has been MRI equipment donated to one of the hospitals in Lviv, the hospital where Ruslan's wife Tanya works. Orst had an MRI done and they determined that this is actually the 5th stroke he has, though there has been no damage from the previous ones. We were happy to see that he can function almost normally and the paralysis that was affecting his left side is almost all gone. He still has greatly diminished use of his left side though. We stayed and visited with Stefka and Oxana her grand daughter who lives upstairs.
Avrell is feeling pretty well normal recovering from the jet lag fairly quickly. This is where age has its advantages I guess. Gilles is still exhausted and spends several hours in the night wide awake. A couple more days and he should be back to normal. We are going to be pretty busy in the next little while as we were waiting for Avrell to arrive so that she could take in as many places as possible. There are so many things to take in... She has her camera in hand at all times and I was teasing her today that she will definitely have several hundred pictures before she is done. It is a pleasure to see her enjoying everything so far.
To anyone who wants to leave a comment on the blog, just leave your comments and your name and send it as "anonymous". You don't have to register anywhere to leave a comment, it isn't necessary. And of course you could always send us an email at I'll pass on messages for Avrell or Flo since they do not have internet access. The connection is there but chooses not to work most of the time.!
Keep us in your prayers .
Helene.......for Gilles, Flora and Avrell

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