Saturday, November 1, 2008

Report #22, Oct 31

Report 22 Friday Oct 31

Another lovely warm day as we headed out at 8am for breakfast. I'll vouch
you have never had this for breakfast; mashed potatoes and rabbit stew with
mushroom gravy?? How come, you say? A "sister" who comes to the meeting
regularly, we think she is saved, always invites us to her humble (to say
the least) cottage for rabbit stew. Without a doubt it is one of the
tastiest meals we have. She raises the rabbits and kills them herself. She
had prepared it for the night before but we were too full and too tired to
go after the lunch with the meeting folks, so she said come to breakfast, so
we did.

We had some last minute visiting to do as well as get some money from the
debit machines.( for those wondering if I was able to get my account
corrected- yes the money was back into my a/c the next day.) Poor Howard
went to the bank machine inside the bank he has always gone to and it
declined his card. No explanation just declined. So of we walk to find a
different bank and he tried it and got twice what he had asked for the first
time. These banks are weird over here; you are never sure whether you will
get what you ask for.

We went to visit Dana and Ivan in their apartment. Ivan is home again and
was out to meeting since being away at an alcohol treatment centre. We asked
how they were doing and the sad story goes on and on about there disabled
and sick family. Help had been given them to clear off a bank debt for
hospital treatment for one son and he has been back in again for surgery.
They have not been able to pay their gas bill and now owe 7,000R or about
over $1,500.00. They never seem to be able to get ahead. We also looked and
took pictures of their bathroom, toilet and kitchen and it is serious need
of repair, but who has money for that? What is so sad is that most of their
problem stems from the Chernobyl nuclear accident and the fact Ivan was sent
to clean it up with no protection from radiation.

We then took some running shoes to the Half Way House orphanage and gave
them out to the children. We had a nice opportunity to speak to them and the
staff. This is a very difficult home to work in and the lady administrator
spent some time with us telling us of some of the cases she has and has had.
We saw a good looking girl come in late to the meeting who the police had
taken off the street and a group of pimps. She didn't want to be there and
the pimps had already threatened the administrator and her young son. What a
sad life some of these children have lived. One boy was so dirty, he had
lost all his hair and his scalp was full of lice holes. When they began to
apply a special ointment the lice would come out and die. She said that they
got him a good home and he is now a smart, good looking business man.

We went home to get ready for our last meeting and were glad to see the
Meeting Room filled again. Lots of hugs and good byes, plus more bread and
gifts; these people give out of their poverty. We talked about them
continuing the meetings at least once a month and they agreed that they
would do that and that Vadym would head up the meeting with either help from
me or from a good commentary. We can only pray they will do this. We spent
the evening with Vadym and Sveta, sorting out expenses and going for out
last pizza meal.
All for now,
Malcolm and Howard

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